The Alphabet of Birds

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The Albatross is a large bird. It flies for days

without rest, following ships in the southern seas to
get food; thus, it may be caught with a hook.

Listen to sound of an Albatross

The Bell Bird is white, as large as a pigeon, and
lives in South America. As it sounds its call, like a
church bell, its horn stands erect.

Listen to sound of a White Bell Bird

The Canary, named from the Canary Islands,
whence it was brought, if often green, but generally
yellow. Of all birds it sings most sweetly.

Listen to sound of a Canary

The Duck lives about the water and dives to
the bottom for food. Its oily feathers do not get wet.
Its feet are webbed for swimming.

Listen to the sound of a Duck

The Egret lives in American swamps. For food
it catches mice, frogs, and fish. Its body-feathers are
white, while its train is cream colored.

Listen to sound of an Egret

The Falcon has its home in Europe and Asia. It
is fond of lizards, snakes and birds. Thus, it has been
trained by men to hunt game birds.

Listen to sound of a Falcon

The Grosbeak is naturally red, but fades in
color when shut in a cage. It is kind to other birds,
often adopting and rearing their young.

Listen to the sound of a Grosbeak

The Hen is the most useful of fowls. She lays
eggs which we eat, and scratches the soft earth for
worms, to feed her brood of chickens.

Listen to the sound of a Hen

The jay is about the size of a pigeon, and blue
in color. When tame it learns to talk. Often, it cries
like a hawk to frighten little birds.

Listen to the sound of a Jay

The Kingfisher lives about streams and lakes. It
sits upon a branch or log and darts upon the fish in
the water. It has a loud, harsh cry.

Listen to the sound of a Kingfisher

The Lyre-Bird is named from its tail, which is
often ten feet long. Its home is in Australia. Its voice
is loud but not disagreeable.

Listen to the sound of a Lyre Bird

The Macaw is a large bird, fond of long flights.
It is very gayly colored, like all Southern American
birds. It feeds upon palm fruit.

Listen to the sound of a Macaw

The Nightingales lives in England and is
famous the world over for its song. Its peculiarity is
that it sings in the night when flying.

Listen to the sound of a Nightingale

The Ostrich is the largest bird known. It is
raised for its long, curly plumes, which are dyed of
every color and used to trim ladies' hats.

Listen to the sound of an Ostrich

The Paradise Bird is named from the splendor
of its plumage. It is the most gorgeous of the
feathered tribe living in the East Indies.

Listen to the sound of a Paradise Bird

The Quail is found both in Europe and
America, and is prized as a game bird. In spring and
summer, it makes a clear, musical whistle.

Listen to the sound of a Quail

The Robin is seen any summer's day feeding on
our lawn. He is friendly to men, and should not be
frightened or hurt to drive him away.

Listen to the sound of a Robin

The Spoonbill is nearly pure white. Its bill is
long and broad, whence its name. It wades in the
water to catch fish for food.

Listen to the sound of a Spoonbill

The Tailor Bird is noted for its peculiar nest,
which is made of one or two leaves sewed so as to for
a bag. It uses its bill for a needle.

Listen to the sound of a Tailor Bird

The Vulture is ten feet across its wings. It feeds
on the bodies of dead animals.

Listen to the sound of a Vulture

The Woodcock is much sought by the
sportsmen of England and America. It catches
worms by running its long bill into the soft ground.

Listen to the sound of a Woodcock

The Xanthornis or Bobolink, varies much in
color, according to age. Its nest is made of long
grasses woven into a purse-like form.

Listen to the sound of a Xanthornis

The Yellowhammer is an English bird,
different from our own. Its sad cry causes it to be
feared and hated by many people.

Listen to the sound of a Yellowhammer

The Ouzel is often hunted with falcons, and is
said to afford fine sport, as, by its quick motions it is
able to lead the hawk a long chase.

Listen to the sound of an Ouzel

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