Evaluation of New Rapid Plasma Reagin Card Screening Test For Syphilis

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JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY, Aug. 1982, p. 286-290 Vol. 16, No.

0095-1 137/82/080286-05$02.00/0

Evaluation of a New Rapid Plasma Reagin Card Test as a

Screening Test for Syphilis
Sexually Transmitted Diseases Laboratory Program, Center for Infectious Diseases, 1 and Venereal Diseases
Control Division, Center for Prevention Services,2 Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, Georgia 30333
Received 22 February 1982/Accepted 6 May 1982

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This study evaluates the American Dade (Biokit Laboratories) rapid plasma
reagin (Dade RPR) card test, currently used in Spain for the diagnosis of syphilis,
which has been recently released to the U.S. market. Used as a basis for
comparison with the Dade card test were the 18-mm standard rapid plasma reagin
(standard RPR) card test and the Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL)
slide test, using both fresh sera obtained from 505 individuals and paired serum-
plasma specimens from 174 individuals. Results obtained proved the Dade RPR
card test with serum to be very similar to the standard RPR card test; sensitivity
was 92.3% and specificity was approximately 99% for both RPR card tests.
Although the sensitivity of the VDRL slide test was lower at 88.5%, its specificity
was also approximately 99%. Quantitatively, the agreement 1 dilution between

the two card tests was 93.6%. Agreement 1 dilution between the Dade RPR card

test and the VDRL slide test was 46.5% for sera, comparable to the standard RPR-
VDRL agreement of 50%. In the limited evaluation of the RPR card tests with
plasma, the specificity was 99.4% and the sensitivity was 100% for both tests.
Quantitative agreement 1 dilution between plasma and serum pairs was 100%

for the Dade RPR card test. Our results showed that the Dade RPR card test is as
sensitive and as specific as the standard RPR card test. Therefore, it was
concluded that one card test has no particular advantage over the other.

The standard rapid plasma reagin (standard to use, inexpensive, and expendable. Test re-
RPR) 18-mm circle card test developed by Port- sults are read with the naked eye (1). (iv) The
noy was one of the first modifications of the RPR card test can be performed in the clinic or
Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL) in the field and allows expeditious, large-scale
test (3). By addition of EDTA to stabilize the testing (3). Recently, other manufacturers have
VDRL antigen, choline chloride to eliminate introduced reagents similar to the product by
heat inactivation of the serum, and sized char- Hynson, Westcott and Dunning (2). The purpose
coal particles to allow the technician to visualize of this study was to compare a newer RPR (Dade
the antigen-antibody reaction, the VDRL test RPR) card test manufactured by Biokit Labora-
was modified to become the RPR card test (4). tories, Barcelona, Spain, and distributed by
Although initial studies evaluated the use of the American Dade, Division of American Hospital
RPR card antigen with plasma (4), thus suggest- Supply Corporation, Miami, Fla., with the stan-
ing the name, the RPR card test has been dard RPR card test, using both plasma and sera
accepted as a standard test for syphilis only with for the serodiagnosis of syphilis. For additional
sera, but not with plasma. comparison, all sera were also tested in the
Today in the United States, the RPR card test VDRL slide test, and all nontreponemal test
manufactured by Hynson, Westcott and Dun- reactivity was confirmed with the fluorescent
ning is the most commonly used screening test treponemal antibody absorption (FTA-ABS)
for syphilis. Some of the reasons for the popular- test.
ity of the RPR card test are as follows. (i) The
sensitivity and specificity of the RPR card test MATERIALS AND METHODS
are equal to or better than those of the VDRL Specimens. Blood was obtained from 505 persons
test (1, 3, 4, 5). (ii) The RPR card test provides who attended the DeKalb County (Ga.) Sexually
serological support for the diagnosis of syphilis Transmitted Disease Clinic. A sample of blood from
at the time the patient is still in the clinic (6). (iii) 174 of these 505 persons was immediately dispensed
Materials required for RPR card testing are easy from a 7-ml Vacutainer tube without anticoagulant

VOL. 16, 1982 NEW RPR CARD TEST 287
TABLE 1. Qualitative agreement among formed according to the 1969 Manual of Tests for
nontreponemal tests Syphilis. The Dade RPR card test was performed
No. of specimens with indicated according to the directions of the manufacturer. Brief-
reaction by following test': ly, for the qualitative test, 0.05 ml of serum or plasma
and 1 drop of antigen were placed in a single 18-mm
Test and reactiona VDRL stide Dade RPR circle of a 10-place, plastic-coated card. The serum
card and antigen were mixed and spread with a stirrer
N R W N R within the circle. The card, when filled, was placed
under a humidifier cover and rotated for 8 min at 100
Standard RPR card rpm. Immediately after mechanical rotation, the card
N 449 1 5 452 3 was briefly rotated manually and read under a high-
R 6 39 5 2 48 intensity, incandescent light. The readings were re-
ported as either "reactive" or "nonreactive." Reac-
VDRL slide tive indicated a specimen showing any degree of

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N 449 6 flocculation from slight to intense with the RPR card
R 1 39 antigen. Nonreactive indicated a specimen giving no
W 4 6 degree of flocculation or only a slight roughness. The
a N, Nonreactive; R, reactive; W, weakly reactive quantitative test was reserved for sera exhibiting any
(considered reactive in tabulations). degree of reactivity or roughness. To perform the
b Agreement was 99.0% between the standard and quantitative test, 0.05 ml of saline was placed in the
Dade RPR card tests, 97.8% between the VDRL slide second through fifth circles of the card, and then 0.05
and Dade RPR card tests, and 97.6% between the ml of serum was placed in each of the first two circles.
standard RPR card and VDRL slide tests. Serial twofold dilutions were prepared in the second
through fifth circles. Then, the Dade RPR card antigen
was dropped next into the diluted serum or plasma,
and the specimen plus antigen was mixed and spread
used to originally obtain the blood to a 4-ml Vacutainer within the circle. The remainder of the quantitative
tube containing 6.0 mg of EDTA in the potassium procedure was exactly the same as for the qualitative
form. All blood samples were centrifuged, and the procedure. Results for the quantitative test were re-
serum or plasma was separated from the cells and ported as the highest dilution of serum or plasma
tested within 18 h unless otherwise indicated. Samples giving any degree of reactivity.
of sera were dispensed to be heated for testing in the
VDRL slide test or FTA-ABS test or both. Histories RESULTS
were obtained on all individuals whose serum or
plasma exhibited any degree of reactivity in any of the The Dade RPR card is similar to the Brewer
nontreponemal tests. diagnostic card except for the color of the cir-
Reagents. Antigen for the standard RPR card test cles. The Dade RPR card has Kelly-green cir-
was supplied by the Biological Products Program, cles, which may aid in providing a contrast to
Center for Infectious Diseases, Centers for Disease the gray charcoal color of the antigen. The Dade
Control, Atlanta, Ga. A single lot of antigen was used antigen is similar in color and texture to the
throughout the study. Brewer diagnostic cards for the standard RPR card antigen.
standard RPR card test, needles, dispensing vials, and
stirrers were supplied by Hynson, Westcott and Dun- The qualitative comparisons of the results
ning. from the 505 sera tested in the Dade and stan-
The Dade RPR card antigen was supplied as part of dard RPR card tests and the VDRL slide test are
a kit containing two 5-ml ampules of antigen; one vial shown in Table 1. Qualitative agreement be-
each of reactive, moderate to weakly reactive, and tween the Dade and standard RPR card tests
nonreactive control sera; plastic-coated Dade RPR was 99.0%. If the VDRL slide test results that
test cards; disposable plastic capillary tubes; rubber were weakly reactive were considered as reac-
bulbs; wooden stirrers; a dispensing vial; and a 20- tive, then agreement between the Dade RPR
gauge needle. A single lot of antigen, 2681, was used card test and the VDRL slide test was 97.8%,
during the study. whereas agreement between the standard RPR
The VDRL slide and FTA-ABS test reagents and
control sera for these tests, as well as those for the card test and the VDRL slide test was 97.6%.
standard RPR card test, were reference reagents fur- Fifty-seven sera were reactive in at least one
nished by the Biological Products Program. of the nontreponemal tests. The distribution of
Testing. Each nontreponemal test was performed the reactive sera among the three nontrepone-
daily on serum or plasma by a technician who had no mal tests and the FTA-ABS test is shown in
knowledge of the results of the other reagin tests. Test Table 2. The agreement of the FTA-ABS test
assignments were rotated among the technicians to results with the standard RPR card test, the
eliminate test preference bias. Quantitative nontrepo- Dade RPR card test, and the VDRL slide test
nemal tests were performed on any serum or plasma
exhibiting any degree of reactivity in the qualitative was 87.0% (47 of 54 results in agreement) for
test. The FTA-ABS test was performed on any single both RPR card tests and 77.8% (42 of 54 results
serum or serum from a plasma pair which was reactive in agreement) for the VDRL slide test. The three
in any of the nontreponemal tests. The VDRL slide, sera giving borderline FTA-ABS test results
standard RPR card, and FTA-ABS tests were per- were not entered into tabulation. The diagnoses
TABLE 2. Distribution of reactive sera among the for the standard RPR card test, and 98.9% for
three nontreponemal tests and the FTA-ABS test the VDRL slide test.
No. of sera Quantitative agreement among the three non-
Nontreponemal test with following treponemal tests is shown in Table 4. The results
pattern of reactivity No. of result by FTA- of only those sera which were reactive in both of
RPR card test
ABS test': the tests compared are tabulated. Agreement +
1 dilution (dil) between the two RPR card tests
was 93.6%. Again, assuming weakly reactive
Dade Stan-
dard slide R B N
VDRL slide test readings as equivalent to reac-
R R R 43 38 2 3 tive 1 dil, then agreement 1 dil between the

N R R 1 1 standard RPR card test and the VDRL slide test

N N R 4 2 2 was 50%, and agreement between the Dade RPR
N R N 1 1 card test and the VDRL slide test was 46.5%.

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R R N 5 5 Of the 174 plasma and serum pairs tested,
R N N 1 1 qualitative agreement between the results with
R N R 2 1 1 plasma and serum was 98.9% for the standard
a R, Reactive; B, borderline; N, nonreactive. RPR card test and 99.4% for the Dade RPR card
test. Agreement between the two RPR card tests
when plasmas were tested was 100%, whereas
associated with reactive nontreponemal tests are agreement between the two tests for the 174 sera
shown in Table 3. The sensitivity of all three was 99.4%. In the standard RPR card test, 14
nontreponemal tests, based on the 21 untreated specimens were reactive and 158 specimens
cases of syphilis, was 95.2% (20 of 21 results in were nonreactive when either plasma or serum
agreement). With the 31 sera from individuals was used; 2 specimens were nonreactive for
with treated syphilis, both the Dade and stan- serum and reactive for plasma. In the Dade RPR
dard RPR card tests were 90.3% reactive (28 of card test, 15 specimens were reactive and 158
31 results in agreement). On the the other hand, specimens were nonreactive when either plasma
the sensitivity of the VDRL slide test with or serum was used; 1 specimen, drawn from an
treated cases was 83.9% (26 of 31 results in individual diagnosed as having treated second-
agreement). Therefore, overall sensitivity, i.e., ary syphilis, was nonreactive for serum and
treated and untreated, was 92.3% for both RPR reactive for plasma. A total of 16 specimens
card tests and 88.5% for the VDRL slide test. were reactive and 158 specimens were nonreac-
Comparative specificities of the three non- tive for plasma by either test, whereas 15 speci-
treponemal tests based on the 453 sera drawn mens were reactive and 158 specimens were
from individuals presumed not to have syphilis nonreactive for serum by either RPR card test.
were 99.3% for the Dade RPR card test, 99.6% One specimen was reactive for serum by the

TABLE 3. Diagnoses associated with sera reactive in nontreponemal tests

No. of sera with indicated reaction by following testa:
RPR card test
Stage of syphilis VDRL slide FTA-ABS
Dade Standard
Untreated 5 1 6 4 2 6
Treated 7 1 7 1 5 1 2 8
Untreated 6 6 6 6
Treated 5 5 5 5
Untreated 9 8 1 8 1 8 1
Treated 15 1 15 1 10 3 3 14 2
Past history of syphilis 1 1 1 1 2 2
Other sexually transmitted diseases 3 2 2 3 3 2 2 3
a R, Reactive; N, nonreactive; W, weakly reactive (considered reactive in tabulations); B, borderline.
VOL. 16, 1982 NEW RPR CARD TEST 289
TABLE 4. Quantitative comparisons of the three nontreponemal tests
No. of indicated type of reaction (dil) obtained by following
RPR card test':
Comparison Dade Standard
--2 -1 Equal +1 . +2 .-2 -1 Equal +1 - +2
Dade and standard RPR card tests 3 11 29 4
Dade RPR card and VDRL slide tests 1 8 11 23
Standard RPR card and VDRL slide tests 7 15 22
a Agreement ± 1 dil was 44 of 47 results in agreement (93.6%) between the Dade and standard RPR card tests,
20 of 43 results in agreement (46.5%) between the Dade RPR card and VDRL slide tests, and 22 of 44 results in
agreement (50%o) between the standard RPR card and VDRL slide tests.

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Dade test and nonreactive for serum by the plasma after centrifugation, for a repeatability of
standard test. The diagnoses for the 16 reactive 97%. One plasma was reactive 1 dil in the Dade
plasmas are shown in Table 5. Both RPR card RPR card test before centrifugation but nonreac-
tests were 100% sensitive with plasma. The tive in both RPR card tests after centrifugation.
specificity of the card tests with plasma was The serum pair of the plasma was nonreactive in
99.4%, based on the 159 specimens from individ- all three nontreponemal tests and the FTA-ABS
uals without syphilis. test.
Quantitative agreement + 1 dil (Table 6) be- Two groups of centrifuged separated plasmas
tween the plasma and serum pairs within the were frozen after initial testing. One group of 39
same test was 92.9% for the standard RPR card specimens was frozen for 1 week. Upon thaw-
test and 100% for the Dade RPR card test. The ing, these plasmas were clear in appearance.
between-test quantitative agreement with plas- Although retesting of the specimens gave 100%
ma was 93.8% 1 dil.
± repeatable results + 1 dil, some increased nega-
All of the above plasma results are based on tive roughness was noted in both card tests. Five
results of tests performed on plasma which had plasmas were read as negative rough with the
been separated from the cellular components of standard RPR card test, whereas three were
the blood by centrifugation. In addition to these read with this result in the Dade RPR card test.
tests, 33 of the plasmas were tested after 18 h at The second group of 33 specimens was retested
25°C but before centrifugation and separation after 3 weeks of storage at -20°C. A fibrous
from the cellular material. The plasma portion of precipitate was seen in these plasmas. The
the unspun blood contained fibrous material that amount of fibrous material transferred to the
was avoided when transferring the plasma to the card was proportional to the amount of distur-
card. Of these plasmas, 32 gave results that were bance of the fibrous clot. Negative roughness
identical, even to titer, to those obtained on the was especially increased with the Dade RPR

TABLE 5. Diagnosis associated with plasmas reactive in the RPR card tests
No. of specimens with indicated reaction by following test':
RPR Card Test
Stage of syphilis FTA-ABS
Dade Standard
Untreated 1 1 1
Treated 3 3 3
Untreated 2 2 2
Treated 2 2 2
Untreated 3 3 3
Treated 4 4 4
Other sexually transmitted diseases 1 1
a R, Reactive; N, nonreactive; B, borderline.
TABLE 6. Quantitative comparison
No. of indicated type of reaction (dil)a
Comparison Serum Dade RPR card test
-2 -1 Equal +1 -2 -1 Equal +1
Serum and plasma in standard RPR card test 1 2 9 2
Serum and plasma in Dade RPR card test 7 6 2
Plasma in Dade and in standard RPR card tests 1 2 8 5
a Agreement ± 1 dil was 13 of 14 results in agreement (92.9%) between serum and plasma in the standard RPR
card test, 15 of 15 results in agreement (100%) between serum and plasma in the Dade RPR card test, and 15 of 16
results in agreement (93.8%) between plasma in the Dade and in the standard RPR card test.

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card test. Repeatability for the Dade card test of an additional fibrous clot. Only plasma from
was 100%, whereas that for the standard RPR blood drawn with EDTA as the anticoagulant
card test was 97%. One sample, which had been has been evaluated in the RPR card tests; there-
reactive 1 dil in both RPR card tests with the fore, we caution against the testing of plasma
fresh plasma, was reported as nonreactive in the when the anticoagulant used is other than EDTA
standard test on repeat after freezing. This was or is unknown. The use of plasma to follow the
the same plasma whose serum pair had been efficacy of treatment or in the treponemal tests
nonreactive in both the standard RPR card and has not been evaluated. If a plasma is reactive in
the Dade RPR card tests. the RPR card test and confirmation is necessary,
then we suggest that a serum be drawn, the
DISCUSSION quantitative RPR card test be repeated with the
Our evaluation indicates the Dade RPR card serum, and a treponemal test be performed.
test to be as sensitive and as specific as the LITERATURE CITED
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syphilis. Since one card test has no particular Evaluation of rapid plasma reagin (circle) card test. Public
advantage over the other, the choice of product Health Rep. 79:491-495.
will be a matter of personal preference. 2. March, R., and G. E. Stiles. 1980. The reagin screen test: a
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plasma in the standard RPR card test, we found 3. Portnoy, J. 1963. Modification of the rapid plasma reagin
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roughness. Results from the current study with 4. Portnoy, J., W. Garson, and C. A. Smith. 1957. Rapid
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which has not been centrifuged or separated or 5. Reed, E. L. 1965. The rapid plasma reagin (circle) card test
both from the cellular constitutents, care must for syphilis as a routine screening procedure. Public Health
be taken to avoid the fibrous material in the Lab. 23:96-103.
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