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Letter of Introduction

To whom it may concern,

My name is Brandy Williams I am 18 years old and

attend Riverdale high school my desire is to become a
family litigations lawyer, in preparation I council my fellow
classmates and family.I listen to them,understand
who,wh,and what their motives are,and giving them
wisdom so they can come up with a decision that benefits
them.I then represent,support, and encourage them on
whatever they decide.Equipping my peers with sound
doctrine is my passion.Over the years I learned to become
considerate of others afflictions,feelings,decision making,
and ideologies to comprehend their behavior.Studying
family la taught me awareness of others lives being good
or bad learning others miss fortunes, unresolved issues,
domestic matters.It has shown me how to manage future
clients situations.My role as a family litigation lawyer is to
negotiate contracts,pleadings,and other legal documents
to litigate contested matters, council clients on their legal
rights and options to resolve disputes.

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