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JUVENILE ARREST. WARRANT STATE OF CONNECTICUT [APPLICATION Instructions: SUPERIOR COURT Ioaerte, Row 738 Te rat ot be completed for each pog0o the fia. Co et, 19, 4 The Prosoctol Of nd doe ar 0 te and Seer ‘Son oriifal each page fo indicate that hey have reviewed i Chee S FO) / GO TEST Te IT TT Saris SETS RSET TI) Vincent Keller, Stratford Bridgeport Application for Arrest Warrant To: A Judge of the Superior Court ‘The undersigned hereby applies for a warrant arrest of the above-named child on the basis of the facts setforth inthe: 53] Affidavit below. Aafidait(s) attached. paar Saag ET SLA ART TEST Soe [MT POL Sela Caype2ze Affidavit The undersigned atfiant, being dulyfvorn, deposes and says: Detective MICHAEL PANTON 190, being duly sworn, does depose and state that he is a member of the Stratford Police Department and has been since 7/10/2008. Atall times mentioned herein he was acting as a member of said department. The following facts and circumstances are stated from personal knowiedge and observations as well as jaformation received from other police officers acting in their official capacity and from official police reports and statements made by prudent and credible witnesses. 0n 1/13/19 at 0049 hours Stratford Police Dispatch received multiple 911 calls the Shakespeare Theater located at 1860 Elm Street was on fire, Upon arrival emergency personnel stated the fire involvement was about 35% of the structure but quickly became fully engulfed. Numerous secondary fires occurred downwind of the fire due to embers igniting spot fires i wooded areas on Shore Road. Heavy fire conditions continued for several hours until the fire was extinguished with “extensive mutual aid. FD reported the fire burned and smoldered in areas for up to 24 hours. Stratford Fire Marshal Brian Lampert contacted Connecticut State Police Fire & Explosive Investigation Unit to assist with cause and origin ofthe fire Residents in the area expressed great concern over the massive size of the fire and the fear that their house could have caught fire. The fre spread into the nearby woods and brush. Additional fre crews were stationed in neighborhoods distant from the scene including Harbour View Condos where firebrands were flying through the alr and landing on the sground and structures asa result ofthe fire. Firefighers were forced to retreat from the structure at times due to the heavy smoke, heat and fire conditions. The nature and conditions of ths fire subjected the responding firefighters to a substantial risk of bodily injury due to the quick spreading massive volume of fie, the collapsing building and the icing conditions. 0n 3/27/19 Connecticut State Police TFC Paul Makuc contacted me reporting the arson tip line received information on the Shakespeare Theatre fire as well as the Silver Sands Pavilion fie in Milford. The party identified herself as Megan Lambert and stated she has information regarding these fires. She reported that her son received a message on SnapChat that two of his friends had set the fire at Silver Sands and Shakespeare Theatre. She identified the friends as Christopher Sakowicz who is 18 years old of Stratford and the other friend as Vinny who is 18 years old and lives on Gina Circle in Stratford. Both parties attend Bunnell High School in Stratford and are in their senior year. 0n 3/27/19 contact was made with Megan Lambert who confirmed the above information. Megan stated her son Is not «willing to speak with police at this time. Megan stated that her son is upset because Chris Sakowicz and Vinny are responsible for multiple fires in the area. (This is pege 1 of a 6 page Affidavit) Date and | P= i. signature 4-19 sw PEE i Tenens F 7 7 Favioned Uda) op P pa at fe SHY ARREST WARRANT AFFIDAVIT Sidon cancencut SONTINUATION PAGE See ere SUPERIOR COURT oes Fe oe vad Se rai a niger Affidavi On 3/27/19 | spoke with Christopher Sakowicz DOB 1/30/2001 at his residence, 107 Patterson Ave, Stratford CT. Christopher was accompanied by his grandmother/guardian Barbara Gorman DOB 5/12/43. Christopher admitted to being ina video posted on SnapChat by Vincent Keller while at Silver Sands Pavilion in Milford. Christopher stated the Shakespeare Theatre video was a meme and does not remember what was written on the video but it did upset alot of kids at school, Christopher stated many of his classmates were upset with him over the video. He stated the video was not an admission of guilt and he had nothing to do with the Silver Sands or Shakespeare Theatre fires. Christopher offered to ‘show me his cellular phone but could not find either video. l informed Christopher that | am seizing his phone and will be applying for a search warrant. Christopher stated he will allow me to search his phone and all ofits content without a Warrant, Christopher signed a Consent to Search for his cellular phone 203-521-3458 and provided his pass code to unlock the phone, Barbara Gorman was also present at this time and signed the Consent to Search because Christopher was 2 juvenile at the time of the Shakespeare Fire. ‘0n 3/27/19 | went to 80 Gina Circle in Stratford and spoke with Vincent Keller DOB 3/17/2001. Vincent was in the company of this father, Vincent Keller DOB 4/1/1972 and his mother Tricia Keller. Vincent stated he knew | was there investigating the Shakespeare Theatre fire because the assistant principal spoke with Christopher Sakowicz at school. Vincent stated he did record a video at the Silver Sands Pavilion with Christopher Sakowicz. Vincent stated he did not make any comments that they set fire to the Silver Sands Pavilion in Milford or the Shakespeare Theatre. When asked why someone would blame the two of them for setting fire to Shakespeare Theatre Vincent stated Christopher posted a meme con SnapChat that got a lot of people upset. Vincent does not remember what the meme stated but it was about the shakespeare Theatre fire. Vincent offered to provide his cellular phone as proof that he did not set the fire, The Consent to Search for Vincent's phone 203-572-3434 was signed by Vincent Keller and his father. (On 3/28/19 Officer Fressola began the digital examinations of Vincent Keller's cellular phone through consent. Officer Fressola stated the initial search shows substantial incriminating evidence. It was determined at that time the examination would be put on hold and a search warrant application would be submitted before continuing. Detective Delauri and | presented a search and seiaure warrant for the cellular phones of Vincent Keller and Christopher Sakow/cz, ‘The warrants were presented to Judge Russo who signed the warrants, Officer Fressola was advised and began the digital ‘examination of the cellular phones. The examination of the phones show they were in the area of Shakespeare Theatre on 41/13/19 during the fire. Vincent also sends a text message to Christopher Sakowicz on 1/13/19 at 2000 hours stating “My brother are work has made national news they're talking about this in Atlanta”. Christopher replies “Ha ha” and “The whole world will know one day”. Conversations through text message show Christopher telling his girlfriend “Cat” he is responsible for the fire and not to tell anyone. Vincent sends a text message to his girlfriend “Jess Renolds” on 1/13/19 at (0019 hours stating “Goodnight we are going to burn down Shakespeare”. Jess Renolds replies “oh fun don’t die”. Vincent later replies "DO NOT TELL A SOUL ABOUT TONIGHT”. Further examination shows on 1/13/19 at 0145 hours Vincent's father sends Vincent a message asking him where he is, Vincent replies he is out with Chris and he will stay the night. Between 1/13/19 and 1/14/19 Vincent hasa text message conversation with someone listed as "Justin H" in his contacts. ‘The chat starts off with a general conversation about the Shakespeare Theatre fire. Justin later writes "VINNY WHYD YOU DOT", Vincent replies "Don't tell a soul’. Justin writes "I just feel guilty keeping it in’ and "It wasn't a good idea don't (his is page 2 of 6 page AMidavit) Date and | P= Sere and signature 4 S19 ——# /7e cw SEP Perr STITH a re LP, oa ARREST WARRANT AFFIDAVIT ee STATE OF CONNECTICUT SONATE Re TAN The jurat is fa be competed fr each page ofthe afidaut SUPERIOR COURT Gee gg web, 120, 133, 142 The Prospoutanal Offi and Judge aro to date and pases sign ar inital each page fo dicate tna they have reviewed i Ran and aeeres Tommy Vincent Keller, Stratford Bridgeport Affidavit - Continued burn any other places". Vincent replies "I'm not but don't tell". The examination of the phones also show that on 2/18/19 Vincent sent two text messages to Christopher Sakowicz. The first image was a hand draw sketch of the Good Earth property with numbered areas. The second image detailed the numbered areas and listed things to do to those areas. ‘Area if2 was listed as a car and stated to check for gas in car and hit engine with flame. On 3/3/19 during the time period of 2304 hours and 2345 hours Vincent's phone shows it was on the property of Good Earth. The fire was reported approximately two hours later. On 3/28/19 Detective Delauri and | went to 80 Gina Circle to meet with Vincent Keller. Vincent was in the company of both parents. Vincent agreed to come to the Stratford Police Department to be interviewed along with his mother Tricia Keller. The interview began at 1715 hours and was audio and video recorded. Vincent was read his Miranda Rights and stated he understood. Vincent and Tricia both waived their rights and wished to continue with the interview. Vincent was advised he is not under attest and is free to leave at anytime and stated he understood. Vincent denied involvement in the Shakespeare Theatre fire and stated he has no knowledge of the cause of the fire. As more questions were being asked based off of findings from the cellular phones Tricia asked if detectives would give them a few minutes alone. When We came back into the interview room Vincent was asked about stolen tools he sold at a pawn shop that came from Silver Sands cargo trailers. Vincent then began to admit guilt of setting fires. Vincent stated he does not remember dates but ‘stated the day of the Shakespeare Theatre fire he was sleeping over Christopher's house at 107 Patterson Ave. They were picked up by another Bunnell High Schoo! student named Logan, Text messages confirm that on 1/12/19 at 2306 hours Vincent texts Logan (Caraballo 008 11/29/01) “We can go to Lowe's or something and light shit on fire”, Logan replies “Be there soon” and arrives at 2318 hours. Furthermore, video surveillance on Ferry Blvd near East Broadway shows a black colored vehicle, possibly a Volkswagen Jetta, traveling east on Ferry Blvd on 1/13/19 at 0029 hours. This vehicle matches Logan's 2007 Volkswagen Jetta bearing CT registration AR22228. Vincent states they went to the Shakespeare Theatre and parked in the lot. They entered Shakespeare Theatre through an unlocked rear door and went into the basement, While in the basement Christopher took a rag or something and lit iton fire with chemicals. Christopher threw the rag at a wall and the fire began to spread. The three of them left with the fire spreading and went to Wendy's in Milford at the Pilot Gas Station. After getting food they drove back down |-958 and saw the fire from the highway, Vincent said he knew it was the Shakespeare Theatre. Logan dropped Christopher and Vincent off at 107 Patterson Ave and left; Vincent believes Logan went home. Vincent stated Christopher told his grandmother they are going fishing at Bond's Dock and they took off on their bicycles. Vincent stated they went back down to Shakespeare Theatre to sce the fire. Vincent admitted to being present when fires were set in Stratford, West Haven and Milford. Vincent was asked about another fire in Stratford at the Good Earth property. Vincent stated he has no knowledge of the vehicle fire at Good Earth on Longbrook Ave. He was asked about a hand drawn diagram of Good Earth along with the list of items to light on fire. Vincent then admitted he was on the property of Good Earth the night of the fire. He stated he drew the sketch of the Good Earth property and also made the list which includes the idea to burn the gas pumps and light a vehicle on fire. Vincent stated he sent the text message to Christopher Sakowicz and never intended to go through «with lighting anything on fire. Vincent stated they did go to the property one night when there was alot of snow on the (This page 3 of o 6 page Atfdavit) Date ana | Sod i 9 signature Y-S-19 % Span ao IO TS CT ST AGIA ai TST OHH PB) Surat Wigs 19 on bes we 2 Ta PEG oe a OT a LV. ma) = Z (s/t

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