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A Semi-detailed Lesson Plan

in Grade 7- Avengers
8:20 a.m. -9:10 a.m.

Ms. Cristine C. Dumali February 12, 2018

English Teacher


At the end of the lesson, 80 % of the students are expected to:

a. identify appropriate coordinating conjunctions used in a sentence
b. appreciate the functions of coordinating conjunctions through
c. construct sentences using coordinating conjunctions
d. perform a short story telling using coordinating conjunctions


A. Topic: Coordinating Conjunctions

B. References: www. , Prentice Hall Grammar
and Composition pages 68-69.

C. Materials: Strips of Paper, Manila Paper, Pair of Scissors, Visual

Aids, Worksheets, White Tapes, Puzzle, Envelops and
D. Values Integration: Honesty and Environmental Awareness


A. Preliminary Activities
 Prayer
 Greetings
 Checking of Attendance
 Review

B. Motivation
 Group the students into three groups.
 In each group, distribute 1 envelop that contains a puzzle.
 Each group will be given 1 Manila paper, 1 pair of scissors and 1
white tape.
 The students should complete the puzzle within 2 minutes and
all puzzles will be posted on the board.
 The puzzles should be a complete picture of the following.
 Wi-fi Connection
 Charger with connector
 Bridge
 Then, the teacher asks questions and process the activity.
C. Presentation

 What are coordinating conjunctions?

 Coordinating conjunctions are called coordinators or connectors
that join or coordinate two or more words, phrases, and clauses.
 The following are coordinating conjunctions.

F- for A- and N- nor B- but O- 0r Y- yet S- so


1. For- explains reason or purpose

Reason: I hate to waste a drop of gas, for it is very
expensive these days.

Purpose: I have to study hard, for me to pass the exam.

2. And- adds one thing to another
Example: His two favorite subjects are Math and Science.
I like football, and I like hockey.
3. But- shows contrast
Example: Carla wanted to join the contest, but her
parents refused.
4. Or- presents an alternative or choice
Example: Anna wanted to be a nurse or teacher someday.
5. So- indicates effect, result or consequences
Effect: Ramil was cold, so he put on a coat.
Result: I did not clean the room, so my mother got angry.


 Coordinating conjunctions join equals to one another.
a. word to word
Example: Most students like to read novels and fiction.
b. phrase to phrase
Example: The coin is hidden at the box or at the pocket.
c. clause to clause
Example: what you say and what you do are two
different things.

 Punctuations with coordinating Conjunctions

a. When coordinating conjunctions join two words, phrases, or

subordinate clause, no comma should be placed before the
b. When coordinating conjunctions join three or more words,
phrases, or subordinate clauses, requires a comma between
the elements.
Words: peanut, cookies, and milk
Phrases: in the mountains, at the beach, or by the
Clauses: What you do, What you say, and what you think

c. When coordinating conjunctions joining two independent

clauses and creates a compound sentence, it requires a
comma before the coordinating conjunctions.
Examples: Ryan ate all the peanuts, so Philip ate the

D. Activity

 Group the students into two groups.

 Instruct them to form a circle.
 Each group will be given strips of paper.
 The strips of paper contain the following words:
 Car
 Mirror
 Flower
 Knife
 Dancing Shoes
 Doll
 The students will compose their own story based on the word that they
have picked.
 The story starts from the first member of the group and ends with the
last member of the group.
 Then, they will be given 2 minutes to finish their own story.
 The students will be graded using the given criteria below.

Criteria Points Score

Use of Coordinating 40 %
Usage of Grammar

Clarity 35%

25 %
Relevance to the
Total 100 %

 Giving scores, comments, reactions and suggestions will follow.

E. Analysis

 The teacher gives strips of paper written the functions of FABOS

among the students.
 Then, they will locate its functions.
 Another strip of paper will be given. The students will construct their
own sentences in each coordinating conjunction.
 They will complete the table below.

Coordinating Function Sample of Sentence


F. Abstraction

 What are coordinating Conjunctions?

 What are their functions?
 Give the acronym for coordinating conjunctions.
 Give examples of sentences with the use of coordinating conjunctions.

G. Application

 Having the same group of students in the first activity, assign a

picture in each group and instruct them to construct sentences
based on the given picture using coordinating conjunctions
either 3 from FABOS.
 They will be given 10 minutes to finish the task.
 The pictures assigned in each group are about air pollution,
water pollution and land pollution.

 The sentences should be in accordance with the causes, effects,

and prevention regarding their assigned pictures.
 Their output should be written in Manila paper and should be
posted on the board.

 The teacher gives worksheet among students.

 Then, the teacher gives them 10 minutes to finish the task.
DIRECTION: Complete the sentences by choosing the appropriate
coordinating conjunction for each space.

1. Carla tried to read a novel in French, ______ it was too difficult.

2. To get from Davao to Manila, you can fly, ______ you can ride a
3. I bought a bottle of wine, _______ we drank it together.
4. The waiter was not very nice, _______ the food was delicious.
5. I went to mall to buy a CD, _______ the shop didn’t have it.
6. Anna needs some money, ______ she took a part-time job.
7. Brena has a guitar, ______ she plays it really well.
8. The concert was cancelled, _____ we went to a night club instead.
9. I have no money, _____ I keep on shopping.
10. I don’t like to waste water, _____it is so hot today.

Answer Key:
1. but 6. so
2. or 7. and
3. and 8. so
4. but 9. but
5. but 10. for


 Construct 2 paragraphs with 10 sentences.

 Use coordinating conjunctions in constructing your paragraph.
 You can choose your own topic below.

a. Peace
b. War
c. Freedom
 Write your paragraph in a 1 whole sheet of paper.
 You will be graded using the criteria below.

Cohesiveness------------------- 40 %
Use of Coordinating Conjunction/ --------35 %
Grammatical Correctness
Relevance to the theme----------------- 20 %
Neatness -------------------------------- 5 %
Total------------------------------100 %

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