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Jasmine Couch

Professor Richardson

English composition 1201

12 March 2019


Allison.bradbury. “Substance Abuse and Mental Illness Prevention.” Stages of Community

Readiness | SAMHSA, 14 Jan. 2019,

This source is about substance abuse and mental illness prevention, in this website they

present different types of topics you can read about. For example, some of the tabs that they have

are alcohol, tobacco and other drugs, behavioral health treatment in services along with many

others. When you go on the website the first thing you’ll read is “Prevention in early intervention

strategies can reduce the impact of mental and substance use disorders in America’s

communities” this shows that on this website there are tools that people can use to help

themselves. They are working hard to increase awareness of mental health issues. They have

listed links you can go to to read more in-depth about a certain topics. For example, you can

click the NIDA link and click on the drug abuse tab and I will give you a list of drugs that you

can learn about. They tell you about the side effects in the long term effects that the drug has to

your body.

The purpose of them making this website is so people have resources about multiple

different topics. For example on this website they talk about drug abuse and mental health. They
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give you status on drug use during pregnancy. The purpose of them making/writing this essay

people are able to go to a place and read about topics. The audience for this piece is everyone

there is there a certain person that they’re reaching too. That information is credible because it’s

a government website. The website was updated on January 14, 2019 they give you stats on drug

use during pregnancy. The purpose of the making/readiness I said before able to go to a place

and read about topics. The audience for this piece is everyone there is there a certain person that

they’re reaching to. That information is credible because it’s a government website. The website

was updated on January 14, 2019 in the writer is Alison Bradbury. I will be using the

information from this website to show the side effects that drugs have on people. Overall this

source is very credible and gives a lot of information that is really helpful.

Dada, Siphokazi, et al. “Alcohol and Other Drug Use among Women Seeking Substance Abuse

Treatment in the Western Cape, South Africa.

” South African Journal of Science, vol. 114, no. 9/10, 2018, doi:10.17159/sajs.2018/4451.

This source talks about substance abuse in South Africa, despite a high prevalence of

alcohol and other drug use (AOD) in South Africa, little information is known. Data was

collected by fifty-one specialist from treatment centers participating. A total of 74,368

treatments were reported, The most common substance use with alcohol been following

was methamphetamine. They also stated that more than a quarter of women said that poly-

substance of abuse. This study provides so much reliable data, I say that because all of the

data/information is gathered from treatment centers that have collected the data.
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The purpose of this website is to show the stats from another country. There’s not a

certain audience that they are targeting to, this was published in 2018. So it is still relevant to

today’s questions and the context of this website is almost all facts that they have collected. They

present many graphs and show data they have collected. The writers of this article are Siphokazi

Dada, Nadine Harker Burnhams, Ria Laubscher, and Charles David parry. The others are

credible because they collected their information from centers. Everything they show in this

article is from a reliable center I have sent the data to them. This article will help me show data

in my paper and will help me answer a lot of the questions I had and possibly any question the

reader has. Overall this source is one of the most reliable out of all seven, I say that because they

get their information and data from medical centers.

Frolik, Cornelius. “More Kids Removed from Homes for Parental Drug Abuse.”

Daytondailynews, Staff Writer, 24 Sept. 2016,



This article was written by Cornelius frolik, which is a staff writer at the Dayton Daily

News. The main point of this article is to explain and show that kids are being removed from

home because parental drug abuse. It’s a really bad problem that is happening in today society.

Some of the main point in this article are the number of kids in foster care in Ohio. Another point

they make is,“ In The last two years foster children whose removal primarily was attributed to
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parental drug use which has increased by 31%.” A big point they stated was between 62 and

85% of children in foster care have been exposed to substance abuse and their homes. One of the

last things they stated was that drug abuse is one of the main reasons for the increase to foster


The author's main purpose was to raise awareness of drug abuse and how it affects their

family. There’s not a certain audience that they are trying to reach, they are just trying to get the

message across to anyone that will listen. This was written in the beginning of a spike of drug

use in the Dayton area. They do a good job with showing how there has been a rising of drug use

in our how it’s been affecting kids in our area. The result of parents abusing drugs is that their

kids are taken away from them. The writer of this article is Cornelius Frolik, this article is

credible because they back up all of their statements with facts. I will use this source to help pack

up my claim about how kids are being affected by substance abuse.

Galvão, et al. “Economic and Sociocultural Poverty in Drug Abuse: from Individual to

Sociopolitical Responsibility.” Química Nova, SBQ,

This is about research on drug abuse, data was collected from interviews in Portugal with

15 people getting treatment for addiction, related to alcohol and illegal drugs. The interview goes

into their lives, they talk about gender discrimination, schooling environment, and family and

friends relationship. They also state that drug abuse is highly prevalent and complex individual
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behavior. Another thing they state is that drug addicts are often incapable of keeping a job.

Which leads them to steal from others, they also talk about the stigmatization of drug addiction,

structural violence and social suffering.

Their purpose of writing this for us so we can see their perspective. They analyze the

interview that was done with people who are getting the help I said before. There isn’t a certain

audience for this article, the writer of this is i their purpose of writing this for us so we can see

their perspective. They analyze the interview that was done with people who are getting the help

I said before. There isn’t a certain audience for this article, the writer of this is Ana Erika

Oliverira. They cited anything they used at the end of the article. This was posted on May 15

2019, this article will be able to help me show how and what caused so many people to turn to

substance abuse. Overall this source will be very helpful when it comes to writing my final

essay, it will have a wide range of information I can use.

“An Interview with a Teen Suffering from Molly Drug Addiction.” Inspirations Youth, 13 Oct.



This source is an interview with a teenager that was suffering from drug addiction. She

talks about her struggles with drugs and she speaks out about her addiction with a designer drug
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which is Molly. This drug is mostly used by young adults like college students. She talks about

how dangerous it is, and how she nonstop did it for six months straight. She also went on to

explain why she didn’t stop for six months in the interview she says, “ when you come down

from Molly your serotonin, dopamine, and everything is just down. It’s just very down Molly

literally fries your brain. The overdose on Molly is literally your body temperature goes up.” She

then goes on to talk about her treatment plan, she says she goes to meetings and listen. During

the interview they show a picture of her when she was first admitted into the treatment center,

and her word she says she looks like death.

The author's purpose of interviewing Molly was so she can get her word out. By her

telling her experience it can help other people see what drugs can do to you. The audience they

are trying to reach our teenagers, they are trying to reach out to them because they are the ones

most affected by this certain drug, Molly is also a teenager so she can relate to other teens. The

author/writer of this article name is Zach, this interview took place on January 26, 2017. This

source is relatable to my topic because it allows me to put in information about teen substance

abuse. This source is also reliable because it’s being told by the person is happened to. The

information I gathered from the source is going to be very helpful during the writing of my

essay. There’s a lot of information I can pull from this article that will help back up my claims.

This will help me articulate my stances towards this topic. Overall I am happy that I stumbled

across this article. It’s going to be very helpful, because it’s a interview and she doesn’t seem to

be holding anything about when she talks.

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“Substance Abuse.” Healthcare-Associated Infections | Healthy People 2020,

This websites main idea is the show the importance of substance abuse. The effects of

substance are major, such as physical, mental, and public health problems. This can include

teenage pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, child abuse, crime, suicide, and domestic

violence. They talk about understanding substance abuse and emerging issues. In 2009 LSD

significantly fell from 2.7 to 1.9 percent. With the improvement in brain imaging and medication

that assist in treatment, it has helped researchers better understand substance abuse. There is now

a understanding that substance abuse there’s possibly a disorder that develops at a young age for

some individuals. Over the past five years there has been a rise in prescription drug abuse which

is a major thing.

The writer's purpose for writing this article was to help get new information out about

substance abuse. There isn't a certain audience that they are trying to reach out to they are just

putting new information out. This website is reliable because they are a government website and

they also cited any other website they used. This was written around 2005 so the data in this isnt

really useful for my research topic, because I am trying to use sources that were recently written.

But if someone was looking to use this source is 100% reliable. There is a author/writer listed on

the page but the cities they used were also cites that other sources used. Overall this source is

very informative.
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“What Is Substance Abuse? Basic Facts & Definitions - Drug-Free World.” Foundation for

a Drug-Free World,


This source stands for a drug free world, they really invested in getting the correct

information out. They list multiple references that people can click on and read about different

drugs, they also have a online course that is free that you can take. In this course you will learn

about the truth of drugs and they also offer a free booklet. One of the first things that you will see

when you go on this website is a documentary that you can watch. In the article about Marijuana

they state that, “Cannabis is number three of the top five substances which account for

admissions to drug treatment facilities in the united states, ar 16%”. Lately Marijuana has

become more stronger because they have learned new growing techniques and selective use of

the seeds. A lot of people who smoke marijuana build a tolerance for the drug which leads them

to stronger drugs so that they can chase their drugs. Then one of the biggest things that is a

problem in today’s society is alcohol, what a lot of people don't know is if you consume a large

amount of alcohol you can go into a coma. The problem with teenagers drinking is that their

bodys are still growing and the alcohol and drugs has a major impact on their physical and

mental well being.

There is not a writer/author listed on the website but everything they used is cited at the

end of every page. They do a really good job with making the information easy to read, they
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don't use big words people won't understand or anything like that. This website is reliable

because almost all of the sources they used were government sources which shows they really do

their research to make sure they get everything right. I will be able to use this information to

backup my claims about the side effects that these substance have on people.

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