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FC 25

Warning Order

1.1 Situation.

1.2 General outline of task.

1.3 Timings or degree of notice.

1.4 RV and time for Ogp.

1.5 Preliminary moves.

1.6 Any administrative instructions.

1.7 Acknowledgement demanded.

Appreciation Sequence

1.8 Aim. What you have to do.

1.9 Factors. Consider how each of the following factors affects what you have to do:

a. enemy,

b. own troops,

c. ground,

d. time and space,

e. assessment of tasks, and

f. courses open to the enemy.

1.10 Courses. Examine courses open to the enemy then work out from these and the
factors the ways by which you can achieve your aim and select the best option.

1.11 Plan. Based on selected best course.

Sequence of Orders

(All orders should be preceded by a topography brief)

1.12 Situation:

a. enemy forces,

b. friendly forces, and

c. attachments and detachments.

1.13 Mission.

1.14 Execution:

a. general outline,

b. detailed groupings and tasks, and

c. coordinating instructions.

1.15 Administration and Logistics.

1.16 Command and Signals:

a. location/movement of commander/headquarters;

b. signals;

c. codewords, nicknames or passwords;

d. chain of command; and

e. synchronise watches.

1.17 Questions.

Specimen Headings for Orders (1)



1.19 Situation:

a. en forces,

b. friendly forces, and

c. civilians:

(1) loc,

(2) habits, and

(3) need to avoid or ignore,

d. atch and dets.

1.20 Mission.

1.21 Execution:

a. Gen Outline:

(1) Phase 1 ¾ movt to ptl/firm base

(2) Phase 2 ¾ action at firm base,

(3) Phase 3 ¾ action at obj, and

(4) Phase 4 ¾ return to unit/sub unit loc,

b. Gping and Tasks:

(1) strength, and

(2) composition,

c. Coord Instr:

(1) Phase 1 ¾ movt to ptl/firm base:

(a) detailed route,

(b) nav responsibilities,

(c) bdrys,

(d) bounds,

(e) RVs,

(f) fmns,
(g) order of march,

(h) deception and cover plan,

(i) measures to counter en survl devices,

(j) action on contact,

(k) action if ambushed,

(l) action on obs,

(m) action on mines and booby traps,

(n) rules of engagement, and

(o) action if separated or lost from pd.

(2) Phase 2 ¾ action at firm base:

(a) method of occupation and securing,

(b) loc of individuals and gps,

(c) tasks,

(d) gun posn and tasks,

(e) sentries,

(f) routine, and

(g) comms checks.

(3) Phase 3 ¾ action at the obj:

(a) atk orders,

(b) ambush orders,

(c) answers to questions, and

(d) standing ptl orders;

(4) Phase 4 ¾ return to base location (detail as Phase 1 ),

(5) mmethod of mov,

(6) timings,

(7) details of fire spt,

(8) rehearsals, and

(9) debriefing.

1.22 Administration and Logistics:

a. rats,

b. dress and equip,

c. Wpns,

d. ammo,

e. med,

f. spec equip, and

g. insp.

1.23 Command and Signals:

a. radio,

b. codes,

c. check and test sets,

d. alternative comms,

e. gnd/air comms,

f. ptl seniority list, and

g. synchronise watches.

1.24 Questions from Ogp.

1.25 Questions to Ogp.


1.26 Situation:

a. en forces,

b. friendly forces,

c. civilians, and

d. atch and dets.

1.27 Mission.

1.28 Execution:

a. Phase 1 ¾ move to ambush firm base (patrol orders),

b. Phase 2 ¾ conduct ambush:

(1) Gen Outline:

(a) final reconnaissance of ambush area,

(b) type of layout,

(c) killing ground,

(2) Gping and Tasks:

(a) composition/position of groups,

(3) Coord Instr:

(a) timings,

(b) dispersal pt,

(c) RV,

(d) routes to ambush,

(e) gp sites,

(f) fmn during move in,

(g) sequence of occupation,

(h) siting and laying of mines etc,

(i) deception plan,

(j) orders/method of springing,

(k) altn method of springing,

(l) comms in ambush,

(m) grenades and claymores,

(n) action if ambush discovered,

(o) action if counter-attacked,

(p) orders for follow up,

(q) use of dogs,

(r) orders for search,

(s) illumination,

(t) sigs used in ambush, and

(u) withdrawal from ambush.

c. Phase 3 ¾ consolidate at RV and return to base (patrol orders).

1.29 Administration and Logistics:

a. tpt,

b. equip and dress,

c. rats,

d. spec equip,

e. med,

f. reliefs,
g. admin area,

h. insp of pers and equip,

i. equip testing, and

j. PWs.

1.30 Command and Signal:

a. success sig,

b. loc of HQ,

c. freq,

d. nicknames,

e. radio silence, and

f. seniority.

1.31 Synchronise watches.

1.32 Questions from Ogp.

1.33 Questions to Ogp.

Quick Orders for the Attack ¾ Short Radio Preliminary Order

1.34 Situation.

1.35 Mission.

1.36 Execution:

a. general outline,

b. grouping and initial deployment;

c. FUP/LD;

d. route to FUP/L13;

e. H-hour;and
f. orders, in ... mins.

Short Radio Orders

1.37 Situation.

1.38 Mission.

1.39 Execution:

a. fmn: ...............C/S ................left,

C/S ..............right, C/S..............;

b. tasks;

c. tk spt: C/S T;

d. LD;

e. axis of adv;

f. rate of adv,

g. H-hour;

h. dismounting area;

i. reorg;

j. fire plan:
H to H
H to H
H to H
H to H
H to H
H to H

k. zulu muster 1 /posn for FS.

Orders for Ground Sentry 2

1.40 Likely direction of enemy's approach.

1.41 Arcs of responsibility.

1.42 Extent of fire lane.

1.43 Name of landmarks and reference points.

1.44 Position of:

a. friendly forces/patrols (including time);

b. other sentries;

c. own gun position; and

d. flank weapons, including:

(1) type;

(2) distance;

(3) early warning devices (including PEWS, dry foliage); and

(4) flares/mines/booby-traps.

1.45 Concealment and camouflage requirements.

1.46 Rules of engagement.

1.47 State of weapon readiness.

1.48 Challenging procedure.

1.49 Password.

1.50 Route to and from sentry position.

1.51 Location of immediate superior.

1.52 Timing for tour of duty.

1.53 System of relief.

1.54 Action on enemy approach, ie, open fire or warn commander by:

a. cord,

b. voice, or
c. field signal.

1.55 Action on contact:

a. with the sentry,

b. elsewhere on platoon/company perimeter, and

c. including shelling of position.

Orders for Air Sentry

1.56 Location of post.

1.57 Length of stay and time of relief.

1.58 Air situation.

1.59 Arc of observation (6400 mils, if possible).

1.60 Types of hostile aircraft.

1.61 Method of raising alarm.

1.62 Orders for opening fire.

1.63 Concealment.

Orders for NBC Sentry

1.64 Likelihood of chemical attack.

1.65 Location of post.

1.66 Actions if attack occurs or is suspected:

a. sound the alarm;

b. cheek detector paper, if there is colour change, notify ........;

c. observe attack and send NBC 1 immediately; and

d. change detector paper every minute until no colour change occurs, then notify
......... .
1.67 Where to move in case of wind change.

1.68 Action on:

a. mist,

b. smoke,

c. falling droplets,

d. low-flying aircraft, and

e. suspicious smells.

1.69 Summary.

1.70 Make reports to ............ who will be loc.............

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