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Business communication is an act by which one person can share the below things with
other person.
a. Needs
b. Desires
c. Perceptions
d. Knowledge
e. affective state

2. Communication is the exchange of thought, ideas and actions.

3. Communication is crucial to achieve business goals & accomplish relevant tasks.
4. Business communication can be used to promote products and services.
5. A Manager communicate with his team to –
Define tasks
Generate new ideas
Identify challenges
Provide guidance
Tackle situations
6. 70 % Managers time is spent in communicating with the team and other stack holders.
7. Managers are required to communicate with
Among Managers
Respective teams
With clients
Stack Holders
8. Business communication is important as it helps in
a. Exchanging information
b. Execution of plans and policies
c. Achieving goals
d. Increasing employee efficiency
e. Solving problems
f. Making Decisions
g. Improving work relations
h. Enhancing employee satisfaction
i. Enhancing loyalty

9. Barriers of communication –
a. Filtering – message gets change at each level by passes through (upwards or
b. Perception- interpretation of message based on person’s own experience,attitude
,interest and background.
c. Emotions /Overload of information- it could result in negligence and passing over
/selective and processing of the information will be more
d. Defensiveness – verbally attacking other and judging others , being overly
e. Language – Age, education, cultural
f. Culture – how ppl communicate with their managers, teams and higherup and

10. How we can improve our business communication skills-

a. Know your team members -
b. Listen and ask for feedback -
c. Express your thoughts in positive way
d. Stay focused – avoid digression
e. Communicate on a common platform-
f. Beware of Surrounding -
g. Act on your words-

11. Intent vs Impact

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. -
George Bernard Shaw
12. Intent – is the message intended by the speaker.
13. Impact – is the message received by the listener.
14. Communication is accurate only when intent isequivalent to impact.
15. Communication complexities –
 Modes – Face to Face, Telephonic, Meeting, Emails, Chats and Pings , Social Media
 Time – Quick, Detail, Urgent, Planned
 Recipients –Team , Peers, Higher ups, Clients
 Paralanguage – gesture and body
 Setting – Private, Public, Formal, Informal
 Language – sentences (active / passive), word (you use in your conversation)
 Type –1 way, 2 way, Multi way

Modes of Communications-

16. Face to Face Communication – (Common and important mode of communication for
managers) , could be formal discussion or causal chat
It helps build more meaningful connections
It also Boosts collaboration, creativity and efficiency.
Being prepared is crucial especially for managers.

17. Telephonic Communication –(Cost effective mode)

A phone call is the next best way to get the personal response.
Quick and reliable way to connect with clients and DR.
Teleconferences brings multiple people together.
Clarity in speech and engaged listening are necessary skills.

18. Meetings-
Tool to sync-up, share new information, build networks and for unanimous decision
Meeting must have specific and defined purpose.
Stick to the schedule and agenda.
Use voice modulation, listening and effective body language. (To keep attendee involved)
Document the responsibilities, task and deadlines for better clarity.

19. Emails-
Quick and easy mode of business communications which helps in track and convey
Emails need to written keeping in mind the recipients.
Be careful with the content of email and its tone.
Keep your email concise without eliminating necessary information.
The language needs to be grammatically sound and spend correctly.

20. 7C of communication
Complete – give clear idea about the end to end information.
Concise – Ensure time efficient communication.
Correct – the data and information is accurate.
Clear – it helps to understand the message accurately.
Concrete – Give clarity on parameters such as time ,date and expectation.
Considerate – Give the recipient a chance to respond and give feedback
Courteous –helps build goodwill and sound polite.

21. Chats and Pings –

An instant message is like knocking the door.
Allows you to check the availability of other person.
Communication is faster than email.
Ensure your status, location, profile details are appropriate and accurate.
End a chat by saying thank you your colleague for their time and help.

22. Social Media

Social platforms impact company’s brand awareness, engagement, revenue and sales.
Ensure your online profile is complete with accurate information.
Pick a screen name that represent you and your company name.
Use a different account for personal and business connections
Don’t put anything in the internet that you don’t want your boss or clients to read.

23. Time of communication –

a. Quick – (communicate the message in a very limited time)
Consider how much time you have.
Include only important information
Keep data /information handy.
Be concise.
It is best to avoid small talk
Suitable for - Status update, stands up, Scrum meeting, elevator speech 1 min

b. Details – (Include all necessary details for smooth execution)

Include all the details relevant to task
Be clear
Ensure there is sufficient time
Check learning/understanding
Useful to convey elaborate messages
Suitable for – Instructions, directions on how to accomplish the task

c. Urgent – (Message need to be communicate with in least possible time)

Identify the purpose beforehand , message may not be in short
Set expectations with the recipient regarding the urgency
Identify and mention the urgency
Be open to schedule the Changes
Suitable for time when – Urgent action is needed, Information is needed urgently

d. Planned – (Communication is scheduled beforehand with audience)

Include the important and relevant information
Keep the purpose in mind
Keep your audience in mind (upward/downward)
Use simple language
Build expertise
Suitable for – Presentations and demos, Knowledge transfers and training sessions

24. Setting for communication-

Private Public Formal Informal

No of People Only 2 5,10 and > 10 Clients and higherups 2 or more ppl
Topics Sensitive Passes through a Information flows in all
predefined channel directions
Volume Moderate Loud, auditable auditable Moderate
Body Language Open Engaging Open Open
Intonation(Tone) Should be in sync with Emphasis Message can be distorted
what is being said due to long channel
Choice of words Can be informal Formal, Politically Control on your emotions Quick
Avoid Slangs, Phrases Screaming,
Discussion place Personal Sync up meetings Clients, Customer and Pantry, Cafeteria &
higher ups Common area
Used in day 2 day One to one It is for large Quick because of free
communications audience flow of information

Imp points Should not be More reliable, Less reliable and difficult
offensive to confidential, time to maintain
anyone consuming and slow confidentiality

Result in Grapevine and rumours

25. Recipient of Communication -

Communication/Instruction Stay Grounded
Straight fwd and Clear what you want to accomplish
good words and they should elicit right reaction
be respectful, direct
summarize the task with their deadlines
check if everyone understands their parts
Recognition right after the performance
significance of your words in getting right reaction
accomplishment direct proposal to recognise
don't manipulate
recognise specific not generalities
right after the performance
significance of your words in getting right reaction
accomplishment direct proposal to recognation

Correcting Behaviours be clear what is wrong and what has to change
what words could convey the message best
focus on action /behaviour not the person
be polite in criticism

Giving Information Make it a point to Share information as often as possible
Be open to employees asking you for additional information
avoid grapevine ( as a result of rumour and gossip)
be open to discuss - their concern and ideas

Performance Be clear and kind with your words
Focus on the performance
don't offend with harsh words
Mention where an employee has excelled
Don't skip what they need to change/improve

Commit to building relationship
Seek first to understand
make it social
Avoid Defensiveness
Welcome Diverse Viewpoints
Be honest and direct
Sharing Reports understand the purpose of the report
report should answer specific query
give complete and clear and useful reports
have a discussion half way for accuracy

Reporting Statuses Periodically, it helps to track if the task are in sync with
Document it
Don’t share verbally
Keep the update short


Reporting Concerns Share your concern privately unless is a group concern

avoid adopting powerless attitude
gather all relevant details before discussing a concern
bring up the potential solution
Make sure everyone has ample time for conversation


Suggestion &
idea/Solution how the solution will benefit the company
how to proposed solution is more cost effective
possibility of successful transition to the new option
Execution plan with least inconvenience and have a plan B


Making Request prepare what you r going to say

describe what you need
describe why you need
describe the consequences of not getting it
describe the cost, one time and on going


Establish a human connection

leverage your company brand
understand communication channel like email and
Ask questions to gain a clear understanding
product , services and their offering
corporate culture and their uniqueness
follow up promptly, share valuable info before the clients
realize it themsleves
surprise your client with updates in their fields

Client Communications understand your client product, services and

what makes them feel unique for their clients
initial stage - listen more and ask suggestions
give suggestion wherever fit
Show patience
Show your willingness to explain the things in a way that
they can understand
don't patronizing(feeling of superiority) them
Avoid assume because assumptions could result in re-work
assumptions could result in re-work
always stay professional

26.Types of communication-


flow of sender to receiver sender to receiver -> receiver to group of ppl - discuss
information sender common topic
feedback no feedback yes feedback and acknowledge don't put the idea first
example Media, Speeches, News be respectful
Benefit Leadership is maintained shared responsibility, useful to avoid interrupting
increase efficiency anyone
Drawback Can negatively impact time consuming and lack avoid getting into
efficiency , lack of order(since everyone may have argument as it is not
feedback diff thought process) always productive
Clarification No opportunity to clarify yes, no misunderstanding Introduce topic of
the mis - understanding discussion and goal
27. Paralanguage – (mean to communication through other means than language)

Facial Expression Tone of Voice Gesture Eye Contact

Conveys emotions without the use of Intonation - is downward and refers to moving our Eye contact- is important and helps maintain
words. upward movement of the voice hands, arms or head to incredibility(Trust).
Disappointed, Happiness, Surprised, and crucial for verbal express.
Confused, Amazed. communication don't have shifty eyes

AVOID – Staring and looking at the another

Amazed- anoverwhelming feeling of by the voice we can identified That's right. - Index Proxemics-
wonder and can last quite a while. whether they are - finger How people perceive and use space to
upset - not in a good mood Peace - V sign communicate.
Surprised- something sudden and new excited - very enthusiastic and Head node (up-down)- Study of space and how it makes us feel more or
which takes over your attention at that eager and in a higher energy state agreement/yes less comfortable, and how we arrange objects in
moment. It's quite quick, and doesn't warm sound - pleasant and with Head node (left-right)- relation to space. - edward hall.
last so long. positive sound. no
Expression needs to be in sync with Thumbs up ->looks good When you inmate someone hostility you inmate
words. hostility or Moving away.

Over expressiveness coveys lack of Tone is shown or heard in how One means something relams of personal teritiory
emotional control. something is being said more like to other and totally
an attitude -> How it is heard. (vital means to another. Public- 12ft to 25 ft away - exmpPresentation ,
for both verbal and written Public speaker
Personal - 1foot to 4 feet - Friends and family

indifferent - having no expression Tone of email must be polite and avoid over gesturing
(someone doesn't show interest in it) professional. social space - 4 to 12 feet away - collegue and
Indifference is the trait of lacking Avoid –
interest or enthusiasm in things Keep your tone void of anger, Intimate - less than 1 foot and can touch each other
jealousy, frustration. like romantic partner'
Sound Warm while maintaining Bear in mind the cultural difference.
professionalism. Don’t be uncomfortably close.
Be Sincere and genuine in your Observe to understand and identity.
intonation and tone. Don’t be too distant either.

Paralanguage – (Non-Lexical, other than language)

Spatial Patterns of touch Silence

Study of space and how it makes us feel Touch - hand shake (in it is a communication skill and it is
more or less comfortable , and how we business context) often overlooked means (noticed)
arrange objects in relation to space
~ Edward hall
1. how many times you Silence is double edged sword
touch people?
2. avoid over touching
Silent - paying attention
Bear in mind cultural - distracted
differences -
Be cautious of gender Silence can be -sign of respect -
differences as well lack of knowledge

28. Sentences-
Active words Sentences-to give importance to the person who performed the action
- recognise the effort.
- they are short and concise
Example – Hitendra completed the report.

Passive words sentence – Highlight the receiver

Example - This is not a complete report. Please share the complete report.

29. Body Language –

Power pose - when you are feeling tentative but you want to appear confident
then you can use the power pose.
shake hands - to connect with someone instantly (this is called a tactile contact)
Smile –to stimulate good feeling.
Genuine Smiley person is more approachable ,trustworhty and Cooperative.
Smile influences how other people respond to you.

Mirror Expression - Doing so you will make other person feel understood and accepted
To Improve your speech, use your hands- while expressing if you use your hands than it will
power up our thinking.(gesturing as we talk)
To improve your memory - uncross your legs and arms and never persuade someone until
he opens up.
The definition of persuade is to convince someone to do or think something.

30. Power words –

These words help spruce up the business communication.
It helps you capture the attention of the person listening to you.
Using power words also conveys your efforts to sound more business-like.
Some Power words are-

31. Strong words vs Weak Words –

Strong words Weak words

Strong words add credibility to the Weak words convey lack of confidence and
conversation. conviction.
Strong words makes the receiver of the
messages feels involved
Will May be
Always Sometimes
Definitely Almost
Surely Nearly
Positive Probably
Basically (Omit it from your conversation)

32. Buzz words vs Action Words –

Buzz words Action words

Buzz words are everyday words,often Conveys the specific action that will be
jargon, specific to an industry performed
They convey your expertisein your field or Using this one gets the confidence of
work. clients and customers, investors.
These would differ from one industry to the Let me see what can be done. -
another. Let me check the available options.
They change depending upon the Analysed, Planned, coordinated , Executed,
technology and market requirement. Implemented, Reported, achieved
Functional, Organizational, Transitional, Technical Action words are –
Incremental, Logistics, Reciprocal, Computed, Designed, Engineered, Tested,
Contingency. Developed, Integrated, deployed
Systematized, Monitored, Programming,
Responsive, Synchronized, Compatible,

30. Words that needs to go –(The below mentioned words need to omit from the business

Pleased to inform
Your kind favor
Permit me to say
Wish to advise
Here by advise
Regret to advise
In regard to
Take the liberty of
Thanking you.

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