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Bomb threat- Its Detection


Presented By:
K. M. Sunjib Anwar; MBA, SCSS

Consultant – GSV / C-TPAT


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 Bomb and explosives are no more restricted to military use only. It has been extensively used by the
civilians and especially by the terrorists groups for their own advantage. The targets and victims are
innocent public including women and children. The scenario of global terrorism has dramatically
changed after the devastation of nine eleven at Twin Tower. In recent days bombing at Spain,
Turkey, Bali and Jakarta has shocked the international community and compelled them to think
detection and prevention measures against bomb attacks. Bangladesh is also facing similar bomb
threat and sustains serious damage and heavy casualties due to bomb attack. Bomb threat is a new
security problem and every body is seriously concerned about it.

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 We being the employees of a reputed organization can not rule out the likely bomb
threats in our offices or our surroundings. Thus to remain free of danger from bomb
and explosives we should be aware of bomb threat and take detection and prevention
measures so that we can effectively handle bomb threat and can minimize damage
and loss to our life and property.

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 To develop awareness about bomb threat to our

colleagues and suggest detection and prevention

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 Forobvious reasons, we shall avoid technical aspects and
shall discuss about non-technical aspects which is
considered relevant to public information only.

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What is bomb?
 Theseare devices either factory made or home made.
These devices contain incendiary or explosive
substances. These are used to create fire, shock, heat
and gas to cause extensive damage to the target.

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What is IED?
 IED stands for improvised explosive device. These could
be either factory made or home made. The shape of IED is
not fixed. It can take any form starting from pen, letter,
flower bouquet and almost each and every items.

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Why IED is extensively used ?

The advantage for the maker of being psychologically and geographically
distance from the crime makes the use of bomb preferable for the terrorists.
• An IED only has to work once.
• An IED can produce multiple deaths in spite of its comparatively small size.
• IEDS are easy to place and conceal.
 The only limitation placed on IED construction, initiation, concealment or
placement is the extent of bombers imagination.

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• Detonations caused by bomb/ IED are dramatic because
Dt The acts ensure extensive and prolonged media coverage of the terrorist organization, its
goal and the crime committed.
mi The damage incurred may take time to repair and provides a daily remainder of the
i eIED is simple and inexpensive to construct. Extensive knowledge on
electronics or explosive is not required.
et Many IED components are available commercially (pipes, electronic
components, flash bulbs and black power are available at little cost or risk to the
r hHouse hold products and chemicals can be found to form
explosive filler material.
poLow explosives such as black or smokeless powder can be legally purchased; military
and commercial explosives may be stolen or provided by sympathizers.
9 publications are available providing instructions for IED fabrications.
dcIED +8801726176704;
Why Bomb/ IED extensively used?

• Target is resistant to fire.

• Immediate and complete destruction desired.
• Speed of destruction desired.
• Possible disguise explosion with accident.
• Instill fear among public or employees.

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What are the likely targets?

Passengers on public transport, ship, train or aeroplane.

• Audience of meeting, cultural, social or religious gathering.
• Employees of big offices.
• Public at shopping centre, Mall and hotel.
• Public at the confined areas like under pass, tube railway etc.
• Women and children at schools and other populated areas.

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Public Awareness about Bomb Threat

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Role of receptionist/ Front desk staff who receives telephone call indicating a
bomb threat.

oKeep the caller in conversation and if possible try to know the location of the
bomb and planned time of explosion.
boIf possible try to record the conversation. If not possible to record, then remember exact
words used by the caller or try to determine the age and sex of the caller.
t hTry to trace back the caller if number is detected or traced from
telephone or exchange.
t eInform security and personnel department as soon as possible.
I nShare the information with other telephone operators of PABX or Front desk
operator so that next call is taped or maximum information can be gathered.
opReceptionist/ operator should not create panic among the employees.

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Recognition of an IED and appropriate response:

Security personnel and all employees shall look for the items which are out of the ordinary.
 Luggage, brief case or packages which are left unattended.
 Items which do not conform to their surroundings.
 Loose and clean wires on vehicles.
 New items of unexplained origin.
 Suspicious packages inside of underneath or attached to vehicles.

Check out unusual behavior of individuals.

C Surveillance of the premises.
uUnexplained and unexpected deliveries.
UnSuspicious conduct in side or near office/ residence.
uAppropriate response can save life.
pCarry out intelligence:
o Smell and assess terrorist threat in your area.
O Know local terrorist groups and be familiar with their method of operation.

14 +8801726176704;
Recognize and Run rule
Security personnel and employees shall notify proper authority (P & A or
Security department). They in turn notify police or other low enforcing
a Keep a minimum safe distance of 100 yeards (300 feet).
KeIf you can see it, it can see you; so take cover.
I f Some terrorist groups initiate secondary explosives near original
explosion site causing casualties among responding authorities and
curiosity seekers.
cuIf a detonation occurred, move away and stay away.

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Action on detection of suspicious object-
cSearch team must be instructed as follows:
o Their mission is to search and detect
suspicious abject.
o Under no circumstances should any one move,
touch or jerk a suspicious object or any thing attached
to it.
o Removal or unarming a bomb/ IED is not their
job. They are to detect and inform to authority only.

16 +8801726176704;
Never Touch- When suspicious object is seen/ detected
following procedure to be followed:
oSecurity guard and employees shall never touch an
EDRecognize its potential danger and clear the area in
an expeditious manner.
aneUse “R and R” rule (recognize and run) when
dealing with an IED or suspicious devices.

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Bomb Threat Counter Measures?

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Detection Measures
Detection measure against bomb threat could as under:
et CCTv Camera- Sensitive areas like the main entrance, perimeter,
reception room, mail room, and other areas which need surveillance/
coverage may have CCTv camera both exposed/ unexposed
depending upon the need and situation.
depedIntruder Alarm- Mere surveillance through CCTv camera is not
enough because a user may need to respond to undetected movement
of suspects or would like to apprehend him, in such cases they may install
intruder alarm system at the perimeter or vulnerable areas
where suspects are likely to drop bombs/ explosives.
wher  Illumination- By proper illumination system a user may detect
dropped bomb which would other wise be difficult to detect during

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08Patrolling- Patrolling along the perimeter and around
solitary areas may help detect bomb.
 Search/ check – Physical search and check of personnel bag, brief
case and luggage can help detect bomb/ explosives.
exl Scanner and detector- X-ray machine and metal detectors
installed at the main gate help detect bomb/ explosives.
exl Inspection Mirror- Vehicle search and use of long handled
mirror used underneath of vehicle can help detect bomb/
explosives if fixed in a vehicle.
exl Awareness- Awareness among employees can also help detect
bomb/ explosives by suspected personnel, luggage and
20 +8801726176704;
General Prevention Measures-

• General Prevention Measure Against-Bomb Threat are as under:

 Making the offices/residences at a safe distance, 300 feet from perimeter.
 Denying parking of vehicle of visitors/ strangers beside the perimeter by making barriers.
 Making fencing, lighting and controlling access and searching bag, brief case etc, through metal
detector and X-Ray detector.
 Putting the Bag/ Briefcase into the reception and inside visitors lockers at a safe distance from
main building of office/ residences.
 Inspection of all packages can reduce bomb threat.
 Installing surveillance and detection devices and CCTV camera at all entrances and likely places
where bomb may be placed.
 Keeping perimeter clear of shrubs and vines so that bomb can not be kept concealed.
 Window boxes and planters are perfect receptacles of bomb so it is better to be removed unless
essential. If not removed, security guards should check it during patrol.

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Intruder/ Burglar alarm can be effective if any one approaches undetected to keep bomb
inside an office/ residence.
 Heavy wire mesh and steel shutter on window can be very effective against lobbying
bomb/ Explosives.
 Surveillance should be carried out to the potential hiding places (like stair walls, rest rooms
and vacant spaces) to find out unwanted individuals.
 Vulnerable areas such as generator, power room, boiler house, mail rooms, telephone
exchange, computer areas, switch board rooms and lift control rooms should be kept
under lock and key where not manned.
 Good house keeping can reduce bomb threat. Trash and dumpster areas should remain
free of debris. A bomb can easily be concealed in side the trash.
 Combustible materials should properly be disposed off or preserved if further use is
neMeeting visitors at the reception can substantially reduce the risk of bomb attack.
MeDisplay of notice for inspection of package, bag, brief case and search of visitors
may reduce risk of bomb attack.
If following Prevention measure is under taken, bomb threat can be effectively

r Barrier- To avoid parking of car bomb or to avoid rushing of vehicle loaded with
explosives into an establishment, the approach to main gate and perimeter to have
physical barriers to deny parking/ rushing of vehicle loaded with explosives. The barriers
could be constructed with Cement, Brick or Drums fills with sand etc. User may plant
flowering trees on it to cover the barriers.
l Perimeter- Properly made perimeter with CCTv camera, Intruder alarm, power fence,
walk ways, clear zone, watch tower and illumination can effectively prevent bomb/
explosives threats in an establishment.
exDetector- Use of hand held and arch way metal detector at the gate can
effectively prevent bomb threat.
Use of X-Ray Machine- Use of X-Ray machine and itemizer can prevent
threat from bomb/ IED and explosives.

23 +8801726176704;
4Search- Search of personnel and the luggage at the gate help prevent bomb threat.
SeLuggage Locker- Use of luggage locker for visitors at the reception can
prevent bomb threat. This can be done by searching luggage while issuing key
and token to the visitor.
anMeeting visitor at reception– If visitor are met at the reception instead of
taking them to the employees desks; bomb threat can be prevented.
t aFixing wire mesh at the widow- Closing unnecessary window, ventilator
and opening and fixing wire mesh at the window, ventilator and other openings
at the ground floor may prevent bomb threat.
Separating Mail Centre- By making mail centre separate and away from the
main building, bomb threat can be prevented.

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• Action on Bomb Blast-
cSecond bomb Blast: Normally a bomb blast or a number of bomb blast is
followed by second bomb blasts to injure the rescuers or curiosity seekers.
So, after a bomb blast every body should remain alert about second blast.
oRescue operation:
o Panic Control- Panic must be controlled once news of bomb blast
is received or bomb is detected. Panic will be the serious problem
and will make everything mess. Systematic evacuation and search
will be difficult unless people are previously briefed and assured
during crisis that situation is under control. Concerned person may
speak over PA equipment or convey message to department
heads, to control panic within respective employees.
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o Evacuation of Employees- Evacuation plan should include the following:
 Normally all person should be evacuated to a distance of 400 feet. But if the device
contains explosive more than 2.5 pounds. Their distance should be tripled.
coEmphasis must be given to prevent panic because panic is the worst enemy to successful
evacuation. It should be handled as under:
* Evacuation order should be prepared in advance and disseminated over public
address system.
 Factual statement as to what happened to be shared.
 Calm assurance to be given that nothing to be panicked, situation is under control.
 Orderly evacuation will allow every body to go to safe zone without blocking exit/ gates.
 Rush anarchy and disorder will block ways and prevent escape to safety.
 Guard should be deployed around the danger area. However, to save man power, items
like portable barrier, ropes, signposts, to be assembled earlier for emergency use.
 Entry and exit route (Traffic circuit) for vehicle and personnel must be made and manned
by security personnel and ensure proper traffic control. around the bomb site.
 Use common sense to meet unforeseen developments
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o Cordon- A bomb blast site to be cordoned by security personnel or by other
employees to guard against theft, plundering or stealing of valuable material
or destroying evidences.
OSalvage property- After a bomb blast, efforts should be made
to salvage intact and damaged property to a safe place.
oCounting of employees- After evacuation on bomb threat or
after blast, all employees assembled at assembly area to be counted
to ascertain death/ injury of employees.
oRecord of statement of witness- Immediately after the blast,
victim if survived or eye witnesses should be interviewed.
Preferably their inter view should be recorded through video camera/
audio device for future investigation.
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 Informing Law enforcing Agencies: Immediately after bomb blast local
police should be informed of the incidence. If situation demands other
law enforcing agencies as deemed necessary may be informed in
consultation with local police.
 Informing Fire Fighting Agencies: In case of bomb blast needing
assistance from civil defense and fire fighting agencies, they may be

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 Handling Press/Media People: It is very important to handle the news media. They
should be handled by a pre-selected spokes person or responsible personnel
authorized by the management. Every body should not try to talk to them
indiscriminately. This is risky as careless and tact less comment may lead to trouble
for the organization. Again denying to talk or avoiding media people may antagonize
them. So they should be encountered politely, tact fully and given due attention and
try to give factual information without any irresponsible comment or un-confirmed
message. If confronted with media people direct them to spokes person. If
compelled to talk, give exact and accurate message to them without any comment.
No information should be disclosed which may compromise the investigation of the
incidence. The preparation of press release should be coordinated with top
management and the police. Initial release may contain factual statement of incident
but no details. General wording of such release may be written earlier.

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 Investigation: Every case of bomb blast must be investigated. The
investigation committee should be formed without wasting time so that
evidence and witness are not allowed to destroy and disappear. The
investigation committee should comprise of technical personnel to under
stand the technical aspects of the investigation.
 Assessment of Loss/Damage: Same investigation committee may
assess the damage or loss. But a separate committee may also be formed
depending on the situation and desire of the management.

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Bomb threat has increased alarmingly in the country recently. We have experienced
the devastation and damage caused in the recent past in Dhaka, Sylhet,
Mymensingh and Jessore of Bangladesh. This has become a cause of concern for
every body. Even woman, children and elderly people are also not spared. No body
is now free of danger from bomb threat. We being the working people are likely to
be the victim of bomb blast any time any where. It is thus important for us to know
bomb threat its detection and preventive measures. If we are aware and can take
appropriate detection and prevention measures against bomb threat, we can save
our life and reduce damage to our property.

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