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Joanie Abdu Comprehensive Breast Care Center Jayden Dunn

Over the course of one day I was able to observe the best patient care I think I have ever

seen. I observed an MRI for a patient with possible ruptured silicone breast implants, I watched

an ultrasound of an infected breast, and I was able to follow one patient from mammography to

ultrasound, to biopsy, and back to biopsy. I observed what a nurse navigator does and how as a

nurse she is the biggest patient advocate. I observed the interdisciplinary communication

between multiple health care workers. I was able to observe how a mammography works and

what happens during a biopsy. I provided patient comfort during the biopsy and distracted her

from the procedure so she felt more at ease. I talked to multiple health care providers in this

facility and learned an enormous amount about the facility and who benefits from it. I did a lot of

observation and patient support throughout the day.

This community care facility they exemplified characteristics that every community care

setting should provide. Every Wednesday the whole team of oncologists, surgeons, radiologists,

nurses, and the founder meets and talks about the patients that have been newly diagnosed breast

cancer patients in order to individualize the care that in provided at this facility. The nurses

communicated between each other and they communicated with the radiologists. The nurse’s job

was also to contact patients and check on them after a biopsy or to let them know the results. The

nurse was in contact with patient’s health care providers and the oncologists that work with the

patients. The nurse navigator has a huge role is a setting like this one because if it weren’t for

them there would be no patient advocate and no one to answer questions or give results right

away. The nurse at the breast care center checked to see if biopsy results were back at least 4

times in the span of 6 hours just to see if she could call patients with results. I have never seen

anyone take that much time for a patient.

10/10/17 Joanie Abdu Comprehensive Breast Care Center Jayden Dunn

A wonderful thing that this facility provides is the Mammovan. It is a mobile

mammography unit that travels throughout the community. The Mammovan was paid for with

the funds raised at the Panerathon. This mobile unit supplies care for people all throughout the

community. The breast care center was also able to raise enough money to supply care to people

who may not have insurance. This is such an important factor in community care especially in

this area. When people without insurance have to make the choice between an emergency room

visit or doctors appointment and an annual mammogram they will probably choose the most

immediate problem at hand. The Joanie Abdu Comprehensive Breast Care Center gives the

opportunity to patients without insurance to be screened for breast cancer and provide care that

they otherwise would not receive,

I learned so much about breast care and cancer, and a lot about how to be a great patient

advocate. I learned about the importance of a annual mammography and early detection. I was

able to see all of the sate of the art equipment that they have here and how and why they use it. I

learned about how this specific center was founded, which was incredible. I learned that a

radiologist is always there so that when something looks suspicious on the mammography they

can do an ultrasound and biopsy right away so there is less worry for the patients. I learned that

the importance of interdisciplinary care and communication. Most of what I got out of this

clinical was how amazing this facility is to our community. The founder, Dr. Abdu, worked on

this care center for 18 years in order to make it perfect and I think he achieved it.

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