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In the play, my character:

Worries/loves her children and tries to do what’s best for them, despite her own hatred/heart-

broking about her divorce

My character says this about herself:

Hates not having her children, honors Father’s Day, wants to help/be the peacekeeper, Father’s

Day is a tough day b/c orphan but loves that & Mother’s Day, cares about families and always

will, uncomfortable around nudity/giggles when uncomfortable, curious

Other characters say this about me:

Call me an orphan, dumb, a close friend, not entirely honest, “whacked out,” damaged

My characters says about other characters:

Views align more with Marian’s than Louise’s – thinks Marian doesn’t know much though and

Louise knows more, but agrees with Marian more because of her conservative nature; thinks

Louise can be mean/cold-hearted, thinks Marian’s kissing everyone good-bye is tacky

My character trusts:

Louise and Marian (more agreeable to Marian than Louise but still trust them both)

Playwright says about my character:

Younger than Louise, fragile, lovely, restless, an orphan, confused by long speeches, newly

divorced to Harold, hopeful, trying to have a “friendly divorce,” closer in age to Louise’s son,

observant, welcoming

Biography of prior life:

M/L come over on Father’s Day > after hours spent w/husbands+kids = start of play

Orphan, shares story of how she would try to sneak into a family to be noticed

How I’m like the character:

Naïve at times, have air-headed moments, young/fragile/lovely girl, can be a bit restless,

hopeful/hopeless romantic, I know I’ll want what’s best for my children no matter the

circumstances, observant

How I’m different from the character:

Can follow intellectual dialogue and long conversations, not an orphan or divorcee wife, don’t

have children, I form my own opinions and don’t really need others help/not dependent on others

for answers

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