Budget in

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Hey kids there, three things you need to do with your money if you want to honor God

Give, save and spend

How much money do you have in your pockets right now go ahead you can take a look, how about
in your piggy bank at home, how much money is in there did you know that God cares about what
you do with your money the word for that is BUDGETING

Is it budgeting adult kind of thing?

Well sure, but kids can do it too? Here’s why?

Budgeting is taking care of your money?

God gives you money and expects you to take of it, He doesn’t want to go all crazy and spend it on
a whole bunch of candies or on a lifetime supply on Pop Tarts he wants you to be responsible with
it so how do you take care of your money, think of it like putting your money in three different

Box number one the giving box, God loves it when we are cheerful givers, he doesn’t want us to
keep all our money for ourselves, the first thing you should do whenever you make money is to
give, some of it back to God, that’s called giving

Box number two the saving box is the next thing you have to learn when you save money you put
it away for the future

Let’s cut being responsible you don’t want to have to live at don’t want to have to live at your
parents’ house when you are forty do you?, start saving money even now

Box number three, the spending box, once you get your priorities straight giving a little, saving a
little, then you can get to the last box, think about how much your parents have to spend for you

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