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Answer all the questions in the space provided. Total: 50 marks

1. Table 1 shows four substances and their chemical formulae.

Substances Chemical formula
Argon Ar
Bromine Br2
Naphthalene C10H8
Sodium chloride NaCl

Table 1

a. Based on Table 1,
i. State one substance which exists as atom.

[1 mark]
ii. Which substance has the highest melting point?

[1 mark]
iii. What is the physical state of bromine at room conditions?

[1 mark]
iv. Sodium chloride cannot conduct electricity in solid state but can conduct electricity in aqueous
solution. Explain why.

[2 marks]
v. Why is argon an unreactive element?

[2 marks]

b. Diagram 1 shows the graph of temperature against time when liquid naphthalene is cooled.

Diagram 1

Based on Diagram 1,

i. State the freezing point of naphthalene.

[1 mark]
ii. Why is there no change in temperature from R to Q?

[1 mark]
iii. What are the states of matter from R to Q?

[1 mark]

2. Table 2 shows the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons present in atom Q and atom X. The letters
used are not actual symbols of the atoms.

Atom Number of protons Number of neutrons Number of electrons

Q 11 12 11
X 17 18 17

Table 2
a. What is the term used to describe “the total number of protons and neutrons” in an atom?

[1 mark]
b. Name the two subatomic particles present in the nucleus of an atom.

[2 marks]
c. Draw the electron configuration for the ion of Q.

[2 marks]

d. Atom Y is an isotope of atom X.

i. State the number of protons in atom Y.

[1 mark]
ii. Atom X and atom Y show the same chemical properties. Explain why.

[1 mark]
e. Element X has a boiling point of -34.0 °C.
i. Predict the physical state of element X at room temperature.

[1 mark]

ii. Based on the kinetic theory of matter, describe the arrangement and movement of particles of
element X at room temperature.
Arrangement of particles :
Movement of particles :
[2 marks]
3. Diagram 2 shows the standard representation of two isotopes of carbon atoms.

12 14
6C 6C

Diagram 2
a. State the meaning of isotope.
[1 mark]
b. Based on Diagram 2
i. Determine the number of electrons and neutrons in the table below.

12 14
6C 6C

Number of electrons

Number of neutrons

[2 marks]
ii. State one use of 6C in our daily life.

[1 mark]

c. P is a substance that has a melting point of 51 °C and a boiling point of 305 °C.
i. Sketch a graph of temperature against time when substance P is heated from 30 °C to 90 °C.

[2 marks]

ii. When substance P is cooled, the temperature decreases and becomes constant at one stage and
then decreases again.
Predict the constant temperature.

[2 marks]
Explain why the temperature is constant at that stage.

[2 marks]

4. Diagram 3 shows the symbols of the atoms of element U, V and W. The letters used are not the actual
symbols of the elements.

7 23 32
3U 11V 16W

Diagram 3
a. U and V are Group 1 elements in the Periodic Table.
i. State the number of valence electrons in the atoms of element U.

[1 mark]
ii. What is the physical state of U at room conditions?

[1 mark]
b. Going down Group 1, the reactivity of the elements increases, U and V react with water to produce
metal hydroxide solution and hydrogen gas.
i. Which element, U or V reacts more vigorously with water?

[1 mark]
ii. Based on the answer in (b) (i), write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction.

[2 marks]
c. Write the electron arrangement for the atom of element W.

[1 mark]
d. Based on the electron arrangement in (c), identify the period atom W is placed in the periodic table.

[1 mark]
e. Give one reason for the answer in (e).

[1 mark]
f. V and W are placed in the same period in the Periodic Table.
i. Which element, V or W has the smaller atomic size?

[1 mark]
ii. State one reason for the answer in (f) (i).

[1 mark]

5. Diagram 4 shows part of the Periodic Table of Elements

Diagram 4

Based on Diagram 4,

a. What is the basic principle used in arranging the elements in the Periodic Table of Elements?

[1 mark]

b. State two elements that are placed in the same period.

[1 mark]
c. Write the electron configuration for chlorine atom.

[1 mark]
d. Draw the electron configuration of the magnesium atom.

[2 marks]

e. Table 3 shows the electron arrangements of atoms of elements T, Q and R. All three elements are
located in the same group in the Periodic Table of Elements.

Atom Electron arrangement

T 2.1
Q ………

Table 3

i. State the group for the elements.

[1 mark]
ii. Give one reason for your answer in (e) (i).

[1 mark]

iii. Q is located between T and R of the same group in the Periodic Table of Elements.
Write the electron arrangement for the atom of Q.

[1 mark]
iv. Explain why element R is more reactive than element Q.

[2 marks]


Prepared by, Checked by,

Renu Sekaran Pn Lily Diana Mohammed Sali

Subject Teacher HOD of Science & Mathematics

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