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Nr. Date privind recenzia/studiul de caz Programare Nume si prenume Cerințe

1. Myth Vs. Reality In Artificial Intelligence 05.-07.03.2019 Schiopu Andrei Word + Power Point
2. BCG-A-CEOs-Guide-to-Leading-and-Learning-in-the- 05.-07.03.2019 Necula Loriana Word + Power Point
3. BCG-To-Boost-Impact-Tailor-Touchpoints-to-Customer- 05.-07.03.2019 Staicu Diana Word + Power Point
4. BCG-Building-a-Better-B2B-Demand-Center 05.-07.03.2019 Semedroiu Word + Power Point
5. BCG-Building-the-New-Global-Enterprise 12.-14.03.2019 Panturu Daniel Word + Power Point
6. BCG-Digital-Leapfrogs 12.-14.03.2019 Popa Silviu Word + Power Point
7. BCG-Embracing-the-Digital-Migration 12.-14.03.2019 Ababi Adela Word + Power Point
8. BCG-Four-Steps-to-High-Impact-Strategic-Planning-in- 12.-14.03.2019 Ciuca Valerica Word + Power Point
9. BCG-Global-Landscape-of-Corporate-Vitality 19.-21.03.2019 Dumitru Denisa Word + Power Point
10. BCG-Global-Payments-2018 19.-21.03.2019 Busuioc Andreea Word + Power Point
11. BCG-How-Agile-Marketing-Organizations-Get-That-Way 19.-21.03.2019 Cruceanu Albert Word + Power Point
12. BCG-Mastering-Complexity-Through-Simplification 19.-21.03.2019 Stancu Marius Word + Power Point
13. BCG-Most-Innovative-Companies 26.-28.03.2019 Bogdan Anca Word + Power Point
14. BCG-Whats-Next-for-the-Sharing-Economy 26.-28.03.2019 Palimariu Carmen Word + Power Point
15. BCG-Why-Countries-Need-New-Job-Creation-Strategies 26.-28.03.2019 Visu Marius Word + Power Point
16 BCG-Putting-Artificial-Intelligence-to-Work 26.-28.03.2019 Stefan Mihaela Word + Power Point
17 BCG-The-Future-of-Marketing-Is-Here-Dont-Blink 02.-04.04.2019 Alecu Ioana Word + Power Point
18 BCG-The-Head-Heart-and-Hands-of-Transformation 02.-04.04.2019 Tita Iuliana Word + Power Point
19 BCG-The-Building-Blocks-of-Personalization 02.-04.04.2019 Ciocan Florin Word + Power Point
20 BCG-The-Business-Opportunity-in-Solving-the-Worlds-Big- 02.-04.04.2019 Iordache Teodora Word + Power Point
21 The-Future-of-Digital-Marketing-2015-5 02.-04.04.2019 Lepadatu Diana Word + Power Point
22 Samiee, S., & Chirapanda, S. (2019). International 05.-07.03.2019 Joita Popescu Diana Word + Power Point
Marketing Strategy in Emerging-Market Exporting Firms.
Journal of International Marketing,
23 Liu, M. W., Zhang, L., & Keh, H. T. (2019). Consumer 05.-07.03.2019 Blidaru Raluca Word + Power Point
Responses to High Service Attentiveness: A Cross-Cultural
Examination. Journal of International Marketing,
24 Ju, M., Jin, J. L., & Zhou, K. Z. (2018). How Can 05.-07.03.2019 Gagiu Adrian Word + Power Point
International Ventures Utilize Marketing Capability in
Emerging Markets? Its Contingent Effect on New Product
Development. Journal of International Marketing,
25 Charles Dennis, J. Josˇko Brakus, Gemma Garc´ıa Ferrer, 05.-07.03.2019 Sisu Andreea Word + Power Point
Charles McIntyre, Eleftherios Alamanos, and Tamira King
(2018) A Cross-National Study of Evolutionary Origins of
Gender Shopping Styles: She Gatherer, He Hunter?
Journal of International Marketing,
26 Madan, S., Basu, S., Ng, S., & Ching Lim, E. A. 12.-14.03.2019 Manu Iulia Word + Power Point
(2018). Impact of Culture on the Pursuit of Beauty:
Evidence from Five Countries. Journal of International
Marketing, 26(4), 54–68.
27 Diallo, M. F., Diop-Sall, F., Djelassi, S., & Godefroit-Winkel, 12.-14.03.2019 Strainu Lorena Word + Power Point
D. (2018). How Shopping Mall Service Quality Affects
Customer Loyalty Across Developing Countries. Journal of
International Marketing,
28 Gao, H., Tate, M., Zhang, H., Chen, S., & Liang, B. 12.-14.03.2019 Stefan Elena Sorina Word + Power Point
(2018). Social Media Ties Strategy in International
Branding: An Application of Resource-Based Theory.
Journal of International Marketing,
29 Cavusgil, S. T., Deligonul, S., Kardes, I., & Cavusgil, E. 12.-14.03.2019 Diaconu Diana Word + Power Point
(2018). Middle-Class Consumers in Emerging Markets:
Conceptualization, Propositions, and Implications for
International Marketers. Journal of International
Marketing, 26(3), 94–108. doi:10.1509/jim.16.0021
30 Davvetas, V., & Diamantopoulos, A. (2018). “Should I Have 19.-21.03.2019 Dobre Giorgiana Word + Power Point
Bought the Other One?” Experiencing Regret in Global

Versus Local Brand Purchase Decisions. Journal of

International Marketing, 26(2), 1–21.
31 Johnston, W. J., Khalil, S., Le, A. N. H., & Cheng, J. M.-S. 19.-21.03.2019 Marchidan Ovidiu Word + Power Point
(2018). Behavioral Implications of International Social
Media Advertising: An Investigation of Intervening and
Contingency Factors. Journal of International Marketing,
26(2), 43–61.
32 Lin, H.-C., & Kalwani, M. U. (2018). Culturally Contingent 19.-21.03.2019 Oprea Gabriela Word + Power Point
Electronic Word-of-Mouth Signaling and Screening: A
Comparative Study of Product Reviews in the United
States and Japan. Journal of International Marketing,
26(2), 80–102
33 Gupta, S., Pansari, A., & Kumar, V. (2018). Global 19.-21.03.2019 Oprea Iuliana Word + Power Point
Customer Engagement. Journal of International
Marketing, 26(1), 4–29.
34 Watson, G. F., Weaven, S., Perkins, H., Sardana, D., & 26.-28.03.2019 Manailescu Raul Word + Power Point
Palmatier, R. W. (2018). International Market Entry
Strategies: Relational, Digital, and Hybrid Approaches.
Journal of International Marketing, 26(1), 30–60
35 Morgan, N. A., Feng, H., & Whitler, K. A. (2018). Marketing 26.-28.03.2019 Smaranda Diana Word + Power Point
Capabilities in International Marketing. Journal of
International Marketing, 26(1), 61–95.
36 Gürhan-Canli, Z., Sarıal-Abi, G., & Hayran, C. (2018). 26.-28.03.2019 Bobic Adriana Word + Power Point
Consumers and Brands Across the Globe: Research
Synthesis and New Directions. Journal of International
Marketing, 26(1), 96–117.
37 Eisend, M., Hartmann, P., & Apaolaza, V. (2017). Who 26.-28.03.2019 Constantin Word + Power Point
Buys Counterfeit Luxury Brands? A Meta-Analytic Madalina
Synthesis of Consumers in Developing and Developed
Markets. Journal of International Marketing, 25(4), 89–
38 Usui, T., Kotabe, M., & Murray, J. Y. (2017). A Dynamic 02.-04.04.2019 Birla Vlad Word + Power Point
Process of Building Global Supply Chain Competence by
New Ventures: The Case of Uniqlo. Journal of International
Marketing, 25(3), 1–20.
39 Papadopoulos, N., El Banna, A., & Murphy, S. A. 02.-04.04.2019 Cautis Corina Word + Power Point
(2017). Old Country Passions: An International
Examination of Country Image, Animosity, and Affinity
Among Ethnic Consumers. Journal of International
Marketing, 25(3), 61–82.
40 Krautz, C., & Hoffmann, S. (2017). The Tenure-Based 02.-04.04.2019 Stoian Razvan Word + Power Point
Customer Retention Model: A Cross-Cultural Validation.
Journal of International Marketing, 25(3), 83–106.
41 Sharma, A., Kumar, V., & Borah, S. B. (2017). Ritualization: 02.-04.04.2019 Radu Anca Word + Power Point
A Strategic Tool to Position Brands in International
Markets. Journal of International Marketing, 25(2), 1–24.
42 Herz, M., & Diamantopoulos, A. (2017). I Use It but Will 09.-11.04.2019 Mihai Andreea Word + Power Point
Tell You That I Don’t: Consumers’ Country-of-Origin Cue
Usage Denial. Journal of International Marketing, 25(2),
43 Ahi, A., Baronchelli, G., Kuivalainen, O., & Piantoni, M. 09.-11.04.2019 Mihaila Lorena Word + Power Point
(2017). International Market Entry: How Do Small and
Medium-Sized Enterprises Make Decisions? Journal of
International Marketing, 25(1), 1–21.
44 Leonidou, L. C., Aykol, B., Fotiadis, T. A., & 09.-11.04.2019 Batog Iuliana Word + Power Point
Christodoulides, P. (2017). Antecedents and
Consequences of Infidelity in Cross-Border Business
Relationships. Journal of International Marketing, 25(1),
45 Sun, L., Zheng, X., Su, M., & Keller, L. R. (2017). Intention– 09.-11.04.2019 Manea Ionut Word + Power Point
Behavior Discrepancy of Foreign Versus Domestic Brands
in Emerging Markets: The Relevance of Consumer Prior
Knowledge. Journal of International Marketing, 25(1), 91–
46 Balabanis, G., & Diamantopoulos, A. (2016). Consumer 09.-11.04.2019 Dinu Vlad Word + Power Point

Xenocentrism as Determinant of Foreign Product

Preference: A System Justification Perspective. Journal of
International Marketing, 24(3), 58–77.
47 Moon, S., Mishra, A., Mishra, H., & Kang, M. Y. (2016). 09.-11.04.2019 Iancu Daniela Word + Power Point
Cultural and Economic Impacts on Global Cultural
Products: Evidence from U.S. Movies. Journal of
International Marketing, 24(3), 78–97.
48 Allman, H. F., Fenik, A. P., Hewett, K., & Morgan, F. N. 09.-11.04.2019 Ene Alexandra Word + Power Point
(2016). Brand Image Evaluations: The Interactive Roles of
Country of Manufacture, Brand Concept, and Vertical Line
Extension Type. Journal of International Marketing, 24(2),
49 Gineikiene, J., Schlegelmilch, B. B., & Ruzeviciute, R. 09.-11.04.2019 Leulescu Marinel Word + Power Point
(2016). Our Apples Are Healthier Than Your Apples:
Deciphering the Healthiness Bias for Domestic and Foreign
Products. Journal of International Marketing, 24(2), 80–
50 BCG-Resolving-the-Blockchain-Paradox-in-Transportation- 16.-18.04.2019 Popasav Cristian Word + Power Point
51 BCG-Winning-the-Race-for-Women-in-Digital 16.-18.04.2019 Bosna Iulia Word + Power Point
52 BCG-Next-Generation-Pricing-is-Transforming-Medtech 16.-18.04.2019 Grigore Razvan Word + Power Point
53 BCG-Preemptive-Transformation- 16.-18.04.2019 Moscalu George Word + Power Point
54 BCG-Synergies-Take-Center-Stage Butoi Eduard Word + Power Point
55 BCG-Total-Societal-Impact- Olteanu Larisa Word + Power Point
56 BCG-Beyond-List-Price Cheroiu Ionela Word + Power Point
57 BCG-The-Reimagined-Car- Popescu Corneliu Word + Power Point
58 BCG-The-Future-of-Battery-Production-for-Electric- Draghici Adrian Word + Power Point
59 FUTURE GROWTH REPORT Stegaroiu Adrian Word + Power Point
Turcu Madalin
Tasnic Nicu
60 Kumar, V., & Pansari, A. (2016). National Culture, 16.-18.04.2019 Simionovici Maria Word + Power Point
Economy, and Customer Lifetime Value: Assessing the
Relative Impact of the Drivers of Customer Lifetime Value
for a Global Retailer. Journal of International Marketing,
24(1), 1–21.
61 Skarmeas, D., Zeriti, A., & Baltas, G. (2016). Relationship 16.-18.04.2019 Gheorghe Lorena Word + Power Point
Value: Drivers and Outcomes in International Marketing
Channels. Journal of International Marketing, 24(1), 22–
62 Hewett, K., & Krasnikov, A. V. (2016). Investing in Buyer– 16.-18.04.2019 Busa Alberto Word + Power Point
Seller Relationships in Transitional Markets: A Market-
Based Assets Perspective. Journal of International
Marketing, 24(1), 57–81.
63 Bartsch, F., Riefler, P., & Diamantopoulos, A. (2016). A 16.-18.04.2019 Costache Marinela Word + Power Point
Taxonomy and Review of Positive Consumer Dispositions
Toward Foreign Countries and Globalization. Journal of
International Marketing, 24(1), 82–110.
64 Shi, L. H., & Gao, T. (Tony). (2016). Performance Effects of 16.-18.04.2019 Mihaila Roxana Word + Power Point
Global Account Coordination Mechanisms: An Integrative
Study of Boundary Conditions. Journal of International
Marketing, 24(2), 1–21.
65 Westjohn, S. A., Arnold, M. J., Magnusson, P., & Reynolds, 16.-18.04.2019 Catalinoiu Victoria Word + Power Point
K. (2016). The Influence of Regulatory Focus on Global
Consumption Orientation and Preference for Global Versus
Local Consumer Culture Positioning. Journal of
International Marketing, 24(2), 22–39.
66 Allman, H. F., Fenik, A. P., Hewett, K., & Morgan, F. N. Cirstea Mihaela Word + Power Point
(2016). Brand Image Evaluations: The Interactive Roles of
Country of Manufacture, Brand Concept, and Vertical Line
Extension Type. Journal of International Marketing, 24(2),
67 Lee, R., Lockshin, L., & Greenacre, L. (2016). A Memory- Petre Catalin Word + Power Point

Theory Perspective of Country-Image Formation. Journal

of International Marketing, 24(2), 62–79.
68 Najafi-Tavani, Z., Zaefarian, G., Henneberg, S. C., Naudé, Mindroi Cosmin Word + Power Point
P., Giroud, A., & Andersson, U. (2015). Subsidiary
Knowledge Development in Knowledge-Intensive Business
Services: A Configuration Approach. Journal of
International Marketing, 23(4), 22–43.
69 Adekambi, S. A., Ingenbleek, P. T. M., & van Trijp, H. C. M. Enache Ciprian Word + Power Point
(2015). Integrating Producers at the Base of the Pyramid
with Global Markets: A Market Learning Approach.
Journal of International Marketing, 23(4), 44–63.
70 Hoppner, J. J., Griffith, D. A., & White, R. C. Ion Adina Word + Power Point
(2015). Reciprocity in Relationship Marketing: A Cross-
Cultural Examination of the Effects of Equivalence and
Immediacy on Relationship Quality and Satisfaction with
Performance. Journal of International Marketing, 23(4),

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