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Reporter Role Sheet

Name: Emma Sidon Book: Esperanza Rising

Group members: Lindsey Ray Pages: 1-100 pg.

Oliva Denk
Tessa Colgan

(Consider shifts in the setting or mood that seem significant.)

The setting at the beginning before the father dies is happy and carefree.
Esperanza doesn’t have any cares and is excited about her birthday party.
- The setting while Esperanza dad is missing is worried and fearful. They
don’t know where Papa is and are concerned he is dead.
- When Papa Dies, the setting is sad and confused They are sad Papa is dead
and confused as to what to do next.
- The setting while Mama and Esperanza are escaping Mexico is fearful and
anxious. They don’t know what is to come and have never lived in poverty.
(Consider major events that occurred in the assigned section.)

- Esperanza, Mama and Papa live comfortably in a big farm with many
servants. They are happy and content. Esperanza is about to have a birthday.
- Papa dies and Esperanza and Mama do not own the farm anymore.
- Papas Step-brothers burn the farm and house down and leave Esperanza and
Mama with nowhere to go.
- Esperanza and Mama must flee to the USA for work.

(Consider how characters interact and how characters have changed.)

Papa -> Owns the farm and provides for the family. Prominent in the
community. Dies when bandits murder him.
- Mama -> the Mistress of the house. Controls the servants and is kind but
- Esperanza -> 13-year-old girl. Lives in a nice farm with many servants. Goes
to a private school and has everything she could want.
- Abuelita -> The grandmother.
- Hortensia -> Mamas servant who is a mother and wife and flees to the
United States with them.
- Miguel -> Hortensia’s son who wants to marry Esperanza and works on the

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