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10 ways introverts show their love for you

How do introverts fall in love?

It’s not that introverts don’t fall in love or don’t like getting into relationships. They prefer their solitude;
but when time comes, they too get lonely and seek for companionship. Introverts are silent observers.
They observe things more keenly and people too. While observing people they fall for someone that
amuses them, wants them to change themselves in a certain way and become social. It is then that
they realize that they are in love. When their feelings make them do things that are contrary to their
usual behaviour, they know that their feelings are getting stronger day by day. Introverts are also
attracted to people that match their intellect. The person could be their exact opposite, i.e. a hardcore
extrovert but if their mindset and intellect matches, they immediately get attracted to them. It is not
easy for introverts to fall in love. They are very careful when it comes to letting people into their lives,
especially when they are going to give their heart to someone. But once they are sure of their feelings
and the person, they will be the most lovable and romantic person on Earth.

10 ways introverts show their love for you

Are you dating an introvert? If you are dating one then you know how difficult it is to look for the signs
an introvert likes you. Sometimes you might have even thought that your introvert partner isn’t
interested in you at all. The fact is that introverts and physical affection don’t go hand in hand. They
prefer to show other ways of affection rather than the typical and obvious ways of love that a normal
partner shows. It is upon you to pick up the hints of love that your introvert partner leaves, because
he/she isn’t going to tell you about it straight forwardly. Here are 10 signs an introvert loves you and
shows their love for you.

1. They will share their interests with you

Introverts only share about their life to people with whom they are interested in or who are important
to them. They believe in sharing a deeper bond with people by understanding them. For introverts, it
is knowing each other on a deeper level that sounds more romantic rather than a movie date or a
romantic dinner. Their definition of romantic is different and you will soon know how.

2. They will want to spend quality time with you

Rather than going out in public and showing Public Display of Affection, introverts prefer to stay in,
maybe order a pizza and spend time with you indoors. It is because they prefer alone time with the
person they love. They are all about wanting to know the ‘real you’. Never say no to an indoor date
with an introvert. They could show you their most romantic side at that time.

3. They will actually talk to you on phone

Introverts hate talking on call with people. They might be very good at texting, but when it comes to
talking on call, they get a bit nervous and therefore do their best to avoid it. If your introvert partner is
talking to you on call, it’s a sign that he/she is getting comfortable with you and his/her feelings for you
are making them do this.

4. They will start opening up to you

Introverts hate opening up to people because they are scared of the fact that the person might hurt
them. If your partner is sharing his/her secrets with you, you know that you hold a special place in
his/her life. it means that he/she trusts you and is comfortable enough to share his/her worries and
secrets. It is their way of showing you how important you are in their life without having to actually say
5. They will want to know more about you

Introverts love to know the little things about the person they love. They will ask you about your
likes/dislikes, hobbies, music, etc. even if you find it boring. There is no amount of stuff about you that
is going to bore them. When an introvert takes a keen interest in someone it is because he/she wants
to know things about that person so that they can use it in future to make that person happy.

6. They will agree to fulfil your social obligations

If there is one thing that introverts hate the most, it is those social gatherings. They have an affinity to
crowds and more specifically, people. If you have a social gathering to be in and your introvert partner
agrees to come, it is a sure shot sign that this introvert likes you a lot. You must be really specially for
this introvert to agree to come to your social gatherings.

7. They will show you their vulnerable side

Introverts may look to be strong and independent, but there are times when they feel low and lonely.
They don’t show this aspect of their personality to anyone because it reveals their vulnerable self. If
your partner is showing you its vulnerable side, it means that he/she isn’t any more afraid in showing
you his/her flaws.

8. You are becoming his/her go to

Whether anything happy or sad comes into the picture, the first person that pops up in his/her head is
you. You are his/her go to for almost everything now. It is because you have a great influence on this
person’s life and he/she is becoming dependent on you for every emotions that takes place within

9. They are showing you their romantic side

In the initial stages of a relationship or a dating phase, introverts and physical affection won’t go hand
in hand. But when they start feeling deeply about you, they can’t help but show you their romantic
side. Introverts are proven to be greater romantics than extroverts because their love involves a
greater intensity of passion. Once they are sure that you are the one, they will be the most romantic
person you’ve ever met.

10. You are a part of their daily routine

No matter how busy your introvert is, he/she will take time out to talk to you. You are a part of his/her
daily routine in some way or the other. Your partner will tell you everything about his/her day and will
want to know how your day is. The fact that you are important enough to know every little details
about his/her day is what matters.

Love works in mysterious ways and especially with mysteriously introverted people. Though being
with an introvert isn’t easy, it can be one of your most romantic rides. You will love the passion,
intensity of feelings and those constant butterflies that a relationship with an introvert will bring. You
know the sings an introvert loves you and you can feel it too. Just trust the way he/she makes you feel
and you will know that the introvert’s feelings for you are real.

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