CS Final Review

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1) Jesus: Part I-II

2) Jesus: Parts III-IV

a) Jesus’ Ministry
b) The Kingdom of God
c) The Sermon on the mount
d) Apostles/disciples
e) Parables
f) Triumphal Entry
g) Cleansing of the Temple
h) Temple Contests
i) Last Supper
j) Jesus’ Trial, Death, and Resurrection
k) The Great Commission
3) The Acts of the Apostles I-II
a) Acts and Luke
b) The Ascension
c) Literary Structure of Acts
d) Choosing Mathias
e) Pentecost
f) Peter’s Sermon
g) Healing at the Temple
h) The Early Church
i) Stoning of Stephen/ Persecution
j) Simon the Magician/ Ethiopian Eunuch
4) Acts III: Paul
a) Saul – The Basics
b) Saul – The Persecution
c) Saul – Conversion or Call?
d) Saul in Jerusalem
e) Paul’s Missionary Journeys
f) “The Apostle unto the Gentiles”
g) The Jerusalem Council
h) Arrest and Execution
5) Paul’s Epistles
a) Pauline Epistles
b) Pseudonymous Authorship?
c) Early House Church Structure
d) Women in the Early Church/Paul’s Letters
e) Reading Paul’s Epistles
f) Galatians
g) Paul and the Law
6) Paul in Dialogue with James
a) Epistles
b) Epistle of James
c) James and Jesus
d) Suffering in James
e) James and the Early Church
f) James, Paull, and the Law
g) Occasion for the Epistle of James
7) Revelation
a) Purpose of Revelation
b) Apocalyptic literature (Review)
c) Background of Revelation
d) Structure of Revelation
e) Message to the Seven churches
f) Images of Judgement: Seven Seals, Trumpets, Plagues of Wrath
g) Vision of history
h) Imagery and Symbolism
i) Divine Victory and the Final Destination

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