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Pimpri Chinchwad Education Trust’s


Ravet, Pune-412101

Seminar Report


Submitted to Savitribai Phule Pune University,

in the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the Degree of


Submitted By

Under the Guidance of

Prof. Rahul Krishnaji Bawane

For the Academic Year

2017- 2018.
Pimpri Chinchwad Education Trust’s
Ravet, Pune-412101

This is to certify that the seminar report entitled “IMPLEMENTATION OF

VERTICAL FARMING” submitted in the academic year 2017-2018 by,
Is record of bonafide work carried out by him, under my guidance, in the

partial fulfillment of the award of the degree of Bachelor of Engineering

(Third Year Mechanical Engineering) of the Savitribai Phule Pune

University, Pune.

Place: PCET’s, PCCOER, Pune.

Prof. Rahul Krishnaji Bawane Prof. Sham H. Mankar

Seminar Guide Head of Department
Mechanical Engg. Dept. PCCOER, Ravet. Mechanical Engg. Dept. PCCOER, Ravet

Prof. Dr. Harish U. Tiwari

PCET’s PCCOER, Ravet, Pune.

The Seminar Report entitled


Submitted by
Is approved for the degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Third Year
Mechanical Engineering) of Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune.


1. _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _

2. _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _


Place: PCET’s, PCCOER, Pune.


I have great pleasure in submitting the Seminar Report on the topic,

immense pleasure to record my debt of gratitude and my warmest regards to
my guide Prof. Rahul Krishnaji Bawane for extensive guidance and
direction I have received from him throughout the progress of the work. The
various values that tried to learn from him shall remain a source of inspiration
for me forever.

I would like to say thank specially to Prof. Sham H. Mankar, HOD

Mechanical Department and all faculty member and non-teaching staff of
Mechanical Engineering Department for their support and help.

I am thankful to my family for their whole hearted blessings are always for
me support and constant encouragement towards the fulfillment of the work.
I wish to record the help extended to be my friends in all possible ways and
active support and constant encouragement.


Exam Seat No. T1512208

Sr. No Description Page No

1 Abstract 9
2 Introduction 10
2.1 History
2.2 About Vertical Farming
3 Problem Statement 14
4 Objectives 15
5 Material and Method 17
6 Literature 28
7 Conclusion 35
8 References 36
9 Paper Published Copy 39

Table No. Description Page No.

1 Some Effective Vertical Farms Around the World 33

Figure No. Description Page No.

1 Evolution of Farming Technique 13
2 TF vs VF 16
3 Breakdown of Vertical Farming 19
4 SITE building 22
5 World’s largest Vertical Farm in New Jersey 27
6 Use of Artificial Light at New Jersey 27
7 Composition of Nutrient Solution as discussed in 3rd Research 32
8 Vertical Farming incorporated in a building 34

VF - Vertical Farming

TF - Traditional Farming

Eg – for example

i.e – that is

The pursuit of urban agriculture as part of a city’s green infrastructure is often a challenge,

particularly within compact cities, where there is a limited amount of space between buildings for

urban farming and gardening. Instead, such high-rise urban developments present often under-

utilized spaces on the vertical surfaces of buildings. Development of new type of farming

technique is required over the traditional farming technique so as to fulfill the increasing demand

for food. Land based cultivation has been able to suffice food demand till now, but with increasing

scarcity of land, water and other resources an improvised and efficient way of farming needs to be

implemented. With the world population over 7.6 billion as of 2017 and expected to reach 9.5

billion by 2050, there is going to be manifold increase for food production demand. Vertical

Farming could well be the answer to this demand.

In this report the technical design and economic analysis of a Vertical Farm (VF), a high-rise

building used for the cultivation of food crops, is presented. Vertical Farms are posited as a

potential solution regarding the global food demand by allowing increased crop growth per land

area. A Vertical Farm offers the possibility of cultivating crops year-round in an optimized,

controlled environment, regardless of external conditions. As with many new technologies, it is

the technical and economic feasibility which eventually determine whether Vertical Farms will be

built. However, until now, no study has been performed to determine the actual production costs

and achievable output of a Vertical Farm.


In 1915, American geologist Gilbert Ellis Bailey used the concept of tall multi-story

buildings for indoor cultivation. One of the earliest drawings of a tall building that

cultivates food was published in Life Magazine in 1909. The reproduced drawings feature

vertically stacked homesteads set amidst a farming landscape. This proposal can be seen

in Rem Koolhaas’s Delirious New York. Koolhaas wrote that this 1909 theorem is 'The

Skyscraper as Utopian device for the production of unlimited numbers of virgin sites on a

metropolitan location'


Food is one amongst the three essential things every human being needs to live. To fulfill this need

we have been growing various food products. With the advancement in technology the farming

practice has improved a lot by using cultivating tools, modern machinery, etc. but the farming

technique used is the same(refer fig1). Currently, there is approximately 800 million hectares

(equal to the size of Brazil) of land which is designated to soil-based farming globally, which

constitutes about 38 % of the total global land area. Out of all the fresh water reserves 70% of fresh

water is used for traditional irrigation itself. The rise of urban agriculture as an important form of

green infrastructure has accompanied global efforts to increase the sustainability and resilience of

cities in recent years. Due to the increasing food demand, there is a need for utilizing more arable

land for farming as swell as intensifying farming efforts that would affect global agriculture

production. A new method that could potentially meet this demand, is by designing and developing

vertical farms. In theory, Vertical Farming (VF) is an agricultural technique involving large-scale
food production in high-rise buildings that enables fast growth and planned production by

controlling environmental conditions and nutrient solutions to crops based on hydroponics, using

cutting-edge greenhouse methods and technologies. VF incorporates both disciplines of

engineering and natural sciences, and has multiple applications in both society and the

environment. Currently designed Vertical Farms having an area of 1 acre produce 10 acre

equivalent crop that is produced in traditional or the horizontal farming.

Vertical farming is the practice of producing food and medicine in vertically stacked layers,

vertically inclined surfaces and/or integrated in other structures (such as in a skyscraper, used

warehouse, or shipping container). The modern ideas of vertical farming use indoor farming

techniques and controlled-environment agriculture (CEA) technology where all environmental

factors can be controlled. These facilities utilize artificial control of light, environmental control

(humidity, temperature, gases...) and fertigation. Some vertical farms use techniques similar

to greenhouses, where natural sunlight can be augmented with

artificial lighting and metal reflectors.

Recently, producing sustainable food in cities has garnered much interest and attention in many

academic and practical fields. At present, these farms are largely growing and produce different

types of crops inside cities such as China, Holland, South Korea, Japan, Canada, Italy, U.S,

Singapore, United Arab Emirates, and England. Because the plants will be grown indoors by

controlled environment agricultural techniques, then changing of seasons will have no effect on

the crops. It is obvious the various amount and types of products determined the VF is not just

happening, it is prospering at multiple cities with different regional characteristics around the

Vertical farms comes in different shapes and sizes they are classified in two major types as:

 Simple two level or wall mounted system.

 Large warehouse to several stories.

All vertical farms use one of these three soil- free systems for providing nutrients to plants:

 Hydroponic

 Aeroponic

 Aquaponics

Majorly Vertical Farming is done by using Hydroponic method. It involves growing plant in

nutrient solution that is free of soil. Plants roots are submerged in nutrient solution which is

frequently monitored and circulated to ensure the correct chemical composition.

Mainly terrestrial plants are grown with the help of this type of farming. Two main techniques is

used sub irrigation and top irrigation .these irrigation is done with the help of reservoirs. Most of

the reservoirs are made up of plastic, woods, vegetable solids. The containers should exclude light

to prevalent algae growth in nutrient

Fig 1: Evolution of farming technique

Nowadays, rapid development of country gives an effect to agriculture because land of agriculture

was destroyed in order to make new building and residential area. Vertical hydroponics provides

an intelligent solution to gardeners that have limited horizontal space and for gardeners that want

to maximize their yield. They are mostly suited to that do not grow very tall, and can be used

effectively on walls, fences, balconies, and for higher density growth in small yards. The usage of

chemical pesticide can be dangerous for the people. It possibly avoided when we practice

aquaponics system. The advantages of this method of farming can be further exploited by large

scale production of crops. The controlled growing conditions will reduce the use of chemical


1 Being a fully enclosed and climate controlled environment obtain reliable harvests

2 Fresh harvest available to the customers

3 Automated growing systems reduce Labour Cost.

4 Low water usage with recycling and reduced washing and processing.

5 No use of fertilizers and artificial growth inhibitors.

6 Reduced transport costs.

7 Obtain a profitable yield

8 Reduce carbon footprint as less fossil fuel burning machines are required

9 Reduce the formation of greenhouse gases

10 Increased crop production

11 Negligible weather disruption

12 Reduce mass extinction of various species

Fig 2: TF vs VF

Need for Study:

With the turn of the millennium we have heard, read and spoken so much about sustainability, eco-

friendliness and carbon footprints, but what have we really learnt? What do we really know about

the topic? Sometimes companies seem to drape their products and services in a pseudo green veil,

without really taking the time to explain to the customers what is so eco-friendly about this offer

compared to any other. Most of the time this is just a clever marketing scam to attract more

customers. But how can we distinguish these faux green products from the genuine ones? I ask

myself how businesses accept or even contemplate the idea of planned obsolescence, how

consumerism has completely changed the way things are designed, produced and disposed of. How

is it that we give greater value to economic growth, rather than human and environmental well-

being? We have reached a critical point in history, where finally the consequences of our past

actions are starting to materialize in front of us: high concentrations of toxins and harmful

chemicals are accumulating in the water that we drink, temperature levels around the globe are

rising exponentially, natural resources are disappearing at a shocking rate and we are consuming

more than we can produce.

The industrial revolution certainly brought with it many benefits for mankind, such as modern

medicine, the invention of automated machinery and an immense range of new materials, but it

has also lead us to the current environmental crisis that each day torments world leaders and global

campaigning organizations alike. Is it possible for us to become truly aware of these issues and

change the course of our actions before the option is no longer available? The purpose of this study
is to raise awareness on the topic of Sustainability and Urban Farming, in order to actively involve

people and encourage them to be more environmentally-conscious. The aim of this study is to

stimulate the curiosity of the users and educate them in a noninvasive manner, while respecting

the surrounding space and public privacy. The goal is to establish regenerative ecosystems on

water, food, materials, energy and economy. I have looked into existing technologies such as

Vertical Gardening, Living Machines and Rain Water Harvesting as a source of inspiration for the

final concept. The optimistic goal was to find a way to bring city dwellers closer to nature and at

the same time protect the natural environment that surrounds urban settlements. The main notion

that I wanted to convey is that being less bad is not good enough.
Fig 3: Functional Breakdown for Vertical Farm
Approach to Study:

The whole purpose of this project is to create a better standard of urban life through the

establishment of more green areas dedicated to harvesting healthy food that requires minimum

transport. The creation of leisure gardens in the city would reduce the urban heat island effect,

absorb excess CO2 emissions, reduce noise levels, restore habitat to the suburbs, manage storm

water, provide educational and recreational public activities, and reclaim forgotten real estate. By

growing its own greens the city would go from being a parasitic consumption machine, to a self-

4 sustaining ecosystem. The creation of these green oases would offer jobs to the increasing

amount of unemployed farmers migrating from the countryside to the city, a relaxing getaway

from the stresses of a long working day, a possibility for disabled citizens to take part in social

activities and the elderly to feel useful and interact with people that share the same interests.

I began the early phases of my research by reading and writing about the topic of Sustainability

and focusing on different aspects of this vast field. This gave me a general picture from which I

was able to properly segregate. After reading Dr. Dickson Despommier’s The Vertical Farm I

decided to work with the growing movement of urban agriculture, for the same reasons that were

stated above. The topic fascinated me, but I felt like I knew little or nothing about it. I began doing

case studies on existing examples of vertical gardens, automated farming, hydro-, aero-, and

aquaponics, Living Machines, Window Farming, Guerilla Gardening, and all sorts of other new

movements and trends.

Selection of Site:

My research continued with case studies of relevant examples in which urban spaces had been

repurposed or used in a more practical manner. I examined the work of a group of architects from

the late 60s who focused on sustainability through projects involving green design and interaction

with the public. SITE architects base their work on communication systems, the natural sciences

and energy conservation in order to create a new architectural language that connects with the user

in a deeper way. A notion of stimulating the interest of the user, in the same way that SITE’s aim

was to make people think about the meaning of a certain architectural choice or element is

necessary. The goal was to not go unnoticed and this was achieved by bring conceptual architecture

into the suburban areas. Although the aesthetics were questionable but attitude and intention of

buildings like the Rainforest Showroom in Hialeah Florida are still admired in which nature is the

central theme. The building is seen as an intricate part of the landscape and therefore must give

back a part of what was taken away.

Although just a concept, one of SITE’s most interesting proposal was the experimental High-Rise

Housing, which consisted of a structure of about twenty stories that would be located in the densely

populated city center. The building would include stores, parking spaces and housing for mixed

income residents. These houses would be grouped in a neighborhood like manner on the various

floors, which in turn would be supported by a matrix of steel beams and concrete. A central

elevator provides access to the individual houses, gardens, and interior streets. The purpose of the

experimental High-Rise Housing was to question the tradition of monotonous and faceless multi-

story buildings, which characterized the rationalistic architecture of the Twentieth Century,

causing the city’s inhabitants to hide behind bland and expressionless facades. “As an alternative,
the High-rise of Homes offers residents a unique opportunity to achieve an individual statement of

identity. The purpose is to shift the premises for aesthetic evaluation in high-rise buildings away

from orthodox design continuity, in favor of the artistic merits of collage architecture, based on

indeterminacy, idiosyncrasy and cultural diversity.”

Fig 4: SITE Building

With the continuous exponential growth of world population and the subsequent decrease in arable

land comes an imminent and inevitable problem: How will we feed all of these people in a

sustainable way, without using up the earth’s resources? Experts believe we will reach a world

population of over 9 billion before the year 2050. If we were to rely on traditional agriculture that

would require adding cropland the size of Brazil to the existing farmland, which summed up is

already the size of the entire continent of South America. We are losing 1 percent of our topsoil

per year, due to traditional agriculture methods. These methods are unsustainable because they

focus on extracting as much as possible from the land, without giving back the precious nutrients

that the soil requires in order to support crop growth. Another disadvantage of traditional

agriculture is the fact that it requires vast amounts of space, water and natural sunlight. This, along

with the increase in demand, forces farmers to resort to petrochemical fertilizers, which contribute

even more to the destruction of farmlands. Eliminating crop diversity in favor of monoculture

crops drastically reduces the amount of beneficial insects, therefore increasing crop vulnerability

to pests and requiring the use of pesticides. A large amount of the sprayed pesticide runs off into

the groundwater and ends up polluting water sources. The yield to energy input ratio of such a

process is extremely low and inefficient, making agriculture one of the major contributors to global


Many organizations, scientists and private companies are working to find sustainable solutions to

these problems. Thanks to them we now have advanced technologies such as hydroponics which

produces much higher yields than traditional agriculture, using up to 99 percent less water without

the need for soil and making use of space in a three-dimensional way. Because the nutrients are

provided directly through the water, which stays in the system and can be reused, no pollution is
released into the environment. Another advantage is that crops can be grown indoors, thereby

providing year-round cycles that are not dependent on seasonal weather patterns.

The World's Largest Indoor Vertical Farm in New Jersey

By Lauren Rothman

March 24, 2015

A century ago, Newark, New Jersey's Ironbound neighborhood was a bustling center of industry,

home to factories that mixed up Benjamin Moore paint, brewed Ballantine beer, and, of course,

manufactured the steel and other metals from which the district takes its name. Today, most of

the area's industry has dried up, and many of the former factory sites have been converted into

modern homes and apartments. But the neighborhood stands to regain some of its productive

past with the arrival of AeroFarms, a ten-year-old aeroponics company that's moving into a huge

former steel factory to grow level upon level of quick-to-mature, sustainable greens and herbs.

AeroFarms was started in 2004 by Ed Harwood, a former professor at Cornell's School of

Agriculture who developed the company's low-waste, high-yield growing system. Aeroponics is

both soilless and sunless, and can be thought of as next-level hydroponics: Instead of utilizing

gallon upon gallon of water to grow plants, AeroFarms' system sprays plants with a nutrient-rich

mist. Seeds are sown, germinated, and grown on reusable sheets of fabric, which are stretched

out over trays that are stacked vertically and will fill 69,000 square feet of space in the Newark

factory. LED lights stand in for the sun, and their strength is adjusted according to the plants'


Marc Oshima, AeroFarms' chief marketing officer, says these combined factors make the

AeroFarms system much more efficient than traditional agriculture.

"We're 75 times more productive per square foot annually than the field, and even ten times more

productive than a hydroponic greenhouse," he says. "We use over 95 percent less water than

growing out in the field."

"Even versus a hydroponic grower, we're able to use less water and less nutrients, and also have

a much faster growing process," Oshima continues. "We can take that exact same seed that, out

in the field, would take 30 to 45 days to grow, and we can grow it in 12 to 16 days. We're talking

about between 22 and 30 crop turns a year; out in the field, you're lucky if you can get three crop

turns." Aeroponics can be used to grow any type of produce, Oshima says, but over the years

AeroFarms has zeroed in on shortstemmed leafy greens, in order to maximize the amount of

trays that can be stacked up inside the vertical farm. (Plants like tomatoes and peppers, for

example, grow too tall to be efficiently stacked.) The Newark farm will grow hundreds of

varieties, Oshima says, and even conventional growers have taken note.
Fig 5: World’s largest Vertical Farm in New Jersey

Fig 6: Use of Artificial Lighting at New Jersey Farm


1. Xiao Ping Songa, Hugh T.W. Tana, Puay Yok Tan – “Assessment of light adequacy for
vertical farming in a tropical city”

Methodology - Study was to evaluate the spatio-temporal characteristics of PAR for growing leafy

vegetables at high-rise vertical spaces, using tropical Singapore as a case-study location. Chinese

cabbage and lettuce were grown & correlate with naturally grown ones. Leaf photosynthetic

responses were measured using an open-flow CO2 gas exchange system (LI 6400, Li-Cor Inc.,

Lincoln, Nebraska, USA) fitted with the standard leaf chamber, CO2 injector system and red/blue

LED light source (6400–02 B LED). Measurements were made upon the maturation of each crop

type, within the edible phase of the growing period. Measurements were taken for the youngest

mature leaves of three different individuals per crop type from 0800−1700 h. To derive the light

response curve, stepwise changes made in PPFD were made in the following order: 250, 100, 50,

25, 250, 500, 750, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500 μmol m−2 s −1 . In order to create stable measurement

conditions, measurements were made under a block temperature of 28 °C, constant CO2 level of

360 μmol mol−1 , and an air-flow rate adjusted between 300 and 500 μmol s−1 to reduce the effect

of humidity on measurement error. Leaves were allowed to acclimatize for 2–5 min at each PPFD

level, and measurements were logged after readings had stabilized.

Conclusion - Survey of PAR conditions along the façades of public housing apartment buildings

with basic linear & L- shaped configurations show that PAR increased gradually with building

height, but remains highly influenced by façade orientation and building forms. Chinese cabbage,

and lettuce require moderate amounts of light. The result suggested that building façades that

experience a minimum of half-day direct insolation will support the growth of vegetables that

mostly fall within the moderate to very high-light DLI categories

2. Dr. Martine Dorais – “Use of Supplemental Lighting for Vegetable Crop Production”

Methodology - The physiological influence of Supplemental Light intensity and photoperiod on

seedling production as well as on vegetable crop production was studied. Crop management

recommendations were made for Quebec growers and nowadays all lettuce growers use

supplemental lighting.

Conclusion - The photosynthetic yield of HPS Lamps was found to be 34% more than natural

lighting. Energy consumption per kg of crop produced and carbon dioxide release into

environment reduced on use of HPS Lamps. The intercropping system under supplemental lighting

is promising for year round production of vegetables. However for such an energy and capital

intensive system to be profitable high yields must be obtained.

3. Ahmad Mohammadi Ghehsareh, Samira Khosravan & Ali Asghar Shahabi – “The

effect of different nutrient solutions on some growth indices of greenhouse cucumber in

soilless culture”

Methodology - This study was conducted to analyze use of different nutrients on the growth of

cucumber. A total of 3 Nutrient solution were tested on identically growing cucumber under a

media mixture of Cocopeat and Perlite. Plant height, stem diameter, intensity of leaf color, leaf

area index, stiffness of fruit tissue, yield of fruits, dry matter weight were measured in every

treatment of nutrient solution. (Refer fig 6 for composition of different nutrient solutions).

Conclusion - Comparison of means of cucumber fruit yield showed that there are no significant

difference between solutions No 3, 2 and 1. The results showed that No 3 nutrient solution had

most effect on the intensity of leaf color, stem diameter, plant height and leaf area index as

compared with other nutrient solutions during the growth season. No 2 nutrient solution had most
effect on the weight of plant dry matter, weight of fruit dry matter and stiffness of fruit tissue. The

height of cucumber plants in treatments had no significant difference. The comparison of stem

diameter means showed that No 3 and 2 nutrient solutions had significant difference at 5% level

with No 2 solution but it had not any significant difference with No 1 nutrient solution at 5% level.

The results showed that stiffness of fruit tissue in No 3 and 1 nutrient solution had not any

significant differences but between No 3 and 2 nutrient solutions had significant difference

4. M.Jegadeesh, Dr.J.Verapandi – “An Innovative Approach on Vertical Farming


Methodology - The paper discusses about the vertical farming structure, where it has to be

completely made off with advanced technology such as, hydroponic system, artificial lighting

system and efficient farming management in urban areas.

Conclusion - The vertical farming system has various methodologies, it is an eco-friendly process,

and we can cultivate variety of crops all year around. Multiple crops can be cultivated in this

process and in occurrence of heavy rains crops being in an enclosed building possess no risk or

damage. Water can be recycled multiple times and used again as water is passed over hydroponics

system and the excess amount of water is collected and recycled. It is a fully eco-friendly technique

where new kinds of crops can also be developed easily in vertical farming system and the plants

or crops which are grown under vertical farming are free from pesticides and thus are pure, fresh,

natural when compared to the land farming system.

5. Malek Al-Chalabi – “Vertical Farming: Skyscraper Sustainability”

Methodology - Dr. Dickson Despommier’s design was used as basis for this research. In this

design light is used to cultivate crops inside the building and water is pumped throughout the

building for hydroponic culture. Solar panels are placed on roof and on facades. Therefore using

this design energy flow demand and generation was quantified. The purpose of quantifying energy

demand was to test whether renewable energy sources would be able to provide such amount of


Conclusion - Lighting and water pumping throughout the building are the two main energy

demands. The feasibility and plausibility of the vertical farming concept from a socio technical

mixed method research perspective was examined. This includes developing multifunctional

designs with input from engineers, architects and vertical farming technology providers

simultaneously in order to help design future structures that can adapt to the 21st century needs,

developing pilot programs where real time data can be collected and analyzed in order to examine

where opportunities and barriers exist compared to conventional produce developing a large model

that can take more factors into account and conduct a techno economic study that incorporates

construction and maintenance costs. Vertical farming does hold potential in right circumstances.
Fig 7: Composition of Nutrient Solution as discussed in 3rd Research Paper
 Some Effective Vertical Farms around the World:

Sr Name Location Height Products Area Technology Year

1 Sky Singapore 9m leafy green 600 m2 -Aeroponic system 2009
Greens vegetables -Low carbon hydraulic water
Farms driven
-Natural sun energy
2 Republic South 3 story leafy green 450 m² -Renewable resources like 2011
of South Korea vegetable, geothermal and solar
Korea VF wheat, and -Automated rack system
corn - LED
3 Green Shenzhen, 6 story Micro 20,000 -Using stacking vertical towers 2016
Sense china Greens sq./ft -Using automated computer
Farms -Baby controls, which provide the
Greens precise amount of light, nutrients,
-Herbs water, temperature, and humidity
-Lettuces - Minimize waste, and recycle
water technique
Fig 8: Vertical Farming incorporated in a building

We can conclude that even a little knowledge and awareness of VF can help food security and

viability greatly. New technologies such as aeroponic systems, insulation methods and pest free

plant growth has not only transformed the greenhouse industry but has also paved the way for new

forms of farming such as rooftop farming. In apartments and office buildings, creative climate

management technologies and natural light management technology helped to save energy and cut

down on greenhouse gas distribution These have all made local food production in highly

populated city areas possible, where more people require more food and their needs cannot be met

VF has got numerous advantages over traditional farming, which includes more efficiency,

adaptability, and environmental benefits, which is all made possible through carefully controlled

systems of VF. In VF, no waste or pollution is involved, it enjoys high levels of potentiality. All

the above-mentioned benefits in a single system seems rather unbelievable, but VF has made it

possible. If its use becomes common and widespread across the globe, the fear of starvation will

also disappear and detrimental climate change will slow down too. Practically all famous Vertical

Farms were situated in cities with more than 150,000 populations. Europe and North America have

the biggest part of sustainable food production, while in high density Asian cities, like Hong Kong

Tokyo and Kuala Lumpur, the focus seems to be on improving the sustainable food production

inside the city centers.

In addition, VF has provided new opportunities for architecture and urban designing. Urban

designers have attested to the importance of making cities green, healthy and safe. By combining

food production and architecture, VF helps to produce buildings capable of multiple functions.

This is accompanied by many social and ecological advantages


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PaperID: IJSRDV5I120383
Publishedin: Volume:5,Issue:12
PublicationDate: 01/03/2018
Page(s): 1056-1059

IJSRD - International Journal for Scientific Research & Development| Vol. 5, Issue 12, 2018
| ISSN (online): 2321-0613

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