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OWNER’S MANUAL INSTRUCTION BOOKLET MODEL SCC SENSORY CHESS CHALLENGER® “8” EIGHT LEVELS OF PLAY SENSORY CHESS et ARs COL OCe INTRODUCTION ‘Your Sensory Chess Challenger® is Feely’ frst thinking choss game that “coos” overy move you make. The most advanced sial-ofthe-art technology provides you wih an [amazing computerzod oppenent that plays chess with cl and cunning, yotalows you to contra the evel of aficuly "Yur Sensory Chess Challenger” is nota conived chess board that has been gimmickes with ighis and pushin aye — Challongor® s, In overy sense, a vereatla and tnented computorzed chess playing opponent. The playing surface, ighs and hays are provides only aa moans of ‘communication between you and te Computer. The stu ‘tons cantained n ts Owns Mari do 90 relate to the _ctal paying statis ofthe gare of chess (tor the bein ea handy bookie ented "Lars Pay Chess” Is poviec). “Thainstuctons describe howiouse thelndealors and push: ‘bution keys o operate and communicate with Sensory hess ‘Chalenger, Inaddlion to being an excelent chess opponent, Sensory CChalonger® provides addtional functions such es Postion \etfeaton of pieces at ny im, Probe Mode tates you ‘make piece and postion changes ar setup special problems. tobe solved, changing sides at any time during a game, and ‘mo anit tochangethelevelofplaying dtcuty Famiarzing yourself wih tis Owner's Manual wit increase your enjoy” ‘ment ot Snory Chess Challenger POWER ON Set the BATTERYIAC swich (located on the righthand ‘eof he unt toe desied poston. the AC postion, the ‘wanslormer is plugged ine an AC wall owe and be tans: Tonner ln cor is plugged imo th game. Inthe BATTERY pesion, te game wil run on batlry power whether the ttanstrmeris plugged in or nt. IMPORTANT: the average sel batiery He approximately eight hours — depending Upon thetype andage of hebatietas used. The nature of ho Gama’ electronics fs uch tha. a> the bateriee begin to ‘weaken and can no longer provide ullpower the game may boginto matuncion. We recommend that you Use he trans former whenever AC is avaiable, ‘Anew game is sated when you frat tun onthe power (battory or AC) or when the RESET (RE) Key s pressed THE GAME BOARD Set up the chess pieces wih the dark pieces atthe top of the board. Each square on tha chess boaraisdesignatod, In ‘sccordance wthintemational chess notation by letraftho laphabet and a number (prted along all ou sides ofthe ‘laying surface), Hozontal squares (he rank) re numbered 1 8 Vorical squares (he ie) are letered Ato H. Ths, hon th game bogie, the white King ison square E¥; the ‘ark king on square EB, SELECTING CHESS LEVEL ‘When the game ists plugged in or when RESET (RE) pressed, Chess Level One f automaticaly selected. The Kreator Fgh in fle H are used to show whieh lavel fe rosonty in elec. Ht Itindeates Level On. By pressing the CL pushbutton, the next higher level selected (ose chart below) Continue to press CL und the desied levels then proceed wi te game. CHESSLEVEL AVERAGE RESPONSE TIME” Hi Beginner ‘seconds H2 Intemedate 1S seconds HS. Experienced 1 mite, 20 seconds He Advanced 2 minste, 10 seconde HS. Export & Maton Two (@move puzzes) 20 minutes He. Postal Chess 2a hours 17 Excallent ‘minutes 18 Tournament 3 minutes “Reiers io averago amount of tie alowed Challongor® to ‘consider various responses before it decides on is nox ‘The playing level may be changed at any tme dung a ‘game aftor Challngors® move ic completed and before you ‘aks yout next move To change levelsdurng agame, press ‘CL twice and the curent level wil be displayed in the H, Continue pressing CL unt the desived levels inccate. FRetum e noma play by making your next move. SELECTING OFFENSE OR DEFENSE When the chess places are st up withthe whit plces at the botiom, Sensory Challenger™ presumes you wil play white. According to the rus of chess, white has the first ‘ove, and thus you should make the fst move to begin slaying. Hfyou choose to pla the darkpaces fromthe boom of he board setup the peces wih the dark king on square D1 and ‘ho whit king on tquare DB. Prese down on the darkcking on ‘quareD!. Chalenger* wi ecogrize this asa signal ats laying white trom te op ofthe board anc awilmako hoist ‘move. Tohave Challenge play white rom the bottom of the oar orto paragraph on CHANGING SIDES. THE PLAY Playing chess wih Sensory Chatongor*leiko playing wit ‘human opponent — you make your move and Challenger” responds wits move. The only eiference, ofcourse, leat you must make the actual physcal move ofthe pece for Challange. Because ofthe sensory charactors of the playing surace, which senses the presence of apace locat- fedon he square, itis necessary to press the ploce cow" on leach square — press down (gent frst on the FROM ‘square, then press down on the TO square, For example, i you want 10 move white pawn D2 to D4, ‘ross down on ine pawn on square D2 The 02 intr wl ght. Move tho pawn and pres it down on square D4to signal ‘he moveto Challenger” The ndeator bgt on square D2 wil {99 out and, ater Challenger* has decided on a move, an Indcator for one of Challengers® pieces wil ight. Cha lengor® shows you which ce twants moved by igng the FROM square. Make the-move for Chllenge® by pressing {he pce down on the ighted FROM equare — tat indeator \Wil go out and the TO square wl ight: Nove the pioce and ress It down on tho TO square, The igh wil go out, sigty- Ing that Challenger’ move is complete, and fs now your ‘umtomove. NOTE: The inécator ight locatod just above tho FRE pushouton remains It whie Chalenger is “tsnking about is next move. Aso, you wil pice atthe TO square 08 not ght when you make your move. This i because CChalenger instant senses te pioce you have placed and ‘the move already being recorded. 1 LOSE Wien Chalenger® lose, al 64 indicators on the paying ‘surface wil start fasing to show tat you have won CHECK “when Challenger planes your king in chock, the check Indeatr above the RE pushbutton wilightandthebesp tone ‘ill sound repeated to alert you ofthe check stubon. CHECK & MATE ‘When Challenger® wins, 6 board indicators and the checkinccator wil begin flash and thebeep tone wil sound er ho wening move has boon mado. MATE IN TWO When Challenger finds that it wil mate your king in two moves, It wil lash al the incators aor tho kay eve Nas Seon made. ACCIDENTAL WRONG MOVE ‘youre down on apiece andthe FROM square isitbut you dole not to maka that move (Gotre the TO square is frssed}, simply press the CL pustbuton. Challengr® wal {orn that square’ ight off an await another move. You car- rat undo a move afer the TO square ls pressed and Chal- lengor* has started inking." However, you can always uso tho Problom Mode” to change boar postions i dosed ILLEGAL MOVE ‘Ghalonger® neti you of an inoorect or logal move by ‘tashng te TO square to which your piece was moved. TD undo the wrong move, press the piece down fst on the ‘ashing TO square (he FROM square wil hon start to ash) and then on tho flashing FROM square. This orcures hat ho ‘eorrecty moved poss Is retumed 1 is erga locaton, Challenger? then wals for you to make another move Ss SREGIAL TONE OFF ‘Square AB s used tr the beep tne off. This can only tbe done beiore a game s strc and must be the fst Key pressed ater plugin or mediately ator Reset. POSITION VERIFICATION ‘Anutstancing feature of Sensory Chess Chalenger*isits bityo very the exact postion of each the pieces — both you's and Chalenger® — at anytime curing the course of he {ame (ar ane of Challengers? moves is complet) or just Betore making your frst move ofa new game. Sarply press the parteua pleco ype pushbutton that youwishto vert All ‘ares with pieces o that ype wil ght squares wih wito ‘laces of ha ype wilbo on continuously squares wih dark ces ofthat ype wil fash, “D terminate the Positon Verification Mode, press the CL. pushbutton ost ener your next move. KEYS AND INDICATORS When, indicates, tat ‘computers “tink: RESET — Resets com- porto star new gare CLEAR — Usod t clear an unwanted FROM quar, ko Used in Prob ler Mode to clear a pce ‘ype frm te board oo er om Uses to very the poston of a pose type, Also used {uring Problem Mode to ‘bd oF remove paces on ‘he boar, When it, these Inccators Aesignato tho love of play soected during the Chess {evel Select Made, FEATURES PROBLEM MODE Sensory Chess Challenger is amostextraorsinany verse ti device, which wil pemit you, the paye, to perform nu- ‘moroue special moveeat ary imobetoreor dringgame ply. By using the Protiem Mode belore staring tne game, 1 possible to setup various chess problems nd "Mate nw uzales, as desired. Morsover by using the Problem Mode {uring game pay possibie 10 aller ho drocton of ho ‘game: suongthan your sie or Challengers? so, resurrect [Gstpices, or vert move yourking ot of an iinert chock ‘ate station. You may enter the Problem Mode at any fe ‘er Chalenger® has compieied one of ts moves. “Tosotupapartcuarprobion,aspocial move satin, ora specie ploce coniguraton, proceed as flows: Press the ‘Key forthe parular pice type you wish ost up. Contoue ‘0 press uni inccators ar showing oly controusl It er ‘ant paces) or only continual fasting (or ea oes

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