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Discussion Director Role Sheet

Name: Lindsey Ray Book: Esperanza Rising

Group members: Tessa, Olivia, Emma Pages: 187-253

Your job is to develop a list of questions that you think your group should discuss about the
assigned section. Use your knowledge of levels of questioning to create thought-provoking
literal, interpretive, and universal questions. Try to create questions that encourage your group to
consider many ideas. Help your group explore these important ideas and share their reactions.
You will be in charge of leading the day’s discussion.

Discussion Questions:
What does it mean of Esperanza’s character after she gives the worker dried beans and a
Are there any present day connections that you can make to the striker situation?
What is important about the scene where Esperanza helps Marta?
How did you feel when Miguel left?
How did you feel when Abulita showed up?
What do you think would happen next with Isabel?

Sample question ideas:

• What kinds of conflicts are the characters facing?
• What do you think about the way the author __________________________________?
• What if ______________________________________ had happened instead?
• What would you have done had you been in this character’s shoes?
• What did you think about this event?
• Did this surprise you? Why or why not?
• What do you think will happen next?
Questions that should be revisited the next time the group meets:

What were the main key events that changed the story?
Double-Entry Journal

While you are reading your Literature Circle novel, you will be expected to record entries in a
double-entry journal. You may include interesting quotations from the text, questions about the
text, and connections between the text and your own life. During your literature circle discussion,
you will trade journals with another group member, and respond to his/her entry under the Peer
Response. You may then use these entries as talking points within your group discussion.

Text and Page Number Response Peer Response

(Paraphrase or quote a (Analyze the text, form a (Ask another group member
meaningful passage.) personal connection, or pose a to make a comment here.)
thoughtful question.)

“No Ramona, it is me, This was an important part

Abuelita.” (242) of the novel because it
revealed what Miguel had
been doing as well as
brought the family together.

“Do not ever be afraid to This was important because

start over.” (253) it made the story come full
circle and summarizes the

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