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Hitkarini College of Engineering & Technology, Jabalpur

Soft Computing (IT-802)

Mid Sem Exam –II , April 2019

Max Marks: 40 Duration: 1.30 hr

Note: Attempt Any Five questions. All carry equal marks.

1. Write short note on structure of an associative memory.

2. Distinguish between supervised and unsupervised learning.
3. Explain different types of membership function used in fuzzification process.
4. Justify why artificial neural network is call adaptive system during training.
5. Explain different types of mutation function in Genetic algorithm.
6. Train Hebb network for AND.
7. Implement AND Function using perceptron learning rule.
8. Explain in detail generation of cycle of Genetic Algorithm.
9. Short Notes on (nay two) :
a. Perceptron
b. Delta Rule
c. Back propagation network
d. Activation Functions


Hitkarini College of Engineering & Technology, Jabalpur

Soft Computing (IT-802)
Mid Sem Exam –II , April 2019

Max Marks: 40 Duration: 1.30 hr

Note: Attempt Any Five questions. All carry equal marks.

1. Write short note on structure of an associative memory.

2. Distinguish between supervised and unsupervised learning.
3. Explain different types of membership function used in fuzzification process.
4. Justify why artificial neural network is call adaptive system during training.
5. Explain different types of mutation function in Genetic algorithm.
6. Train Hebb network for AND.
7. Implement AND Function using perceptron learning rule.
8. Explain in detail generation of cycle of Genetic Algorithm.
9. Short Notes on (nay two) :
e. Perceptron
f. Delta Rule
g. Back propagation network
h. Activation Functions

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