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Nama : Siti Iawandari

NIM : 155090700111005


1. Analisis petrofisik merupakan salah satu proses yang penting dalam usaha untuk mengetahui
karakteristik suatu reservoir (Maulana, Utama, dan Hilyah, 2016).
2. Log neutron merupakan salah satu log porositas bersama densitas dan sonik. Log ini termasuk ke
dalam salah satu log radioaktif (Alfatih, Warnana, dan Wijaya, 2017).
3. Logging merupakan metode pengukuran besaran-besaran fisik batuan terhadap kedalaman lubang
bor. Sesuai dengan tujuan logging yaitu menentukan besaran-besaran fisik batuan maka dasar dari
logging itu sendiri adalah sifat-sifat fisik atau petrofisik dari batuan (Aprillia, Dewanto, Karyanto,
dan Ramadhan, 2018).
4. Lambda-Rho is more robust in reflection curves than Mu-Rho thus making it a better fluid
discriminator than Mu-Rho. Mu-Rho is insensitive to fluid saturant but they are considered as
matrix indicator (Jn, Ii, dan Eu, 2017).
5. The rock mechanics model shall describe the distribution of the rock mechanics properties and
the in situ stresses of the investigated focused area (Laxemar dkk., 2008).
6. Wettability has a decisive influence on oil production rates, the water/oil production ratio after
water breakthrough, the oil production rates of enhanced oil production technologies, and the
residual oil saturation of a reservoir at abandonment (Dalgleish dkk., 2007).
7. The facies concept is not just a convenient means of describing rocks and grouping sedimentary
rocks seen in the field, it also forms the basis for facies analysis, a rigorous, scientific approach to
the interpretation of strata (Nichols, 2009).
8. The most reliable indicator of reservoir rock is the behavior of the density and neutron logs with
the density moving to the left lower density and touching or crossing theneutron curve (Hussein,
Eltahir, dan Ahmed, 2012).
9. Thomas Stieber and Archie’s equation was used in formation evaluation of thin bed reservoirs
(Eshimokhai, Akhirevbulu, dan Osueni, 2012).
10. The correction enhances the separability of sand and shale more effectively in sediments
dominant environment. Bulk Density and Compressional Sonic are crucial for synthetic
seismogram; hence QC and correction are mandatory to reduce errors of uncertainty during
computation (Jun dan Zung, 2018).
11. Thin bed analysis using borehole images works well in shaly sand lithology because there is a
strong relationship between clay volume and formation conductivity (Bastia dkk., 2007).
12. Hasil analisis data log sumur dapat digu- nakan untuk mengetahui karakteristik reservoar segi
porosi- tas, saturasi air, dan permeabiltas yang digunakan antara lain untuk menentukan arah
eksplorasi dan produksi selanjutnya (Irawan, 2009).
13. Multiatribut pada dasarnya merupakan suatu proses ekstraksi beberapa atribut dari data seismik
yang mempunyai korelasi yang baik terhadap data log yang kemudian digunakan untuk
memprediksi parameter log yang dicari (Zain dkk., 2017).
14. Rock physics is usually integrated with AVO analysis for a better understanding of lithology and
fluid differentiation (Rasaq, Igwenagu, dan Onifade, 2015).
15. Amplitude versus offset AVO and Lambda-mu-rho LMR analysis has been carried out which
proved to be sensitive for detecting fluid saturation changes (Maurya, Singh, dan Singh, 2017).
16. Porosity can be either measured directly neutron porosity or calculated from variety of well logs
density, sonic, neutron, NMR (Gimbe dan Lippard, 2015).
17. The Multiattribute Analysis MA term includes all geo statistical methods that use more than one
attribute to estimate reservoir properties (Guerrero, Vargas, dan Montes, 2010).
18. Bowers’s method is based on the effective stress, which used Terzaghi’s equation in pore
pressure prediction (Azadpour dan Manaman, 2015).
19. EOR mengulas 2 tulisan yaitu produksi Biosurfaktan untuk peningkatan perolehan minyak tahap
lanjut dengan DNA Rekombinan yang membahas produksi biosurfaktan peptida menggunakan
teknik DNA rekombinan dimana metode ini memungkinkan produksi surfaktan dalam jumlah
besar dengan harga lebih murah (Sabdono dan Hutama, 2015).
20. Qualitative analy- sis to interpret lithofacies and depositional en- vironment as well as
quantitative analysis to petropysics calculation have been done in this study (Surjono dan
Arifianto, 2016).
21. The carbonate reservoir fractures are important as they have effectively influenced the reservoir
rock properties that deal with porosity and permeability (Aghli, Fardin, Mohamadian, dan Saedi,
22. The primary use of VSP is the integration of VSP and down hole logging to surface reflection
surveys (Davarpanah, Kakoli, dan Ahmadi, 2016).
23. For low resistivity reservoirs, however, an accurate determination of the petrophysical
parameters with the conventional logs is very difficult (Hamada dan Al-Awad, 2002).
24. Petrographic study was performed to elucidate that that reservoir was influenced by various
digenetic processes, according to Dunham’s classification (Arbab, Jahani, dan Movahed, 2017).
25. NMR logging and the principles underlying NMR diffusion measurements, which form the basis
for all standalone NMR fluid characterization methods, are briefly reviewed (Freedman dan
Heaton, 2004).

Aghli, G., Fardin, H., Mohamadian, R., dan Saedi, G. 2014. Structural and Fracture analysis using EMI
and FMI image Log in the Carbonate Asmari Reservoir Oligo-Miocene, SW Iran. GeoPersia . 42 :

Alfatih, I. Z., Warnana, D. D., danWijaya, H. 2017. Klasifikasi Fasies pada Reservoir Menggunakan
Crossplot Data Log P-Wave dan Data Log Density. 61.

Aprillia, R., Dewanto, O., Karyanto, dan Ramadhan, A. 2018. ANALISIS PETROFISIKA DAN

Arbab, B., Jahani, D., dan Movahed, B. 2017. No Reservoir Characterization of Carbonate in Low
Resistivity Pays Zones in the Buwaib Formation, Persian Gulf. Geology. 7:1441–1451.

Azadpour, M., dan Manaman, N. S. 2015. Determination of Pore Pressure from Sonic Log : a Case Study
on One of Iran Carbonate Reservoir Rocks. Iranian Journal of Oil and Gas Science and Technology
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Bastia, R., Tyagi, A., Saxena, K., Klimentos, T., Altman, R., Alderman, S., dan Bahuguna, S. 2007.
Evaluation of Low-Resistivity-Pay Deepwater Turbidites Using Constrained Thin-Bed
Petrophysical Analysis. Proceedings of SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition.14.

Dalgleish, T., dkk. 2007. Petrophysics. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. 1361 : 23–42.

Davarpanah, A., Kakoli, M., dan Ahmadi, M. H. 2016. Analysis of Fractured Reservoir Structure by
Interpretation of FMI and VSP Logs. J Marine Sci Res Dev.66.

Eshimokhai, S., Akhirevbulu, O. E., dan Osueni, L. 2012. Evaluation of Thin Bed Using Resistivity
Borehole and NMR Imaging Techniques. Ethiopian Journal of Environmental Studies and
Management. 44: 96–102.

Freedman, R., dan Heaton, N. 2004. Fluid Characterization using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Logging.
453 : 241–250.

Gimbe, M., dan Lippard, S. 2015. Formation evaluation and uncertainty analysis of the Ormen Lange
Field, Norwegian sea offshore Norway. Department of Geology and Mineral Resources
Engineering. 69.

Guerrero, J. G., Vargas, C. A., dan Montes, L. A. 2010. Reservoir characterization by multiattribute
analysis: The orito field case. Earth Sciences Research Journal. 142 : 173–180.

Hamada, G. M., dan Al-Awad, M. N. 2002. Evaluation of low resistivity beds using nuclear magnetic
resonance log. Journal of King Abdulaziz University. 141: 47–61.

Hussein, R. A. M., Eltahir, M., dan Ahmed, B. 2012. Petrophysical Evaluation of Shaly Sand Reservoirs
in Palouge-Fal Oilfield, Melut Basin, South East of Sudan. Journal of Science and TechnologyECS
Journal of Science and Technology. 13132.

Irawan, D. 2009. Analisis Data Well Log Porositas , Saturasi Air , dan Permeabilitas untuk menentukan
Zona Hidrokarbon , Studi Kasus : Lapangan ” ITS ” Daerah Cekungan Jawa Barat Utara. Jurnal
Fisika Dan Aplikasinya ITS, 5(1090109): 1–7.

Jn, I., Ii, O., dan Eu, A. 2017. Predicting Reservoir Performance Using the Elastic Properties of Well
Logs in Fabi Field, Niger Delta Basin in Nigeria. 8–12.

Jun, L. Y., dan Zung, L. S. 2018. Integrated reservoir characterization of low resistivity thin beds using
three-dimensional modeling for natural gas exploration. 91–99.

Laxemar, R., Laxemar, S., Hakami, E., Ab, I. G., Fredriksson, A., dan Ab, G. A. 2008. Rock mechanics
Laxemar. SKB.Stockholm.

Maulana, M. I., Utama, W., dan Hilyah, A. 2016. Analisis Petrofisika dan Penentuan Zona Potensi
Hidrokarbon Lapangan “Kaprasida” Formasi Baturaja Cekungan Sumatera Selatan. Jurnal Teknik

Maurya, S. P., Singh, N. P., dan Singh, K. 2017. Sensitivity analysis of petrophysical parameters due to
fluid substitution in a sandstone reservoir.

Nichols, G. 2009. Sedimentology and stratigraphy. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling .53.

Rasaq, B., Igwenagu, C. L., dan Onifade, Y. 2015. Cross plotting of Rock Properties for Fluid and
Lithology Discrimination using Well Data in a Niger Delta Oil Field. Journal of Applied Sciences
and Environmental Management. 193:539–546.

Sabdono, A. S., dan Hutama, D. C. 2015. Produksi Biosurfaktan untuk Peningkatan Perolehan Minyak
Tahap Lanjut dengan DNA Rekombinan. Jurnal Teknologi Minyak Dan Gas Bumi. 93:113–120.

Surjono, S. S., dan Arifianto, I. 2016. Petrophysics Analysis for Reservoir Characterization of Upper
Plover Formation in the Field “ A ”, Bonaparte Basin , Offshore Timor , Maluku , Indonesia, 11:1–

Zain, N. M., Lestari, W., Syaifuddin, F., Geofisika, D. T., Teknik, F., Teknologi, I., dan Nopember, S.
2017. Karakterisasi Reservoar Menggunakan Aplikasi Seismik Atribut dan Inversi Seismik
Impedansi Akustik . 62:29–32.

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