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The 57 bus: Novel

Describe the character of Richard

In the text it says that Richard is a very kind person since he was little even when
his cousins moved in with them he was still kind. It talks about her mom teaching
him to do nice things like to open doors for adults and elders. The text also says
that Richard was a very nice person and if you get to know him more he will be
faithful to you and even sometimes call you brother or sister. It also says that his
friends will know him as the funny one and the one that made people laugh and

Describe Oakland High School

In the text it says alot about Oakland HIgh School. It says that Oakland High
School is a very diverse school because there are many people that attend their like
African Americans, Latinos, Asians and white people. It also talks about the
students that attend their do not care a lot about their grades. It says that around
600 students that begin at Oakland High School only 300 will graduate. It also
talks about students having problems in the school. In the text it says that when
you walk around you will see fights, people trying to hurt themselves and more.

Explain who Kaprice Wilson is and what is her role in this

Kaprice Wilson is Oakland High School Attendance Officer. In the text it has more
than 1 chapter about her life and who was she before working in Oakland HIgh
School. When she was born Kaprice Wilson did not live in a very nice place
because it was the times were there were gangs everywhere and if you go
somewhere it would be dangerous. She lived with her brother and mother. Then
later on she started to learn who to sharp bullets for guns and all that stuff in her
teenage years. When Kaprice was still a teenager she started to dated this guy
called little Jerry. Little Jerry was a boy who started to work for a gang when he
was 4 years old. Then one day the leader of the gang was shoot and ended up dead.
One day Kaprice brother wanted her to attend this college and then she refused to.
Then Kaprice wanted to have child with little Jerry but little Jerry refused to have a
child with her because he did not wanted his child to never have his dad with him
all the time. Then he told her to go to college and then they could have a baby. At
the end his brother filled in the application for the college he requested for her to
go. Then she finishes her studies. Later when she came back little jerry was dead
one of Kaprice friends told her that someone shoot Jerry and he passed away. Then
she started to work in Oakland High school and with every children she works with
she treats them like her own children that she never had.

The role for Kaprince in the story was that she is trying to help Richard for him to
do better in school and his situations just like a counselor.

Explain the story of Richard´s mom

When Richard was born his mom was only 14 years old. Jasmine boyfriend was
always ending up in jail because of the things he made. Then they broke up and
Jasmine was single for a short time and started to date a great guy. Then when
Jasmine received the news that her sister Samantha was shouted and her two
daughters were still alive she decided to take care of them and bring then to their
home. Then they some few years later they decided to move to a bigger house.
Richard’s mom really wanted the best for Richard she wanted him to have a great
life and that someday Richard will go to college.

Explain what happened on April 2012

When it was April 2012 Jasmine decided to take her family to Disney Land and
some of Richard’s friends. When they were there they decided to walk around.
Then there was a girl that started to call out the name Ashley. One of the persons
that went to with them was named Ashley then she decided to follow the person
who was telling her to come. At the end the girl was calling another girl named
Ashley. Then they rode the bus and they started to fight Richard tried to separate
them but they punched him also Cherie on of Richards friends. In the end all of
them ended up in Jail.

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