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Elementary and Early Childhood Education Lesson Plan Template

Name: Esperanza Rising Date: 3/25/19

Course: ECE 3330 Lesson Plan #: 2
Subject Area(s): Writing Grade Level/Time Frame: Fourth Grade

Step 1: Identify Learning Context The lesson will take place in a 4th grade classroom. The classroom has a smart board
Learners and a white board. The standards are hung up on the right side of the wall. The desks
(Classroom are arranged in the middle of the room in groups of 5 or 6 students. There is a carpet at
Context) the front of the room where students will convene for lessons. The teacher’s desk is in
the back and is used for conferences and math/reading centers. There are many
manipulatives in the classroom and are available to the students. My classroom is ½
African American and ½ Hispanic. There are two Caucasian students and one
Vietnamese student.
Learner Description Number of students in class:
● Number of males: 7
● Number of females: 14
Learning Needs Number of Supports, Accommodations,
Students Modifications
Students w/ IEPs or 6 There is a Special Education teacher that
504 plans comes in and helps these 6 students
during reading and math. She is a
support system for them and provides
supplementary material. Visual
representations also help these students
focus and understand the material.
Students w/ EIPs 0 n/a
English learners 7 Visuals will help these students make
connections between the words and
content in the lesson. Graphic organizers
will help them organize their thoughts.
Gifted 3 Choice is extremely important for these
students. This lesson provides many
different options for choice. The
students will have choice when they are
picking out the key details and the
graphic organizer. This lesson lends itself
to be more advanced for these students
because they can add more information
to their graphic organizer and the key
details, they choose will be more
Students with gaps in 0 n/a
academic knowledge
Other learning needs 0 n/a
Personal Assets, Cultural, ● Personal: This lesson relates directly to my students personal assets because
Assets, Community Assets it bridges the understanding of Hispanic culture during the Great Depression
(also referred to as Funds of to Hispanic and Non-Hispanic students.
Knowledge) ● Cultural: This lesson introduces students to Spanish culture and language as
well as incorporating students who have a similar cultural background and
● Community: The community is widely Hispanic with many Hispanic influences
within the community culture. Students in this area come together asa
community to help each other out, similar situations that the students will
encounter in the novel.
Step 2: Identify Georgia Standard (s) of ELAGSE4W1: Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of
Curricular Excellence, WIDA Standard(s), view with reasons.
Priorities etc.

Prior Academic Knowledge Prior academic knowledge:
and Prerequisite Skills - Writing techniques
- Paragraph format
- Sentence structure
Prerequisite skills:
- Research
- Using a graphic organizer
Central Focus, Overarching Students will be able to write an opinion piece defending their decision on whether or
Goal, Big Idea, or Essential not a novel is historically accurate to a particular time period.
Learning Objective(s) or I can
Learning Target(s) - Conduct research using different source materials
- I can defend my opinion using text as support
- I can write an informational text comparing two different events or topics.
Potential Misconceptions The students may think of each paragraph as a separate topic, unrelated to each other.
and/or Developmental If the students do this, I will provide an outline for the students to fill out. This will help
Approximations them see that the introduction provides the main idea for the paper and each
paragraph relates back to the main idea.

The students may write one sentence per a paragraph. If they this, I will ask them if
they have enough supporting details in each paragraph to backup their topic sentence. I
will then ask the if they can write all this information in one sentence.

Academic Language Academic Language Whole Class Supports Differentiated Supports

Language function: We can review with
● Words and phrases
with subject specific Conduct, defend, write, particular students how to
meanings that differ research, opinion conduct research using
evidence from a piece of
from meanings used
in everyday life (e.g., text. These students will
also practice this skill by
table, ruler, force)
● General academic completing a graphic
organizer. These students
vocabulary used
will be shown how to
across disciplines
organize their thoughts
(e.g., compare,
analyze, evaluate) when writing them down.
● Subject-specific We will model how to
defend an opinion using
words defined for
evidence from a piece of
use in the discipline
text, and students will be
Language Function: the given the opportunity to
content and language focus of practice this skill by
completing a graphic
the learning task (e.g.,
organizer and writing a
activities, discussions)
represented by the active verb paper.
in the learning objective(s) or Multiple meaning words: N/A
learning target(s) (e.g., apply, N/A
evaluate, cause and effect, Academic vocabulary: We can review with
sequence, hypothesize, infer, Conduct, defend, write, particular students how to
summarize, describe, explain) research, opinion conduct research using
evidence from a piece of
Language Supports: text. These students will
instructional supports that also practice this skill by
help students understand and completing a graphic
successfully use the language organizer. These students
function (e.g., sentence will be shown how to
starters, graphic organizers) organize their thoughts
when writing them down.
Syntax: set of conventions for We will model how to
organizing information (e.g., defend an opinion using
sentences, graphs, tables); evidence from a piece of
text, and students will be
given the opportunity to
organizes language to convey practice this skill by
meaning completing a graphic
organizer and writing a
Discourse: how members of paper. We will also use
the discipline talk, write, and these words in a sentence
participate in knowledge to provide context on the
construction using the meaning of each word.
structures of written and oral Subject-specific We will show particular
language; discipline specific vocabulary: novel, main students the novel,
discourse has distinctive idea, key concepts, Esperanza Rising, and
features or ways of structuring introduction, body explain what defines a
oral or written language, or paragraphs, conclusion, piece of literature as a
representing knowledge supporting evidence. novel. We will show
visually. students who struggle
with this concept an
example essay and have
them point out the
introduction, body and
conclusion paragraphs.
Syntax: The students will We can review the graphic
complete graphic organizers with students
organizers to conduct who may struggle with this
research from different concept. Prior to them
sources of material and to beginning the writing of
connect how the research their papers, we can
connects to the students’ create a basic outline with
opinions. They will then students that they could
use their graphic follow.
organizers to write a
paper on their opinion.
Discourse: Students will The graphic organizers
have to write papers that that students complete
defend their opinions. will help them compile
evidence that will support
their opinions, which will
then help them create
their papers.

Written -> Students will conduct research and write the information on their graphic

Speaking -> Students will assess peers work and give their opinion on whether the
student meet the learning goal. When students are presenting, they will have to
defend why they chose certain events and why they believe their main idea is the
correct main idea.

Reading -> Students will have to read different sources of material to conduct
research that will help them support and defend their opinions

Listening -> Students will listen to their peers present and give feedback (opinions) on
their peers work.

Step 3: Design Assessment Plan

Framework Georgia Performance Corresponding Learning Format of Assessment(s)
Standard(s) Objective(s) or Learning
ELAGSE4W1: Write opinion I can Pre - Assessment: Graphic organizer to assess the
pieces on topics or texts, - Conduct research students understanding of the novel and research
supporting a point of view using different material.
source materials
with reasons.
- I can defend my Formative Assessment: Forming opinion on graphic
opinion using text organizer and using facts to support opinion..
as support Summative Assessment: Opinion paper will combine
the student’s opinion with the notes gathered from
both texts.
Type of Assessment Format of Assessment (e.g., Supports, Evaluation Criteria
quiz, test, checklist, KWL Accommodations, How will you know or
chart, performance task) Modifications measure if the students
(Differentiated have met the learning
Assessments, Culturally objective(s) or learning
Relevant Assessment) target(s)?
Pre-assessment Graphic organizer The graphic organizer is N/A
used to assist students is
gathering information
from the different sources
needed of the opinion

Formative assessment(s) Graphic organizer The graphic organizer is We can assess the
used to bridge the graphic organizer
connection between the students complete to
student’s opinion and determine if they can
how it relates back to the use research to support
texts. The graphic and defend their
organizer is used to allow opinion.
students to support their
Summative assessment(s) Opinion paper The student uses the This summative
graphic organizers to form assessment will let us
their opinion as well as know if students are
support it. Students will able to support their
use the information from opinion using research
the graphic organizers to that was conducted
base their paragraphs on using sources of text.
and use as a rough outline
for the paper.
Pre-Assessment Data Summary
During our pre-assessments, the class portrayed excellent comprehension skills during their reading. They were able
to recall many details and important characteristics of the story, such as the setting, characters, conflicts, and
resolutions. This data is important for our lesson as they will need to incorporate key details from the story to defend
their position on whether or not the story is historically accurate. As for their writing, the class was able to provide
ample details followed by supports for the claims that they made. There was a lack of variation in sentence structure and
interesting adjectives or details. The students had a clear introduction, body, and conclusion to their writing. We
administered a questioning activity where we questioned the students on their knowledge of researching and how to
incorporate it into their writing. Most of the students appeared comfortable and confident in their ability to research
different topics, however, it would be more challenging to connect this research to the text they have read. Based on the
data we collected, we decided to base our lesson on researching to create an opinion writing piece.

Step 4: Create Materials Needed Teacher Resources (must include podcasts): Esperanza Rising, the novel, a graphic
Learning organizer for students to use to conduct and compile research, other sources of text
Activities that students choose, a graphic organizer for students to use to help support their
opinion using evidence from the text(s), paper for students to write their essays,
whiteboard, projector, marker, pen/pencil

Student Resources: Esperanza Rising, the novel, other sources of text that students
choose, a graphic organizer to use to conduct and compile research, a graphic
organizer to use to support their opinion using evidence from the text(s), paper to
write their essays on, pencil
Technology Connection Students will be given a graphic organizer to sort out the notes that they take.
Students will also have access to computers/ iPads to assist in them finding research
material over hispanic and non-hispanic culture during the Great Depression time

Supporting Diverse Learners
● I will support my students who struggle with reading by differentiating the
content through the use of reading the information aloud to them.
● I will support my students who struggle with writing by differentiating the
content through the use of sentence starters.
● I will support my English Learners by providing them with visual aids to help
them comprehend the content.
● I will support my Gifted Students by providing them with more choices and
flexibility when filling out their graphic organizers and writing their essays.
Culturally Responsive This lesson relates directly to my students personal assets because it bridges the
Teaching understanding of Hispanic culture during the Great Depression to Hispanic and Non-
Hispanic students. This lesson introduces students to Spanish culture and language as
well as incorporating students who have a similar cultural background and language.
The community is widely Hispanic with many Hispanic influences within the
community culture. Students in this area come together asa community to help each
other out, similar situations that the students will encounter in the novel.
Research and Theory, or Constructivist -> Learning is an active construction of knowledge and recognizes the
Principles of Child importance of background knowledge. Engaging students so they can be successful is
Development key.

This lesson uses the constructivist principle because I am building off background
knowledge they acquired from reading the text. The students will be researching
outside sources to acquire more information and connect it to what they already know
from reading the book. This lesson is also engaging, and student centered because the
student is actively working on the essay and answering questions.

Instructional Strategies and 1. The students become familiar with the book, Esperanza Rising, and give a
Learning Tasks (include presentation over the key events and the main point of the novel.
activities, discussions, or other - How can I produce a presentation using the key events and main
modes of participation that idea from the novel?
engage students to develop, 2. Students will transfer their information of the main idea and key detail onto
practice, and apply skills and a graphic organizer that will organize different sources.
knowledge related to a specific 3. Students will be given the opportunity to conduct research on the Hispanic
learning objective(s) or and Non-Hispanic community during the Great Depression Era.
learning target(s). Learning - How can I conduct research using multiple sources of information?
tasks may be scaffolded to 4. Students will find a source discussing the culture and events that occured
connect to prior knowledge during this time period and add it to the graphic organizer.
and often include formative 5. Students will evaluate the information that they gathered from both the
assessments) novel and the research material an form an opinion over whether or not the
novel Esperanza Rising is historically and culturally accurate to the hispanic
and non-hispanic culture during this time period.
- How can I evaluate research to form an opinion?
6. Students will write an opinion piece with an introductory paragraph, one
paragraph supporting the novel, one paragraph supporting the research
material, and a closing paragraph.
- Students who struggle with writing will only be required to write
three paragraphs, while still giving enough support details on their
- Students who excel in meeting the learning objective will write an
additional paragraph on a counter argument.
7. After the students write their opinion pieces they will break into pairs. They
will pair up with students who share a different opinion than their own and
share their papers. Students will then present to the class their partners
opinion, how it differs from their own and whether or not their partner
changes how they feel about the novel.
- How can I assess another student’s opinion?
- How can I compare and contrast my opinion with someone else’s?
Connection to the Arts n/a

Higher Order Thinking 1. How can I produce a presentation using the key events and main idea from
Questions (HOTQs) the novel?
- The students should be able to explain how to create a
presentation using PowerPoint, Prezi, or any other source of media
that can be used for presenting information. The student should
be able to explain how they will organize their research within the
presentation to reflect what the key events and main idea was
from the novel.
2. How can I conduct research using multiple sources of information?
- The students should be able to explain how they can look through
multiple sources of text and pull information that will support and
defend their opinion.
3. How can I evaluate research to form an opinion?
- The students should be able to explain how they will pull evidence
that can be used to support and defend their opinion.
4. How can I assess another student’s opinion?
- The students should be able to explain how they will use a rubric,
checklist, or other form of assessment to review another student’s
5. How can I compare and contrast my opinion with someone else’s?
- The student should be able to explain how they can use some type
of graphic organizer to compare and contrast their opinion with
someone else’s.
Re-teaching, Re-Engagement, Students who did not meet the learning objective will be given less writing and will
Practice focus on the key details and historical events that support their opinion. Students will
go through their notes and highlight only what will become important in their paper to
help narrow down what is needed in their opinion piece.
Extensions Students who excel in meeting the learning objective will write an additional
paragraph on a counter argument.
Lesson Closure After the students write their opinion pieces they will break into pairs. They will pair
up with students who share a different opinion than their own and share their papers.
Students will then present to the class their partners opinion, how it differs from their
own and whether or not their partner changes how they feel about the novel.
Step 5: Post- We foresee that students will produce quality work during this lesson. We have provided different types of graphic
Instruction organizers for them to organize their thoughts and build their opinions using the research they conducted. They will
Reflection compile the evidence they collected from their research to produce a final essay that will demonstrate their ability to
support and defend their opinion as well as write an informational text that compares two different events or topics.
Students are being given flexibility as to what sources of text they would like to research.

Learning Theories/Research Base

● This lesson uses the constructivist principle because I am building off background knowledge they acquired
from reading the text. The students will be researching outside sources to acquire more information and
connect it to what they already know from reading the book. This lesson is also engaging, and student
centered because the student is actively working on the essay and answering questions.

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