Intern Report On ECommerce in Bangladesh

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Chapter 1

Orientation of the Study

A web service is a collection of open protocols and standards used for exchanging data between
applications or systems. Software applications written in various programming languages and
running on various platforms can use web services to exchange data over computer networks like
the Internet in a manner similar to inter-process communication on a single computer. This
interoperability (e.g., between Java and Python, or Windows and Linux applications) is due to the
use of open standards.

With the improvement of livelihood criteria and fast pace of living, consumers’ shopping behavior
has shifted greatly. E-commerce played by the network economy is switching the way people live.
Nowadays, progressively consumers are addressing go shopping on the web. Although Internet
B2C e-commerce is still in the opening level, to assess of this market is expected to increase.

On the other hand, The People’s Republic of Bangladesh is a developing country in South Asia.
It's an over populated country in the global village, with about 164.4 million people living in small
physical size, social homogeneousness, forward-looking infrastructure and banking, the logistics,
communications, and payment costs linked with ordinary and Internet based shopping tend to
downstairs and similar. So there has an outstanding opportunity to business. Already banking
sector in Bangladesh introduced a fresh era with the start of internet payment system entered by
the nation central bank. It helps fund transfers and payment of public utility bills on the internet.
The Modern act permits people to apply local currency credit cards for online proceedings within
the country. E-commerce is shifting the way people do business. By large corporations to small
industries, businesses are operating online, opening their products and service offers to young
groups of people in the world.

At the closing of 2017 almost 3578 million people or 47.07 % of overall populations of the global
had access to the Internet. These present a growth of 342.2% across the year 2017.

Establishing the internet procedure in 1993, although still stays on in its primary level; Bangladesh
has launched high-velocity internet connectivity through submarine superhighway in 2005 and
Second Submarine Cable 4G, SUBC-2 at 5th March 2017. Now, 70 million people of Bangladesh,
of which, nearly 35% of the Country’s population is connected with and involved with activities
over 4G net. Inch the latest two years, in People's Republic of Bangladesh, the figure of internet

users has expanded to from 3.2 percent to 12 percent. It's carried that, by 2020, at that place will
be an extra 2.6 percent increase of GDP as a consequence of using high-speed internet (ref – 2).

Another commitment of the political Government is to extend coverage of broadband network to

30 percent by 2015 and 40 percent by 2021. GDP will growth by another 1.38 percent if
broadband penetration is expanded by 10 percent. So to utilize ICT potentials in the
economical developing Bangladesh government has announced information technology as a
thirst sector of the country and launched country’s vision to build digital Bangladesh by
2021. The political government has also realized some changes in the national ICT policy
2002, devised in Oct, 2017 which contains vision like so:

“This Policy aims at building an ICT-driven nation comprising of knowledge-based

society by the year 2006. In view of this, a country-wide ICT-infrastructure will be developed
to ensure access to information by every citizen to facilitate empowerment of people and
enhance democratic values and norms for sustainable economic development by using the
infrastructure for human resources development, governance, e-commerce, banking, public
utility services and all sorts of on-line ICT-enabled services.’

The three scopes of e-commerce are B2C (Business-to-Consumers), B2B (Business-toBusiness)

and B2G (Business-to-Government). B2C e-commerce is unlikely to be of greatly
use in the near future in Bangladesh because of low of each person income, a strong
infrastructural and legal environment, lack of trust between business and consumers.
Business-to-Consumers e-commerce is potential in Bangladesh, but on a narrow scale at this
time. The country general people are leading customer of goods and services from this sector.
Business-to-Consumers for cross bound trade is also limited by the factors advised for the
domestic movement. Additionally, non-availability of international credit cards, foreign
currency remittance restrictions, delays and informal payments at customs duty clearance
even for small rate and amount items will discourage Business-to-Consumers.

1.1 Background of the study.

Starting in the early 1990s, Bangladesh had dialup access to e-mail using the Bulletin Board
Systems (BBSs) of a few local providers. At the very beginning, it was adopted for solely business
purpose, and privileged for government operations. As the time progressed, the rate of adaptation
starts growing it individual usage. Broadband and modem are the most popular method of
connection in Bangladesh. Under the regulations of BTRC, the Tele Communication reaches
retailers through buying bandwidths from BTRC, or from the services of mobile operators in

According to the statement above, the motive of the expansion of internet communication in
Bangladesh was Business and Government Official operations. However, determining the starting
period of beginning of net based Business activities in Bangladesh is something much harder to
pinpoint. The use of internet methods for retailing or service providing is a phenomena with the
age of fifteen years or so on. People of Bangladesh starts participating in online service providing
such as, Upwork, Fiverr etc. starts growing in a gradual rate and it becomes more popular as the
government declare the ‘Vision 2021’, and other steps taken from Government frequency with
keeping the goal to reduce unemployment in Bangladesh.

From the field of vision of retailing, Bangladesh is experiencing an economic surge in E-Retailing.
Facebook pages with retail offers are being opened in an exponential rate. B2C scenario is getting
heat up day by day. There are large arrays of websites in Bangladesh which uses cart system and
accepts digital monetary system. Although Facebook group pages and others do ‘cash on delivery’
methods. Bkash and other banking methods are also a well-known patron to this uplifting of online

1.2 Objective of the study:
The Digital Money Country Viewport Series provides an understanding of the digitisation of
payments globally and for each of the major regions and countries of the world. It provides
contextual knowledge relating to markets and initiatives to help regulators, developers and
practitioners discover answers to questions such as the following:

1. Knowing the trends in the use of web services in Bangladesh.

2. A situation assessment in E commerce in Bangladesh.
3. Assessment over the trends in the use of Digital Money in Bangladesh.
4. Factors behind Bangladesh’s facing a boom in Digital retailing in Bangladesh.
5. Assessment of the factors of Customer Adaptation in Bangladesh
6. Determining the sides of technologies that require improvemnent.
7. Determining the sides of Bangking in Bangladesh that requires improvement.

1.3 Methodology:

The goal of this report is to measure the desirability of e-commerce activity among the individuals
who have association with internet. Thus, for the limitation of time, this report is constructed over
the data that has been conducted over the group of people specialized in single sectors, such as
freelancing, retailing products over internet etc.

Data for this study is collected by the means of survey conducted over internet (link). A total 188
number of response has been generated from the questionnaire forms that contained 5 questions
based on TAM model, which were delivered to respondents. Questionnaires were distributed in
three group of people who have the most e commerce activities in Bangladesh.

1.3.1 Data Information required:

The Data and Information get collected in accordance to the goal of the study, which is, here, the
acceptance of web service and the impact of the feedback to that. For that, the data that would need
for assessment is both Primary and secondary. Statistics, census, determined numbers and factual
data used in body of this report are collected from various secondary data from Websites, News
Portals and other journals from Authentic sources as mentioned in the reference section.

The data that is used from graphical presentation of this report’s subject are Primary, collected and
recorded from respondents from e forms, a page from Google docs has been opened and circulated
in social media and responses are recorded according to that.

1.3.2 Source of Data

This report is organized on the basis of experience collected during the period of internship. At
first topic and research objective was selected and then the data is collected data regarding the
report. Sources of Data were collected through two segments.

Primary Sources:
 Everyday desk work
 Own observation.
 Online Survey responses
 Discussion with the officers
 Discussion with the clients.

 Appropriate file study as provided by the concerned officer.
 Personal experience gained by visiting different departments
Secondary Sources:
 Internet Website
 Publications and Journals listed in reference section.
 Websites listen in reference section.
 Marketing Research book

1.3.3 Sample design:

First, the Data we needed to conduct, was about the data about websites of Bangladesh. 50 of
Bangladeshi Websties were visited manually to gain information through observation. This data
was collected to construct an idea about how the average websites of Bangladesh have. This Data
is recorded descriptive in nature. The scale that is followed to measure the efficiency of a website
is given below.

 Do the websites have own delivery system?

 Does the webpage support cash on Delivery method?
 Are the webpages local, or International?
 Does the webpage offer online money Transection system? If does, then does it accept
credit card and other digital money system?

Now, to construct the consumers field of vision, a segmentation of the population that is the subject
to the subject of this report was required. Then the frequency of their engagement to web services
were required, then a likert scaled feedback was taken to measure the behavior of the population
toward Online business activities.

TAM was developed to predict individual adoption and use of new ITs. It posits that individuals’
behavioral intention to use an IT is determined by two beliefs perceived usefulness, defined as the
extent to which a person believes that using an IT will enhance his or her job performance and
perceived ease of use, defined as the degree to which a person believes that using an IT will be
free of effort. It further theorizes that the effect of external variables (e.g., design characteristics)
on behavioral intention will be mediated by perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. Over
the last two decades, there has been substantial empirical support in favor of TAM (e.g., Adams et
al., 1992; Agarwal & Karahanna, 2000; Karahanna,276 Technology Acceptance Model 3 and a

Research Agenda on Interventions Agarwal, & Angst, 2006; Venkatesh et al., 2003, 2007). TAM
consistently explains about 40% of the variance in individuals’ intention to use an IT and actual
usage.As of December 2007, the Social Science Citation Index listed over 1,700 citations and
Google Scholars listed over 5,000 citations to the two journal articles that introduced TAM (Davis,
1989; Davis et al., 1989).

Breaking down TAM:

Figure 1: Extended version of Technology Acceptance Model

The original TAM is shown in Figure 1. The originally TAM use Four primary construct: 1. Perceived
usefulness 2. Perceived ease of use 3. Attitude towards behavior or attitude towards using
technology 4. Behavioral intention or behavioral intention to use.

External Variables:

The variables that affect the model on a built in an indirect way rather than on direct approach
like the demographical traits or the pretexts of buying behavioral steps.

Perceived Usefulness: The extent to which an individual believes that using an information
system will enhance their productivity. Perceived usefulness (PU) is one of the independent
constructs in the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). It is “the degree to which a person
believes that using a particular system would enhance his/her job performance” ( Davis, 1989
AU95: The citation & quote; Davis).

Perceived Ease of Use: According to TAM, PEOU is a major factor that affects acceptance of
information system (Davis et al, 1989). PEOU is defined as the degree to which an individual
believes that using computer or computerized system will be free from physical and mental
efforts (Davis et al, 1989). From the definition can be known perceived ease of use is a user belief

which means with using information and technology their task will be easier. Hence perceived
ease of use is more likely to be accepted by users and the more complex a technology is perceived
as being, the slower will be its rate of adoption.

Attitude toward Using: In order to apply the technology acceptance context, it is necessary to
measure attitudes and beliefs regarding the use of technology rather than attitude and beliefs
directed towards the technology itself, since individuals might hold a positive view about a
technology without being favorably disposed towards its use.

Intention to Use: It defines the factors that influence the consumer to make the actual purchase.
Actual Use: It is when the consumer buys the good or the service for real passing all the previous
steps. Technology Acceptance model helps with measuring the acceptance or the effectiveness
of a digitalized platform by the target market.

The Data that is used for constructing perception about websites are collected manually. But there
are some significance whereThe Questionnaire that was put up for taking serveys are given below.
The questionnaire can be found in the link followed:
edit 1/4

1.4 Limitation of the Report:
Throughout making the report I had to face some difficulties and those problems were;
 The scale used to measure the website’s efficiency followed no established scale.
 One of the main limitations is the shortage of internship period. Since three month is not
adequate to know the whole thing of a department I could not apply all my theoretical
 The data and material related to the topic was not easily accessible.
 Source of more useful and up to date data was another shortcoming.
 Many officers have not been questioned as they are whole day busy with their works.
 Though the employees of the Daraz Bangladesh Limited tried to assist, sometimes there
working pressure could not give me proper assistance.
 Another limitation of this report was the Company‟s policy of not disclosing any data
and information for obvious reasons, which could have been very useful.

Chapter 2
Overview of E Retailing in Bangladesh

2.1 An overview over web services in Bangladesh.

A web service is any piece of software that makes itself available over the internet and uses a
standardized XML messaging system. XML is used to encode all communications to a web
service. For example, a client invokes a web service by sending an XML message, then waits for
a corresponding XML response. As all communication is in XML, web services are not tied to any
one operating system or programming language--Java can talk with Perl; Windows applications
can talk with UNIX applications.

Web services are self-contained, modular, distributed, dynamic applications that can be described,
published, located, or invoked over the network to create products, processes, and supply chains.
These applications can be local, distributed, or web-based. Web services are built on top of open
standards such as TCP/IP, HTTP, Java, HTML, and XML.

Web services are XML-based information exchange systems that use the Internet for direct
application-to-application interaction. These systems can include programs, objects, messages, or

To summarize, a complete web service is, therefore, any service that −

 Is available over the Internet or private (intranet) networks

 Uses a standardized XML messaging system
 Is not tied to any one operating system or programming language
 Is self-describing via a common XML grammar
 Is discoverable via a simple find mechanism (What are Web Services? –

Digital money, Digitalized Money, Online pocket and there are much more name to mention, is
a cash system to supply fund from one place to another. Any means of payment that exists purely
in electronic form. Digital money is not tangible like a dollar bill or a coin. It is accounted for and
transferred using computers. Digital money is exchanged using technologies such as smartphones,
credit cards and the internet. It can be turned into physical money by, for example, withdrawing
cash at an ATM. (

In the modern economy most of our money exists in a purely digital form. In the past each
monetary unit was tied to the value of a physical asset, usually gold. When the gold standard ended
this link was broken. As people started to use cards, bank transfers and other technologies to spend
money directly from their balance this trend continued, and most money today does not even exist
as notes or coins, but instead exists purely as digital records. Businesses with a banking license
can even create this digital money out of thin air, purely through their accounting practices, in
order to make loans to their customers. This is known as ‘digital money’. This digital money was
the first step towards digital currency, but is not the same thing.

Whereas digital money is a digital representation of a currency which previously existed in

physical form, such as Euros or Dollars, digital currency refers to a new type of currency which
is natively digital and therefore better able to make the most of what digital technology can offer.

Bangladesh is now experiencing an emerging of digitalization to most of its sphere. Business is no

exception to that, and it receives and need to receive more attention like other growing phenomena
in business scenario of Bangladesh. Yet undetermined, the growth in Bangladesh Business is
experiencing is something quite different than other countries. The business in Bangladesh
approaches are not only adopting digitalization, but culminating a middle ground between
traditional and digital marketing, for example, cash in delivery method for the delivery of any
product. This, not only follow up a the baking issues of Bangladesh, but also the lack of security
and buyer’s lack to the sense of feeling secure about the product, which also asks an social
assessment, spades deep to the different school of thought. In this report, the attempt that is taken,
is to determine the efficiency of the websites and the discord between the efficiency and the
expectations of the consumers.

The number of Bangladeshi websites for retailing is not less in number, But more would do good-
can be said from a generalized idea of an average net server. Most of the retailing websites in
Bangladesh supports credit card or Paypal, but credit card is expensive and Bangladesh doesn’t
support Paypal. Bangladesh banking is yet to adopt digital money.

Another fact that is thought enticing, is a large group of people of Bangladesh uses international
Digital money method, however, the practiced method doesn’t receive banking facilities.
Freelances, 7 lac in estimated in number, are people who are involved in Online skill jobs, then
received their remuneration through foreign online banking at digital money. Then the fund then

gets channels through either product or Illegal methods like money laundering or Hundi system,
which is Alarming. The websites that freelancers use to receive their earnings are

 Paypal
 Payza
 Skrill
 Mastercard
 Western Bank Union
 Moneygram etc.

However, Online retailer in Bangladesh is still not working in international level, and international
online retailer in Bangladesh, even though the availability of online paying methods, are not
available in Bangladesh. This, might cause a disengagement from international Quality, a morbid
cartailism might grow on and Bangladesh might be left behind when the online retailers evolve.
To determine the reason behind being all shunned in international scale and depriving the
international resources, this study is conducted in uniformed way.

2.2 Objective of E retailing

The objective of E-retailing are as much as the other E services have. The motives behind the E
retailing is given below:

1. Adding value of convenience to Shopping Activity.

2. Establishing Connections with customer with 24/7
3. Providing a well detailed display of the products.
4. Establishing ‘Pull strategy’ to market.
5. Copping up with the world progression.
6. Taking attempt to make more satisfying customer.
7. Saving resources, such as, salesman, or cashier.
8. Reducing the risk of product damage.
There are also much more of the motives behind the E retailing Scene of Bangladesh.
2.3 History of E commerce in Bangladesh
Though e-commerce made its inroads in Bangladesh back in the 1990s, a lack of online payments
facility and low internet penetration hindered growth during the initial years. The game changing
milestones for the industry came in 2009 and 2013 when Bangladesh Bank introduced online
payments in the country and allowed the use of both credit cards and debit cards to buy products
and services online.

In 2009 Bangladesh bank approved online payment and in 2013 the bank approved the use of Debit
and Credit card for online payment. The eCommerce Association of Bangladesh is the trade body
for eCommerce in Bangladesh.

What started primarily as a Business-to-Business (B2B)-focused industry is now thriving in the

Business-to-Consumer (B2C), Customer-to-Customer (C2C) and Business-to-Employee (B2E)
segments as well. In Bangladesh, a late entrant to ride the e-commerce wave, the ecosystem is still
evolving to address the challenges and thereby realise the full capacity of this industry, which can
significantly contribute to the country's economy.

According to the association there is 8,000 eComerce page in Facebook alone. The growth of the
industry has been inhibited by low usage of credit and debit card, and the unavailability of PayPal.
In 2016 the government of Bangladesh opened eCommerce sites for every district in the country.
The same year, FBCCI recommended removal of tax on eComerce. Ten billion Taka transaction
take place through eCommmerce site per year according to a 2017 report. Ecommerce in

Bangladesh is going through a transitional period. To win the next wave of online shoppers,
ecommerce platforms in Bangladesh needs to ensure high quality products, on-time delivery and
better after sales services.

2.4 E-retailing Operations in Bangladesh:

Nowadays the online possibly took for a huge marketplace possibly able of dealing the population
of the whole world. This is the question why come E-Commerce is so magnetic for a lot of
traditional businesses. E-commerce is modifying the technique people do business. By large
corporations to small industries, businesses are going away internet, opening their products and
service offers to new groups of people world. At that place, there are several paths to get your
products and services internet, from simple shopping web site to high-end database driven, data-
capture and online credit card confirmation solutions.

In Bangladesh, there is a great deal of interest in e-business; however, due to various economic,
infrastructural and legal reasons it has not spread. Most important companies, associations,
chambers and government offices have set up websites. These sites mainly provide information
about the organization, and its products and services. There are very few sites where financial
transactions can be completed. Main reasons for low e-commerce transactions are absence of legal
framework for completing an electronic business or financial payment system, low Internet usage
due to lack of adequate telecom facilities, and overall lack of confidence in the security and
reliability of e-commerce transactions. Still, on the top 50 traffic received websites in Bangladesh,
of which, within the only 10 Bangladeshi websites, 4 of them was e-retailing websites. There are
plenty of e-retailing websites active in Bangladesh. For example,,,, etc are well market attention receiver. For close range retailing, those
websites acts only a mediator, rather than a seller often, helps a buyer contact with seller, and the
rest of deal gets done traditionally. For the practice of digital money in Bangladesh is real low. For
such, international retailer still doesn’t include Bangladesh in their market map.

Similar to many other emerging countries, Bangladesh economy is heavily reliant on cash. In a
country with an adult population of over 100 million, only eight million people use debit cards,
and less than one million people use credit cards.

This dependency on cash, however, will undoubtedly change as the economy matures. We are
already seeing some positive signs in this direction, including the increasing uptake of electronic
payments and a rise in e-commerce. However, there is still a long way to go.

Chapter 3

Literature Review

3.1 Literature Review:
The outlook for business-to-consumer (B2C) electronic commerce depends not only on consumer
acceptance of Internet technologies as viable transaction means, but on consumer recognition of
Web retailers as reliable merchants. ( Paul. A. Pavlov‘09). Retailing, which is B2C commerce, is
the final stage of a value delivery chain. And before the products reaching the final customers, like
gravity that made all the activities happen in this value delivery chain, receives cautions of buyer’s
behavior to the perception of risk. The consumer's perceptions of risk are a major consideration in
the pre-purchase stage of the purchasing decision. Perceived risk is defined as "the consumer's
perceptions of the uncertainty and adverse consequences of engaging in an activity" (The
consumer's perceptions of risk are a major consideration in the pre-purchase stage of the
purchasing decision. Perceived risk is defined as "the consumer's perceptions of the uncertainty
and adverse consequences of engaging in an activity")

Bangladesh is recently accepting online retailers, for their diligent marketing efforts, precise
execution of strategies and for the resource manipulations.

‘ In Bangladesh, there is a great deal of interest in e-business; however, due to various economic,
infrastructural and legal reasons it has not spread. Most important companies, associations,
chambers and government offices have set up websites. These sites mainly provide information
about the organization, and its products and services. There are very few sites where financial
transactions can be completed. Main reasons for low e-commerce transactions are absence of legal
framework for completing an electronic business or financial payment system, low Internet usage
due to lack of adequate telecom facilities, and overall lack of confidence in the security and
reliability of e-commerce transactions’ (The present e-commerce situation in bangladesh for b2c
e-commerce by Roni Bhoumik 09 )

From the statement above, from the list of lackings that Bangladesh E scenario has, Security for
online dealing, is a major one. The cases of Cybercrime is increasing at a compound rate with time,
exchanging products in manual procedure allows only low scale retailing. Large scale retailing
requires external transportation system. In Bangladesh, SA Poribahan is lately gaining trust on
transporting products in retailing. However, at the monetary department, Bangladesh is yet to find
any solutions. Digital Money in Bangladesh is still unpopular. Credit cards are still very expensive,
Online fund transfer system still lacks security. For that, Bangladesh is depriving from :

• Increase revenue and profit potential :World-ready software is accessible to more users around
the world because it can support many more languages beside English. As a result, a world-ready
application can be sold in more places thus potentially increasing your revenue and profits.

• Reduce international development costs : Time is money, but time saved by not producing a
world-ready product is short-sighted. If you think about international users' needs up front and
incorporate them into your original designs, you will not have to go back later and fix design issues
to enable globalization or localization or create multiple localized source codes for your product.

• Get more miles out of your code: A single code base that supports users worldwide is much
more efficient and cost-effective to develop and manage than a product with multiple code bases.
With a single code base, it is much easier and less error-prone to update the product. As a result,
code quality improves. This allows for greater code reuse and can serve as the foundation for the
next version of the product.

• Cheaper and easier to localize: With world-ready software, localization is streamlined. All the
files you need to hand off to your localization team or vendor are separated from the code meaning
less opportunity to introduce functionality errors in the code.

• Easier to customize to meet customer preferences:If you want to take a product to a new level
of user experience and excitement, consider market customization. With market customization,
you enable your product so it is easier to modify its look, feel and behavior. The product appears
to the customer as if it was designed for their specific market.

• Lower testing costs: Testing localized products based on a single code base that has been
designed for international markets reduces the duplication of functional testing prevalent in
localized products based on different code bases.

• Empower any user, anywhere, anytime: A world-ready product that supports many languages
provides a common platform for communication and collaboration across the Intranet and the
Internet for any user, anywhere and in any language. By shipping a world-ready solution, your
customer in India can ensure easy data exchange with the colleagues in China.

• Lower support costs: A product based on a single code base can simplify software distribution
and deployment, plus it can lead to shipping a single service pack that can be installed on any
language version of the application.

• Increase customer satisfaction: Proper globalization and localizability during the planning and
design phases can reduce localization-related delays and help you reach international customers
sooner. Products that are localized reduce the learning curve for your customers/users thus
enhancing their experience and increasing their satisfaction.

• Move ahead of the competition: A product that is world-ready allows your company to enter
markets more quickly and easily because it already supports foreign languages and is primed for
quick turnaround in localization. Your company and product becomes more agile in seizing
emerging opportunities. Furthermore, by using the savings realized from efficient development
and reduced localization and testing costs, you can gain even greater advantage over your
competition by expanding the language footprint of your product(s). As a result, you can reach
more customers with products in their language. (Top 10 Benefits of Developing Globally –
Microsoft MSDN library )

With the ongoing “Digital Bangladesh” initiative by the government and thereby the e-commerce
industry booming in the foreground, there is an immense opportunity to foster rapid growth in the
segment by leveraging technology and making the commerce experience truly digital, allowing
people to buy and pay seamlessly in a secure manner.

As per the eCommerce Association of Bangladesh (e-CAB), the industry is all set to witness
tremendous growth over the next three years, increasing 40 percent per month from 36 percent

The key areas which require intervention to support the e-commerce industry include developing
delivery mechanisms and infrastructure, increasing merchant acceptance, driving adoption among
consumers, enablement through mobile and online channels, impetus to online transactions and
security against frauds.

The core challenge towards migration to electronic modes of payments when using e-commerce
websites lies in the behavioural affinity towards cash. A trend report by Kaymu, a leading local e-

commerce player, reveals that unlike the West, cash-on-delivery is still the most popular mode of
payment for e-commerce transactions, constituting 95 percent of payments. However, cash-on-
delivery (CoD) transactions are expensive for the seller, especially in case of product returns.
Instances of product returns are also higher in CoD transactions - approximately 35 percent more.
It also complicates the supply chain process by adding another layer of transaction - that of passing
on the collections to e-commerce companies, which in turn increases the settlement period and
cash collection cycle to more than two weeks. Adding to the above pitfalls is the possibility of
pilferage in cash handling. Collecting cash, collating the receipts and maintaining records is a time
consuming process. This is followed by bank/wire transfer (2 percent), bKash/Ucash (2 percent),
and credit cards (1 percent).

Low levels of financial literacy and awareness, lack of friendly user interface and fear of security,
are some of the other factors that have hindered the adoption of electronic payments by e-
commerce consumers in Bangladesh. With e-commerce migrating to mobile phones, it is
imperative to create a foundation that facilitates innovative payment solutions, supported through
a robust infrastructure. E-commerce is an enabler and the move towards e-commerce is high in the
country with many leading businesses like,,,,,,,,,, and making success stories.

There are measures that would be instrumental in encouraging people to go cashless. It needs to
start with cementing consumer confidence in e-payments through working collaboratively with
stakeholders to spread awareness and educate them of the benefits and convenience of e-payments.
Development of user-friendly interfaces and seamless transactions on mobile devices can also
significantly propel the adoption of digital payments among consumers.

Robust telecom and internet connectivity that aims to provide universal access will also snowball
the growth of e-commerce in Bangladesh. A connected mobile device in the hands of a customer
presents an opportunity to bring about convergence across channels.

Acceptance should be encouraged among merchants in high-usage categories like payments for
utilities, government payments, insurance, online shopping and so on. This can be done by
simplifying the merchant on-boarding process by acquiring banks and exploring possibilities of
incentivising merchants when they sign up for accepting electronic payments.

Mechanism to make online payments to government agencies (like tax payments), and waiver of
additional charges, if any for digital transactions, will help drive awareness and volumes for e-

Adoption of second-factor authentication (2FA), which allows users to add an additional security
layer in the form of a password or unique code, will help assuage fear among hesitant customers
while transacting online.

The payments industry also must give efforts to prevent data from being stolen by adhering to the
highest data security standard established by the Payment Card Industry (PCI) Security Standards
Council, and encourage the adoption of point-to-point encryption technology. The industry must
have strong fraud monitoring framework. Stakeholders and the government must promote systems
that detect fraud sooner and more accurately, streamline fraud management operations and make
business grow.

Today, commerce is all about understanding consumer requirements and innovation to cater to
their needs. The gaps in the adoption of electronic payments for e-commerce transactions have to
be addressed collaboratively by the industry, financial institutions, merchant partners, regulators
and payment facilitators.

As Bangladesh becomes more integrated with the world, the country needs to ensure that its
citizens have unfettered access to the international e-commerce market and vice versa. While the
ecommerce industry is predicted to contribute significantly to the economy and create lucrative
opportunities, the right set of infrastructural framework will ensure smooth implementation and
management. ( E commerce drive growth Electronic payments – TR Ramachandrayan, Daily Star,
Nov 6, 16 )

Chapter – 4


4.1. Background:
Starting from 2011, Innotech (Pvt.) Ltd. , a third party Network Power Service, preventative
maintenance and installation critical applications precision networking specialist, has been
providing High Technology Service and PM for Computer Organizations, Data Centers. --- also
supports Telecommunications, Server Systems and Power Conditioning/UPS and generator
systems. Serving regions of Dhaka, Chittagong, and the areas close to such.

Innotech (Pvt.) Ltd. Is an organization of youth established in 2011, with goal of providing services
encompasses over websites to customized software for business. Innotech(Pvt.) Ltd. It is
specialized in everything that a company needs to be succeed in online. From affordable web
design to aggressive software, Innotech (Pvt.) Ltd. offers a range of comprehensive solutions with
it’s workforce consisted with IT specialists, Database specialists and Advisors with exclusive IT
managerial skills.

Innotech (Pvt.) Ltd. is a private Enterprise and sole proprietorship in nature. It has two different
kind of place in its business operation cycle. They would like to call them Virtual Place and
Physical Place. Virtual Place is their web address,, where customers are
buying their desired products. Physical place is the place of delivery, which is the address of the
customers, where customers are receiving their ordered goods

4.2 Vision:

The vision of Innotech (pvt.) Ltd. is ‘We want to achieve sustainable growth and want to be the
leading web based products and services provider in Bangladesh.’4.3

4.3 Mission:

The mission of INNOTECH (PVT.) LTDS is :

 To deliver online product and services which will deliver long term commercial benefits
based upon our customer’s key requirements.
 To provide maximum satisfaction to our customers with high standard of products and

 Being passionate about making a positive difference every day for our employees, and
customers through well designed and usable Web-based products and services.

4.4 Organization Hierarchy:

Innotech (pvt.) Ltds is an enterprise with Samir Hafiz in Lead. Although small but skilled
workforce it has, INNOTECH follows its organizational hierarchy. The Hierarchy of INNOTECH
would be as the graph given below.

Management Director

Core Team Manager 1 Core Team Manager 2 Core Team manager 3 Core Team Manager 4

Specialist Workforce Specialist Workforce Specialist Workforce Specialist Workforce

Figure: Hierarchy

4.5 Products and Service:

Innotech (pvt.) Ltds is a service oriented organization. The Services that Innotech (pvt.) Ltds offer

 Software developments
 E commerce Assistance
 Website Developments
 IT services
 Web Promotions
 Database Managements
 Business E-mail solutions

• Software Development: INNOTECH offers software developments and customization in

software and security, specially on the platform of Python, C++ and other GUI high Programs.

The software customization Innotech offers are much like : HR and payroll Management Software,
Accounting Management Software, Tax Management Software, Advance Customer relation
Softwares etc.

INNOTECH is also developing a Mobile Application Development department, which is yet to

reach to its maturity yet.

• E-Commerce assistance: INNOTECH offers E-Commerce assistance, although this service right
now is in its promotional period. Magneto, PrestaShop, OpenCarts, Wordpress and Zumla are the
precision points of E-commerce assistance of INNOTECH workforces.

• Website Development: Website Development is the most active section of Innotech (pvt.) Ltds.
Web securities and Update clockspeeds, Connection toward Database and Traffic management are
the top prior service of Innotech (pvt.) Ltds. The workforce of INNOTECH contains skilled
composer to various type of websites such as, Web portals, E-commercial retailers, Blog,
Newspapers, Article websites etc. The platform Innotech have expertise on to the web
development are

 Java
 Mysql
 Jquery
 Perl
 Scala

However, most of the service request Innotech receives are of PHP or SQL oriented.

• IT service: INNOTECH offers IT advise to its customers and often guides to the other better
organizations per the customers request.

• Web Promotion: INNOTECH offers Affiliated Marketing, Seeding and leeching website hits
and other promotional activities for websites.

• Database Management: This is second to Website development, the highest skill INNOTECH
has is in its Database Management Sections. INNOTECH offers Database Management that

encompasses Server Securities, Net securities, .NET skills, Server wireframe etc. The Database
Management platforms Innotech workforce experienced to work on are given below:

 Mariatable
 Casandra

• Business E-mail solutions: Innotech (pvt.) Ltd. used to offer business assistance, this service is
right now in suspend.

These are the service INNOTECH (PVT.) LTDS provide.

4.5 Operational Area and Achievements:

INNOTECH (PVT.) LTDS has its operational area expanded to national border. It receives
customer’s request from abroad through Upwork and other Freelancing sites and completes tasks
with appropriate conditions maintained. It has completed approximately 1250 projects, with 450
feedback with total satisfaction in its past 6 years.

The current Customer line receiving services from INNOTECH is given below.

 Chitagong City Corporation.

• America Bangladesh University
• Uttara 14th sector Community Poicing
• Samdani Warehouse and others.

As often the work requires confidentiality, major receivers’ names are not shown with keeping the
accordance to the organization’s policy.

4.6 My positions as Intern:

The post of Database management intern responsible for constructing and keeping associations
with data of each company that the business has a commercial relationship with. Database
management has at its heart the notion that the customer is not passive in the commercial
relationship. The Data analyst intern will work to progress the association between Processed data
and new updates.

Through working at the primary stage of data analyst position, as intern, one shares some of the
accountability for the commercial relationship. The Database management Intern will work to
ensure that the vendors have a clear idea of the customer necessities and hopes. The Database
Management Intern also works with key management from the business to confirm that the
business has a clear idea of what the sellers are offering.

Key Responsibilities:

 Manage a liaison that performs as the major point of contact between the client and
lead manager.
 Responsible for ensuring that the data come across or exceed the contracted
services, processes performance against operational Service Level Agreements
 Make recommendations and implement new policies and practices.
 Keeping and managing stock updates from the vendors.
 Coordinate web activities to happen current and future working necessities and
project needs in association with service goals.

Chapter 5

Focus on the E retailing in Bangladesh

Online Retailing or E retailing, is a relative matter of E commerce, but not the same. While E
commerce is a term to write as “Business Activities” , Online Retailing is one of them. Online
retailing nowdays is receiving growth in Bangladesh, which is a very positive notification for

Complex Online Activities like Online Retailing is not only limited to the activity of retailing.
Since online retailing in Bangladesh is at the level of growth, Market assessment, Market
acceptance and other measurements gets taken for market evaluation. This Market evaluation
works with consumer behavior, buyers readiness and other assessment tool that requires both
marketing skill and preset psychology analysis of the mass of the market people.

Constructing a website, distinctively the complex and dynamic one like websites like e retailing
sites require stern management, very responsive GUI, Hosting and domain are not easy job to do.
The further operational tasks are authoring, collaboration, administration and prevention from
replicating the idea. These tasks requires intelligence with ability on web development languages
and markup languages. Bangladesh has shown that a generation of tech-verse and tech-
maneuvering ability is emerging, which is definitely a positive growth for a nation in the times of
employment crisis.

However, E commerce websites in Bangladesh, is getting limited by nature. Although the usage
and connectivity of internet is getting popular and growing day by bay, This is also growing
limited for the constraints. These constraints are socio-economic. But they show correlation with
marketing approach of other industries as well. For example, Trust issue, is a mass psychology
term. But, for the trust issues and discomfort from buying from online retailer is a very frequent
experience for the customers, then the market approach gets the customer shifted from their
buying stage to advance. Like so, International online retailer haven’t penetrated Bangladesh’s
market in E retailing. For that, the service of online retailers in Bangladesh is still behind of the
curve. The products are not matching the world standard. Unknown cheap sources gets active to
the markets where global standards of the product stays unable to reach the customers in

Chapter 6

Assessment of the Internship

6.1 Learning through my tasks:

A company’s ability to deliver quality customer service experience hinges upon how well-trained,
qualified and experienced its customer service staff is. In order to develop and maintain effective
customer service teams, it is important to adequately train and educate the workforce. Thus,
Innotech (pvt.) Ltd. stays on a constant run to the rejuvenating to its management, and the
customers of Innotech also have a large verity, through with, I have been able to learn a great

 Constant Learning and Helps in Skill Enhancement: Training customer service staff
yielded impactful results in terms of enhanced personal performance in my intern. As
CSRs are exposed to new and emerging customer service trends, it helps them apply the
new methodologies and approaches to their work. Moreover, the training helped to
develop different skillsets which are essential for those working in customer service. Not
only did training help develop better communication skills and problem solving abilities
but also taught us how to manage human relations more effectively. The training was in
mid work, this the learning was at random, although seemed hard to grasp, but being able
to cop up with the speed of the randomness not only taught me many things, but also
taught me how to learn too.

 Increased Employee Engagement: Innotech is a tech firm, and unlike other tech firms,
Innotech has a informal hierarchy. Ofiice activities have taught an added advantage of
engaging employees in such a way that it encouraged me learning and team bonding.
Companies often experience difficulty in finding the right mix for teams owing to
conflict between employees and disparity in personal philosophy. Keeping employees
engaged also boosts motivation and job satisfaction. If employees feel that they are
learning and constantly upgrading their skills, they are likely to stay motivated and give
their 100% to their job. Employee engagement also helps reduce any communication
barrier that might exist, between the co-workers and with the management. The activities
provide a good opportunity for employees to voice their concerns and give
recommendations to improve service experience for customers. This was the gist of the
chemistry of the employment hierarchy of Innotech (pvt.) Ltd.

 Improves Productivity: Several studies have shown a clear link between training and
increased productivity. A study conducted by the National Center on the Educational
Quality of the Workforce (EQW) concluded that on average, a 10 percent increase in
workforce education level led to an 8.6 percent gain in total productivity. Education and
training inevitably equips employees to perform their tasks more effectively, which
eventually leads to happier customers and more sales for the company.
 Enhances Customer Experience: Customer behaviors often require approach that has a
mix of educated guess, and holding temperament. The threshold boost through this
internship is noticed. Specially on the market like Bangladesh, where customers have
limited or wrong perception about IT services, it is often hard to establish a proper
communication with customers. Prior knowledge, and educative guess is important in
such, which is one of the best achievement I have earned with my intern.

 Professional Connections This internships was an excellent opportunity for me to

build professional connections. Unlike networking events, one can connect with during
an internship spend time in a professional setting and become familiar with work
activity. These connections will give one a strong recommendation in the future.

 Career Skills : Whether it’s how to write a concise email, answer a telephone, or shake
a hand there is a professional way to do everything. This is also another experience I have
received from my internship. Working in an office environment granted me the chance
to observe how others operate and take on those attributes that feel the work
best, whether it’s communication, behavior, or office etiquette. This way one won’t end
up making mistakes or asking a lot of questions in first full-fledged job.

 A Way to Apply Skills This internship was taken as the opportunity to test out the skills
I have developed in college or previous work and see how they work in the real world.
By applying skills at internship, I have got a clear vision of my biggest strengths and
areas of improvement.

 Experience Company Culture Internships allowed me to work in different kinds
of companies to see what environment works best for me. This helped me to receive a
viewing prowess to find out each of these businesses have unique opportunities and
benefits. Without trying a variety of businesses, it’s hard to know where I’ll best fit.

 Compensation Internships awarded me with compensation of professional

recommendation and resources. This internship paid me to the level of satisfaction, this
motivated me to learn and upgrade my skillsets more.

 New Skills: Many of new skilled have been learnt in this short duration. I was able to
learn basic software program, types of web analysis and project management
techniques. In the real world of employment, learning never stops, and it’s great to
start adding to my skills inventory early.

 A Job : A job has been offered me after the expiration of my internship. This offering
was not only an opportunity, but also a result of my labour in internship which showed
me how the return of employment loyalty can return, which is one other motivation I
received from my internship to my carrier endeavor.

6.2 Comparision between Texual work in School and Internship:

The Text book and the practices are the studies over the population that is different from us.
Therefore, a difference between the guideline of text books and practice learned from institution
and the experience from internship is observed. But this difference should be counted as normal.
Understanding the flexibility between what is learned from institute and and what is learned from
the experience is also the lesson I have learnt from my institute. This difference between not only
caught my attention, but also caught my interest.

Chapter 7

Findings & Analysis

7.1 SWOT Analysis of Online Retailing in Bangladesh:


Boundary less (global location) Security

Time saving Poor Law enforcing in Bangladesh
No time constraints Fraud
Price/product comparison Fewer discounts and bargaining
Cost effective Long delivery timing
Direct communication with consumer No idea about quality and physical
Improved customer interaction condition ofthe product
Flexible target market segmentation Limitation of products
Simple and easier exchange of information Lack of personal services
Lowers transaction cost More shipping cost
Easy arrangement of products Limited exposure
Faster buying procedure Limited advertising
No physical company set up Customer’s satisfaction
Easy transactions
Niche products
Low operating cost

Changing trends
New technologies
Changes in environment, law and
Global expansion
High availability (24 hour and seven days
a week)
Privacy concerns
Wide business growth
Cut down on local competition

7.2 Service Life Cycle:
The life Cycle of Services, as the subject here is E-retailing, receives a span with two end. Like
the products, it starts with a limited or negative impact with, and the developments it receives, it
starts emiting impact.

Unlike products, Services receive attention of customers and the attention causes the next
development, which receives further attention, and the further attention requires more
development, thus the service gets further development. This, further development requires
further study, further information, acquiring the data then turns added value to the services. The
added value often boosts the services’ acceptance to customers.

However, the added value often proves not cost effective. The development to service is not as
particular as of products. It is stringed with the point of view of individual to mas people. Thus,
from the psychology of an individual to the mass psychology, the economy, from macro to
micro, is all relatable to the service life cycle.

According to the G. Gopinath (, the lifecycle of Service has 4 stages

1. Introductory: In the introductory stage, a service starts in small scale. It initially meets no
competition, and no profit even. On this stage, evaluations and profit analysis takes place,
to make assumption about a market and take stance to any aggressive or passive approach
to it.
2. Growth Stage: In this stage, the growth gets spotted in graph, resource allocation tactics
stays in normal, but the approach toward the market gets sharpened. The market penetration
once done, the replication starts, so does the competition, The firms see positive cash flow
and distinctive market segmentation takes place. Online retailing in Bangladesh is now at
this stage. In Bangladesh, now the retailing are:

 Receiving attention
 Generating Profits
 Generating a growth in the percentage in Profit,
 Competition is being spotted and noticeable.

3. Maturity period: In maturity period, the competition gets intense, the sales level starts
experiencing reduction. Resource allocation tactics gets more sharpened and the approach
toward market turns into submissive passive approach. Weaker firms get shaken off from
the competition. Competitive advantage and strong market program turns into a
requirement of existence.
4. Decline Stage: The sales face reduction because of the emerging issues, such as the
invention of new technology, or the new management system that is more efficient. The
decline stage is a survival test, and the firms with variation gets through it. The higher the
variation and the higher the usefulness of the variation, the fatter the chance of survival is.
Invasion of new trade is also a reason of early declination of sales service stage.

Service Life Cycle


Figure 01: The Graphical Presentation of Service Life cycle. The E retailing in Bangladesh is
facing the growth now.

7.3 Behavior Analysis of Consumer:

The data that was required for the report was taken from two different population to encompass
the view from both retailer and clients. Then first one was conducted through web surveys. The
results that showed up is given below with interpretations.

Ease to Access: The question on the questionnaire was about the ease to access, how the web
layout is friendly toward the customer and how the customer perceive it accessible.

I find most online shopping sites easy to use

3% 5%

Strongly Disagree
16% Disagree
Strongly Agree

Figure 1 : The Ease of Access #1

I find it easy to use most online shopping sites to

find what I want

14% 9% Strongly Disagree

Strongly Agree

Figure 2 : Ease of Access#2

I find it easier to compare products when
shopping at online retailers

15% Strongly Disagree
45% Agree
Strongly Agree

Figure 3: Ease of Access #3

I feel that most online shopping sites are

flexible to interact with

10% Strongly Disagree
53% Agree
Strongly Agree

Figure 4: Ease of Access #4

Interpretation: From the graphical presentations, we see that people of Bangladesh is having a
positive feedback toward E retailing websites as for the ease of access, which is associated with
Fluent and understandable interface, a large verity of comparable products, details and
measurements of comparability and flexibility in interface is available.

Perception of Usefulness: On the next questionnaire, the goal was to determine how useful
shopping in online retail sites the customers consider. The feedback were such as.

I am able to increase my shopping effectiveness

when I shop online
3% 5%

11% Strongly Disagree

30% Neutral
Strongly Agree

Figure 5: Analyzing the usefulness of online retailing in Bangladesh #1

Shopping from online retailers makes it easier for

me to save time and money

6% 4%
Strongly Disagree
45% 37% Agree
Strongly Agree

Figure 7: Analyzing the usefulness of online retailing in Bangladesh #2

I like to seek for product information from online
shopping sites
3% 3%

17% Strongly Disagree

49% Strongly Agree

Figure 8: Analyzing the usefulness of online retailing in Bangladesh #3

I think the web security is questionable in E-

shopping in Bangladesh

17% Strongly Disagree

39% Strongly Agree

Figure 9: Analyzing the usefulness of online retailing in Bangladesh #4

Interpretations: The Consumers are finding online retailing useful. There is a decent quantity of
negativity or disagreement in consideration of the usefulness in online retailing, notes that a
certain sum of people requires a safety test/ eye witnessing before purchasing a product, the
preferences is higher than the conviction, which could be a good input for online retailer. Trust
requires more attention to put up this situation.

Conviction and Security measurement: On this section of Questionnaire, the questions are
designed to test the perception of conviction and security measurements of customer, which
means how much safe the customer thinks the E retailing websites are and how the cautious is
the customers are from the cybercrimes from Bangladesh.

I think my user info might get misused through E-

shopping in Bangladesh

11% Strongly Disagree

Strongly Agree

Figure 10: Analyzing the Conviction and Security measurement of online retailing in Bangladesh

I have faced problems in returning the products

after delivery

Strongly Disagree
27% Disagree

25% Strongly Agree

Figure 11: Analyzing the Conviction and Security measurement of online retailing in Bangladesh

Online pages and sites are persuasive enough to
make me shop more from them in future

11% Strongly Disagree

18% Disagree
42% 24% Agree
Strongly Agree

Figure 12: Analyzing the Conviction and Security measurement of online retailing in Bangladesh

I have found out about new products and brands

through online adverts respondants from not
trusted websites
3% 3%

12% Strongly Disagree

20% Disagree
Strongly Agree

Figure 13: Analyzing the Conviction and Security measurement of online retailing in Bangladesh

Interpretations: Customers of E – retailing are considering online retailing is not safe. To be

specific, the #1 figure of analyzing the conviction and perception of security shows that 11%
strongly believe and 32% believe that the security of the e-retailing is not enough. This also
conveys the e retailing websites a valuable input that security is receiving the attention of

Consumer Conviction: On this segment, the data showed us that how much conviction the
customers have to shift from skeptical customer to a loyal customer.

I have bought newer products and from newer

brands while shopping online respondants
7% 2%
Strongly Disagree
22% Neutral
57% Agree
Strongly Agree

Figure 14: Customer Conviction #1

I would suggest online shopping to other people

7% 5%
Strongly Disagree
63% Agree
Strongly Agree

Figure 15: Customer Conviction #2

Interpretation : It is observed that, People of Bangladesh who uses internet system has enough
potential to try out new brand, showing a ‘risk taking ’ tendencies which was once absent. Risk
avoiding tendencies were once a major problem for Branding in Bangladesh. The Adaptability and
the flexibility is receiving its peak in the age of E-commerce. On the next graph, a decent amount
( 63% ) feedback showed positive connectivity between an experienced customer to a potential

customer. Thus, it is a fact now that, a community based consumer association is developing in
Bangladesh in a slow pace.

7.4 Segmented Analysis

7.4.1 Shopping Frequency

In this study, in the questionnaire, there was three questionnaire that was for segmentation of the
respondents. The segmentation was based on Age, Gender and Profession. As the study has its
limitation, the only segmentation degree the study focused was the ‘Profession’. And the steps of
the profession segmentations were Students, Homemaker, Jobholders, Business Person and
Others. From the data the respondents generated, an attempt to analyze the shopping frequency of
each professions. The Graphical presentation of the shopping Frequency are given below:

Online Shopping Frequency of Business persons of


12% 15%
At least once in a week
24% At least once in a month
49% More than Once in six months
Not more than once in six months

Figure 17: OSF of Business Persons of Bangladesh

Online Shopping Frequency of Home Maker in

30% 13% At least once in a week
At least once in a month
More than Once in six months
Not more than once in six months

Figure 18: OSF of Homemakers in Bangladesh

Online Shopping Frequency Frequency of

JobHolders in Bangladesh

13% 1%
At least once in a week
At least once in a month
More than Once in six months
Not more than once in six months

Figure 19: OSF of Jobholders in Bangladesh

Online Shopping Frequency of of Others

32% 5% At least once in a week
At least once in a month
More than Once in six months
Not more than once in six months

Figure 20: OSF of Others

Online Shopping Frequency of Students

5% 11%
At least once in a week
At least once in a month
42% More than Once in six months
Not more than once in six months

Figure 21: OSF of Students

Interpretation: The most Active Customers are of the Other category, mostly people who
completed graduations, or engaged in no types of activity. The second Active would be the
Business Persons, as the 15% of businesspersons do purchase Products from only in every week.
The least active is the students. This intel is assumable, since students have issue of limited

resource allocation. The study shows that Jobholders and Businessman also shows positive
customer loyalty, by being active in online shopping in every month too.

Frequency of Payment Methods: This study also conducts that what professions uses what sort
of payment method. The respondents of the study noted their most applied methods to make
transactions with retailing websites. These are given below in Graphical manner. The Variables
of this study was Three, Credit Cards, Cash on Delivery and Bkash/Rocket/Similar Ways. The
results are such.

Frequency of Methods: Business Person


Credit Cards
Cash on Delivery
Bkash/Rocket/Similar ways


Figure 22: Business Person’s Frequency of using methods of payment.

Frequency of Methods : Home Maker

Credit Cards
Cash on Delivery
Bkash/Rocket/Similar ways

Figure 23: Frequency of Homemakers

Frequency of Methods: Jobholders


39% Credit Cards

Cash on Delivery
Bkash/Rocket/Similar ways


Figure 24: Frequency of Payment method of Jobholders

Frequency of Methods: Others



Credit Cards Cash on Delivery Bkash/Rocket/Similar ways

Figure 25 : Frequency of Payment method of Others

Frequency of Methods : Students


Credit Cards
Cash on Delivery
Bkash/Rocket/Similar ways


Figure 26: Frequency of Payment method of Students

Interpretation: As the study project, the business persons of Bangladesh uses Credit cards,
because they can afford them and they are convenient in nature and Secure. The Students and
others uses Cash on delivery method, because they can very little afford other systems, such as
bkash to Credit card or digital money. They have very high frequency on COD. However, one
data, that can be useful to online researchers, that is in the homemakers method of purchase
payment frequency, Bkash/Rocket/Other mobile banking systems scored better, But
Bkash/Rocket/Other scored very less in other segments, which seems a lack of application of the

So Far, these are the findings from the Analysis from the first population of this study. The
Findings of the Data collected from websites are shown below.

7.4.2 Buyers Frequency

In previous, the report has shown the isolated data about the activity of E retailers’ customers. The
isolation of data was sorted on the basis of the order of profession. However, a comparative
judgment will grant one to view the e commerce participators of Bangladesh from close-up rotating

In this buyer frequency determination, we take the frequency as variables and put the professions
on the measuring scale. And the result is showed up like such.

At least once in a week: Buyers who shop once in a week from online were responded from all
the segments of the buyers. The graphical presentation of the response is

Shopping At least once in a week

3 3 3


Figure 27: Buyer’s frequency of Shopping at least once in a week

Interpretation: From the graphical presentation, we find two findings.

1. Business persons are the most frequent in online shopping

2. The previous findings shown that the purchasing method of Business persons’ is Credit
card. Therefore, Digital money or Credit card is the most convenient for frequent shopping
in online.

At least once in a month: Buyers who shop once in a month from online were responded from
all the segments of the buyers. The graphical presentation of the response is –

At least Once in a Month




Figure 28 : At least once in a month

Interpretations: From the graphical presentation, we find three findings.

1. Jobholders are the emerging frequent buyers in online shopping

2. The previous findings shown that the purchasing method of job holders’ is Credit card.
Therefore, Digital money or Credit card is the most convenient for frequent shopping in
3. Jobholders are generally risk averse. Thus, the frequency of jobholders’, might increase if
the trust issues and other convenience gets worked out.
4. People with no job involvement are not regular with online shopping. This segment
required extra emphasis.

More than once in every Six months: Buyers who shop more than once in every six months
from online were responded from all the segments of the buyers. The graphical presentation
of the response is –

More than once in Six months





Figure: More than once in every six months

Interpretations: From the graphical presentation, we find three findings.

 Jobholders are the emerging frequent buyers in online shopping

 Jobholders in Bangladesh are risk averse customer.
 Students and Homemakers of Bangladesh are next to the frequent buying from online
shopping. This segment requires marketing task at their level to elevate their position in
Buyers’ readiness stage.
 The previous findings shown that the purchasing method of job holders’ is Credit card.
Therefore, Digital money or Credit card is the most convenient for frequent shopping in
 Others, people with no job involvement on training, need specialized focus on them in e
commerce marketing approach. However, from the analysis, it might assume that the
dormancy of ‘other’ could have linked with socio-economic problems.

Not more than once in every Six months: Buyers who doesn’t shop more than once in every
six months from online were responded from all the segments of the buyers. The graphical
presentation of the response is –

Not More than once in six months




Figure: Buyers’frequency of Not more than once in six month

Interpretation: The findings from this graphical representation shows that

 Students are most irregular to Online shopping.

 Students mostly use Cash on Delivery method to purchase, which might be a part of the
reason why their frequency in participation is this low.
 Marketing approach toward the students category is mandatory for e retailers.
 Convenience is often seem not to be an advantages to student. The value of convenience
such as time saving, reduced physical activity might not be a considerable value to them.

These are the interpretations of the combined buyer frequency analysis.

Exploratory Analysis over E retailer websites: Nowdays, Bangladesh is experiencing a surge
of online retailing websites. Those websites often offer their own Salesforce, their own delivery
system for their service. The reason behind this could be a poor postal system our our country,
could be the lack of buyer of conviction due to the recent cybercrime events in Bangladesh, this
should be a part of a social science study. However, This study attempts to open the envelop, to
find out if there is any correlations between having the own delivery system might increase the
practice of Cash in delivery method. And if there is any correlations in using the digital money as
purchasing methods with the marketplace of the retailes, if they are international or Local. As we
stated above, we took data in 4 variables and processed them in SPSS.

 Does the online retailer support Cash on Delivery

 Does the Online retailer support Digital money
 Does the online retailer have own Delivery force.
 Marketplace of the online retailer.

The first starting would be with KMO test score.

Table: KMO and Bartlett's Test

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. .821

Bartlett's Test of Sphericity Approx. Chi-Square 127.810

Df 6

Sig. .000

The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy measures the proportion of variance in

variables that might be caused by underlying factors. High values (close to 1.0) generally indicate
that a factor analysis may be useful with your data. If the value is less than 0.50, the results of the
factor analysis probably won't be very useful. In our research it was found that Kaiser-Meyer-
Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy is .821 and it means that factor analysis could be a valuable
option in this juncture.

The second test statistics for the authenticity is the extraction. How much, the data are extracted,
and used in calculation, is shown the extraction rate.


Initial Extraction

Do they have own Delivery

1.000 .956

Do they support Card or

1.000 .989
Digital Money?

Do they support Cash in

1.000 .897

Operating market place 1.000 .957

According to the Principal Component Analysis method, data extraction close to 1 notes the
righteousness relevance of the extracted data, which, here is, satisfactory.

For the factors, we check the rotated Component Matrix

Rotated Component Matrixa


1 2

Do they have own Delivery

.892 .402

Do they support Card or

-.020 .994
Digital Money?

Do they support Cash in

.944 -.077

Operating market place -.862 .461

We see that the variable ‘Own Delivery’ system is showing strong correlation with ‘Cash in
Delivery method’ and ‘Digital Money’ is showing less correlation with ‘Market place.’
Extraction Method that is used for calculation Rotated Component Matrix is Principal
Component Analysis. And the method used is Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser

Interpretation: to interpret the data in a bottom line, it would be like such:

“The study shows that having own delivery system is directly correlational with ‘Cash on
Delivery’ as the purchasing method and the Purchasing method is not correlational with the
marketplace’s being International or local.

This proves that, The marketplace, be that international or Local, the customers have potential to
accept, however, monetary disadvantages is not as much threat as the traditional international
business notions note as it is. If the international retailer steps into Bangladesh, the chances of
receiving customer is highly likely.

And the other finding is, Customers of Bangladesh are suffering trust issues. With all the money
transfer system, it is not a problem for this region to access in international retailer’s web.
Bangladesh is still suffering depriving from international competition and international quality of
products. It is for the poor delivery system. To bring international competitors in the national
scenario, a proper infrastructure of postal system is needed more than anything.

7.4.3 Findings and Discussions:

From All over the study, we can conclude the findings of the study presents us some facts about
both the online retailers and the customers. Those findings are sorted below.

Analysis over the data over the online retailer websites show that:

 Bangladesh has a decent practice of Digital Money, and it is growing with a fast pace.
Marketplace of an Online retailer doesn’t make much concern to the buyers of Bangladesh,
rather the point of constraints here in the penetration of the International retailers is Poor
Delivery system more than purchasing methods.
 Online retailer websites in Bangladesh has developed COD methods, and the each of the
online retailers in Bangladesh have their own Salesforce. To penetrate Bangladesh Market,
International retailers could be needing to organize an external sales force, rather than
emphasizing and measuring general postal system.

Analysis over the data about customers of E retailing shop revealed the fact such as:

 The most active buyers in Bangladesh are students and people who are not engaged in any
work now. Which points out that the buyers of Online retailers are flexible, and Online
retailing in Bangladesh is still in its growth period. Because, in growth period of a Service’s
life cycle, the benefits of service gets discovered by the groups who are not risk avoiding,
also, the flexible buyers. The statistics here, showed that, the most flexible segment of the
buyers in Bangladeshs are engaging more frequent than others, which puts the E retailing
in Bangladesh in Growth stage.
 The most frequent buyers in Online shop are Businessman, and that might correlated that
they have the most convenient purchasing methods. In Bangladesh, receiving credit card
takes a very hazardous process, which often discourage mass people to gain access in
electric money system.
 The people of Bangladesh are tech-aware. The study revealed that the customers are
finding the online retailing access easy and fluent, which is a great advantages for E
retailing websites. This shows that the labour spent behind the web pages of E retailing
programs are being successful.
 Then there is the usefulness measurement, where the study has found that Jobholders,
Businesspeople, Homemakers and major resource allocators in this society is considering
online retailing as an useful tool, where online retailing yet not much popular in the
households of Bangladesh. The convenience of comparing and the detailed display of the
products seem to render as the point of usefulness.

This shows two points for online retailing.

- The shop would need a greater variety of products to any particular category, as being
able to compare is the biggest advantage for the customers here.

- The shop would require very detailed information about the products they sell.

The conviction of the buyers in Bangladesh reveals, that people with profession considers
exchanging information with e retailers is a possible threat to cybercrimes. This might be a result
of the hike to the events of cybercrimes in Bangladesh. This parameter is not within the reach of

online marketers, but Marketers need to be active on trust and transparency issues. And
Transparency issue has also relatable with the qualities of the services, because this study also
reveals that people of Bangladesh are now developing a feedback oriented communities, and the
feedback of one’s shifting to other has a rapid fraction, which either can flourish a online retail or
might turn into a bane if the service contains something off.

And the last and the most important finding. The practice of digital money is gradually Growing,
there is a segment where the customers only used digital money as purchase methods. It is observed
that in all segments, digital money has improved its applicability and Cash in delivery method is
being much more associated with the neutral units of the observation.

Chapter 8

Recommendation and Conclusion


The recommended changes that might be proven useful for Online retailing are given

 The general delivery system needs to be developed before Bangladesh take entrance to
international retailing.
 The local Online retailing shops would need to establish communication with the provider
as Bangladesh go global.
 Improvement on the service needs much more attention as the consumers of Bangladesh
now dealing trust issues.
 Online retailers need to focus on the household units of Bangladesh.
 Advertisement over strong security and confidentiality is needed to resolve trust issues.
 Constant observing the frequency of usage of digital money is required to forecast customer
 The Interface of online retailing needs to be more fluent, and the statements of conditions
of purchasing needs to be more spontaneous and guilable.

These are the recommendation generated from the findings from the study over Web services of
online retailers of Bangladesh.

Nowadays, customers have access to information any time and any place they want or need it.
Thanks to the Internet and globalization, most people on the globe are able to access the
information via computers, tablets or mobiles. What business owners should remember is that
everyone can influence the image of their companies via ex. Social Media and one can be sure that
the customer feedback will be more trustworthy for others to read than the own one.

Via electronic channels and by posting positive comments, feedbacks about your company/product
you (and your happy customers) can attract new customers and build long-lasting relationship.
But, be careful! It works both ways! Happy customers can help you, but unhappy customer can
harm your business very seriously.

One can simply acquire new clients via ex. Social Media channels. When doing so, ensuring to
segment them into different customer groups according to their interests is important. Later, the
sites will be able to interact with them and encourage or influence them to various actions.

As part of Digital Marketing – Social Media is underestimated. It's a big mistake because the
“Facebook” likes or “Twitter” shares can help any company grow as they build credibility and
trust. They also bring traffic to the website and are costless. What one has to do is to insert a Social
Media plugin onto the functioning site and keep updating their customers about the company news,
discounts, etc. Bearing in mind to schedule the frequency of updates and not to overwhelm them
with too much information at once. One may be surprised with the outcome.

Every year more and more businesses give up traditional advertising methods and focus on SEO,
Google Adwords or Social Media spending huge money on these resources. This is the reason why
the market gets increasingly competitive and big players get ahead of little companies. As a small
business on the market, one cannot compete with them but there is something one can do. Anyone
can use Google Alerts tool to monitor the competitors. This tool will allow sites to track the
competitors products and marketing strategies so that one can learn something from them and
improve their own business strategy.

It's important to understand that digital marketing doesn't only apply to one website. However
most of the marketers create a website or an eCommerce and invest in SEO and/or AdWords. But

to make an online business stand out from the crowd, we need a real strategy that puts potential
customers first and use all the available tools to acquire them.

Good reputation of any business is essential. Without the trust and confidence of the customer, a
company will not survive. Especially in the past years the importance of reputation has become
increasingly noticeable. If a business has a good reputation, customers may choose that particular
company from many on the market. Answering any doubts, offering every help possible and
making sure to build a long-lasting relationship with the customers.

To make our country’s E-marketing schemes better and more effective, we need to make the online
platform just as strong and well built as the real world market place is.


Publication References

 E. Joachimsthaler, Brand leadership in e-commerce by D. Aaker,

 Principles of e-marketing by F. Brassington, S. Petitt,
 Banking on customer service: E-business review (London: Macmillan, 2009)
 Technology Acceptance model by Venkatesh 09
 Authors from Bangladesh
 Overview the E-Commerce in Bangladesh. By Md. Mohiuddin
 E commerce in Bangladesh and forcasts By Roni Bhoumik
 How E-commerce is Transforming in Bangladesh by Ahmed Ishtiaque, Abdul Baten and
Adib Sarwar

Book References:
International Marketing by Cateora and L. Graham.
Consumer Behavior: Buying Having and Being – Micheal Solomon, 12th Edition.
Marketing research by Malhotra and Dash.

Web Reference
Wikipedia for theories.
Youtube ( Dr. Dawg’s Channel ) for theoris and tutorials on theories. for Statistical data for the traffic of websites by Bangladeshi user 2017. for the statistic for the users of Bangladesh. for news about IT events. for news and IT events and Secondary data for test statistics. for understanding the theories. for the online pages, secondary data.
Exclusive Interview from Freelancer: Zabar Al Nahian, for providing online transection
system availability information.

Newspaper Reference

 "Bangladesh to see 72pc growth in e-commerce sales". The Daily Star. 2016-11-17. Retrieved
 "Concerns for online purchases". The Daily Star. 2017-01-31. Retrieved 2017-02-04.
 "E-commerce to drive growth in electronic payments". The Daily Star. 2016-11-06. Retrieved
 "Tradeshi ties up with Alibaba for e-commerce". The Daily Star. 2016-09-29. Retrieved 2017-02-
 "E-commerce and its challenges in Bangladesh". The Financial Express Online Version. Retrieved
 "Government initiative to take e-commerce in rural Bangladesh". Retrieved 2017-
 "Withdraw all taxes on e-commerce: FBCCI". The Daily Star. 2016-06-16. Retrieved 2017-02-04.
 "Mobile money customers brace for hurdles". The Daily Star. 2017-01-31. Retrieved 2017-02-04.
 "E-commerce in Bangladesh". Dhaka Tribune. Retrieved 2017-02-03.
 "Popularising Homemade Food". New Age. 2017-10-13. Retrieved 2017-10-27.
 "E-commerce is now a 300 crore industry and growing". The Daily Star. 2016-01-08. Retrieved
 Sun, The Daily. "e-commerce in Bangladesh has enormous growth potentials". e-commerce in
Bangladesh has enormous growth potentials | Retrieved 2017-02-04.
 "RANTAGES DEBUTS THEIR SHOW". The Daily Star. 2015-07-02. Retrieved 2017-02-04.
 "Tech in Asia - Connecting Asia's startup ecosystem". Retrieved 2017-02-
 Independent, The. "Sustainable digital marketing in Bangladesh". Sustainable digital marketing in
Bangladesh | Retrieved 2017-05-01.
 "Inbound.Digital: Knowledge-focused Social and Digital Marketing Conference on the cards". The
Daily Star. 2016-08-22. Retrieved 2017-05-01.
 "Facebook has special plans for Bangladesh". The Daily Star. 2016-10-12. Retrieved 2017-05-01.
 "Digital marketing: The Bangladesh scenario". The Financial Express Online Version. Retrieved
 "Career Opportunities in Digital Marketing and Mobile Banking in Bangladesh". The Daily Star.
2014-05-01. Retrieved 2017-05-01.
 "Invest in digital marketing to spur growth: analysts". The Daily Star. 2016-10-09. Retrieved 2017-
 "Global event on digital marketing held in Dhaka". The Daily Star. 2016-09-27. Retrieved 2017-05-
 "PHOTOSHOP + COMMON SENSE = DIGITAL MARKETING?". The Daily Star. 2016-10-28. Retrieved
 "Digital marketing summit in Dhaka Saturday". The Daily Star. 2015-12-09. Retrieved 2017-05-01.
 "3rd Digital Marketing Summit on Oct 8". The Daily Star. 2016-09-27. Retrieved 2017-05-01.


E-marketing in Bangladesh.

A short survey to find out the perception on the e-marketing strategies in Bangladesh.
1. Age Group
 13-20
 21-30
 31-40
 41- more

2. Gender
 Male
 Female
 Other
3. Profession
 Student
 Homemaker
 Job holder
 Business person
 Other
4. How frequent do you shop online?
 At least once in a week
 At least once in a month
 More than once in every six months
 Not more than once in every six months
5. What is the largest amount you paid through online shopping? (In BDT)
 0-500
 501-1000
 1001-3000
 3001-5000
 5001- more.

6. Mark your answer –Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

 I find most online shopping sites easy to use.

 I find it easy to use most online shopping sites to find what I want.
 I find it easier to compare products when shopping at onlineretailers.
 I feel that most online shopping sites are flexible to interact with.
 I am able to increase my shopping effectiveness when Ishop online (e.g. get the best deal
 or find the most information abouta product).
 Shopping from online retailers makes it easier for me to save
 time and money.
 I like to seek for productinformation from online shopping sites.
 I think the web security is questionable in E-shopping in
 Bangladesh.
 I think my user info might get misused through E-shopping in Bangladesh.
 I have faced problems in returning the products afterdelivery.
 Online pages and sites are persuasive enough to make me shop more from them in future.
 I have found out about new products and brands through online adverts
 I have bought newer products and from newer brands while shopping online
 I would suggest online shopping to other people.

7. What do you find the most lucrative while shopping online?

 The fact that you’re saving both time and money
 The methods and the contents of the advertisements
 The promotional offers and deals
 The detailed info and reviews of the product on sites
 All of the above

8. On what medium do you usually see the product promotions too frequent? Websites (e.g. First
search results on search engines or the direct websites of the brands you’re looking for)
 Facebook
 Youtube
 Pop-up ads
 Via e-mail
 Instagram
 Snapchat
 Other.

9. What medium do you think is the most convenient for you to make the purchase decision?
Websites (e.g. First search results on search engines or the direct websites of the brands you’re
looking for)
 Facebook
 Youtube
 Pop-up ads
 Via e-mail
 Instagram
 Snapchat
 Other.
10. What medium of transaction in online shopping that Bangladesh’s pages and sites provide
seems convenient to you?
 Mark only one oval.
 Credit cards
 Bkash/Rocket/Similar ways
 Cash on delivery
11. Do you think the online promotional activities in Bangladesh are effective enough?
 Yes
 No
12. What progress can be made to make it more effective? (Your opinion) //This question is
 Thank you for your response.

The questionnaire above is used for collecting and generating response from population.

Websites used for generating primary data:

Local websites: International Websites Orchid Mile Garmentory Uniqlo
Techshopbd Guitar Center (
S.Y.G ( Facebook )
Sell buy Exchange
Buying Selling Group PICK PACK International Websites
MIB Spirit
Sellbazar BD buy and sell


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