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Firmware upgradation (BCU’s, IO’s, BMP’s)

Necessary measures;

When you are going to start firmware upgrade careful about serial communication cable should tight

in serial jack by screws (tighten by screw driver)

Communication should not be failed

Make a separate folder in drive for each relay panel (To save calibration files and settings if required)


First communicate relay with same baud rate, to ensure relay has been communicated

Browse the firmware from drive folder which is required for BCU or IO or AMU

Set the baud rate at 19200

Save calibration settings

Save device settings (If required), to download existing settings from relay

Then click next


Then it will ask to save calibration setting and device setting location

Then click next

Step 3;

Firmware upgradation will start to upload the firmware file to the relay
Firmware upgradation (BCU’s, IO’s, BMP’s)

When firmware will finish the upgradation, the following window will appear to complete

Click next

Step 4;

Click Exit to finish the upgradation

Step 5;

As you have done setting file save if relays already tested in step1
Firmware upgradation (BCU’s, IO’s, BMP’s)

Now you have new configuration settings to upload in the relay, first do compare the setting file with
which you downloaded in step 1

There should be no difference in comparison in R315(020) and R322 (025) settings, other than Bay
mimic and screen text.

Then upload the new configuration file, make sure the Bay mimic number as is specified and confirm on
the HMI of relay

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