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Methods of Research

In this chapter, the methods and flow of the research that the researchers used in

constructing the system is discussed. The data gathered by the researchers were

strictly reviewed to provide information that will help the study.

Population of the Study

The researcher’s main concern is to create a system that will provide a solution

to the slow and manual attendance monitoring system. The researchers conduct

interviews and surveys to the members of the faculty. Slovin’s formula is a formula used

to determine and get the sample size from the total population. It is commonly used if

the researcher has no idea about the population.

Sample size

It is part of the population that helps us to draw inferences about the population.

Course Male Female

BEED 7 46


BSED SOC. SCI. 20 28

BSBA 40 90

BSCS 50 27

ADMIN 8 11

TOTAL 147 262

Sampling technique

Stratified sampling is a process used in market research that involves dividing

the population of interest into smaller groups, called strata. Samples are then pulled

from these strata, and analysis is performed to make inferences about the greater

population of interest.

In order to fully understand stratified sampling, it’s important to be confident in your

understanding of probability sampling, which leverages random sampling techniques to

create a sample.

Description of Respondents

The respondents of our study are the selected students, staff, and parents of

PRMSU-Castillejos Campus. We have a total of 55 respondents. They are described

according to their demographic profile such as gender (male and female), course

(Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Bachelor of Science in Business

Administration, Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Social Study, Bachelor of

Secondary Education Major in English), parent (male and female ), and experts

(instructor and admin staff). They answered the questionnaire that we gave to them

which supply the information that we need.

Research Instruments

One of the most important components of a research design is the research

instruments, because they gather or collect data or instruction. These research

instruments or tools are ways of gathering data. Without them, data would be possible

to put in hand. It includes Survey Questionnaires, Interview and Observation.


The survey questionnaire is a type of data gathering method that is utilized to

collect, analyze and interpret the different views of a group of people from a particular


Internet Research

Internet research is a practice of using internet to gather information, usually free

information. This is the easiest way to find information about the researchers study.

Some information cannot be gathered in libraries and with the help of the internet, the

researchers will look for published foreign studies. It will also provide some information

that can expand their knowledge about their study.


Interview is the verbal conversation between two people with the objective of

collecting relevant information for the purpose of research. The interviewer asks

questions to which the interviewee responds, usually so information may be transferred

from interviewee to interviewer. Interviews are particularly useful for getting the story

behind a participant's experiences.


Observation is a systematic data collection approach. Observation is an active

acquisition of information from a primary source. In living beings, observation employs

the senses.

Data-Gathering Procedure

Before the researchers started with the study, they acquired a certain title to be

discussed in it. After the title was approved, the researchers went to the client to let

them sign the acceptance form which will serve as a document and proof that they have

agreed to became the client for the study. They requested to take an interview and to let

them have a copy of some documents that can be useful for the study. Then, they

constructed interview questions and conducted an initial interview with the person in

charge in the Office of the President to know the exact flow of the process and other

data needed for the study. This is to gather information that will serve as a guide on how

the researchers can develop the system that will support the needs of the client. But not

all the information needed can be acquired in that office. Their adviser instructed the

researchers to interview the persons in the office of the Registrar,

to acquire additional information. So, the researchers created another set of letters to

be able to take another interview and another set of documents. Then, the researchers

visited different libraries to seek information that can help them to support and gain
extra knowledge about on how they can develop their system. They also explore the

internet because not all information can be found in the libraries.

Statistical Treatment of Data

To quantitatively interpret the result of the study' the following statistical tools

used by the researchers are Percentage, weighted mean, and Pearson’s product

moment Coefficient of correlation.

Percentage - was utilized to determine the quantitative relations for the whole

respondents as shown below:

P = f = 100


P = percentage

f = for the frequency counts

N = the overall population

For the statement of the problem

Weighted Mean - is used to get the average of the overall respondents from the

tabulated data distribution. Statically calculated, as shown below:


X = X-bar; mean n

∑ = the Greek letter sigma: summation

X = scores

N = number of scores

To answer partially the statement of the problem number 4

Pearson’s Product Moment Coefficient of Correlation – r is used to measure

the strength of a linear association between the two variables. As shown below:


n = sample size

∑xy = sum of the product of x and y

∑x ∑y = product of the sum of x and y

∑y2 = sum of squares of y

∑x2 = sum of squares of x

∑x = sum of x

∑y = sum of y

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