Research Proposal-Michael Karwowski 1

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Karwowski 1

Michael Karwowski

Professor Cynthia Richardson

English Composition 2

21 January 2019

The pros and cons of working out for your mental health

I choose this research question because I have a passion for fitness. I have found that

working out has changed my life and I use it as a stress reliever every day. I have heard lots of

people talk about how much it helps them deal with stress too. There is nothing better than the

feeling that you get after finishing a tough workout. It seems like there are a lot of people in this

world that are just unhappy with their life. By working out, they can change the way they look

and get more confidence. Working out could also affect someone's mental health in a negative

way. If you are not seeing results with your body, that could cause depression. I want to create a

essay that talks about the pros and cons of what working out on a regular basis does for you


This topic is very interesting to me because lifting weights is one of my favorite things to

do. Also, I feel that this topic is not talked about a lot but so many people in this world exercise.

I think that this topic will be fun to write about because I can get personal with it. I believe that

this topic is very important because everyone knows that exercising has physical benefits but not

everybody knows the benefits mentally to working out. I also believe that exercising can affect

you in a positive and a negative way. I know there is large amounts of research out there about

my topic and it will be easy to write a long essay that is interesting all the way through. I also

know there are statists out there about how working out can be bad for you mentally.
Karwowski 2

I still need to know how exactly working out can be bad for you mentally. I need to know

the volume of exercise it takes for it to be bad for you. I need to know all of the strange benefits

working out can have on you. I will not be biased in my essay even though I love to work out. I

will try and look at it from a point of view where I am a average person trying to figure out if Ii

should work out or not. My research questions will be “How would a person’s mental health

increase if they worked out regularly? Also, “Why can working out too much have a negative

affect on you mentally? Overall, I feel that working out on a regular basis can overall improve

your mental health.

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