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Conversation Starters
Achieving goals can make the difference between success and failure. Use the English
questions below to start conversations on goals and goal-setting.

1. Do you usually have clear goals that you want to achieve?

2. What is your biggest goal for the near future?
3. What do you hope to achieve in the next ten years?
4. Have you ever tried writing down your goals? (Some people say writing down your
goals will help make you successful!)
5. Do you have any big "life goals"? What are they?

Discussion Questions
Now try to have longer conversations about goals using the open-ended questions
below. If you do not have a conversation partner, think of your own answers in English,
using complete sentences.

1. What are some disadvantages of setting specific goals? Try to think of several
2. What is your biggest goal in life? Why is that your biggest goal?
3. What are the different goals that women and men might have?

Page 1

Conversation Starters
Have interesting English conversations about friends and friendship using the questions
below as a starting point.

1. What do you like to do with your friends?

2. What are some things you like most about your friends?
3. Do you have any childhood friendships that are still strong today?
4. Do you have any long distance friends? How do you keep in touch?
5. Do you make friends easily?
6. Have you made a friend on the Internet? How did you meet that friend?

Discussion Questions
Now have longer conversations with these open-ended questions about friends. Listen
carefully to your partner's answers then use those answers to come up with good
follow-up questions.

1. Can you give any suggestions for making new friends when you start a new job or
move to a new neighborhood?
2. How are your friendships different now than they were when you were a child?
3. Do you have any suggestions for keeping good friends?
4. Why do some friendships fall apart? (Think of various possible reasons.)
5. An English proverb says, "A friend in need is a friend indeed." Do you agree or
disagree? Explain
6. What qualities are most important in a friend? Do you have all of these

Page 2

Conversation Starters
Talk about all kinds of family issues using these English conversation starters. If you
think of any other questions, don't hesitate to ask those, too. The main thing is to
practice speaking English, so go to it!

1. Do you have a large family or a small family?

2. Do you have a big "extended family" (including aunts, uncles and cousins)?
3. Do you resemble (look like) one of your parents or grandparents?
4. What do your parents do?
5. How many children does the average family have in your country?
6. How well do you get along with your brothers and sisters?
7. Does your family ever push you to do things or act in a certain way?
8. Who makes the big decisions in your family?
9. What are some rules you have in your family?
10. What are some activities that your family does together?

Discussion Questions
Now talk about more serious questions about families. As always, be sure to ask follow-
up questions as the conversation moves forward. If you don't have a conversation
partner, think about how you might answer using complete sentences.

1. Where do you think the best place to raise a family is? Why?
2. Are the roles of men and women in the family changing? How?
3. What are some common problems that families have? How can these problems be
4. In very serious cases, would you consider going to a family counselor for help?

Page 3

Conversation Starters
Here's a fun topic – entertainment! Jump into a conversation starting with the questions
below and have fun!

1. What is your favorite form of entertainment?

2. What do you think of these forms of entertainment: music, comedy, live theater,
TV, sports, traveling, going to bars (pubs), having parties at home, gambling and
3. What kinds of TV programs are most popular in your country?
4. What is your favorite kind of TV program or movie? (love stories, adventure stories,
mysteries, comedies, documentaries, game shows, horror)
5. Do you have a favorite singer or movie star?

Discussion Questions
Now try to think a bit more seriously about entertainment. Use the questions below to
have deeper English conversations.

1. Why are movies such popular entertainment? Try to give specific reasons.
("Because they're interesting" is not good enough!)
2. In your opinion, which kinds of TV programs are a waste of time? (love stories,
adventure stories, mysteries, comedies, documentaries, game shows, horror)
Explain your answer!
3. Describe some popular games in your country. Why are they popular?
4. Who is the funniest comedian in your country. Can you describe his or her style?
Why is he or she funny?
5. Who is the most famous singer in your country. Can you describe one of his or
her songs?

Page 4

Education is one of my favorite topics because I'm a teacher! I hope you can have
many interesting and useful English conversations starting with the questions below. If
you don't have a partner, think about how you would answer these questions using
complete sentences.

1. At what age do children start to go to school in your country?

2. Is education mandatory (children MUST go to school) in your country? If so,
until what age?
3. Are most schools coeducational (boys and girls study together) in your country?
4. What did you like to study most in your school days? Why?
5. Did you have to do a lot of homework when you were a student?
6. What makes a "good student"?
7. What makes a "good teacher"?
8. Do you think your education was helpful to you? Why or why not?

Discussion Questions
Now have deeper discussion using the questions below. Maybe you can even solve
some of the world's education problems. Good luck!

1. How do you think education could be improved in your country?

2. Do you think education should be free? Why or why not?
3. In your opinion, what is the most important aspect of education?
4. Why do some children have trouble doing schoolwork? How can we help them?
5. Do you think teachers get paid enough? How much should they be paid?
6. Do you think language education could be improved? If no, why not? If yes, how
could it be improved?
7. Which do you think is more valuable, the experience we get on the job or in
society or the theoretical knowledge we learn in schools?

Page 5

Here's another serious conversation topic. You can get a lot of speaking practice by
asking good follow-up questions, so don't worry if you don't answer all of these

1. Do you know anyone who has gotten divorced?

2. Is divorce increasing in your country?
3. Why do you think there is more divorce in some countries than in others?
4. What are the main causes of divorce, in your opinion?
5. Do you think unhappy couples who are parents should stay together "for the
6. What do you think the effect of divorce is on children?
7. Would you date someone who has already been married and divorced?

Discussion Questions
Now come the tougher discussion questions! Take your time in answering and you will
have great English conversations!

1. What can married couples do to try to avoid a divorce?

2. Do you think marriage counseling can help unhappy couples stay together? Why
or why not?
3. Would you ever consider getting a divorce or would you stay married "til death
do you part"?
4. How should a couple's belongings be divided after a divorce? Should it be 50-50,
or should the wife get more?
5. Do you think divorce would be less common if couples lived together before

Page 6

The topic of dreams can lead to some fascinating English conversations! As usual, start
with the questions below.

1. Do you usually remember your dreams? Describe one or two.

2. What was the best dream you have ever had?
3. What was the worst dream you have ever had?
4. Do you have any dream that is recurring? (That comes back often.) What might
it mean?
5. Do you usually dream in color or only in black and white?
6. Have you ever dreamt in English? What were you dreaming about?

Discussion Questions
Now come the tougher discussion questions about dreams and dreaming! Take your
time in answering and you will have great English conversations!

1. Do you think dreams have very special, hidden meanings, or are they just random
2. Do you believe dreams can help us predict the future? Why or why not?
3. In your opinion, is it possible to control our dreams? Can we decide in advance
what we will dream about?

Page 7

Here's a very interesting conversation topic – dating! Whether you have been on many
dates or are still waiting for your first one, you can have fun English conversations
starting with the questions below.

1. At what age do young people start dating in your country?

2. At what age did you go on your first date?
3. What kind of person would you like to date? Describe appearance, personality
and character.
4. Do young people in your country "go Dutch" (each person pays separately) or
does the boy pay?
5. Do young people in your country go on "blind dates"? (When two people on a date
have never met before.)
6. Would you like to go on a blind date? Why or why not?
7. What was the most interesting or memorable date you've ever been on?

Discussion Questions
A lot of tough decisions go into dating – who to date, where to go, what to talk about,
and more. Of course, this leads to even more interesting English conversations! Use the
questions below to get your conversation partner to think more deeply about the topic
of dating.

1. What do you think the perfect date would be like?

2. What are the best activities for a date, besides the obvious "dinner and a
3. Do you think people can know they are in love with someone after the first date?
4. Should dating be taken very seriously or can it be "just for fun"?
5. What can you do to make a boring date more fun?
6. What kind of person would it be the most fun to go on a date with?
7. What do people do differently on a date than at other times?
8. How long should it take (very generally!) for dating to turn into a relationship?
9. Do you think age difference is important when dating? Why or why not?

Page 8

Crime, and how to prevent it, is a very serious topic. Think carefully about the questions
below and how you can answer them in English. If you have a conversation with a
partner, be sure to listen carefully to his or her answers, then ask good follow-up

1. Is there a lot of crime near where you live?

2. Are there any parts of your city or town where it is too dangerous to walk alone
at night?
3. Do you always lock your house or apartment at night?
4. What are the most common crimes in your country?
5. Is there "organized crime" (criminal gangs) in your country?
6. What is the punishment for murder in your country?
7. Do you know anyone who has been the victim of a crime? Tell us about it.
8. Have there been any famous crimes in the news recently?

Discussion Questions
These discussion questions will make you think harder in English! Try to explain what
some solutions are to the problem of crime.

1. What are some of the main causes of crime?

2. What can be the government do to try to reduce crime?
3. Is there anything we as individuals can do to reduce crime?
4. Do you think there it is helpful for policemen to carry guns? Why or why not?
5. Do you think capital punishment (the death penalty) is helpful in reducing crime?
Why or why not?
6. Can you guess whether there will be more or less crime in the future? Why do
you think that?

Page 9

Creativity is not an easy topic to discuss in English so there are only a few questions
here. Take your time in answering and continue your discussion with careful follow-up

1. Do you think you are a creative person?

2. Can you give examples how you are, or are not, creative?
3. Were you more creative as a child or are you more creative now?
4. What are some things that creative people can do well?
5. Who is the most creative person you know? What kind of things does he or she

Discussion Questions
Here are a few more thoughtful questions about creativity. Remember, there are no
"right" or "wrong" answers, just practice expressing your opinions in English!

1. Do you think it's possible to teach people how to be more creative?

2. What do you think is the true value of creativity in our society?
3. Do you think the number of creative people in the world is increasing or

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Topic 11
Talking about computers in English

Computers are becoming more and more common at work and at home. Use the
questions below to talk about computers in English.

1. Do you have your own computer or do you only use the computer at work or
2. Can you remember the first time you used a computer?
3. How often do you use the Internet?
4. What kind of websites do you visit most often?
5. Do you ever do "live chat", either with text of voice?
6. Would you rather use a desktop computer or a laptop?
7. What software do you use most often?
8. Which of these activities do you most often do with your computer – listen to
music, watch videos, play games, chat with friends, read the news, send email, or
edit photos?

Discussion Questions
Use the questions below to have longer English conversations on the topic of
computers. Try to keep the conversation going!

1. Do you consider yourself to be "computer literate"?

2. Do your parents or grandparents use computers?
3. What do you think computers will be used for in the future?
4. Do you think computers will ever "take over" the world?
5. Do you have your own web page or blog? If yes, describe it. If no, would you like
one in the future?
6. What are some good and bad things about using a computer every day?
7. Does having a computer help make your life easier or does it make your life more
complicated? Explain.

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Topic 12
Talking about cigarettes in English

People all over the world smoke cigarettes. Some smoke one or two per day, some
smoke a whole pack or two per day. (They would be called "chain smokers".) Talk with
your partner about this common behavior, using the questions below. If you don't have
a conversation partner, try to come up with your own answers using complete English

1. Why do so many people smoke cigarettes?

2. Do you know anyone who smokes too much?
3. Do you smoke or have you ever tried smoking?
4. Do you know anyone who smokes a pipe?
5. Do you know anyone who smokes cigars? (a kind of very big, fat cigarette)

Discussion Questions
Use the English questions below to have longer conversations about cigarettes and

1. Why do you think that tobacco (the leaves inside cigarettes) is legal?
2. Do you think cigarettes should be made illegal? If yes, what should the
punishment be?
3. Do you think smoking should be banned in all bars and restaurants? Why or why
4. What advice can you give to someone who wants to stop smoking?
5. Do you think there are any advantages to smoking?

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Topic 13

In many countries, a person's birthday is one of the biggest days of the year. Discuss
birthdays in English, starting with the questions below.

1. In which month is your birthday?

2. How do you celebrate your birthday?
3. Are birthday cakes a tradition in your country?
4.Generally, how are birthdays celebrated in your country?
5. Have you ever been to a "surprise party"? Do you think such parties are

Discussion Questions
Discuss your opinions about birthdays using the questions below or think of your own
English questions.

1. What is the best birthday present you have ever received? Why?
2. Do you think we should celebrate birthdays with a party? Why or why not?
3. Do you think your date of birth can affect your personality?

Page 13

Alcohol is the most common "drug" in the world. It comes in many forms – beer, wine,
along with whiskey and other "hard" liquors. Some people drink alcohol every day,
others never drink it even once in their whole lives. Discuss drinking (or not drinking)
alcohol with your partner, starting with the questions below. If you are studying by
yourself, think about how you would answer these questions, using full sentences as
much as possible.

1. Do you like to drink alcohol? Why or why not?

2. Do you think alcohol is addictive?
3. Do you know how much alcohol is in beer?
4. Do you know how much alcohol is in whiskey?
5. Do you know anyone who is an alcoholic? (a person who drinks too much)

Discussion Questions
Here are more challenging questions on the topic of alcohol. Ask these questions to
your friends and be ready to continue the conversation by asking follow up questions.

1. How can someone stop being an alcoholic?

2. Do you think we should try to make alcohol illegal? What might be the result if
we did?
3. Why do some people drink too much alcohol?
4. Do you think alcohol is the same as a drug?
5. At what age should it be legal to drink alcohol?

Page 14

In today's world there are so many things that might annoy us. There's so much traffic,
so many people in our cities, so much noise all around us. In addition, we are busy with
our work and with our families. Have a discussion in English using the questions below
as a starting point. If you are studying by yourself, think about how you would answer
these questions, using full sentences as much as possible.

1. What are some things that can annoy you?

2. Are you annoyed more by noisy things or by inconvenient things?
3. Do people who are impolite bother you?
4. Does it annoy you when shop assistants try to sell you something that you don't
5. How do you feel when someone cuts in front of you in a line (a queue)?
6. Are you annoyed when someone interrupts you while you are speaking?

Here are more challenging questions on the topic of annoyances. Ask these questions
to your friends and be ready to continue the conversation by asking follow up

1. Do you think we are so busy in today's world that small things annoy us more than
in the past?
2. What can we do to deal with so many annoyances in today's world?
3. What is the most annoying thing you have to deal with at work? What can you do
about it?
4. What annoys you most about learning English? Is it verb tenses, or articles, or
something else?
5. Do you know anyone who is annoyed quite often? What advice could you give such
a person?

Page 15

Life can sometimes be rather boring. We need more adventure, whether real or in our
imaginations! Discuss adventures using the English questions below. You might need to
use conditional verbs for questions 4 or 5.

1. Do you like to watch adventure movies?

2. Do you consider yourself to be an adventurous person?
3. What is the most adventurous thing you have ever done?
4. Would you say that learning English is a kind of adventure?
5. Could you say that life is a kind of adventure?

Discussion Questions
Use the questions below to have deeper conversations on the topic. Be sure to use
conditional verb tenses in English when you are talking about things that are not quite

1. If you had a great adventure, who would you like to have it with?
2. Do you think your idea of adventure is the same as your parents’ ideas and your
grandparents’ ideas?
3. Which of these things should be part of an adventure - danger, romance, travel,
discovery, or treasure? Can you think of any other things?
4. Where would you like to go for an adventure – a jungle, a desert, a small island or
a city?

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Conversation Starters
Nobody likes to be lied to, so honesty is always best, right? Let's discuss the topic of
honesty in English. Use the questions below to start your conversation.

1. Have you ever lied before?

2. Would you ever tell a "white lie"? (A lie told to make someone feel better.)
3. In your opinion, why is honesty important?
4. When have you been lied to? How did you feel then?
5. Is there anyone you know who is completely honest all of the time?

Discussion Questions
Now try to have longer conversations about honesty using the open-ended questions
below. If you do not have a conversation partner, think of your own answers in English,
using complete sentences.

1. Is there any way we can know for sure when somebody is lying to us?
2. If honesty is so important, why is it sometimes difficult to be honest?
3. When is it all right to just tell a "half truth"?
4. Do you think a good worker should be fired if it is discovered he lied during his
job interview? Why or why not?

Page 17

Let's talk about a fun topic – holidays! Start interesting English conversations using the
holiday-related questions below. If you do not have a conversation partner, try to
answer each question yourself, using complete English sentences.

1. What is the biggest holiday of the year in your country?

2. Do you have a favorite holiday? What is it?
3. Does your country have an autumn "harvest festival" of some kind?
4. Does your country have any holidays related to lovers, like Valentine's Day?
5. Does your country have any funny holidays like April Fool's Day?
6. Are there any special foods connected with holidays in your country?
7. Are holidays approved by the government in your country or are they based on
8. Who do you like to spend holidays with? What do you do together?

Discussion Questions
Now try to have longer conversations about holidays using the open-ended questions
below. If you do not have a conversation partner, think of your own answers in English,
using complete sentences.

1. What is the main purpose of holidays? (Try to think of general reasons as well as
specific reasons.)
2. What are your favorite things to do during holidays and why do you enjoy doing
3. Are there any special things we can do for poor people, or for those who are less
fortunate than us, during the holidays?
4. Can you describe some gift-giving rituals in your country? Who gives gifts to
whom? Why?

Page 18

Here's a happy topic to talk about – happiness! Start your English conversation with the
basic questions below. You can ask follow-up questions if they fit your partner's answer.
If you don't have a conversation partner, think about how you would answer each
question with complete English sentences.

1. Generally speaking, are you a happy person?

2. What things or events make you happiest?
3. Who is the happiest person you know? Do you know why they're so happy?
4. Were you happier as a child than as an adult? Why or why not?
5. Do you think we can control our own happiness?

Discussion Questions
Now try to have longer conversations about being happiness using the open-ended
questions below. If you do not have a conversation partner, think of your own answers
in English, using complete sentences.

1. Why are some people unhappy? (Try to think of various reasons.)

2. Do you think that happiness is within us or does happiness depend more on other
people and external conditions?
3. People say that money can't buy happiness. Do you agree or disagree? Why?

Page 19
Conversation Starters
Everyone loves money (well, most people do) but not everyone likes to talk about money. In this topic,
you can practice talking about the study of money, economics, in English. Start with these questions.

1. Do you think economics is a good subject to study?

2. Do you like money? Do you like studying about money?

3. How important is economics in our daily lives?

4. How often do you read about economics in newspapers or magazines?

5. What do you think of the world economy?

Discussion Questions
If you're interested, you can try more advanced English conversation on the topic of economics, using the
questions below to get started.

1. What are the biggest economic problems in your country? How might those problems be solved?

2. What are the biggest economic problems in the world? What are some possible solutions?

3. How is economics different in socialist and capitalist countries?

4. Do you believe economic growth can continue indefinitely, without stopping? Why or why not?

Page 20
Conversation Starters
Here's a happy topic to talk about – happiness! Start your English conversation with the basic questions
below. You can ask follow-up questions if they fit your partner's answer. If you don't have a conversation
partner, think about how you would answer each question with complete English sentences.

1. Generally speaking, are you a happy person?

2. What things or events make you happiest?
3. Who is the happiest person you know? Do you know why they're so happy?
4. Were you happier as a child than as an adult? Why or why not?
5. Do you think we can control our own happiness?

Discussion Questions
Now try to have longer conversations about being happiness using the open-ended questions below. If
you do not have a conversation partner, think of your own answers in English, using complete sentences.

1. Why are some people unhappy? (Try to think of various reasons.)

2. Do you think that happiness is within us or does happiness depend more on other people and external
3. People say that money can't buy happiness. Do you agree or disagree? Why?

Page 21
Conversation Starters
This is probably the most popular topic to talk about, so take your time. Start with the questions below
and then ask follow-up questions for great English conversations.

1. Do you believe in "love at first sight"?

2. At what age do people usually get married in your country?
3. At what age do you plan to get married? (Or at what age did you get married?)
4. Do you want a spouse (husband or wife) who is exactly the same age as you, or a bit younger or
older? Why?
5. What qualities are important in a spouse?
6. Do you think it's possible to find love on the Internet?
7. What kind of wedding do you want? (Describe it in detail.)
8. Would you consider marrying someone from another country? What about someone with a different
9. Do you know anyone who has gotten divorced? Do you know why they got divorced?

Discussion Questions
Here are more challenging English questions about the difficulties of love and marriage. Try to keep the
conversation going. If you don't have a conversation partner, think of your own answers using complete
English sentences.

1. In your opinion, how long should a couple know each other before they get married?
2. In your opinion, is it helpful for a couple to live together before they get married?
3. Can you give any advice on how to get along with your in-laws? (Your spouse's parents.)
4. What are some reasons that divorce has increased over the years? (Try to think of several reasons.)
5. Do you think marriage changes people? In what ways?
6. What do you think of men who have more than one wife?
7. Should women be allowed to have more than one husband?
8. If you had to marry either a poor man you really loved, or a rich man you did not love, which would
you choose?
9. If you had to live with someone who truly loves you but who you don't love, or to love someone who
doesn't love you, which would you choose?
10. Would you marry someone ten years older than you? How about ten years younger than you?

Page 22
Conversation Starters
We all have habits, good or bad. Think about your own habits and the habits of people you know, then
use the following questions to start an English conversation on the topic of habits.

1. Do you have any bad habits?

2. Do you know anyone who bites his or her nails?
3. Do you know anyone who has a very annoying habit? What is it?
4. What are some good habits to have?
5. Do you have healthy eating habits? Explain.
6. Do you have good study habits? Give examples.

Discussion Questions
Now try to have longer conversations about being bad habits using the open-ended questions below. If
you do not have a conversation partner, think of your own answers in English, using complete sentences.

1. Is there anyone whose work or study habits you admire? Why?

2. How can people break bad habits? Try to give very practical (useful) advice.
3. How do we learn our habits? Can we help children develop better habits?
4. Describe a very unusual habit you have observed in someone? How did they develop such a strange

Page 23
Conversation Starters
Some people say the world is becoming a kind of "global village". Talk about this idea of globalization in
English, starting with the questions below.

1. What products do you use that were not made in your country?
2. What movies, songs or books do you enjoy that were not produced in your country?
3. Can you think of other ways that globalization has affected your life?
4. Generally speaking, do you think globalization has improved people's lives?
5. What has your country contributed to globalization?

Discussion Questions
Now try to have longer English conversations using these "open-ended" questions about globalization. It's
not an easy topic, but do your best! If you do not have a conversation partner, try to think of your own
answers using complete sentences.

1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of globalization?

2. What do you think globalization will look like fifty years from now?
3. Do you think globalization will make us all the same in the future? Why or why not?
4. Which countries might like or hate globalization the most?
5. How important is the Internet in influencing globalization?

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