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We believe that education is the backbone of social and economic development.

Today, the majority of Haitian children lack access to quality education. Schools in Haiti
face challenges in funding, teacher training, and student achievement. These challenges
make it exponentially more difficult for generations of Haitian children to break out of
the cycle of poverty and achieve economic and social progress.

students attend Hope for Haiti supported schools every school day

school directors and teachers salaries provided by Hope for Haiti

partner communities supported by Hope for Haiti

To address these challenges, Hope for Haiti works in collaboration

with 24 partner communities to support education in Haiti and
help alleviate poverty through the following activities:

Teacher Salary Subsidies

Hope for Haiti provides teacher salary subsidies to 424 school directors and teachers in
24 partner communities.
Teacher Training
Hope for Haiti provides continuous professional development and training for school
directors and teachers that addresses school governance, pedagogical practices, and
subject area skills.

Back to School Supplies

Hope for Haiti provides direct support to 24 partner communities to purchase school
supplies, teaching materials, repair school structures and build benches for their
classrooms before the start of each school year.
Public Health Education for Students
Hope for Haiti’s public health team administers health lessons for 7,249 students to help
control and prevent communicable and non-communicable diseases.

School Gardens and Nutrition

Hope for Haiti supports interactive school gardens to teach students about improved
agricultural techniques, reforestation, and nutrition. Fruit and vegetables grown at each
garden go to support school lunch programs and improve education in Haiti.
JoAnne and Carl Kuehner Scholarship Fund
Each year, Hope for Haiti provides ten, $1,000 scholarships to help high school
graduates attend college

We believe that access to quality healthcare in Haiti is a human right.
Haiti reports some of the world’s worst health indicators, which continue to inhibit the
country’s development. More than 40 percent of the population lack access to essential
health and nutrition services, and healthcare in Haiti has the highest rates of infant,
under-five and maternal mortality in the Western Hemisphere.
According to the Center for Disease Control, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, diarrhoea,
respiratory infections, malaria, tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS are the leading causes of
death when it comes to healthcare in Haiti. And these preventable diseases pose an even
bigger problem for people in rural areas, were 60 percent of the population lack access
to basic health-care services.

To address these challenges, Hope for Haiti operates an infirmary

in southern Haiti, and partners with 24 rural communities to
improve the Haiti public healthcare system in southern Haiti. Our
programmatic activities include:

Primary Care
Hope for Haiti operates a health clinic in Les Cayes, Haiti that provides healthcare and
health education to more than 15,000 patients annually with a specific focus on chronic
illness prevention and treatment, dental care, and wound care.
Mobile Clinics
Hope for Haiti’s doctors and nurses conduct mobile medical and dental clinics in rural
communities throughout southern Haiti.

Public Health Education and Nutrition

Hope for Haiti employs Community Health Workers who administer health lessons for
7,249 students to help control and prevent communicable and non-communicable
Diabetes Care Management
Hope for Haiti’s medical team focuses on the prevention, treatment, and management of
diabetes by providing access to direct care, educating people on diabetes prevention
and management, and creating partnerships in southern Haiti to improve access and
quality of diabetes care.

Healthcare Supply Chain Management

Hope for Haiti procures and distributes more than $11 million USD in valuable
medication and medical supplies to support the Haiti public healthcare system in
southern Haiti.

We believe investing in smart WASH programs reduces poverty.
We’ve done the research, and we’ve seen the results of instituting clean water projects
in Haiti: investing in smart Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
programs reduces poverty.
Today, less than half of Haitians in rural areas have access to water, and an estimated
24% of Haitians living in rural communities have access to a toilet. Access to clean, fresh
water is a main concern in Haiti, where waterborne illnesses, such as typhoid, cholera,
and chronic diarrhea, are the cause of more than half of the deaths in the country every
year. Contaminated water is also one of the leading causes of childhood illness and the
very high infant death rate in Haiti (57 for every 1000 births) .
To address these challenges and help reduce poverty, Hope for Haiti implements a
WASH program in 24 communities that focus on the following core activities.

Our Programs to improve WASH in Haiti:

Distribution and Training of Sawyer Filtration Systems

Hope for Haiti’s WASH staff work directly with community leaders to distribute and
train families on the proper use and maintenance of Sawyer Filtration systems that can
be used at the household level to filter up to 1 million gallons of water over a span of 10

Increase Water Access

Hope for Haiti’s WASH staff work with partner communities to identify water access
needs, and support leaders in meeting their needs through digging wells, building water
catchment systems, and repairing existing water sources.

WASH Programming
Hope for Haiti’s WASH staff help communities build critical public health infrastructure
such as latrines and hand washing stations. Our Healthcare team collaborates with our
clean water projects in Haiti staff and community members to introduce public health
lessons that cover hand washing, basic hygiene, the prevention and treatment of water
borne illnesses.

Investment in Haiti infrastructure projects is a key to ending poverty.
Today, there is an acute shortage of key infrastructure to support Haiti’s systems for
education, healthcare, hygiene and sanitation, economic development, and disaster
preparedness. There are many Haiti infrastructure problems that Hope for Haiti seeks
to address.
More than 50% of all classrooms in Haiti are not suitable for learning, and sufficient
healthcare facilities have been a significant roadblock to improving poor healthcare
services in Haiti for generations.
Underdeveloped and inadequate sanitation facilities such as latrines and hand washing
stations also pose a threat to the Haitian people. Frequent natural disasters and a lack of
coordinated disaster response have exacerbated these problems, which affect both
rural and urban communities in Haiti.

Hope for Haiti Infrastructure Programs

School Construction
Hope for Haiti works with our 24 partner communities to identify their needs for school
infrastructure, and we help implement a participatory approach for school
infrastructure construction by helping build classrooms, computer labs, school,
cafeterias,, and school gardens.

Public Health Infrastructure

Hope for Haiti’s Infrastructure and WASH teams collaborate with partner communities
to identify community needs, and support communities by building latrines, hand
washing stations, digging wells.
Emergency Preparedness and Response
Hope for Haiti’s emergency preparedness and response program is designed to help
Haitian leaders and rural communities build their own capacity to responding to
disasters before they happen. Recognizing the many Haiti infrastructure problems, we
keep 2,000 emergency relief buckets in stock at all times, and we continuously train
staff our 51 Haitian staff on the coordination, preparation, and response scenarios in the
case of a disaster.

Land Conservation and Sustainable Development

Hope for Haiti’s infrastructure projects include key agriculture staff who work directly
with communities to organize school gardens, develop nurseries for fruit bearing tree
seedlings, and plant trees to support household development.

We work to reduce inequality and poverty through economic development in Haiti.
Intelligence and ability are equally distributed throughout the world, but access to
economic opportunity is not. We are working to change that through Haiti economic
Roughly three-quarters of Haitians are either unemployed or trying to make ends meet
in the informal economy, and 75% of Haiti’s people live in abject poverty. For the
entrepreneurs and businesses that do operate in Haiti, access to financing and start-up
funding is extremely difficult to obtain thanks to Haiti’s economic situation.
In order to reduce inequality and promote Haitian economic development in building an
inclusive and cohesive society, Hope for Haiti invests in social entrepreneurs and
businesses by making loans and grants. We believe that a well-established social
entrepreneurship programme in Haiti helps to enhance its sustainable development
programs and create more jobs not only for youth but also for other marginalized
populations around the country.
Our Haiti economic development investments are targeted to support the social and
economic development of education, healthcare, sustainable agriculture, renewable
energy, gender equality, and eco-tourism.

Program Areas

Hope for Haiti makes grants of up to $30,000 to support social business start-ups and
Hope for Haiti makes loans of up to $100,000 to support social business start-ups and

Hope for Haiti makes small loans of up to $5,000 to support rural farming cooperatives
and rural businesses.

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