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Yolanda Pastor Fernandez


Technology is a powerful tool which should be used to support and enhance our teaching.
However, are all teachers prepared to integrate it as a part of their teaching?

First of all, we need to make reference to the digital immigrants. Those teachers who were
used to use the textbook and the blackboard in their lessons. Those teachers known as
digital immigrants may have doubts. They may think: “Why should we adapt new methods
when the old have worked fine for years?” Research has shown that our students and
their way of thinking have changed over the years. They are not the same as they are
twenty or even ten years ago and they need other type of stimulus when learning. We, as
teachers, need to provide them with motivating tools to ensure their learning.

But, how can we as teachers embrace tech tools in our daily practice?

I, as a native digital, use technology in my lessons but sometimes I wonder if I have

integrated it
efficiently in my class. I could say that I use it as a supplementary tool not as an essential
part of my lessons. I am still facing some fears that may appear when dealing with
technology such as technical problems, laptops/Chromebooks which suddenly are not
working, and lack of proper preparation.

But, how can we integrate technology in our daily classroom practice?

Talking about the first point which is “Find the right tools”. I believe that this is the most
important topic to consider. If we as teachers do not use the right tools, learning will not
take place. Sometimes, I have this feeling because I mostly use games and it is true that
my students are excited about it, but I cannot see if the learning is real.The excitement to
finish the game or to be the first to answer a question may hamper their learning.
Yolanda Pastor Fernandez

Considering the second point “Introduce one tool at a time”, I think I follow this affirmation.
When I introduce a new technology tool, I explain it to my students so that they know how
it works and what the expectations are.

Let’s move to the next point called “Learn to evaluate Tech”. I think that this issue is tightly
related to point one. If you do not find the right tool, then you will not use technology in an
effective way and you will not be able to evaluate it. You will just play a game to entertain
your students and the game will not have a function itself as an evaluation tool.

Regarding the fourth point, which is “Use tech to engage students”, I do use games and
quizzes which help my students to be motivated during the teaching-learning process. I
use Kahoot, Quizizz and Quizlet. Students love to use games in order to learn at the same
time they have fun. However, I think I should use more tools which foster my students
creativity and deeper learning.

In conclusion, I could say that following these steps thoroughly is possible to implement
technology in our classrooms. The first thing to do it is to have an objective in mind about
what technology tool we would like to use efficiently in our class. Then, develop well-
designed lessons in which our students are engaged and motivated. Finally, reflect and
evaluate our technology practice.

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