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Clean Water Fund

Contributing to a fund might feel like just a drop in the bucket. Yet this is one of our most-
needed gifts! Nothing is possible without hydration and health. The Clean Water Fund
offers both.
Through the Clean Water Fund, you partner with many families – not just one. You help
build lasting legacies like pipelines, pumps and hand washing stations. You free children from
the unrelenting task of hauling water long distances. You protect them from deadly
waterborne illness. Open the floodgates, and let change flow!

$100.00 – 500.00
Emergency Water and Sanitation
When disasters strike, your gift helps provide families with things like water tanks,
chlorination tablets, water buckets, shallow wells, and hygiene essentials such as soap and
latrines. In an emergency, one of the most urgently needed resources is uncontaminated
water for drinking, cooking and sanitation. Without it, stricken children and families cannot

Help Drill a Well
Help give a well and transform communities. One borehole can bring life-giving water to as
many as 500 people. You’ll also help provide equipment, parts, an engineer and training to
maintain the well.
Item numbers: 1388, 1396

$2,500.00 – 15,000.00
Water Filters
The gift of water filters protects families from deadly diseases that kill 6,000 children every
day. A smart and simple solution to bad water.
Item number: 2543
Water Pledge (Monthly)
Your monthly gift helps provide clean water by supporting community water projects.
When communities have access to clean water, it transforms every aspect of their lives.
Together with improved sanitation and proper hygiene clean water brings real change.
World Vision is the largest NGO provider of clean water, bringing clean water to one new
person every 30 seconds.


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