Learning Plan: College of Education

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Liceo de Cagayan University

Rodolfo N. Pelaez Boulevard, Kauswagan, Cagayan de Oro City

Granted: IQUAME Category A(t) and AUTONOMOUS Status by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED)
Member: Philippines Association of Colleges and Universities-Commission on Accreditation (PACU-COA)
Name: Catiil, Mikho Harley D.
LEARNING PLAN Subject: Physical Education
Grade Level: Grade 10- Bacon
Duration: 2 hrs.
I. Learning Outcomes: At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
 Engages in moderate to vigorous physical activities for at least 60 minutes a day in school and out
of school,
 Applies correct techniques to minimize risk of injuries,
 Expresses a sense of belongingness by participating in physical activity issues,
 Recognizes the needs of others in real life and in meaningful ways.

II. Learning Content:

Learning References and Materials:

 History Physical Education and Health (Grade-10)
Department of Education
 Elements of Cheer Dance

 Hands and Arms Positions, Body Materials:

Positions, Jumps
 PowerPoint Presentation
 Basic Jumps  Visual Aids
 Speaker
III. Learning Procedures
A. Pre-lecture/ Motivation

Teacher’s Activities Student’s Activities

 The teacher will start the class with a  The students are expected to respond politely.

 The teacher will ask someone to lead the  The students are expected to pray.
prayer for the class.

 The teacher will do a get to know  The students are expected to participate and
activity. follow the instruction of the activity.

 The teacher will introduce the simple  The students are expected to familiarize the
“MAXWELL CHEER” cheer and perform it altogether.

Liceo de Cagayan University COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Granted: Level 2 Accreditation Status PACUCOA
Tel. No. (8822) 722244/(088)8584093 to 95 local 136 │e-mail: liceo@ldcu.edu.ph │website: http://www.liceo.edu.ph
Liceo de Cagayan University
Rodolfo N. Pelaez Boulevard, Kauswagan, Cagayan de Oro City
Granted: IQUAME Category A(t) and AUTONOMOUS Status by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED)
Member: Philippines Association of Colleges and Universities-Commission on Accreditation (PACU-COA)
B. Process/ Student Activities

Teacher’s Activities Student’s Activities

 The teacher will ask the class if they  The students are expected to guess and share
have an idea for the topic to be their prior knowledge to the class.
 The teacher will introduce the topic.  The Students are expected to listen and take
down notes.
 The teacher will present a PowerPoint  The Students are expected to take down
slides about the history of cheer dance. important points.
 The teacher will introduce the elements  The students are expected to share their ideas on
of cheer dance. the elements to the class.
 The teacher will present a video of a  The Students are expected to interact and
cheering squad and ask the class with elaborate their ideas on the things they have
the elements and skills they have observed in the video to the class.
 The teacher will present to the class the  Students are expected to follow the basic body
basic body position of the hands, arms positions with proper execution.
and body for cheer motions.
 The teacher will have recalling of all the  The students are expected to execute the proper
basic body positions through saying the body positions that is being mentioned.
 The teacher will give activity to the  The students are expected to cooperate with their
students which is “CHARADES”. group by guessing the action that is being
performed with the representatives.
 The teacher will present the basic  The students are expected to observe and follow
jumps in cheer dance. the right execution of the jumps.

 The teacher will give activity to the  The students are expected to find their group and
students and it is to distribute common make a short play that involves the specific
injuries and let the students make a common injury assigned to them. While, the
short play of it. While, some groups will other groups will make a creative reporting on
have creative reporting on the first aid the first aid techniques.
 The teacher will give comment to the  The students are expected to listen, interact and
presentations and clarify or elaborate give their ideas to their classmates.
the common injuries and first aid
 The teacher will divide the class for a  The students are expected to participate and
group activity. cooperate with their groups.

C. Integration/Valuing
 There is more to dancing than just movement and rhythm. Being fit and healthy as a result of this
active activity are just bonus points. As you make dancing a habit, you will find out that, as time
goes on, you tend to be more sociable, and more confident yet disciplined, more beautiful inside
and out, and find yourself an essential organ working in a system. Just like any other sport or
endeavor for that reason, dancing develops a sense of community and teamwork.

Liceo de Cagayan University COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Granted: Level 2 Accreditation Status PACUCOA
Tel. No. (8822) 722244/(088)8584093 to 95 local 136 │e-mail: liceo@ldcu.edu.ph │website: http://www.liceo.edu.ph
Liceo de Cagayan University
Rodolfo N. Pelaez Boulevard, Kauswagan, Cagayan de Oro City
Granted: IQUAME Category A(t) and AUTONOMOUS Status by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED)
Member: Philippines Association of Colleges and Universities-Commission on Accreditation (PACU-COA)
D. Product/Assessment

Formative Assessment Summative Assessment

I. “MAXWELL CHEER” I. Guess the Basic
Direction: Shout the letter M and clap 4 Direction: Form group with 6-8
times, shout the letter A and clap four times, members. The main goal of the game is
shout the letter X and clap four times and to identify the basic body positions and
sequentially shout the letter W, E, L, L and jumps in cheer dance. The twist is that,
utter perfectly the word and do the dub. the member need to run a distance, pick
II. Oral Quiz a folded paper and perform what is
Direction: from the video presentation, written, while the person next to him/her
take down elements and skills you have will be the one to identify the action.
caught and observed. Given 8 minutes to finish the game. The
III. CHEER DANCE TERMS CHARADES score will be based on the number of the
Direction: the class will be divided into correct guess.
two, each group will be given 5 minutes to
finish the game by guessing the action being
performed by their group mate. All of the
member should participate in the rotation
of performer.
IV. Creative Group Reporting
Direction: each group is given different
topics from common injury to first aid
techniques. It is up to the group on how they
make it more creative, it can be a short
play, advertisement or etc.

E. Agreement/Assignment

 The class will be divided into two:

-choose a leader
-search and select for a cheer dance music (4-5 min.)
-start constructing routines

(Wear P.E Uniform next meeting)

Bring the following:
 Extra shirt
 Face towel
 Water

Remarks :

Liceo de Cagayan University COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Granted: Level 2 Accreditation Status PACUCOA
Tel. No. (8822) 722244/(088)8584093 to 95 local 136 │e-mail: liceo@ldcu.edu.ph │website: http://www.liceo.edu.ph
Liceo de Cagayan University
Rodolfo N. Pelaez Boulevard, Kauswagan, Cagayan de Oro City
Granted: IQUAME Category A(t) and AUTONOMOUS Status by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED)
Member: Philippines Association of Colleges and Universities-Commission on Accreditation (PACU-COA)

Liceo de Cagayan University COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Granted: Level 2 Accreditation Status PACUCOA
Tel. No. (8822) 722244/(088)8584093 to 95 local 136 │e-mail: liceo@ldcu.edu.ph │website: http://www.liceo.edu.ph

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