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Mallory Brown

(727) 742-9743|

Northeastern University, Boston, MA January 2018 – June 2021
Candidate for Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering GPA: 3.87
Honors: Dean’s List Spring 2018
Courses: Circuits and Signals, Fundamentals of Networks, Math up to Differential Equations, Physics up to
Electromagnetics, General Engineering (hardware, coding, design), Chemistry, Biology, and Technical Writing
Activities: Pitch, Please! (Competitive Acapella), elected to Public Relations Team of IEEE, NUTells English tutor

John-Cabot University, Rome, Italy August 2017 – December 2017 Study Abroad Participant GPA: 4.00
Courses: Statistics II, Microeconomics, Ancient Roman Monuments, and Italian Society
Cultivated global mindedness, cultural appreciation, resilience to unfamiliarity, and an interest in technical fields

Technical: Breadboard Circuitry, Microcontrollers, Oscilloscopes, Digital Multimeters, Schematics, and Soldering
Software: C++, MATLAB, Arduino, AutoCAD, SolidWorks, PSpice, and Adobe Photoshop
Language: Intermediate Spanish, Conversational German, and Basic Italian


Wireless Networks and Embedded Systems Laboratory September 2018 – Present
Research Assistant for the Internet of Medical Things
• Investigate the use of ultrasonic waves to charge and communicate with implanted electronic biomedical devices
• Assemble circuits independently and operate measurement tools like oscilloscopes and multimeters
• Interpret data sheets, read high-level research papers, and apply theoretical concepts to experimentation
• Wired a differentially compensated pressure sensor, amplifier, and microcontroller to print data to a screen

Northeastern Engineering Department August 2018 – Present

Teaching Assistant for General Engineering Computation
• Instruct and evaluate the performance of 32 students with diverse programming and engineering backgrounds
• Host office hours, grade assignments, develop rubrics, communicate with students, and facilitate class activities
• Consistently submit grades early, provide detailed feedback, and ensure students fully understand expectations

General Engineering Major Design Project February 2018 – June 2018

• Collaborated with a partner to devise, construct, and code an Arduino “piano” system with 8 buttons for keys
• Designed the “piano” to teach a user songs with guiding LED’s and to unlock a box if they played a whole song

Biodiesel Research Project May 2018 – June 2018

• Managed a team of 4 that wrote a scholarly literature review and filmed an educational video on biodiesel
• Set deadlines, mediated conflicts, learned to delegate appropriately, and led with a conscientious attitude
• Created a video that the group took pride in, earned a 100% on the project, and received praise from professor

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