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De/Reconstructing Your Strengths

Critical Reflection Exercise #2

Madison Schaefer

Loyola University Chicago


I have always enjoyed learning about myself in any way that I can and personality tests,

like the StrengthsFinder, are no exception. My five strengths are Discipline, Learner,

Communication, Focus, and Woo and I see parts of myself in each one. However, in discussing

these results, I was not aware of the many questions surrounding the accuracy and reliability of

the StrengthsFinder. I found deconstructing this theory rather difficult as I feel my results are a

fairly accurate representation of myself. What could possibly be wrong with a test that simply

informs someone of their best attributes and how they can be applied to the world? Conversely,

when considering the tools of deconstruction, it is easy to see that many are at play.

Commodification is applicable as this is a company that makes money from telling people what

is great about them without providing statistical facts to prove its relevancy. Willful blindness is

also it pertinent because it urges people to relinquish their weaknesses and recognize only their

strengths. Although, when reconstructing, if we cultivate agency and identify our strengths, we

bolster our efficacy. By also striving to build unity among those who we acknowledge have

different strengths than us, we can disrupt the hegemonic norms of society and form interest

convergence. Although it was initially challenging to deconstruct the StrengthsFinder,

reconstructing it gave me a greater perspective which has encouraged me to remain

conscientious of everyone’s differing stocks of knowledge and how it could affect their

perception of the StrengthsFinder in a potentially negative way.

After deconstructing and reconstructing the StrengthsFinder, I have become more aware

of my implicit biases. In engaging with this theory, I automatically assumed that it is a universal

test that applies to everyone. However, Dugan discusses in Chapter 4 that the strength of

Activator cannot pertain to students of color and by taking the StrengthsFinder, colored people

are involved in hegemony, probably without even realizing it (Dugan, 2017, p. 102). This idea

helped me grasp the importance of my social location, even concerning something as seemingly

positive and innocent as a personality test. Being a majority race and growing up with a decent

amount of privilege, I must take extra care in considering how hegemonic norms could be at play

in all experiences of my life. Similarly, this activity has lead me to a better understanding of how

the context and social constructions of a situation can leave a lasting impact on society.

StrengthsFinder is a platform that businesses use globally and one’s results could be a reason to

get a job or not. However, Gallup does not release any statistical support in attempt to prove its

accuracy. Instead, organizations have ignored this lack of evidence and socially constructed the

StrengthsFinder to simply be an efficient tool to find someone who is the right fit for a position

being sought to fill. We do not challenge social constructions because we are often unaware that

they are in fact socially constructed. It was valuable for me to learn that social constructions can

be anywhere, even places I am not looking.

Although it was initially difficult, I have gained a lot from deconstructing and

reconstructing strengths-based leadership. A benefit to doing so is addressing how strengths-

based leadership completely ignores the idea that people have weaknesses. I believe that in order

to be the best leader possible, one must bolster their strengths but also recognize their

weaknesses. Although I do not think that it is always necessary, or possible, to work on or fix

one’s weaknesses, a person cannot reach their full potential without acknowledging their flaws.

However, since this theory encourages one to only learn the best parts of themselves, that is the

only part they will focus on, leaving a disconnect in understanding oneself. Likewise, if a person

is only aware of their strengths, they will often overcompensate these characteristics as they

believe they are simply putting their best selves forward. Nonetheless, too much of a good thing

can lead to a bad thing because overemphasized strengths can easily turn into weaknesses. For

instance, if I over-used my strength of Discipline, I would likely become excessively controlling

and autonomous, causing exclusion among my colleagues without acknowledging it. However, it

is also beneficial to recognize the notion that everyone has diverse strengths in life. It is

important to remain cognizant to that idea because all people will go about life in a different way

than myself personally and that does not necessarily mean it is wrong.

As previously stated throughout my reflection, I initially found it arduous to deconstruct

the StrengthsFinder as it is so widely used and I deemed it to be an accurate representation of

myself. I am a strong believer in taking any step possible to better understand myself and I saw

the StrengthsFinder as an excellent avenue to do so. This leads me to address why I may have

struggled with this process. It is human nature and part of our ego to withstand judgement

regarding the things we love simply because no one ever wants to admit they are wrong. This

explains why humans experience cognitive dissonance in attempt to justify being blatantly

incorrect. It is also difficult to pick apart an idea that is so widely accepted as the ultimate truth

preached by a company that is earning a solid amount of revenue for this testimony. Because of

these ideas, I blindly succumbed to hegemonic views regarding the StrengthsFinder. Often once

we are exposed to hegemony, we turn a blind eye to it because we do not want to admit that we

are pawns in the ideology of society. However, by deconstructing these ideas, we are admitting

to our faults head on. It is sometimes challenging for me to foresee how much of an impact I can

truly make, individually, in countering ideology and hegemony. Yet, in deconstructing ideas I

hold dear, I can inspire and encourage others to do the same.



Dugan, J. P. (2017). Leadership theory: cultivating critical perspectives. San Francisco, CA:


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