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As the years pass by, wastes become more and more of a danger rather than a

problem worldwide. In spite of the fact that humankind only has 25% of land in their

possession, they continue to belittle it by ignoring the signs of the Earth’s almost-

inevitable destruction. They add fuel to the flame by burning their wastes, carelessly

scattering it, and not discarding it properly.

Countries such as the United States and Canada pass their wastes to other

countries like a baton, racing to give away their responsibilities. If they don’t pass their

garbage to them, then these wastes end up in the ocean. The fact that a plastic “island”

exists in the Pacific Ocean merely supports that humankind is responsible for what the

world is now. Of course, there exists the possibility—small, but somehow manageable—

that humankind can restore the Earth to its former state. The natural resources that

humankind has abused will slowly nurture itself with the aid of the same ones who

destroyed them.

Famous cities like Davao and Manila are some of the centers of attraction in the

Philippines. One of the effects of their popularity is the increase of the cities’ population.

Increase of population results in the increase of air and water pollution. Unfortunately, this

only worsens the now-common respiratory diseases. People who are exposed to these

factors are usually the laborers—the workers who will improve the economical state of

the Philippines. Naturally, this will reduce the competence of the workers.
General Santos City, also known as the Tuna Capital of the Philippines, prides its

fishing industry. The destruction of the marine environment will be the downfall of the city.

Polluted waters cannot be the habitat of any marine animal. In order to avoid this, we

must cease encouraging useless waste proposals and instead do something to put a stop

to this once and for all.

Our group has thought of a solution to this problem regarding wastes. We have

thought of making floor covering out of durian husks. Hence, durian husks are made up

of 9.24% of (volatile matter) moisture content, 4.34% of ash content, and 6.43% of fixed

carbon. These durian husks, which are left to rot, will be the key to our research study.

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