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Submitted in partial fulfillment of requirement of Master of Business

Administration (MBA), Doon Business School, Selaqui

Under Guidance Of

Submitted to: Submitted by:

Dr. Shalini Singh Rakesh Makhal


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Table of Contents


1 Declaration 3

2 Executive summary 5

3 Introduction 6-10

 Introduction to promotion function

 Purpose of the promotion
 Importance of the promotion
 When use to poromotin
 Promotion’s role in the life cycle of a barnd

4 Company profile 11-18

 Future group
 Future group manifesto
 Group vision
 Group mission
 Group core values
 Pantaloons fore ray
 Futurebazaar.com
 Navaras
 Food bazaar
 Big bazaar

5 Research methodology 19-22

 Objectives of the research

Source of data

 Primary data
 Secondary data
 Questionnaire
 Sample unit

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 Sampling method
 Sample size

6 Limitation of the research 23-42

 Data analysis & interpretation

7 Findings , Recommendation & conclusion 43-45

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I, Rakesh Makhal, hereby declare that the project titled “Effectivness of promotional offers at Big Bazar”
which is submitted by me to Faculty of Management, DOON BUSINESS SCHOOL, SELAQUI, DEHRADUN, in
partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of Degree of MBA, is my original work and has never
been submitted elsewhere.


(MBA) Place-

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Retail is one of booming sectors in india.Retail contributes around 10% of India’s GDP and 8%
of employment. Revolution has taken palace in India with itroduction of sprawling shopping
centres, multiplex- malls and huge complexes offer shopping, entertainment and food all under
roof. Retail players have already tapped Tier-I cities and are entering into Tier-II cities in India.
The growth of retail sector in India is due to following reasons:

 Low share of organized retailing

 Falling real estate prices
 Increase in disposable income and customer aspiration
 Increase in expenditure for luxury items
 Increase in young working population
 High pay packets , nuclear families

Future group is one of the country’s leading business group present in retail, asset management,
consumer finance, insurance, retail media, retail spaces and logistics. The group’s flagship
company, pantaloon Retail (India) Limited.Pantalon Retail (India) Limited, is India’s leading
retailer that operates retail formats in both the value and lifestyle segment of the indian consumer
market. The company operates over 7 million square feet of retail space, has over 1000 stores
across 51 cities in India and employs over 24000 people. The company’s leading formats include
pantaloons, a chain of fashion outlets, Big Bazaar , a uniquely Indian hypermarket chain, food
bazaar,a super market chain, fashion station. The company also operates an online portal,
futurebazaar.com. Pantaloon Retail was recently awarded the international retailer of the year 2007
by the US-based Nataional Retail Federation ( NRF).

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1.1 Introduction to promotion function:

Sales promotion methods aim to capture the market and increase the sales volume. It is an
important instrument in marketing to lubricate the marketing efforts. Now-a-days sales promotion
is a necessary tool to boost sales. Sales promotion becomes a fashion and luxury.

In the broader sense it is not an expenditure, it is an investment, as it pays rich returns. It aims in
creating demand. It is right to say that sales promotion moves the product. A manufacturer must
make the customers to know the product and he must influence them to buy that product.

Sales promotion is one among the three pillars of promotional mix. The other two pillars are
personal selling and advertising. Sales promotion is the connecting link between personal selling
and advertising. Sales promotion is an important and specialized function of marketing.

1.2 Purpose of the Promotion:

Customers are more selective in; their buying choices and a good promotional programme is
needed to reach them. The main purpose of sales promotion is to boost sales of a product by
creating demand, that is, both consumer demand as well as trade demand. It improves the
performance of middlemen and acts as a supplement to advertising and personal selling.

It helps in achieving the following purposes:

1. The basic purpose of promotion is to disseminate information to the potential customers.

2. Sellers use incentive-type promotions to attract new customers, to reward loyal customers and
to increase the repurchase rates of occasional users.

3. To encourage the customers to try a new product. An interesting example: the Brooke Bond Tea
of India used to distribute free tea to every household during 1930’s, in order to promote tea
drinking habits among the people of Chennai.

4. Sales promotions yield faster responses in sales than advertising.

5. Sales promotion is considered as a special selling effort to accelerate sales.

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6. Brand switchers are primarily looking for low price, good value and premiums. Sales
promotions are likely to turn them into loyal brand users.

7. It helps to defeat competitors’ promotional activities.

1.3 Importance of the Promotion:

In recent years, the importance of sales promotion has increased. The amount spent on sales
promotion now equals the amount spent on advertising. The sales promotion increase is due to the
changes in the marketing environment. The importance of sales promotion increase is due to the
thinking of new ideas for creating a favourable condition of selling, promoting sales and future
expansion of sales.

It is a part of marketing strategy. It is essential for the survival of a manufacturer. For the birth of
new product or new brand, sales promotion is very important. Advertising reaches the customers
at their homes, or at the place of business or in their travels, whereas sales promotional devices
inform, remind or stimulate the buyers at the point of purchase.

Hence it is the only device which is available to the consumers at the point of purchase. A good
sales promotional programme will remove the consumer’s dissatisfaction with respect to retail
selling. Sales promotion increases as a result of the growing use of self-service and other sales

In India lakhs of rupees are now being spent on sales promotional activities. Now-a-days it
becomes a necessity and it is not a luxury. All the marketing devices, by which demand for a
product is stimulated and re-stimulated are known as sales promotion.

Reasons for the Rapid Growth of Sales Promotion:

This is due to several factors which contribute to the rapid growth of sales promotion, particularly
in consumer markets.

They are internal and external factors:

I. Internal Factors:

(a) Promotion is accepted by top management as an effective sales tool. Now-a-days top level
managers realize and accept that sales promotion effects sales. It will increase the sales volume.

(b) Product managers are qualified to use sales promotion tools. Product managers realize the
importance of sales promotion. Hence they practise sales promotion tools effectively.

(c) It is the duty of the product managers to increase the sales volume, and this attracts the sales
promotion tools to achieve the aimed objective.

II. External Factors:

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(a) There is widespread use of branding. Promotional activities are essential as they are more
practical than advertising.

(b) Competitors have become promotional-minded. There is cut-throat competition, and the market
is flooded with numerous products. Hence, promotional activities are essential.

(c) During the period of inflation and recession, the consumers are more deal-oriented and the
promotional techniques facilitate sales.

(d) The present stage of trade demands more deals from manufacturers.

In addition to Internal and External factors, the following further points are worthy to be

1. Intensifying competition in almost all consumer product categories has led to greater use of
sales promotions because consumer respond favourably to the promotional incentives. (Intense

2. Products are becoming more and more standardized. However, the appearances of the products
are similar. Consumers fails to understand it. So companies depend heavily on sales promotion.

3. Consumers today are getting better education, are more selective and have become less loyal to
brands than in the past. Thus, they purchase products based on price, value and convenience. Loyal
consumers switch back and forth among a set of brands they perceive as almost equal. (Brand

4. The shelf-apace available with resellers is limited. It is important to note that when consumers
enter a store, where products are displayed, the consumers make many unplanned purchases on a
look at it. (Growing power of resellers).

5. Media advertising tends to be remote whereas sales promotion is more personal. Audience are
bored with advertising clutter and avoid looking at (Advertising is less effective).

1.4 When to use promotion:

The need for promotion varies because

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1. A brand’s quality is inferior to competition;
2. A brand’s advertising is not as persuasive as competitive copy; or
3. A new brand is being introduced

1.5 Promotion’s role in the life cycle of a brand:

At each stage in a brand’s life cycle a different degree of promotional

emphasis is required.

New Product: A new product can usually profit from substantial promotion support – if the
product, the advertising, distribution and price are right.

The promotion can truly perform its function of accelerating trial and purchase of a brand whose
value has not yet been fully established in the minds of all consumers. Although good advertising
on a new brand will persuade many consumers to try the brand, it is not likely to persuade every
logical prospect to take immediate action. Though the advertising does not quickly move to action
require an extra incentive, such as a free sample or coupon or some other device that increases.

Growing Brand: There are indications, incidentally, that many new brands (but not all) reach
their share-of-market peak within six months to a year after the completion of their introduction.
This leads to the conclusion that a brand of proven product and advertising copy superiority would
be well advised to meet maximum trial during the introductory period by spending heavily in the
advertising media and on the promotional devices that are most effective in reaching the brand’s
best longterm prospective consumers. Investment at the highest practicable level in effective
advertising and promotion during the introductory stage, therefore – by quickly achieving a high

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franchise level – can establish a business that is less vulnerable to competition and that returns
higher level of profit in the following years.

Stable Brand: An established, growing brand generally requires minimal promotion support,
usually of a selective nature. The product and its advertising are still equal to or better than
competition. A high proportion of potential customers have tried the brand And many have become
more or less regular users.

Declining Brand: A mature, stable brand may need increased promotional support as competition
begins to match it in product quality and in the persuasiveness of its advertising copy, or as the
brand reaches its natural franchise level. When this happens, Growth ceases, sales and share level

A declining brand may need much heavier promotion support as it becomes old and out-dated by
new or improved competitive brands. Efforts to improve the brand’s quality and its advertising
copy to equal competition may have been unsuccessful. Increasing the advertisment.

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2.1 Future Group

Future Group is one of the country’s leading business group present in retail, asset management,
consumer finance, retail media. The group’s joint venture partners include Italian insurance major,
Generali, French retailer ETAM group, US-based stationary products retailer, staples Inc and UK-
based Lee Cooper and India-based Talwalkar’s, Blue Foods and Liberty shoes.

Future Group’s vision is to,”deliver everything, everywhere, everytime to every indian consumer
in the most profitable manner”. The group considers Indian-ness as a core value and its corporate
credo is – rewrite rules, retain values.

2.2 Future Group Manifesto

“Future” – the word which signifies optimism, growth, achievement, strength, beauty, rewards and
perfection. Future encourages to explore areas yet unexplored, write rules yet unwritten, create
new opportunities and new successes. To strive for a glorious future brings to us our strength, our
ability to learn, unlearn and re-learn, our ability to evolve.

Future group will not wait for the future to unfold itself but create future scenarios in the consumer
space and facilitate consumption because consumption is development. Therby, will effect socio-
economic development for our customer, employees, shareholders,associates and partners.

Group vision:

Future Group shall deliver Everything, Everywhere, Every time for Every Indian consumer in the
most profitable manner.

Group Mission:

The group shares the vision and belief that their customers and stakeholders shall be served only
by creating and executing future scenarios in the consumption space leading to economic

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The group will be trendsetters in evolving delivery formats, creating retail realty, making
consumption affordable for all customer segments – for classes and for masses.

The Group shall infuse Indian brands with confidence and renewed ambition.

The Group shall be efficient, cost- conscious and committed to quality in whatever been done.

The Group shall ensure that positive attitude, sincerity, humility and united detwrmination shall
be the driving force to be successful.

Core Values

 Indianness: Confidence in ourseleves.

 Leadership: To be a leader, both in thought and business.
 Respect and Humility: To respect every individual and be humble in our conduct.
 Introspection: Leading to purposeful thinking.
 Openness: To be open and receptive to new ideas, knowledge and information.
 Valuing and Nurturing Relationship: To build long term relationship.
 Simplicity and Positivity: Simplicity and positivity in our thought, business.
 Adaptability: To be flexible and adaptable, to meet challenges.

Major milestones

1987 – Company incorporated as Manz Wear Private Limited. Launch of pantaloons trouser,
India first formal trouser brand.

1991 – Launch of BARE, the Indian jeans brand.

1992 – Initial Public Offer (IPO) was made in the month of may.

1994 – The pantaloons shoppe – exclusive menswear store in franchise format launched across
the nation. The company starts the distribution of branded garments through multi-brand retail
outlets across the nation.

1995 – John Miller – formal shirt brand launched.

1997 – Pantaloons – India’s family store in kolkata.

2001 – Big bazaar, Is se sasta aur accha kahi nahin – India’s first hypermarket chain launched.

2002 – Food bazaar , the supermarket chain is launched.

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2004 – Central – shop, eat, celebrate in the heart of our city – Indian’s first seamless mall is
launched in bangalore.

2005 – Fashion station – the popular fashion chain is launched.

2006 – Future capital holdings, the company’s financial arm launches real estate funds kshitij
and horizon and private equity fund Indivision, plans forays into insurance and consumer

Multiple retail formats including collection I, furniture bazaar, shoe factory, ezone, depot and
futurebazaar.com are launched across the nation.

Group enters into joint venture agreements with ETAM Group and Generali.

Pantaloons Fore Ray

1. Depot books, music and gifts

Depot is one of the youngest brands from the panataloon stabe and is a tribute to our freedom
of thought, speech and expression shared in a novel fashion with customers as
books,multimedia, toys, stationary and gifts.

At depot , book lovers are offered a range of books that meet the needs and preference of every
age group, from fiction to general reference, management and children’s material, you will
find it all a depot, music buffs are invited to select from a wide category of music CDs and

2. Futurebazaar.com

Futurebazaar.com offers the widest range of products at lowest prices- everyday. Having
pioneered the retaling business in India, Futurebazaar.com has now decided to revolutionize
the consumer e-commerce business in India. It intends to provide customers with a streamlined,
efficient and world class personalized shopping experience, which will be the best technology

Futur Bazaar has been named as the best Indian website 2007 in the shopping category by pc

Future Bazaar won the top spot after beating other established players like rediff,
Indiatimes,sify,ebay,Indiaplaza,Chennai Bazaar and India Mail. The award was presented to
Future Bazaar for its decent no-nonsence approach, while providing a good shopping

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3. Navaras

Navaras, a fine 22 carat pure gold and diamond jewellery brand,is retailed from Big Bazaar
stores.Future Group has revolutionized the Indian jewellary market with the launch of navaras,
which offers branded , pure and design differentiated jewellery at competitive prices in a
hypermarket set-up in line with the evolving buying behaviuor of consumers. The rationable
behind this is that with higher disposable incomes. For consumers today gold and other
jewellery purchases too have become impulsive buying activities. Hence, Navars sithin Big
Bazaar. Navaras offers a complete fine jewellery shopping experience, despite being wirhin
the confines of a hyper market.

4. Top 10

Top 10, the cool offering from future group, offers the latest in fashion and style. This format
is based on the concept of the ever popular countdown shows, where the trendiest styles get
ranked from 1 to 10 the higest selling item gets the higest ranking.

Keeping pace with fast changing needs, top 10 stores empowers the youth to make a distinctive
fashion statement through easily affordable appared collections and accessories.

Top 10 stores stock a wide range of message tees, fashion tees, cool tees ( for guys and gals),
casuals, cargoes, sports wear and skirts. A unique offerinig of this format are T-shirts with
college names printed on them, wherein one can vote for one’s college name and get one’s
college name products custom-made.

5. Tulsi

The medical bazaar

Tulsi the medical bazaar is a pharmacy housed within big bazaars and food bazaar at over 35
locations all over India .

Aiming to offer outstanding professional service from a caring and friendly environment. We
are prepared to go the extra mile or provide that little extra guidance and to care for your needs
through our healthcare enquiry system.

6. Mr. Right

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Future services brings Mr.Right – a reliable resource who is always ready to perform any task
or attend to any requirement. For the very first time in India be it fixing plumbling to providing
serious financial advice , no job is too big or small.

Mr. Right is envisaged to be a one stop solution for all the service needs and will offer various
innovative service . Mr.Right will opeate the following service categories utility services, home
improvement, Travel, Event and Wedding panning, beauty and wellness and advisory services.
Currently offering services like home cleaning. Pest control, Travel and Helpmate. Soon to
launch astrology, shoe laundry, Help@home.

7. Pantaloons Fresh Fashion

Pantaloons Freash Fashion stands out as a fashion trendsetter, on the lines of how fashion is
followed intermationally, The look and what’s in today for the season is sacrosanct.

Pantaloons takes its promise of fresh fashion very seriously making available to its customers
the latest in fashion every week.

All pantaloons stores refelect the new ideology- Freash Feeling, Freash Attitude, Freash
Fashion. The stores offer fresh collections and are visually stimulating thanks to appealing
interiors and attractive product display.

The first pantaloons was opend in Gariahat in 1997. Over the years, it has undergone several
transitions. When it was first launched, this store mostly sold external brands. Gradually , it
started retailing a mix of external brands while at the same time introduced its own private
brands. Initially positioned as a family store, it finally veered towards becoming a fashion store
with an emphasis on youth and clear focus on freash fashion.

8. All

All houses a wide range of ready to wear fashionable clothes and accessories that are otherwise
not easily available for plus size customers. All brings forth a wide collection of stylish clothing
to select from, be it western wear, Indo-Weatern or Ethnic wear in both formal and casual
categories. All also offers matching accessories like belts,ties,and handbags in a perfect size and
fit. The stores are aesthetically and sensitively designed to cater to this niche set of customers who

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love the open wide spaces, clean cut lines, pastel colours that make up the inviting store layout and
the even more remarkable customer friendly staff that are present to assist them in every way.

9. Central

Launched in May'04 at Bangalore, Central is a showcase, seamless mall and the first of its kind in
India. The thought behind this pioneering concept was to give customers an unobstructed and a
pure shopping experience and to ensure the best brands in the Indian market are made available to
the discerning Indian customer.

Central offers everything for the urban aspirational shopper to shop, eat and celebrate. Located in
the heart of the city, Central believes its customers should not have to travel long distances to
reach us; instead we must be present where customers frequently visit.

Central houses over 300 brands across categories, such as apparel, footwear and accessories for
women, men, children and infants, apart from a whole range of Music, Books, Coffee Shops,
Food Courts, Super Markets (Food Bazaar), Fine Dining Restaurants, Pubs and Discotheques.
The mall also has a separate section for services such as Travel, Finance, Investment, Insurance,
Concert/Cinema Ticket Booking, Bill Payments and other miscellaneous services. In addition,
Central houses Central Square, a dedicated space for product launches, impromptu events, daring
displays, exciting shows, and art exhibitions.

10. Fashion Station

Fashion Station is the company's offering from their value retail platform. A thematic store,
Fashion Station is an attempt to offer fashion forward products to the mass market. Called a first
of its kind fashion destination, Fashion Station houses a wide selection of trendy apparels. The
USP of the store is 'Fashion that fits your budget', which translates to great deals on apparel &
accessories for Men, Women and Children.

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11. Food Bazaar

Food Bazaar invites you for a shopping experience, unique by its ambience. At Food Bazaar
you will find a hitherto unseen blend of a typical Indian Bazaar and International supermarket

Flagged off in April’02, Food Bazaar is a chain of large supermarkets with a difference, where
the best of Western and Indian values have been put together to ensure your satisfaction and
comfort while shopping.

The western values of convenience, cleanliness and hygiene are offered through pre packed
commodities and the Indian values of "See-Touch-Feel" are offered through the “bazaar-like”
atmosphere created by displaying staples out in the open, all at very economical and affordable
prices without any compromise on quality.

12. Blue Sky

Blue Sky is a national chain of stores offering a wide selection of branded and private label
sunglasses and watches. Blue Sky has been designed to address an exciting and growing market
for accessories. Customers get a wide and interesting collection of fashion brands from across the

13. Star & Sitara

Star & Sitara, a unique beauty salon for men and women, introduces many new features and
products for the first time in India. At Star & Sitara we aim to democratise salon services for easy
access to all and deliver quality service at very affordable prices. Star & Sitara evokes a theme of

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Bollywood and promises to make you a Star (Sitara in Hindi) The space, décor, lighting is
reminiscent of movies and will transport you from the ordinary world to that of the ‘reel’ world.

Star & Sitara provides all skin and hair related beauty service. The salon is spacious and the
atmosphere relaxed. Men, women and children can easily find a service to cater to their need. But
the focal and niche element of our salon is the affordable and attractive pricing.

14. Big Bazaar

Big Bazaar is not just another hypermarket. It caters to every need of your family. Where Big
Bazaar scores over other stores is its value for money proposition for the Indian customers.

At Big Bazaar, you will definitely get the best products at the best prices - that’s what we
guarantee. With the ever increasing array of private labels, it has opened the doors into the
world of fashion and general merchandise including home furnishings, utensils, crockery,
cutlery, sports goods and much more at prices that will surprise you. And this is just the
beginning. Big Bazaar plans to add much more to complete your shopping expereince.

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 To test the effectiveness of the communication of the offers to the consumers

 To test the awareness level among public with respect to offers of Big Bazaar
 To assess the attractiveness of the offers to customers at Big Bazaar
 To find out the competitive differences of Big Bazaar with other Retail competitors.


Data Source : primary data/secondary data

Research approach : Survey method.

Research Instrument : Questionnaire.

Sample plan : Personal Interview.

Sample unit : Customers of Big Bazaar.

Sampling method : Convenience sampling.

Sample Size : 250 customers.

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Dear Respondents,

I am student of BBA VI semester ,Jagannath University have undertaken a project titled

“Effectiveness of Promotional offers” of Big Bazaar. Hence I request your kind co-operation by sparing
your precious time in answering the following questions and providing information.

(Please mark)

1) Are you aware of promotional offers at Big Bazaar? (If No, please go to question No. 3)

Yes  No 

2) If yes, what was the mode of communication?

TV  News Paper  Hoardings 

3) Did you notice/ hear about the promotional offers today?

Yes  No 

4) How frequently you visit Big Bazaar?

Occasionally  Once in a month  Once in a week 

Daily  As and when required 

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5) The Promotional offers at Big Bazaar are attractive and induce me to make a purchase?

Strongly Agree  Agree  Neither Agree/ Nor Dis-agree  Dis-agree  Strongly Dis-agree 

6) For which range of products/brands you expect promotional offers? (Please Rank from scale 1being high to 4
being lowest)

Clothing  Groceries  Electronic items  Furniture 

7) Have you availed any offers during your recent visits? (If No, please go to question No. 9)

Yes  No 

8) What did you opt for?

Discount offer  Free offer 

9) Do you communicate offers at Big Bazaar to your friends/relatives?

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Yes  No 

10) Where do you find the following better (please mark)

At Big Bazaar At other Retail shops



Product range

Promotional Offers


11) Do offers make you feel like visiting Big Bazaar again?

Yes  No 


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Concept: To survey whether the customers visiting at Big Bazaar are aware of the Promotional offers

Table No: 1

Are you aware of promotional offers at Big Bazaar

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Yes 210 84.0 84.0 84.0
No 40 16.0 16.0 100.0
Total 250 100.0 100.0

Graph No: 1

Are you aware of promotional offers at Big Bazaar




P a g e | 23
Interpretation: Majority (84%) of the customers surveyed were aware of the Promotional offers at Big

Concept: To study mode of communicating promotional offers to the customers

Table No: 2

What was the mode of Communication

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid TV 35 14.0 16.7 16.7
News Paper 136 54.4 64.8 81.4
Hordings 39 15.6 18.6 100.0
Total 210 84.0 100.0
Mi ssing System 40 16.0
Total 250 100.0

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Graph No: 2

What was the mode of Communication








TV News Paper Hordings

What was the mode of Communication

Interpretation: News paper was the most effective mode for communication, followed by hoardings and
TV advertisements.

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Concept: To check the alertness of customers towards the announcements made at Big Bazaar during

Table No: 3

Did you notice/hear about the Promotional offers Today

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Yes 232 92.8 92.8 92.8
No 18 7.2 7.2 100.0
Total 250 100.0 100.0

Graph No: 3

P a g e | 26
Did you notice/hear about the Promotional offers Today




Interpretation: Promotional offers are noticed and heard by the customers during their shopping

Concept: To study frequency the sample customers visited Big Bazaar

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Table No: 4

How frequently you visit Big Bazaar

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid Occasionally 9 3.6 3.6 3.6

Once in a month 42 16.8 16.8 20.4

Once in a week 163 65.2 65.2 85.6

Daily 4 1.6 1.6 87.2

As and when required 32 12.8 12.8 100.0

Total 250 100.0 100.0

Graph No: 4

How frequently you visit Big Bazaar






Occasionaly Once in a month Once in a week Daily As and when
How frequently you visit Big Bazaar

P a g e | 28
Interpretation: 65% of the customers visit Big Bazaar once in a week, either on Wednesday or week
ends, followed by customers visiting once in a month and as and when required.

Concept: Effectiveness of promotional offers inducing the customers to make purchases

Table No: 5

Promotional offers at Big Bazaar are attractive and induce me to make a purchase

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Strongly Agree 65 26.0 26.0 26.0
Agree 100 40.0 40.0 66.0
Neither Agree/Nor
56 22.4 22.4 88.4

Dis-agree 29 11.6 11.6 100.0

Total 250 100.0 100.0

Graph No: 5

Promotional offers at Big Bazaar are attractive and induce me to make a purchase



20 22

10 12

Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree/Nor Di Dis-agree

P a g e | 29
Interpretation: 26% strongly agree, 40% agree, 22% neither agree nor dis-agree and remaining
customers dis-agree.

Concept: To study customers preferences of the commodities

Table No: 6

Rank the products that you expect promotional offers

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Clothing 125 50.0 50.0 50.0
Groceries 80 32.0 32.0 82.0
Electronic items 32 12.8 12.8 94.8
Furnitures 13 5.2 5.2 100.0
Total 250 100.0 100.0

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Graph No: 6

Rank the products that you expect promotional offers










Clothing Groceries Electronic items Furnitures
Rank the products that you expect promotional offers

Interpretation: Customers preferred clothing followed by groceries, electronic items and furnitures.

Concept: To study whether customers availed benefit of promotional offers

Table No: 7

Have you availed any offers during your recent visit

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Yes 214 85.6 85.6 85.6
No 36 14.4 14.4 100.0
Total 250 100.0 100.0

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Graph No: 7

Have you availed any offers during your recent visit




Interpretation: Majority (85%) of customers availed benefit of promotional offers.

Concept: What did you opt for?

The customers may go in for Free offers or discount offers. To study the customers preference of offers
this question was asked.

P a g e | 32
Table No: 8

What did you opt for

Cumul ative
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Di scount offer 91 36.4 42.5 42.5
Free offer 123 49.2 57.5 100.0
Total 214 85.6 100.0
Mi ssing System 36 14.4
Total 250 100.0

Graph no: 8

What did you opt for


Discount offer

Free offer

P a g e | 33
Interpretation: 49% of the customers availed Free offers 36% availed Discount offers.

Concept:Did customers communicate benefit of promotional offers to their friends and relatives

Table No: 9

Do you communicate offers at Big Bazaar to your friends

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Yes 218 87.2 87.2 87.2
No 32 12.8 12.8 100.0
Total 250 100.0 100.0

Graph no: 9

Do you communicate offers at Big Bazaar to your friends




P a g e | 34
Interpretation: Majority (87%) of customers did communicate benefits of promotional offers to their
friends and relatives.

Concept: Where do you find the following better?

1. Price

2. Quality

3. Product range

4. Promotional offers

5. Ambience

Concept: Price

Table No: 10


Cumul ative
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Big Bazaar 215 86.0 86.0 86.0
Other retail stores 35 14.0 14.0 100.0
Total 250 100.0 100.0

P a g e | 35







Big Bazaar Other retail stores

Graph No: 10

Interpretation: 86% of customers find price better compared to other retail stores

Concept: Quality

P a g e | 36
Table No: 11


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Big Bazaar 190 76.0 76.0 76.0
Other retail stores 60 24.0 24.0 100.0
Total 250 100.0 100.0

Graph No: 11







Big Bazaar Other retail stores

Interpretation: Quality at Big Bazaar is good as compared to other retail stores.

Concept: Product Range

P a g e | 37
Table No: 12


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Big Bazaar 240 96.0 96.0 96.0
Other retail stores 10 4.0 4.0 100.0
Total 250 100.0 100.0









Big Bazaar Other retail stores
Interpretation: (96)% of Customers feel product range good at Big Bazaar

Concept: Promotional offers

P a g e | 38
Table No: 13


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Big Bazaar 218 87.2 87.2 87.2
Other retail stores 32 12.8 12.8 100.0
Total 250 100.0 100.0

Graph No: 13








Big Bazaar Other retail stores
Interpretation: Promotional offers are good compared to other retail stores

P a g e | 39
Concept: Ambience



Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Big Bazaar 242 96.8 96.8 96.8
Other retail stores 8 3.2 3.2 100.0
Total 250 100.0 100.0

P a g e | 40
Graph no: 14








Big Bazaar Other retail stores

Interpretation: Majority (97%) of the customers find Ambience very good

Concept: To study whether Customers feel like coming to Big Bazaar to avail the benefits of the offers

Table No: 15

P a g e | 41
Do offers make you feel like visiting Big Bazaar

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Yes 226 90.4 90.4 90.4
No 24 9.6 9.6 100.0
Total 250 100.0 100.0

Graph No: 15

Do offers make you feel like visiting Big Bazaar




Interpretation: Majority (90%) of customers are attracted to offers and hence they will shop frequently
at Big Bazaar.

P a g e | 42

 Newspaper was the most effective mode for communication, followed by hoardings and TV

 Promotional offers are noticed and heard by the customers during their shopping

 65% of the customers visit Big Bazaar once in a week, either on Wednesdays or week ends,
followed by customers visiting once in a month and as-and-when required.

 26% strongly agree, 40% agree, 22% neither agree nor disagree and remaining customers

 Customers preferred clothing followed by groceries, electronic items and furnitures.

 Majority (85%) of customers availed benefit of promotional offers.

 49% of the customers availed Free offers 36% availed Discount offers.

 Majority (87%) of customers did communicate benefits of promotional offers to their friends and

 86% of customers find price better compared to other retail stores.

 Customers found Quality at Big Bazaar good as compared to other retail stores.

 Customers feel product range good at Big Bazaar.

P a g e | 43

 16% of the surveyed customers were not aware of promotional offers, so the Company should ensure
that maximum customers know about promotional offers visiting Big Bazaar and there should make
aware of offers to general public.

 34% of the customers are not attracted to promotional offers because of short range of electronic
items and some doubt the quality of the products on which promotional offers are declared. The
Company should take note of this.

 Some customers are disappointed because of short period of promotional offers as they visit Big
Bazaar after the offer period is over. Such customers should be convinced that similar offers would
be declared soon.

 The duration of the discount offers must be increased, so that more number of customers can avail
the benefit.

 Most of the customers prefer clothing (50%) and groceries (32%) , the Company has to attract the
customers towards and electronic items and furnitures

 The promotional offers on Wednesdays can also be extended to Tuesdays and Sundays so that more
number of customers will get benefit of the offers and thus sales increase.

P a g e | 44

 Promotional offers play an important role to increase the sales in short terms.

 Population is experiencing a new pattern of shopping.

 The customer buying pattern has changed with the introduction of Big Bazaar.

 The foot fall has increased at Big Bazaar.

P a g e | 45
P a g e | 46

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