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Chapter 0 1 Instructor's Manual Solutions to Exercises Chapter 0 1. Using MATLAB: a. 2*x*cos(2/x) + 2*sin(2/x) b. y G+ y)y? x+y -- Leia) = (y*-x)? (y’ - x)? ty’ - x)? c. -exp(-x)*cos (b*x*2) - 2*exp(-x) *sin (b*x*2) *b*x d. 1/y’ 2. From the TI92: a. 2cos(2/x)x + 2sin(2/x) 2y + ay’ + 3yx + x’) tye = xy? c. -e%cos(bx’) - 2bxe"sin (bx") da. 1sy* 3. Because the tick marks are spaced apart by 0.2, reading the zero is not more accurate than estimating the minimum from Fig. 0.2. Using Fig 0.2 is preferred because it avoids having to find the derivative. 4. On the TI92, there are no tick marks on the x-axis to use to estimate the zero, but the correct zero can be found through F5, 2. It is similar on the HP48c. * An asterisk by the exercise number indicates the solution is in Answers to Selected Exercises. 2 Chapter 0 5. This is a 3-D geometry problem. While it is possible to write expressions that give L as a function of angle c, then solve dL/dc = 0, there is better alternative. Project the ladder against ground level; Figure 0.1b then represents this except Li and L2 are now the lengths of the projection. We observe that the maximum length of the tipped ladder corresponds to the maximum length of the projection. Hence the optimum angle is the value that maximizes Ll + L2: ¢ = 0.4677 radians as before. We then compute the maximum length of the tipped ladder as the hypotenuse of a right triangle with sides equal to 33.42 and 6 ft: 33.95 ft (about 6.4 in. longer). 6* L = 181.557 7. Answer is system dependent. 8. Answer is language dependent. 9* There is an endless loop at TOL = 1E-8. Stop with "BREAK". 10. Add, at end of program: L = 9 / SIN(.9946 - x3) + 7 / SIN(X3) Ll = 9 / SIN(.9946 - x1) + 7 / SIN(X1) L2 = 9 / SIN(.9946 - x2) + 7 / SIN(x2) PRINT "THE LENGTH OF THE LADDER IS *; PRINT USING "##.#### "; L; * +/- *; PRINT USING *.#### "; ABS((L1 - L2) / 2) 11. a. From [-3,-4]: -3.221472, 19 iterations, TOL = 1E-6 From [-6,-7]: -6.279436, 19 iterations, TOL = 15-6 b* From [0,1]: 0.453398, 19 iterations, TOL = 1E-6 ¢. From [1,2]: 1.850615, 19 iterations, TOL = 18-6 From [3,4]: 3.584627, 19 iterations, TOL = 12-6 12. Endless loop at TOL = 1D-17. Chapter 0 13. Using the TI92, a. From the graph: -6.279436, -3.22147 b. From F2, 1 (solve): 0.4533976 c. From the graph: 1.8506156, 3.5846277 Results from the HP48G are the same. laa. .12345678E4. b. -.1020304E-2. c. 1234567890810. ad. 18-8. 15a. 655,361 (includes zero). b. .EFFF*16° = 983024,,. ¢. -.EFFF*16° = -983024,,. d. .1000*16* = .953675-6 e. -.1000*16* = -.95367E-6. 16*a. 180,001 (includes zero). b. .9999E5. c. ~.9999E5. 4d. .1000E-4. e. ~.1000E-4. 17. Answer is system dependent. 18* Chopped Rounded a. .123E2 -123E2 b. -.319E-1 -320E-1 ce. .12282 -12382 a. -.288E3 | -.289E3 e. .1303 -13083 f. -.156E5 -.156E5 Gg. .123E-6 = .123E-6 19. Answer is system dependent. 3

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