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IN10CT Group Leader

June 18, 2018

From lectures of CC Clarissa Escober-Doonan, CC Lieshel Yambao, and CC DK Batac

What is an OBJECTION?

An expression or feeling of
disapproval or opposition

A reason for disagreeing

If your prospect raises an objection…
It’s actually a GOOD SIGN!!

they want to understand

they want to test you

A prospect with an objection is…

a curious prospect

a concerned an interested
prospect prospect

a potential pay-in
Build Rapport!!
•  know their deep why
•  connect your presentation to their deep why
•  talk about topics that are important to the client
•  show genuine concern; empathize
•  your story, realizations, and deep why

Handle the potential objections

during the presentation

Listen very carefully

•  While listening, do not rehearse in your mind
what you will say to the client. LISTEN!!


One step backward,

two steps forward
(to re-establish rapport)

1 Acknowledge
•  “Thank you for voicing out that concern”
•  “I see you are not in favor of network marketing”

2 Identify and clarify the objection (LET THEM TALK)

•  “May I ask why you thought of that”
•  “Have you had a bad experience with networking before?”

3 Empathize and mirror

•  “You are worried that this might not work out for
you. I felt the same way, too!”
•  “That was my problem, too!”
(to provide enlightenment)

Published information
•  “Robert Kiyosaki said in his popular book, Rich Dad Poor
Dad, that those who are rich are the ones who have their
own business and are investing.”

•  “I realized that it’s not enough being smart and
hardworking, because I think I am smart and hardworking,
but I was still broke 11 years later. I realized that for us to
get our dreams, we have to be in an opportunity that is
capable of giving us income and savings that can make us
afford our dreams, and still make us earn even when we’re
tired, and Usana can do that.”
(to provide enlightenment)

Resuts (Own/Team/Usana)
•  “4 years later, I and 20 other teammates I’ve been working
with, have all resigned from our day job and are enjoying
the time freedom and the much better income from

•  “10 years from now, my life will be different, and everyone
who believed in me will have a better life, as well. I will be
able to resign from work, buy a beautiful house for my
family, and travel the world with my family and business
partners. The team and I will help you get your dreams as
1 Ask whether your explanation was sufficient to clear the doubt
2 Offer toinformation
discuss the concern further and provide more
after the presentation

3 Closing
•  “Did it make you feel better about taking our Essentials after
learning that information?”
•  “That’s good that I was able to provide sufficient information
to address your concern. Would you want to start with 3BC
or 1BC today?”
(no pay-in)

•  Get the exact date when he will start

•  Smart positioning
•  Give tips (not to tell anyone)
•  Explain the materials you are going to send
•  Schedule the follow-up meeting
•  Introduce to teammates, mirror, and ask for tips
Objections about
YOU as the presenter
How much are you earning?
•  Big or small income, you have to sound EXCITED and PROUD
•  IF INCOME IS SMALL: “I am happy to say that I have
return on investment in 2 months, and after that, the
income coming in is building up the profit for me. I am
working on $200 this week.”

•  “I am very proud to say that my income in Usana is as much/

more than my earning in my day job. It’s great having two
sources of income!”
•  “I have earned $___ part time in the past 6 months. If I wasn’t
doing Usana, I won’t have extra $___. I have more money now
in my savings and investments.”
How long have you been in USANA?
•  ABC yourself! It’s easier if you’re a Director or above
•  If running for PPPS: “1 month. You’re very lucky because
you can be first among the many that I will position in my
organization!” (then explain smart positioning)

•  If beyond PPPS but income/rank is not big enough:

  “2 years and I’m doing this part-time. I have helped many
people in their health, and I am coaching people on how to do
the business, as well, and my business spans 4 countries now.”

  Or talk about some of your achievements. “6 months and I have
completed all the training modules and met my business goals,
and now I am working on earning $1000 a week and helping 10
more part-timers earn additional $400-$600 a week.”
Objections about the
Income Potential
Will this make me rich? Are you sure I can make
money here? How much will I be earning?

•  Usana is just like any other worthwhile opportunity at the start:

you have to work on it and invest time to learn and do the
business first before it bears the fruits that you want. As long
as you learn and apply what you learned, your business will
grow just like many others have experienced. How much you
can earn and how fast you can earn depend on how much you
can learn and how fast you can learn.

•  You can show the Average Income Chart

Those who are at the bottom won’t get anything;
you’re only lucky if you’re at the top.

•  Friend, that’s also my notion before. In Usana, right

positioning is essential, it can also be your advantage in doing
the business. But…

•  This is a fair business. If you want to earn more, you have to

work more on your business. Being at the top does not
guarantee success, and being at the bottom does not mean
you can’t surpass people above you. (Explain the nature of the
binary business)
Objections about
the Industry
Is this pyramiding/networking/scam?
•  Thank you for voicing out that concern. What do you mean by
  Pyramiding as a structure? YES. - Explain the structure

of organizations worldwide (pyramid from CEO to staff)

  Pyramid as scam? NO.

•  Are you familiar with the differences between pyramiding/

scam and legitimate networking companies? Would it make
you feel better if you understood how and why Usana is not a
pyramiding scam?
I don’t like networking!
•  Thanks for your honesty. Most people, including myself, don’t
think highly of networking at the start. What do you think
about when you hear the word “networking”?
•  Do you have concerns or previous experience involving
networking? What happened?

•  Define networking: Networking is a system of moving

products from factory to consumers through an organization
of users, retailers, and business builders.
•  USANA is a Cellular Nutrition Company. Our job description is
to share the products and to promote health. Because we
truly believe that everyone deserves to be healthy and that the
greatest wealth is always good health. Would you agree?
Is this like Herbalife or Amway?
•  In what sense?

•  What do you know about Herbalife or Amway?

•  Then discuss the differences (but don’t say bad things about
the competition)

•  ABC Usana!
Objections about
The products are expensive!
•  Ask how much they believe the products cost
  If they know the retail price only, ABC the preferred price
and the auto-order price.

•  You know what friend, that’s my notion 5 years ago. But when
I did my math, I realized that the USANA products are not
expensive. If you will view the products per tablet it really
shows na hindi siya mahal. You know friend, ang tunay na
mahal ay hospitalization, medications, check-up because of
illness and medical conditions. Friend share ko lang sayo.
Your greatest wealth is always your health. So, friend, are you
willing to invest in your health and earn dollars on the side?
•  Dwarfing of the price: Show them the per tablet cost of
Essentials vs Centrum and the benefits.
  Use Nutrisearch

  Based on the product score of Centrum (5.2%) and Usana

Essentials (96.1%), you would need 18.5 tablets of

Centrum to get close to the score of 1 pair of Essentials. If
Centrum is P10 per tablet, 18.5 Centrum tabs is P185,
while 1 pair of Essentials is P35 on suggested retail price.
Which one ends up to be more expensive?
The business is expensive!
•  Know exactly how much they have in mind
•  Discuss the options
  They can start with 1 BC then upgrade later
  They cam start with BDS only (and some products if they
can afford them) and buy additional products to complete
their 1BC or 3BC
  Or start as PC
  Or buy from you
•  Dwarfing of the pay-in price: McDonalds vs Usana
I don’t have money.
•  I can relate to your sentiments, friend. 4 years ago, I really
want to join because I believe that the products will play a
major role for us to achieve true health. Also by doing it part-
time, I know that in the future, it can be my greatest fallback.
But I don’t have money that time. The good thing about
USANA is that it provides options for enrollment. You can use
cash or credit card.

•  What would be affordable to you given your current budget?

I still don’t have money (during follow-up)
•  That must be hard for you. How do you feel about that?
•  I really want to help you. 6 months ago, you told me you
wanted to do the business but you did not have money. 6
months later, you still didn’t have money. Over the past 6
months, my teammates and I have made extra money in the
business. I want you to have extra money, as well. I am
concerned about your family and your savings and preparation
for retirement as well, especially since you told me how things
aren’t as easy for you and your family. Do you want me and my
team to help you change that? Do you want to do something
now that can change your life? We will help you.

•  Then explain the CBUS.

Lend me money then I will pay you once I’m earning
•  Say NO and provide options. I am glad that you want to start
building your Usana business. However, I am sorry that lending
is not allowed in our business practice. We have several
teammates who did not have their own money to start the
business, but they found a way. Some of them borrowed credit
card or cash, some sold their laptop or second phone, some
applied for loan.

•  The most important way I can help you is that I will guide and
help you in your business, together with our team. Look for a
way on how you can start even with just 1BC, and we will start
teaching you how to make money so that you don’t have to be
in this same situation anymore.
Objections about
the Products
I don’t need to take supplements
•  It’s good that you feel healthy and strong. I want to
understand your position better. What is the reason that you
don’t need to take supplements?
We are taking supplements and we are
very happy with that brand.
•  That’s great that you are taking supplements. May I know
which one? (Then see if it’s in Nutrisearch, then compare)

•  If you are happy with the effects of your supplement that does
not have as much achievements as Usana, can you imagine
how much more you can be happy with the effects of the
highest rated supplement in the world?

•  ABC the athletes who are using the products.

We are taking supplements and we are
very happy with that brand.
•  I really want to help you. You have told me that you and your
family have been taking X supplements for 10 years, but you
are still having problems with blood sugar, blood pressure,
arthritis, and others. Have you wondered if your supplements
are doing something to detoxify your body and repair your

•  Give it a try and see the difference. (Then inform them of the
30-day money-back guarantee if they are unhappy with the
Objections about
Product Availability
There’s so many people doing Usana. I won’t
have market for my products anymore.
•  It’s great that you know people doing Usana. May I know who
they are?

•  I understand how you feel. What’s good with Usana is that there is
no saturation point. In the Philippines alone, we have a population
of 100 million. Currently, we have less than 50,000 associates in the
country. We have a lot of growth potential, as well as a constantly
growing market. More and more people are becoming health
conscious, many get sick everyday, and millions of people want to
lose weight or look young. There are many people who realize they
need to have more income or more time. There are new people
turning 18 years old and become qualified to start their own
business. We have over 20 international markets, and we are only
25 years old. There’s so much room for growth.
•  When I started in 2011, the sales of Usana Philippines did not even
reach P1B, and a lot of people are telling me that the market was
already saturated. But I realized that the products have a big
competitive advantage, and whether I join Usana or not, the
sales will keep growing. In 2016, Usana Philippines reached P4B in
sales! And my life has changed a lot by being part of that sales
growth! There are still so many people who need to know about
Usana. Can you imagine after a few more years, when the sales of
Usana Philippines reaches P10B? P20B? How do you think your
life would have changed if you were part of that sales growth?
Objections about
I don’t have time.
•  What’s usually keeping you busy?
•  I can relate to your sentiments. I really wanted to join but I am
worried because I have so many obligations with my work, family
and other activities. But the good thing about Usana is that it is
designed as part-time. We have programs and systematic game
plan that will help you achieve success.
•  Friend,what I learned in our USANA journey is that to achieve
success, it’s never been the quantity of time. It’s always about the
quality of time that we allot in our business. 1 hour per day sharing
products or the opportunity, or watching video trainings. It’s really
enough for you to be successful.
•  Friend, are you willing to allot 1 hour of your day to do USANA so
that in the future, time will never be an issue in your colorful and
wonderful life?
Objections about
Confidence and Skills
I don’t like selling/
I’m not good at selling
•  Me, too! But now, I have many customers and I am earning extra
money! I couldn’t believe how much I have changed and learned! We
will teach you many skills. You will be surprised with yourself and
realize that it’s not so hard to share great health products, after all.

•  Most people started in Usana without any background in sales and


•  We don’t look at it as selling. We look at it as sharing good health

to others, especially people who are important to us. I bet that if we
draw your family tree, we can come up with many people who have
their individual health needs, and they’re just waiting for someone
to introduce Usana to them, and that’s you.
I am a shy person.
•  A lot of people started in Usana as shy and quiet.
•  Emphasize training.
•  Share stories of succesful people who were shy before.
•  Actually friend, the financial freedom and time freedom are really
feasible in Usana. But the most priceless thing that Usana can
give you is your development and transformation through the
journey. Give us the chance to develop your greatest weapon
and that is yourself!
It’s not my line.
•  Me, too.
•  Anything can be learned.
•  You have a great ability to learn. When you enrolled in accounting
school on your first year in the university, you did not know how
to do any accounting work. But after you learned it in school
and at work, you are now an expert at it. It’s just like Usana.
First you don’t know how to do it, then you learn about it, then
you become an expert at it once you’ve mastered the skills.
That’s where the training system comes in.
Objections related to
Decision-making dilemma
I’ll think about it.
•  Thismeans that there is an UNRESOLVED OBJECTION.
You have to know what it is!

•  What specifically will you be thinking of regarding Usana? What is

giving you the feeling of doubt? (then handle the objection)

•  Refocus on the client’s deep why and relate it to Usana. Make the
client remember the reason why he felt good about Usana
while you were making the presentation.
I’ll ask my spouse about it.
•  If
prospect does not have own source of income: That’s
important for me, too. It is best if we talk to him/her about this.
When could we talk to him/her?
•  If prospect has own source of income: I thought about asking my spouse,
too, but I was enlightened by my sponsor about it. Although it’s true that my
spouse only wants the best for me, he did not see what I saw in the
presentation. He did not know about Usana, and he cannot give me a credible
advice. I want my life to change and I want to give our kids a better life, but
if I ask him something that he doesn’t know about, most likely he won’t
support my decision and I won’t have this opportunity that could have given
us a better life. I am sure that you know what is right from wrong, you can tell
what is legitimate from scam, and you can tell what are really good products
from what are just based on hype. You are capable of making a good
decision based on what you have seen today. Would it help your family if
they all start taking the Usana products? Would it help your family if you start
on a business that can give you a better future? Trust your decision and start
I’m not interested.
•  Thanks for your honesty. What kind of opportunity are you
looking for? / What did you not like about Usana? (Then handle
the objection)

•  Encourage to try the products and don’t push the business.

•  Ask for referrals.
•  Ask for feedback on your presentation and areas for
I don’t need that anymore, I’m already
successful / doing well / happy where I am
•  I am happy for you that you are a successful person.
•  You don’t have to do the business. I highly recommend that
you try the products! Given your financial status, the price
won’t be a problem.

•  Do you know people whom we can help earn extra income?

And people who need help in improving their health?
The way we handle these
objections could result to..


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