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Engr 202 Dynamics Exam 1 Name______________________

February 21, 2014

Show all work, FBD’s, and kinematic diagrams as necessary for partial credit.

1. (33pts) In Figure 1, block B starts from rest and moves up the incline 2 ft in the first second with a constant
acceleration due to the force F acting on block B. Neglecting friction between the surfaces,
a) the accelerations of A and B,
b) The magnitude of the force F and the tension in the cable.

2. (33pts) An interstate highway is designed around a traffic speed limit of 75 mi/hr. What should the radius of the
curve R (Figure 2) be so that the traffic can safely traverse a curve with a bank angle of 5 o. Assume the
static coefficient of friction between the tires and the road to be s = 0.2 and that a vehicle is a particle.

3. (33pts) In Figure 3, a ball of mass 1.0 kg and negligible geometry (it is a particle) is confined to move vertically
along the smooth slot due to the rotation of the smooth arm OA. When = 30o, q˙ = 2.0 rad/sec,
q˙˙= 1.0 rad/sec2. Determine at this instant the force of the rod on the ball and the force of the vertical slot on
the ball.

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