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McIntosh County Democrat

The House Utility Com- Thomsen. They outlined the and private school systems pass the House floor, many
mittee addressed questions benefits of EPIC and how and the benefits of four- of them will go to the gover-
regarding the cost of energy they serve their students and five-day school weeks. nor to be considered, since
and how municipalities can and families. It’s important to under- they’ve already passed the
be competitive to reduce EPIC is a useful option stand that both sched- Senate process.
costs. for many families, but since ules can be productive for A number of bills have
A few of my colleagues they receive state dollars, academic achievement. the title struck, which
and I met leaders of EPIC their finances should be as Research indicates the big- means that the details were
This week, the House Municipal Power Authority Virtual Charter Schools to transparent as our tradi- gest factor resulting in high still being worked out when
has continued to focus on to discuss electrical power discuss the impact of their tional public schools. test scores is time spent on the bill passed the cham-
bills in committee meet- and its process. OMPA’s program. Rep. John Talley, On Monday morning, I task. This doesn’t necessar- ber’s floor. All bills that
ings. When we weren’t in mission is to provide low Rep. Darrel Fincher and I was invited to join Gover- ily mean a set schedule. For passed with the title off will
committees or on the House cost energy and services met with the founder, Ben nor Stitt and a few other example, Cottonwood Pub- return to their chamber of
floor, I met with several to municipalities and help Haress, along with their legislators for breakfast at lic School in Coal Coun- origin for a vote on the final
groups this week to discuss create a competitive mar- superintendent, Scot Trow- the Governor’s Mansion. It ty has one of the highest language.
various policy areas. ket so Oklahoma’s citizens er, their lobbyist, Bobby was great to visit with our school ratings in the state, As the legislative pro-
I had the opportunity to have access to high quality, Stem, and their commu- governor in a smaller set- and they only attend four cess continues, I’ll continue
meet with the Oklahoma low-cost energy. nity relations director, Todd ting. We discussed public days a week. to advocate for policy that
With nearly 550 school betters the lives of people
districts in our state, what in District 15 and Oklaho-
works for students in one mans across the state. I
district may not work for encourage my constituents
students in another dis- in District 15 to reach out
trict. to my office with questions
The best way to help or concerns. Thank you for
our students succeed is the opportunity to serve!
through a holistic approach
to education. Therapists on )$&7 2) 7+( :((.
staff can help find a child’s 7KHUH DUH  UHJLVWHUHG
strengths and weaknesses  F   QRQSURILWV LQ
and give their teacher a bet- +DVNHOO &RXQW\ 6RXUFH
ter understanding of how to  1RQSURILW 6HFWRU
teach them. When a child’s (FRQRPLF,PSDFW5HSRUW 
emotional needs are met,
they can truly focus on the 5HS5DQG\5DQGOHPDQ
task at hand, which results UHSUHVHQWV'LVWULFWLQWKH
in better test scores. 2NODKRPD+RXVHRI5HSUH
deadline to pass all remain- +DVNHOO/H)ORUH0F,QWRVK
ing Senate bills through 0XVNRJHH3LWWVEXUJDQG
their House committees. 6HTRX\DK&RXQWLHV
Bills must pass committee
before they can be heard
on the House floor. If they

Letters Policy
The staff of The McIntosh County Democrat welcomes Letters to the
Editor on subjects of interest to our readers. Short letters are most
likely selected for publication, but the use of any material is at the
discretion of The McIntosh County Democrat staff. Letters should
not be over 500 words. Editing may be necessary for space or clarity
or to avoid obscenity, libel or invasion of privacy, but ideas will not
State Rep. Randy Randleman, right, joins other lawmakers for a visit with Gov. Kevin Stitt. be altered. The author’s name will not be withheld as a signed letter
(Submitted photo) carries more weight with readers. “Letters” used do not necessarily
reflect the policies, opinions or beliefs of the Democrat staff.
All letters must have the handwritten signature of the writer and

Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.

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