ElectronicManual 3DSDS ByeByeBoxboy EN PDF

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1 Important Information

Basic Information

2 Information Sharing

3 Online Features

4 Parental Controls

5 About amiibo


6 Saving/Deleting Data

How to Play

7 Stages

8 Selecting a World

9 Shop

Support Information

10 How to Contact Us
1 Important Information

Please read this manual carefully

before using this software. If the
software is to be used by young
children, the manual should be read
and explained to them by an adult.
♦ Unless stated otherwise, any
references to "Nintendo 3DS" in
this manual apply to all systems in
the Nintendo 3DS™ family.
♦ When playing on a
Nintendo 2DS™ system, features
which require closing the
Nintendo 3DS system can be
simulated by using the sleep
Important information about your
health and safety is available in the
Health and Safety Information
application on the HOME Menu.
You should also thoroughly read the
Operations Manual, especially the
"Health and Safety Information"
section, before using Nintendo 3DS

Language Selection
The in-game language depends on
the one that is set on the system.
This title supports five different
languages: English, German, French,
Spanish and Italian.
If your Nintendo 3DS system
language is set to one of these, the
same language will be displayed in
the software. If your Nintendo 3DS
system is set to another language,
the in-game default language will be
For instructions about how to change
the system language, please refer to
the System Settings electronic
This software (including any digital
content or documentation you
download or use in connection with
this software) is licensed by
Nintendo only for personal and
non-commercial use on your
Nintendo 3DS system. Your use of
any network services of this
software is subj ect to the
Nintendo 3DS Service User
Agreement and Privacy Policy,
which includes the Nintendo 3DS
Code of Conduct.
Unauthorised reproduction or use is
This software contains copy
protection technology to prevent
reproduction and copying of
Your Nintendo 3DS system and
software are not designed for use
with any existing or future
unauthorised technical modification
of the hardware or software or the
use of any unauthorised device in
connection with your Nintendo 3DS
After the Nintendo 3DS system or
any software is updated, any
existing or future unauthorised
technical modification of the
hardware or software of your
Nintendo 3DS system, or the use of
any unauthorised device in
connection with your Nintendo 3DS
system, may render your
Nintendo 3DS system permanently
unplayable. Content deriving from
the unauthorised technical
modification of the hardware or
software of your Nintendo 3DS
system may be removed.
This software, instruction manual
and other written materials
accompanying the software are
protected by domestic and
international intellectual property
©2017 HAL Laboratory, Inc. /
Nintendo Co., Ltd.
Trademarks are property of their
respective owners. Nintendo 3DS is
a trademark of Nintendo.
2 Information Sharing

User-generated content, or UGC, is

content created by users, such as
messages, Mii™ characters, images,
photos, video, audio, QR Code™
patterns, etc.

Exchanging UGC
These are general precautions for
exchanging UGC with other users.
The extent of UGC exchange
depends on the software.
● Uploaded content may be seen by
other users. It may also be
copied, modified and redistributed
by third parties.
Once sent, you cannot delete
such content or limit its usage, so
be careful.
● Any uploaded content may be
removed without notice. Nintendo
may also remove or hide content
which is considered to be
● When uploading content or
creating content for upload...
- Do not include any information
that can be used to identify you
or a third party personally, such
as your or a third party's name,
email address, address or
telephone number.
- Do not include anything which
could be damaging or offensive
to another person, or make
someone uncomfortable.
- Do not infringe on the rights of
others. Do not use content
owned by a third party or that
displays a third party (photos,
images, videos) without their
- Do not include illegal content or
any content which aids illegal
- Do not include any content which
violates public morality.
3 Online Features

This software allows you to share

your screenshots and experiences
with players around the world on
Miiverse™ and other social network
sites (p. 7).
♦ For information about connecting
your Nintendo 3DS system to the
internet, refer to the Operations
♦ To use Miiverse features, you
must have already launched
Miiverse and completed the initial

T hi s s o ft ware s u pp ort s N int e nd o


Nin te nd o Ne t work is an on l in e
s e rvic e whic h al l ows yo u t o p l ay
w it h o t he r pl aye rs al l o ve r t he
w orl d , down l o ad n ew ad d-on
content and much more!

Online Precautions
● If you post, send or otherwise
make available any information or
content through wireless
communication please make sure
not to include any information that
can be used to identify you
personally, such as your name,
email address, your address or
your telephone number, as others
may be allowed to see such
information and content. In
particular, when choosing a user
name or nickname for your Mii™
characters, please do not use
your real name as others may be
able to view your user name and
the nicknames of your Mii
characters when using wireless
● Friend codes are a part of a
system that allows you to
establish a friendship with other
users, so that you can play,
communicate and interact with
people you know. If you exchange
friend codes with strangers, there
is a risk that you could receive
information or messages with
offensive language or
inappropriate content and that
strangers may see information
about you that you do not want
strangers to see. We therefore
recommend that you do not give
your friend codes to people you
don't know.
● Do not engage in harmful, illegal,
offensive or otherwise
inappropriate activity that might
cause problems for other users. In
particular, do not post, send or
otherwise make available any
information or content that
threatens, abuses or harasses
other persons, infringes on the
rights of others (such as
copyrights, portrait rights, privacy
rights, rights of publicity or
trademarks) or that may make
other people feel uncomfortable.
In particular, when sending,
posting or making available
photos, images or videos
displaying other people, make
sure to obtain their permission
beforehand. If inappropriate
conduct is reported or confirmed,
you may be subj ect to penalties
such as being banned from the
Nintendo 3DS Services.
4 Parental Controls

You can use the following Parental

Controls to restrict certain features
of this software.
♦ For more information about
Parental Controls, refer to the
Operations Manual.
● Internet Browser
Restricts use of Nintendo 3DS
Image Share (p. 7).
● Miiverse
Restricts posting screenshots and
gameplay impressions on Miiverse
and/or viewing such Miiverse posts
created by other players. It is
possible to restrict posting only, or
to restrict both posting and
5 About amiibo

This software support s .

You can use compatible amiibo™
accessories by touching them to the
Touch Screen of a New
Nintendo 3DS/New Nintendo 3DS XL

Your amiibo aren't j ust for show. You

can use NFC (near-field
communication) to connect them to
compatible software and play with
them in the game.
For more information, visit:
- amiibo.nintendo.eu (Europe)
- amiibo.nintendo.com.au (Australia/
New Zealand)

♦ An amiibo can be read by multiple

compatible software titles.
♦ If the data on your amiibo
becomes corrupted and cannot be
restored, go to the HOME Menu
⇒ ⇒ amiibo Settings and
reset the data.

T he Nin t en do   3DS NF C R eader/

W ri te r is req uire d t o u s e amiib o
w it h a N in t e n d o   3 D S / 3 D S X L /
2DS syst em.

A light touch on the Touch Screen is
enough for the system to detect
your amiibo. Do not press the amiibo
into the screen or forcefully drag it
across the screen.
6 Saving/Deleting Data

There is one set of save data.

When you clear a stage or leave
the shop, the game's progress will
automatically be saved.

Deleting Data
After starting the game,
simultaneously press , ,  and
 after the Nintendo 3DS logo
disappears and before the title
screen appears. Hold the buttons
until a window appears asking you
if you want to delete your save
♦ Once save data is deleted it
cannot be restored, so please
be careful.

T ransferring Data
If you've obtained costumes in
then as long as the save data is on
your system you can transfer it to
this game and unlock those
costumes in the Shop (p. 9).

● Do n ot rep eat ed l y re s et t he
s y st e m or in t en t ion al l y in pu t
i nc o rre ct c on tro l s . Do n ot
re mov e any Game Card/ S D
c ard ins ert ed int o t h e sy s te m
w hil e sav ing . Mak e s ure no t
t o g e t dirt in t he t ermin al s.
T he se act io ns co ul d res ul t i n
permanent data loss.
● Do n ot us e ex t ernal
ac ce ss o ri es or s oft ware t o
modify your s ave data, as t his
c an l e ad t o an in ab il it y t o
p rog ress or l oss of s ave dat a.
Any modification is permanent,
so be careful .
7 Stages

The obj ective is to get Qbby to the

goal door. Select "Controls" or
"Techniques" from the pause menu
for more detailed information.

Touch a crown to obtain it. If you
run out of boxes, crowns will
change to , and you will no
longer be able to get them.

Quick Retry
Press + simultaneously to
retry from a slightly earlier point.
Box Limit
The number of boxes Qbby can
currently make.
Remaining / Crowns Collected
The number of boxes that can be
used before crowns become
unobtainable shows here. For
every crown you get, will
display. Getting every crown when
you clear a stage will give you a
perfect clear.
The hint icon might activate when
you are in a place where you must
use boxes to proceed. To view
hints, you must spend Play Coins.
You can collect Play Coins by
walking around with your
Nintendo 3DS system.
Goal Door
Press  or  in front of the goal
door to clear the stage.
Nintendo 3DS Image Share
Touch this in order to post a
screenshot of your game to social
media. For more details, see the
"About This Tool" page in
Nintendo 3DS Image Share.
Touch this to launch Miiverse,
where you can post your
screenshots and experiences of
the game, and view the posts of
other players.

P ause Menu
Pres s to open the pause

Restart the current stage from the
beginning. All crowns obtained in
the stage will be lost.

World Map
Return to the World Map (p. 8).
Check Qbby's controls.
Check tips and tricks on using
8 Selecting a World

The upper screen is controlled with

button controls, and the lower
screen with touch controls. Press
 or  in front of a door to open

Box Ship

Planet-Select Monitor
Select the planet you want to land
on, and you'll go to its World
Map. As you clear worlds, more
will become available.
Jump to World Door
Lets you j ump to a world and
select a stage. Touch the icons at
the top to switch between planets.
: All stages cleared
: All stages cleared perfectly

Takes you to the shop (p. 9).
Shop Door
You can also access the shop
from here.
Medal Count
Switch Page

Miiverse (p. 7)

Nintendo 3DS Image Share

(p. 7)

Challenge Room
You'll fin d
challeng e
worlds within
the Bo x
Ship' s
challeng e
room. These will task you with
reaching the goal doors under
certain conditions. You can unlock
more challenge worlds by
exchanging medals for them in the
in-game shop.

World Map

Return to Box Ship

You'll return to the Box Ship if you
approach this.

World Door
Enter a world and select a stage.
: Cleared
: Cleared perfectly

Treasure C hests
As y ou p ro g res s t h ro ug h t he
g ame , y ou ' l l c ome ac ros s
various t reasure c hests. Press 
or  wh il e st and ing in f ro nt o f
on e t o op en it an d s en d t h e
cont ent s to the shop.
9 Shop

What's in Stock

At the shop you can exchange

medals for the following items:

Costumes Qbby can wear. You can
also change Qbby's current
costume from this menu.
♦ If you've obtained costumes in
as long as your save data is on
your system you can transfer
those costumes to this game.

This is the music that plays during
the game. You can listen to tracks
you've obtained here.

Challenge worlds that can be
accessed from the challenge room.
Comics featuring Qbby and co.

Colle cting Medals

W he n y ou cl e ar a s t ag e y ou' l l
re ce ive med al s. I f y ou cl e ar a
s t ag e p erfe ct l y , yo u' l l re ce iv e
many more medal s.

S canning amiibo
Touching the
amiibo icon in th e
shop will let you
use amiibo lik e
Kirby and King
Dedede to get
special costumes. If you have save
data on your SD card from both
you clear all BYE-BYE BOXBOY!
stages perfectly, including
challenges, you can unlock a
special costume and change the
colour of your screen.
10 How to Contact Us

For product information, please visit

the Nintendo website at:
For technical support and
troubleshooting, please refer to the
Operations Manual for your
Nintendo 3DS system or visit:

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