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Answer all the questions in the space provided. Total: 50 marks

Section A
For Section A, write your answer in the answer sheet provided in page 12.
1. The diagram below shows the path of an impulse after a stimulus is received by the skin.

Stimulus X Nerve Y Nerve Z

Which of the following represents X, Y and Z?


A Brain Effector Receptor

B Receptor Effector Brain

C Brain Receptor Effector

D Receptor Brain Effector

2. Which of the following sensory organs can detect pain, touch and pressure?
A Eyes
B Nose
C Ears
D Skin

3. Diagram 1 shows a cross-section of human skin.

Diagram 1
Which pair of stimuli do receptor P and Q respond to?

A Pain Pressure
B Touch Cold
C Cold Pain
D Pressure Touch

4. Diagram 2 shows a section through part of the human head containing a sensory organ.

Which of the parts labelled A, B, C and D is the sensory cell of the organ?

5. Diagram 3 shows a cross section of the human eye.

What is the function of Q?

A Changes light rays to nervous impulse

B Send message to the brain

C Controls the amount of light

D Reflects light

6. The diagram below shows part of the human respiratory system.

What will happen when structure X contracts and becomes flattened?

A Air from outside enters the lungs

B The rib cage does down and inwards

C The volume of the thorax cavity decreases

D Air pressure inside the thorax cavity decreases

7. Which features help gas exchange between the alveolus and blood capillaries to take place

Alveolus wall Number of blood

Thickness Condition capillaries

A Thick Moist A few

B Thin Moist Many
C Thick Dry A few
D Thin Dry Many

8. The following statements are about the transportation of oxygen in the human body.

K – Oxyhaemoglobin breaks into oxygen and haemoglobin

L – Oxygen diffuses through alveoli into the blood capillaries
M – Oxygen combines into haemoglobin to form oxyhaemoglobin
N – Oxyhaemoglobin is transported to all parts of the body

Which of the following is the correct sequence of the transportation?

A M, K, L, N
B K, L, M, N
C N, K, L, M
D L, M, N, K

9. Diagram 4 shows the process of gas diffusion in the alveolus. Which statement describes diffusion?

A The concentration of carbon dioxide is higher in the alveolus hence it diffuses into the blood
B The oxygen diffuses in the moist lining of the alveolus wall then it diffuses into the blood
C The concentration of oxygen is lower in the blood capillaries hence it diffuses to combine with
D The carbon dioxide diffuses in the moist lining of the alveolus wall before it diffuses into the
blood capillaries.

10. Which of the following is a disease of the respiratory system?

A Anaemia
B Diabetes
C Bronchitis
D Leukemia

Section B

1. Diagram 5.1 shows how the human eye sees an object.

Diagram 5.1

a) Based on Diagram 5.1,
i. State two differences between object Q and image I.

[2 marks]
ii. How does the size of image I change when the eye is 10 cm away from object Q?

[1 mark]
iii. State one reason for the answer in (a) (ii)

[1 mark]
b) Use Diagram 5.2 to answer the following questions.

Diagram 5.2

i. Complete Diagram 5.2 to show the formation of an image of a distant object on the retina
of the eye of a short-sighted person. [3 marks]
ii. What are the two factors that cause the situation in Diagram 6.2 to happen?

[2 marks]
iii. How can short-sightedness be corrected?

[1 mark]

2. Diagram 6.1 shows a human respiratory system.

Diagram 6.1
a) Using the letters in Diagram 6.1, write the flow of air during the process of inhalation.

[2 marks]
b) What will happen to structure K during the process of exhalation?

[1 mark]
c) Diagram 6.2 shows a worker in a cement factory wearing a mask.

What is the effect on the lungs of the worker if he neglects to wear the mask while working?
State the disease that can affect the lungs of the worker due to working in the cement factory.

[2 marks]

d) Diagram 6.3 shows the structure of an alveolus. The process of gaseous exchange happens
between the alveolus and the blood capillaries.

i. Name the gases involved in this process.

[2 marks]
ii. Explain how this process can happen.

[3 marks]

Section C

3. Diagram 7.1 shows the response of several plants to stimuli.

Diagram 7.1

a) Match the plant with the correct type of tropism.

Positive phototropism
Plant P

Positive thigmotropism
Plant Q
Negative hydrotropism

[2 marks]
b) Define tropism.

[1 mark]
c) What is the importance of response towards sunlight in plants?

[1 mark]
d) A student carried out an experiment to study the response of plants towards water. He set-up
the apparatus as shown in Diagram 7.2.

Diagram 7.2

i. Predict what you can observe in this experiment after 5 days.

[2 marks]
ii. Based on your answer in (d) (i), draw the observation for both set-up’s after 5 days.

[2 marks]

iii. What is the function of anhydrous calcium chloride in this experiment?

[1 mark]
iv. Why is hydrotropism important for the survival of plants?

[1 mark]

4. Diagram 8 shows the respiratory structure of a fish.

Diagram 8
a) Name the respiratory structure shown above.

[1 mark]
b) Explain how fish carries out gaseous exchange by using the above structure.

[2 marks]
c) State two differences between the respiratory structure of fish and humans.

[2 marks]
d) Sickle -call anaemia is a disease that affects the transport of oxygen in the human body.
i. State the difference between the shapes of a red blood cell of a normal person and a sickle-
cell anaemia patient.

[1 mark]
ii. Explain how the difference in the shape of the red blood cell affects the patient.

[2 marks]

iii. In your opinion, what is the treatment that can be provided to a sickle cell anaemia patient?

[2 marks]


Prepared by, Checked by,

Renu Sekaran Pn Lily Diana Mohammed Sali

Subject Teacher HOD of Science & Mathematics


1. 6.

2. 7.

3. 8.

4. 9.

5. 10.


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