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Name of Work: Construction of Pedestrian Subway at Andheri- Ghatkopar Link Road

Connecting Laxmi Nagar- Laxmi Baug to PantNagar, Ghatkopar (E) in N Ward.

Sr. No. Description Page No.
1. E-Tender Notice 2-4
2. Important Points 5-12
3. General Information 13
4. Instruction to E-tenderer(s) 14-40
5. Special Instruction to the Tenderer(s) 41-55
6. Annexure ‘A’ 58
7. Agreement Form 60-62
8. Form of Tender 63-65
9. Appendix-I 66
10. Proforma for bankers Guarantee 67-68
11. List of Approved Banks 69-71
12. List of Approved R.M.C. and Asphalt plants 72
13. Special Directions to the Tenderer(s) 73-91
14. Schedule of fees for Testing 92-100
15. List of Dumping Grounds 101
16. Proformae 102-106
17. Amendments to The General Conditions Of Contract for Civil 107-109
Work Effective from 1-4-2000
18. BMC Circulars 110-133

19. Proforma for the undertaking 134

To be submitted / uploaded by the tenderer
20. Undertaking Cum Indemnity Bond -3 135
21. Bill of Quantities and Schedule of items 136-148

22. Summary Sheet 149

23. Undertaking – 1 150
24. Undertaking-2 151-152
25. Undertaking Cum Indemnity Bond 153
26. Annexure ‘B’ 154

BID NO. :-7100078408

NO.CH.E./ 3137 /BRIDGES OF date 21.07.2016

The Commissioner of Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM) invites

online E- tender for the following work in Three Packet ‘A; Packet ‘B’ and Packet ‘C’ on
percentage basis from the firm registered with the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai,
(MCGM) in Class II and above as per new registration rule 2015 and Class 'AA' and above in
category C-II as per old registration and from the contractors/firms equivalent and superior
classes registered in Govt/Semi Govt. organization carrying out similar nature of works
(excluding those who are blacklisted, demoted and debarred in MCGM, P.W.D., other
Government/Semi Govt. organizations in India.) and having their office in Mumbai will be
allowed subject to the condition that the contractor who are not registered with MCGM will
have to apply for registration of their firm in similar category in MCGM within three months’
time period from the award of contract, otherwise their EMD and ASD will be forfeited and
award of contract will be treated as cancelled.
The tender copy can be downloaded from MCGM's portal (
All interested vendors /contractors whether already registered or not registered with MCGM
are mandated to get registered with MCGM for E-tendering process & obtain login
credentials to participate in the online bidding process. The details of the same are available
on the above mentioned portal under 'e-procurement' tab.
For registration, enrollment for digital signature certificates and user manual, please refer to
respective links provided in e-tendering tab. Vendors can get digital signature from any one
of the Certifying Authorities (CA's) licensed by controller of certifying authorities namely
Safe scrypt, IDRBT, National informatics center, TCS, CUSTOMS, MTNL, GNFC and e-
Mudhra CA.
Sr. Name of work Estimated cost E.M.D. in Rs. Contract Cost of E-
No. in Rs. period Tender in Rs.
1. Construction of Rs.4,01,09,331/ Rs.4,01,100/- 8 months 13,400/-+ VAT
Pedestrian Subway at - (Excluding
Andheri- Ghatkopar
Link Road Connecting
Laxmi Nagar- Laxmi
Baug to PantNagar,
Ghatkopar (E) in N

The tenderers who have quoted more than 12% rebate over the office estimate shall submit
the ASD (Additional Security Deposit) online before end date of tender (last date and time of
submission of online tender). After opening of online financial bid i.e. e-packet C; if it is
observed that the lowest bidder has quoted percentage more than 15% above or below the
estimated cost then rate analysis in USOR format will be called by the department through
email from such bidder.
E-Tenderers are requested to note the conditions for maintenance, defect liability period, and
other payment introduced in tender document before quoting for the bid.
As per 3 Packet systems, requisite details for post qualification criteria are to be uploaded by
the tenderer in 'bidder’s document 'online in Packet ’B’. Before purchasing/downloading
the tender copy, tenderers may refer to post- Qualification criteria on M.C.G.M portal
The E.M.D. will be accepted online only & scanned copy of the receipt shall be uploaded in
Packet ‘A’..
The E-tender are available on M.C.G.M portal ( as mentioned in
the Header Data of the tender.
The tenderer should upload scanned, digitally signed, copy of the original registration
certificate to get registered with MCGM for E- tendering process, login credentials to
participate in the online bidding process before purchasing/ uploading/ submitting the tender
copy. The tenders duly filled in should be uploaded and submitted online on or before the
end date of submission. The Packet ‘A’, and Packet ‘B’ of the tenderers will be opened as per
the time-table shown in the Header Data in the office of Ch Eng. (Bridges) Engineering Hub
Building, Gr. Floor, Dr. E Moses Road, Worli, Mumbai – 400 018 and Packet ‘C will be
opened in the office of Ch.E. (Bridges) as per the time-table shown in the Header Data.
The tenderer cannot claim any damages / compensation etc. for delay or cancellation of work
or part. If the tenderers have not uploaded all of the mandatory documents in the Packets A,
B & C to qualify for the bid at time of submission of their bid, then the tender shall be
considered as non – responsive and 10% of EMD amount shall be forfeited.

The Municipal Commissioner reserves the right to reject all or any of the E-tender(s) without
assigning any reason at any stage.

Other details can be seen in the E- tender documents.

The dates and time for submission and opening the tenders are as shown in the Header Data.
If there are any changes in the dates the same will be displayed on the MCGM Portal.
Starting Last date Last date of Opening of packets of E-tender
date of sale E-tender
of sale submission Packet ‘A’ Packet ‘B’ Packet ‘C’
11.00A.M. 19.08.2016 a)Online 4.30 P.M. 4.35P.M. 3.00 P.M.
onwards Upto submission Onwards on Onwards on Onwards on
from 5.30P.M. upto 4.00 22.08.2016 22.08.2016 7.09.2016
26.07.2016 P.M. In the office of In the office of In the office of
on Ch. Eng. Ch. Eng. Ch. Eng.
20.08.2016 (Bridges) (Bridges) (Bridges)

For these details, please refer Header data in e-tender on

The scrutiny of Packets ‘A’, ‘B’ & ‘C’ will be strictly done from the scanned uploaded
documents in stipulated period by the e-tenderers in e-tendering process, M.C.G.M. may call
for verification of the ORIGINAL documents which are uploaded by the e-tenderers at any
STAGE whenever it is felt required by the M.C.G.M. before awarding the work. In case of
any fake information, M.C.G.M. authority as empowered, may take decision to disqualify the
The Pre-Bid meeting will be held on 9.08.2016 at 11.00 A.M. in the chairmanship of Ch Eng.
(Bridges) Engineering Hub Building, Gr. Floor, Dr. E Moses Road, Worli, Mumbai – 400
018, venue of the same will be communicated by the office of Ch Eng. (Bridges) Engineering
Hub Building, Gr. Floor, Dr. E Moses Road, Worli, Mumbai – 400 018 as per venue
mentioned in the “Header Data”. Any change in venue will be communicated by the office
of the Chief Engineer (Bridges) or displayed on Notice Board for all tenders.
Tenderers requiring any clarification on the Tender document may notify the Authority on e-
mail id which is by e-mail. They should send their queries
before the date specified for prebid. The Authority shall endeavor to respond to the queries
within the period specified therein, but not later than 4 (four) days prior to the last date of
submission of tender.
Sd/- 20.7.2016
Chief Engineer (Bridges)


Tenderer(s) are requested to note that “the tender shall be rejected if the tenderer”:-
a) Stipulates validity period less than 120 days (see clause 4.3) page 15.
b) Stipulates his own condition / conditions
c) Do not fill and digitally sign the uploaded tender documents and the Financial Bid
d) Do not fill and digitally sign undertaking forms which are incorporated in the tender
e) Do not upload adequate amount of Additional Security deposit for rebate as per
conditions in the tender.
f) Do not quote percentage in figures and words in the Financial Bid Form. If there is
any discrepancy in the figures and words while quoting percentage, the percentage
quoted in the words shall be considered for deciding responsiveness of tender.
g) Do not disclose the full name/names and address/addresses of proprietor partners /
Directors in case of proprietorship/partnership/Pvt. Ltd./ Public Limited concern firm
and the engineering qualifications, if any.
h) Do not upload documents listed in packet ‘A’, packet ‘B’ & packet ‘C’ as per clause
i) Do not upload in Packet ‘A’ certified copies of the ‘PAN’ documents and
Photographs of the individuals, owners, Karta of Hindu undivided family, firms,
private limited companies, registered Co-operative Societies, partnership firms and at
least two Directors if number of Directors are more than two in case of private limited
companies. However, in case of public limited companies, semi government
undertaking, government undertakings, no ‘PAN’ documents will be insisted.
j) Do not upload in Packet ‘A’, requisite E.M.D. online as per tender condition.
k) If do not quote percentage in digits it will be treated as ‘0’ (zero) % by default.
l) Tenderer(s) shall digitally sign the Addendum/ Corrigendum/ Clarification before
uploading the tender online.
m) Do not submit / upload undertaking under circular no. का.अ./सं.व नो./३१०/

१९.०६.२०१४ at page no. 119.

n) Does not have experience of executing subway work costing not less than 40% of
estimated cost of work in Municipal, Govt. & Semi Govt. organization during last 5

years i.e. since 2011-2012 and cost at the work shall be at least 40% of cost put to this
a) For detailed description of items / rates / units etc. under various heads such as the
roads works, storm water drain works, bridges and building etc. unified rate schedule
2013 of M.C.G.M. in force at the time of invitation of tender respectively will be
applicable till further notice. Corresponding notes on Schedule etc. shall also be
b) Though the tenders may not be accepted for non compliance of other than mandatory
requirements tenderers are liable for suitable penal action as decided by the Tender
c) The contractors who have been registered in M.C.G.M. as also in Govt. body of
Maharashtra & / or Central Govt. the Class and category of their registration with
M.C.G.M except those who are black listed and denoted, will only be considered for
deciding the eligibility. In case of a tie, preference will be given to the municipal
contractor. In case of tie between municipal registered contractors, preference will be
given on the basis higher class. If the class of such tenderers is same, the preference
will be given to the tenderer whose registrations stands ahead of others in the said
d) E. M. D. shall not be adjusted at all against the standing deposit paid to MCGM in
case of MCGM registered tenderer and contractor.
e) The tenderers shall arrange to bring the asphalt / RMC mixes from approved asphalt
plants / RMC plants registered with M.C.G.M. or approved by M.C.G.M. during the
period of work. The tenderer will confirm valid registration from the office Dy. Ch. E
(Rds) City / E.S./ W.S. before executing the captioned works.
f) If any tenderer fails to comply with any of the above mandatory conditions or fails to
submit / upload the relevant information required to be submitted/ uploaded along
with packet ‘A’ & packets ‘B’ it will be open to the department to call for necessary
information / clarification / document from the tenderer within 3 days before
processing further with the evaluation of the bid immediately from the date of
opening of Packet ‘A’. The packet ‘B’ of the responsive tenders of packet ‘A’ shall be
opened on the specified date and the tenderer if required will be called upon to submit
information / clarification / document required to be submitted in packet ‘B’ within
Three days from opening of packet ‘B’. However, no information / clarification /
document whatever shall be permitted to be submitted on opening of Packet ‘C’.
Tenderer shall however note that, submission of necessary information / clarification /
document shall not mean permitted correction to be made to the submitted / uploaded

tender document. 10% forfeiture from EMD/SD in case of failure to provide required
document / information in prescribed period.

g) The tenderers shall specifically note that his / their registration class and category on
the date of submission of the tender will be considered for considering responsiveness
of the tender.


To qualify for opening of financial Packet ‘C’ the tenders shall fulfill the following Criteria
‘A’ to ‘E’ failing which their offer shall be rejected outright.

(i) The tenderer shall provide / upload evidence that he has successfully completed during
the last 5 (Five) financial years at least one work of Vehicular Bridge/Subway, whose
value shall not be less than 40% of the cost tendered for
He should be successfully executing currently one work of Vehicular Bridge/Subway,
with at least 75% progress (financial value as on the date of invitation of tenders) and the
magnitude of the completed work shall be at least 40% of the cost of the work tendered
In support of this, certificates from the employer shall be uploaded along with the
application incorporating clearly the contract value, billing amount, date of
commencement of work, completion period, Satisfactory performance of the contract and
other relevant information.

(B) Maximum annual turnover in any one financial year since last 3 years shall not be less
than 90% of the cost of work tendered for. To ascertain this tender shall furnish and
upload the financial statement (Audited Balance Sheet) duly certified by Chartered
Accountant. The turnover of current financial year will also be considered for this
purpose, non-audited financial statement certified by the concerned organization and
Chartered Accountant shall be uploaded.

The turnover will be enhanced by 10% every financial year to bring the same to current
financial year value, subject to uploading of audited financial statement (original
documents) duly certified by Chartered Accountant.

(C) The tenderer(s) shall demonstrate that it has access to, or has available liquid assets,
unencumbered assets, lines of credit and other financial means (independent of any
contractual advance payment) sufficient to meet the construction cash flow of minimum
15% of the cost of Work e-tendered for, requirements for the subject contract in the event
of stoppage, start-up, or other delay in payment, net of the tenderer’s commitment of other
contracts. Certificate from Bankers/Financial Institution shall be accepted as evidence and
shall be uploaded in Packet 'B'.
The audited balance sheets for the last 5 Financial years shall be uploaded and must
demonstrate the current soundness of the tenderer's financial position and indicate its
prospective long term profitability. If deemed necessary, the employer shall have the
authority to make enquiries with the tenderer's bankers.

(D) Bid Capacity:-

The tenderer who meets the minimum qualification criteria will be qualified only if their
available bid capacity is more than the total bid value.
The available bid capacity will be calculated as under:-
Assessed available Bid Capacity = (A x N x 1.5) – B,

A = Maximum value of Civil Engineering works executed taking into consideration

completed, as well as in progress in any one year during last 3 years (with updated

N = Number of years prescribed for the completion of works for which bids are invited.
i.e. No. of months (excluding monsoon)/12. 0.33 year to be added for each intervening
monsoon within the contract period.

B = Cost of existing commitments and ongoing works to be completed till tendering

date, during the period over which tendered work is to be carried out.

Note :
a) In case of computing bidder have simultaneously submitted bids for any other bids and
if the said bidder is found lowest in any such bids, the value of all such bids, shall be
considered in the value of ‘B’ for the purpose of computing bid capacity at the time of
evaluation. i.e. till recommending the case in standing committee.
b) The statements showing the value of the existing commitments and ongoing works as
well as the stipulated period of completion remaining for each of the works, shall be
supported and digitally signed uploaded by certificates signed by the officer not below
the rank of an Executive Engineer or equivalent.

c) Tenderer(s) who meet the minimum qualifications criteria will be Qualified only if the
available bid capacity at the time of bidding is more than the total estimated cost of the
Work(s). The available bid capacity will be calculated as mentioned above.
d) Work order issued subject to court order will not be considered for computing bid
capacity. Evidence for the same shall be uploaded, if not, bid capacity will be calculated
based on submitted documents.
e) For calculating the bid capacity, the value of work in hand will be considered as on the
date of evaluation of ‘B’ Packet. (See note [I] under clause 4.23 of Tender Document).
f) Liability of work in hand will be calculated as per the work order amount and work
completion certificate but not as per budget provision.

(E) Equipment Capacity:- List of Mandatory and Minimum Machinery which must be
available with tenderer (Ownership)

(I) Mandatory Equipments & Machineries

1.0 a) JCB At least one each
b) Dumpers at Site At least Two each
c) Poclain Machine One
2.0 Needle Vibrators 5 Nos.
40 mm – 2 Nos.
60 mm – 3 Nos.
3.0 Form Vibrators 2 Nos.
4.0 Compressors Total 1 Nos.
5.0 200 sq.m. (plan area) shuttering, staging for deck slab superstructure (New type)
6.0 2 sets of side shuttering for walls etc.(steel shuttering only)
7.0 2 Nos. of diesel operated pump sets with 1 stand by pump of 10 HP.
8.0 2 sets of concrete hoists + concrete trolleys or crane and bucket (minimum 1.0 cum
Capacity) arrangement for concreting.
Concreting Pump …… 1 No.
9.0 Set of sieves weighing machine (5 Kg), slump cone (1 No.) cube moulds (36 Nos.)
measuring cylinder (250 ml. – 2 Nos.) and all relevant equipment needed for carrying
out all tests required as per IS code and for carrying out mix design.
10.0 Diesel generator set, flood lights etc. for illuminating the site for night working.
11.0 Site cube testing machine with capacity to test cubes of 130 MPa
12.0 Welding machine - At least 2 sets and gas cutting machine two sets
13.0 Bar bending and cutting machine – 1 No. Each.
14.0 2 sets of Net arrangement to prevent the spreading or failing of debris.

15.0 Asphalt Paver with sensor – 1 No.
16.0 Graders – 1 Nos
17.0 10 T Pnematic Vibratory Roller – 1 No.
18.0 The tenderer must comply RMC and Asphalt plants with installation of SCADA, VTS
on vehicles transporting RMC and Asphalt mixes from plant to site and ICS on
compactors at their own cost. Scanned copy of a notarized undertaking on Rs. 200/-
stamp paper shall be uploaded in packet ‘B’ that SCADA, VTS and ICS will be
activated in 30 days from issue of Acceptance Letter. The original undertaking shall
on Rs. 200/- stamp papers have to be submitted physically after issue of letter of
acceptance. Contractor shall ensure that all these systems shall be in working
condition during entire period of execution of work. In case SCADA, VTS and ICS is
not fully activated within 30 days from issue of Acceptance Letter, a fine of
Rs.10,000/- per day will be levied till compliance. Agent software on RMC and
Asphalt plants shall be installed by the contractor through the agency appointed by
MCGM to catch the data and to throw the same to MCGM dash board for viewing the
same through LIVE WORKS system of MCGM for controlled material. If contractor
does not install the agent software within 30 days from issue of letter of acceptance, a
penalty of Rs. 10,000/- per day will be imposed till date of compliance and further
action include
19.0 ing forfeiture of full EMD, termination of contract and deregistering will be initiated
against the contractor.

(II) On Hiring Basis Equipments / Machinery

1.0 Arrangement of Ready mix plant with arrangement for GGBS and Transit Mixer.
(Undertaking with assured access)
2.0 Cranes or any other suitable arrangement for transporting, Lifting and placing / side
shifting of girders (Undertaking with assured access)
3.0 Hydraulic boring machine (Undertaking with assured access)
Note: If the above Equipments/Machineries are not available during the execution of
work, Penalty of Rs 5000/- day will be imposed and the same will be recovered from
contractors Running Bill.

(F) Personal Capability:-

Tenderer(s) shall upload general information on the management structure of the
firm, and shall make provision of suitably qualified personnel to fill the key
positions as required prior to bidding for this bid and mandatorily during the
contract implementation.
The tenderers shall upload information on a prime candidate for each key position and
each shall meet the requirements specified, as under who shall be on the payroll of the
bidder. –

Sr. No. Designation Qualification Experience Requirement

1. Sr. Engineer B.E.(Civil) 10 Years 1 No.

2. Jr. Engineer B.E./D.C.E.(Civil) 5/10Years 2 Nos.

3. Quality Control Engineer B.E.(Civil) 10 years 1 No.

4. Supervisory Technical D.C.E.(Civil) 3 years 2 Nos.


The tenderer(s) should upload general information on the Organizational setup of the
firm, to allow the employer to review their proposals. The tenderer(s) should furnish
upload general information on the Organizational set up of the firm, to allow the
employer to review their proposals.
If any certificate /voucher/Invoices/sales/purchase orders of the date after “Due
date(End Date)”of tender is found submitted in physical submission of packets,
which differs from E-submission(i.e. documents uploaded online) documents of the
tenders, the e-tenderers will be disqualified without any notice. If the contractor fails
to deploy the personal as prescribe above, penalty of Rs.25000/- per personal per
month or part thereof will be imposed on the contractors and the same will be
The quality control engineers of contractor shall be responsible for the quality of the
Bridge work. In case of defective quality or compromise in quality or bad
workmanship, use of defective material in works, apart from the contractor, MCGM
will also initiate action against the quality control Engineer. Names of such staff
along with qualification and experience details shall be registered with MCGM before
issuance of work order.

Important Note:-
1. The quantity and cost mentioned in ‘A’ above will be considered for completed part
of ongoing similar type of work for which certificate from concerned Executive
Engineer shall be uploaded.
2. The statement showing / uploading the value of existing commitments and ongoing
works as well as the stipulated period of completion remaining for each of the work
listed should be countersigned by the Engineer, not below the rank of Executive
Engineer or Equivalent.
3. The tenderers shall upload the requisite documents.
4. Scanned self-attested duly digitally signed / attested copies of qualification certificates
and details of work experience shall be uploaded.
5. Joint venture is not allowed.

(F) Slice and package : -
The successful tenderer who have satisfied all PQ criteria of each bids submitted, will
be awarded works, considering the offer beneficial to the MCGM.
If a contractor is lowest in more than one bid , qualifies the PQ criteria of bids where he is
lowest and has sufficient bid capacity to bid then in such cases more than one tender can
be awarded to such bidder.


3.1.( A) As per prevailing registration policy:

Categories and classes available for Civil Contractors
Category Description of Work
Building C-I Building and allied works, pile foundation, pre-cast or cast in situ
concrete works, diaphragm walls, ground anchors and allied works,
water proofing, leak proofing of various types of structures.
Bridges C-II Bridge including road over bridges, flyover / foot over bridges /
subways and culverts.
Roads C-III Road works of various types including storms water drains,
culverts and training / de-silting of nallas, underground storm water
Water Supply C-IV Laying of water mains, rising mains, water pumping stations,
reservoirs, head works.
Sewerage C-V Laying of sewers, rising mains and underground storm water
drains, sewage pumping stations, treatment plants, outfalls etc.

3.1.( B) As per New registration policy 2015:-

Minimum Financial requirements for Civil Engineering Discipline
(Rs.In Lakh)
Sr.No. Class Upper Limit of Minimum Solvency Total Turnover
Tendering in Last 3Years
1 I(A) Without Limit 200 4000
2 I(B) 2500 175 2500
3 I(C) 1500 150 1500
4 II 750 100 750
5 III 300 75 300
6 IV 150 40 150
7 IV(A) 90 25 90
8 V 50 150 50
9 V(A) 30 8 0
10 VI 15 2 0
11 VII 10 1 0
12 VIII 5 0.50 0
13 IX 3 0.25 -


NOTE: All the documents uploaded for online submission must be attested by the authorities
as specified in the tender and digitally signed by the bidders, if not, the bidder /
tenderer will be disqualified.
The Municipal Commissioner for and on behalf of the Municipal Corporation
of Greater Mumbai , hereinafter referred as ‘The Corporation’ invites tender for the
work as detailed in the E- tender document.
Tender shall be written in English. Documents/ Information in any other language
shall be accompanied by its translation in English. Only English text shall be
governing in E-tendering.
Tenderer(s) shall not amend the text of these documents. If it is found that the
tenderer has violated this condition, his tender is liable to be rejected
The tender offer shall be kept valid for 120 (One Hundred Twenty) calendar days
from the date of submission. Thereafter validity may be extended for further period as
may be mutually agreed upon between the tenderer and M.C.G.M.
The set of E-tendering documents comprises the documents listed below –
a) E- Tender Notice
b) Important Points
c) General Information
d) Instructions to E-Tenderers
e) Special Instructions to Tenderers
f) Annexure ‘A’ (Mandatory requirement of work)
g) Agreement Form
h) Form of Tender
i) Appendix – I (Information of firm)
j) Proforma for Banker’s Guarantee
k) List of Approved Banks
l) List of Approved Asphalt Plants/R.M.C. Plants
m) Special directions to tenderers
n) Schedule of fees for testing

o) List of Dumping Grounds
p) Prescribed Proformae
q) Amendments to G.C.C. for Civil works
Circular A) CA/WSSD/13 dt. 12.3.2014
B) AMC/P/M/1511 dt. 29.5.2002
C) CA/FRD-I/51A dt. 20.2.2013
D) ChE/12912/Rds dt. 31.3.2003
r) Proformae for the undertaking to be submitted by the tenderer etc.
s) Bill of Quantities & Rates / Schedule of Items.
t) Summary Sheet
u) Undertaking 1
v) Undertaking 2
w) Best Price Undertaking
x) Indemnity Bond
y) Drawings
z) Addendum / corrigendum / clarification issued (if any published) time to


Copies of Technical Specification and General Conditions of Contract (G.C.C.) enforced
will be
available on MCGM portal ( under tender tab.
Tenderers shall note that if the conditions of G.C.C. are in variance with the conditions
contained in the tender document, the conditions of the tender document shall prevail.


a) In case of a tenderer not being registered with M.C.G.M.(The tenderers have
to get the vendor/validation number registered with MCGM, in all cases) the
E.M.D. shall be 1% of the estimated cost and shall be paid in full (shall not be adjusted at
all against the standing deposit paid to MCGM in case of MCGM registered contractor).
The E.M.D. shall be paid by the contractor online before end date of the bid and details of
the same shall be uploaded online in Packet ‘A’.
b) If the tenderer(s) withdraw tender offer during the tender validity period, his
E.M.D shall be forfeited. In case of M.C.G.M. registered tenderers, E.M.D and the
amount equivalent to E.M.D shall be forfeited from the standing deposit.
c) E.M.D. of the tenderers except first four lowest responsive, tenderers will be refunded

E.M.D of other than first two responsive tenders shall be refunded after tender Committee
E.M.D. of Second lowest tenderer shall be refunded after passing Standing Committee
resolution and receiving acceptance letter from lowest bidder.
The successful tenderer does not convert EMD in contract deposit /security Deposit EMD
shall be refunded immediately after the contract deposit /security deposit is paid by him.
d) The EMD will be accepted on or before due date (last date) of the submission as
clause no. 4.6 (a).


The tenderer shall upload information on litigation/arbitration history in which the
tenderer is involved in Proforma VII.


Tenderer(s) are deemed to have got acquainted with the site conditions and are also
advised to visit the site sufficiently in advance of the date fixed for submission /
uploading of tender.
The tenderer(s), prior to uploading his tender for the work is encouraged to visit and
examine the site of works and its surroundings at his own expenses and obtain and
ascertain for himself, on his own responsibility and risk, all information, technical
data, etc. that may be necessary for preparing his tender and entering into a contract
including, inter-alia, the actual conditions regarding the nature and conditions of site,
availability of materials, labour, probable sites for chowky/stores etc. and the extent
of lead and lift required for the execution of the work over the entire duration of the
contract, after taking into consideration local conditions, traffic restrictions,
obstructions in work if any, allow all such extra expenses that are likely to be incurred
due to any such conditions, restrictions, obstructions, etc. in the quoted and uploaded
contract price for the work.


If required, any modifications, in the tender documents and extension of closing date
of the tender will be made by an addendum. Copy of the addendum will be sent to all
tenderer(s). Each addendum shall be digital signed by the tenderer(s) and submitted /
uploaded with the tender in packet ‘B’. The tenderer(s) shall not add / upload to or
amend the text of any documents of tender.


All charges towards Octroi, Terminal or Sales Tax, Vat, Service Tax etc. and other
duties on material obtained for the work from any source including the tax applicable
as per Maharashtra Sales Tax Act, on the transfer of property in good involved in the
execution of work contracts (re-enacted) Act 1989 or as amended shall be borne by
the tenderer. The tenderer shall not be reimbursed the taxes, duties, cess and charges
whether now in force or that may be enforced in future.

a. The contract shall be for the whole work as described in scope of work attached
hereto based on the Bill of Quantities and % uploaded (in ‘Percentage Variation’
Tab in e-tendering.) by the tenderers.
b. The tenderer shall fill / upload the percentage either plus or minus ( i.e. above or
below) in the Financial Bid (in “Percentage Variation” Tab in e-tendering ) in
figures or at par, % quoted ‘0’ (zero) will be considered as at par (by default by
the system). Corrections, if any, can be made till end date (i.e. last date) and time,
but before submitting the bid.
c. All taxes, duties, cess and charges such as Octroi, Service Tax, Terminal or Sales
Tax, VAT etc. and other duties on material obtained for the work from any source
including the tax applicable as per Maharashtra Sales Tax Act, on the transfer of
property in good involved in the execution of work contracts (re-enacted) Act
1989 or as amended shall be borne by the tenderer. The tenderer shall not be
reimbursed the taxes, duties, cess and charges whether now in force or that may be
enforced in future.
d. The tenderer shall be registered under Maharashtra Sales Tax / VAT on the
transfer of property in goods involved in the execution of works contracts
(Reenacted) Act 1989 and should produce and upload documentary evidence to
that effect (a copy of registration of certificate from the Sales Tax department).
e. The successful bidder within 15 days from the date of issue of the work order for
executing the contract work under reference shall enter into a contract agreement
with the MCGM. The contract agreement shall be adjudicated for payment of
stamp duty by the successful bidder and accordingly the successful bidder shall
pay the stamp duty on the contract agreement, as per Govt. directives issued in
this respect under no. Enforcement-I/ Works Contract / W.S. – 1343 dt.
21.07.2009, so as to ensure that, the contract agreement is executed within the
stipulated period as aforesaid.


4.12.1 Pre- Bid Meeting
a) The tenderer or his authorized representative is allowed to attend a pre-bid
meeting as per the date, time and venue mentioned in the tender notice/header
b) The purpose of the pre-bid meeting will be to clarify issues and to answer
questions on any matter that may be raised at that stage.
c) Any tenderer requiring any clarification of the tender document and/or the
works may submit his questions in writing or e-mailed to reach the concerned
Chief Engineer (Bridges) office at least 3 days before the pre-bid meeting.

d) Clarification of the points, including the questions raised in the meeting will
be given in the pre-bid meeting. The clarification on points raised by the
tenderer will be uploaded in the form of addendum.
e) No queries will be entertained after pre-bid meeting.


a. Before the deadline for submission of tenders, the M.C.G.M. may modify the
tendering documents by issuing addendum/ corrigendum OR publishing on portal
of MCGM OR e-mailed.
b. Any addendum/corrigendum/ clarifications thus issued as per “a” above shall be
part of the tendering documents. The addendum/corrigendum/ clarifications thus
issued shall be downloaded and uploaded along with the tender digitally signed by
the tenderer and submit it.
c. In order to give prospective tenderers reasonable time to consider the addendum/
corrigendum/clarifications before submitting and uploading their bids, the
M.C.G.M. may extend as necessary the deadline for submission and uploading of
Only the bidders who qualify in packet “A” and packet “B” will be considered as
responsive for financial bid i.e. packet “C”. If any discrepancies are observed and
false documents are found to be uploaded by the bidder, such bidder will be
disqualified from the bidding process and the names of such bidders /firms will be
published on MCGM portal or displayed at office of Ch. E (Bridges). Further
action as liable e.g. disqualification of the bid and bidder under rules/regulations
shall also be initiated against such bidder who uploads false documents.


a) Tenderer(s) shall examine the tender document and acquaint themselves to all
conditions and matters affecting the cost of the works. Of any tenderer(s) finds
discrepancies or omissions in the Document or if in doubts about their meaning,
he should immediately address / E-mail a query in the Chief Engineer (Bridges).
b) Any resulting interpretation of the tender document will be issued to tenderer(s) as
an addendum. Verbal clarification obtained from any source shall not be binding
on the corporation.
c) No tenderer(s) shall amend the text of any document except as may be necessary
to comply with any addendum.

Tenderers shall upload the offers that comply with the requirements of the e-tendering
documents in bidders folders. If the tenderer suggests any alternative or stipulates his
own condition (s), the e-tenders shall be rejected.


a. The corporation will not bear any expenses incurred by any tenderer(s) for tender
preparation and will not be bound to accept the lowest or any tender.
b. The tenderer(s) shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission
and uploading of his Tender, and the M.C.G.M. will in no case be responsible and
liable for those costs.


a) It will be obligatory on the part of successful tenderer to get himself registered as
M.C.G.M’s vendor by paying necessary fees to M.C.G.M by following due
procedure. The payment will be made through S.B.I. by E.C.S./ RTGS.
b) In case of any lapse in maintenance, the penalties shall be recovered and if
necessary the work shall be got done at the risk and cost of the contractor after the
prescribed period. The said cost shall be recovered from the Contract Deposit /
Retention Money or any other deposits, dues with the M.C.G.M. The contractor
shall be liable to pay the excess cost if incurred, punitive damages and face penal
action in the case of insufficiency of the aforesaid amount.
c) The payment to the contractors will be made through S.B.I. by E.C.S. / RTGS.
4.14.2 After the visit of staff of Chief Engineer (Vigilance) to site for inspection or for
verification of any complaint or for any other purpose, the immediate next RA bills
will be withheld until and unless NOC from office of Chief Engineer (Vigilance) on
their observations is received after complying to the shortcomings pointed out by
4.14.3 Legal Charges and Stationery Charges-
The successful tenderer shall pay the Legal charges and Stationery Charges as per the
circular no.CA/FRG/38 dated 21.01.2015 applicable from 01.04.2015 to 31.03.2016
regarding legal and stationary charges.
All the costs, charges and expenditure incurred in connection with this contract
agreement including stamp duty, registration charges and such other incidental charges
of the agreement shall be borne and paid by the contractor(as per rules applicable for
online tendering)
The tenderer shall ensure that branded materials only with ISI mark as used.

Tenderer(s) shall upload a latest solvency certificate for required amount from a bank
approved by the Corporation valid for one year. ( Not issued prior to six month from
invitation of tender)


Tenderer(s) shall digitally sign the undertaking Tender form, Annexure ‘A’ and Bill
of Quantities summary sheet and Addendum / Corrigendum / Clarification before
uploading and submitting the e-tender online.
Pl. note that –
a. If a tender is submitted by an individual, it shall be digitally signed with date,
giving his full name and address.
b. If a tender is submitted by a proprietary firm, it shall be digitally signed by the
proprietor with date, full name, name of the firm and address.
c. If a tender is submitted by a firm in partnership, it shall be digitally signed
with date, full name and address by person/partner holding the power of attorney
(to be uploaded in “Packet A”) on behalf of the firm for digitally signing the
tender. A registered copy of the Power of attorney shall be uploaded in the
e-tender (To be uploaded in “Packet A”). A certified copy of the partnership deed
duly registered, address of the firm and full names and addresses of all partners of
the firm shall be uploaded with the tender in respective packet online.
d. If a limited company or a Corporation uploads a tender, it shall be digitally signed
by a person holding power of attorney for digitally signing the tender. A certified
copy of the registered Power of Attorney (To be uploaded in “Packet A”) shall be
uploaded (To be uploaded in “Packet A”) with the tender.
Such limited company or Corporation shall furnish evidence of its existence
before the contract is awarded. The Power of Attorney shall be registered.
e. The person submitting tender online shall digitally sign each page of the tender.
f. Power of Attorney shall be registered with the office of Chief Accountant



NOTE: This tendering process is covered under Information Technology Act and
Cyber laws as applicable
i. In E-tendering process some of the terms and its definitions are to be read as under
wherever it reflects in online tendering process.
Start Date read as “Sale Date”
End Date read as “Submission Date”
Supplier read as “Contractor/bidder”
Vendor read as “Contractor/bidder”
Vendor Quotation read as “Contractors Bid/Offer”
Percentage Variation read as “Percentage Quoted”
Purchaser read as “Department/MCGM”
ii. Only numeric values up to two decimal places are accepted In “Percentage Quoted”
by the contractors in online tender Process, therefore the contractors / bidders should
take care while quoting their % rates in numeric values up to two decimal places
I. Before entering in to online tendering process, the contractors should complete the
registration process so as to get User ID for E -tendering links. For this the contractors
can access through Supplier registration via MCGM Portal.
There are two methods for this registration :(II and III)
II. Transfer from R3(registered contractors with MCGM)to SRM
a. Contractors already registered with MCGM will approach to Vendor Transfer cell.
b. Submit his details such as (name, vendor code, address, registered Email ID, pan
card etc.) to Vendor transfer cell created at office of Bridge Department.
c. MCGM authority for Vendor Transfer transfers the Vendor to SRM application
from R3 system to SRM system.
d. Transferred Vendor receives User ID creation link on his supplied mail Id.
e. Vendor creates his User ID and Password for E-tendering applications by
accessing link sent to his mail ID.
III. Online Self Registration(Temporary registration for tenderers not registered
with MCGM)
a) Vendor fills up Self Registration form via accessing MCGM portal.
b) Vendor Transfer cell(same as mentioned above)accesses Supplier
c) Registration system and accepts the Vendor request.

d) Accepted Vendor receives User ID creation email with Link On his supplied mail
e) Vendor creates his User ID and Password for e-tendering application.
IV. CONTRACTORS BIDDING: Contractor will Quote and Upload Tender
 Access E-tender link of SRM Portal
 Log in with User ID and Password
 Selects desired Bid Invitation (he wants to bid)
 To download tender documents contractors will have to pay online Tender fee.
The same can be done by accessing Pay Tender Fees option. By this one will be
able to pay Tender fee through Payment Gateway-If transaction successful
Contractors can register his interest to participate. Without Registration one
cannot quote for the Bid/Tender.
 Contractor will download Tender Documents from Information from purchaser
tab by accessing Purchaser document folder through collaboration ‘C’ folder link.
 Contractors will upload packet A related and packet B related Documents in
packet A and packet B folder respectively by accessing these folders through
“My Notes” Tab And collaboration folder link.
 All the documents uploaded have to be digitally signed and saved. Contractors can
procure there digital signature from any certified CA’s in India.
 EMD and ASD should be submitted as mentioned in tender.
 For commercial details (in packet C) contractors will fill data in Item Data tab in
Service Line Item via details and quotes his “Percentage Variation” (i.e.% quoted)
figure. (If entered ‘0’ it will be treated as at par. By default the value is zero only)
 Contractors specify ASD details if applicable in “ASD” tab.
 Contractors check the bid, digitally signs & save and submit his Bid Invitation.
 Contractors can also save his uploaded documents / commercial information
without submitting the BID for future editing through ‘HOLD’ option.
 Please note that “Hold” action do not submit the Bid.
 Contractor will receive confirmation once the Bid is submitted.
 The bidders are requested to upload online each file of max 5MB size so as to
facilitate easy uploading and downloading of documents during e-tendering
 The bidders should upload the requisite documents well in advance before the end
date and time.

 ASD details are required if the bid is below 12%. Information of online paid ASD is
required to be SUBMITTED/ UPLOADED in packet “C” (as directed in submission
procedure in the Tender)before the time of packet A opening or as specified.
 If the premium/rebate quoted is below or above than 15%, the contractors will have to
upload rate analysis in USOR format through email within 3 days from receipt of mail
from department. Per day delay in submission of Rate analysis by bidder will entail
penalty of 1% EMD. If the Rate Analysis as required is not submitted within 7 days of
submission by the bidder or if Lower bidder backs out from the Tender process, such
bidder will be barred from participating in tender process of any department of
MCGM for period of two years from the date of opening of packet C. If L1 bidder
backs out or refuses to work his 100% EMD and ASD shall be forfeited.

V. Bid creator (MCGM) starts Bid Opening for Packet A after reaching End Date and
Time and Bid Evaluation process starts.
VI. Payment of E-Tender Fees:
Payment of Tender Fees can be made online using the online payment gateway.
4.19 The Tenderers who have submitted their Bid online. The Envelopes A, B and C of the
Tenderers who have not submitted online Bid will not be accepted physically and
cannot be considered in bidding process.
4.20 Tenderer(s) are requested to submit and upload the e-tenders in time on or before the
stipulated day so asto avoid rush at the closing hours. MCGM will not be responsible
for poor connectivity of network / internet services / connectivity of servers / snag in
system / breakdown of network / or any other interruptions. If any online information
uploaded but not received by Bid creator (MCGM) within stipulated time limit,
MCGM will not be held responsible at any cost and such bids cannot be validated.
Any online intimation / information asked to be submitted by bidders / Contractors or
sent to Bidders / Contractors, if not received or bounced back at the receiving end due
to any problem in server or connectivity, MCGM will not be held responsible.
Intimations about shortfalls in submission will be informed only to responsive Bidders
/ Contractors (who has complied the process, with all above requirements as per the
4.17 above) by E mail on their mail ID. The bidders should also send digitally signed
information in reply Email to respective office of bid scrutinizers.
In case of any difficulties faced while uploading data by the bidder/contractor in
online process, it should be referred to e-mail ids given on MCGM portal.
You can contact on following e-mail ID and Telephone no. before end date and time:

IT Help Desk No. - 022 – 24811275
E-mail ID -
4.21 The tenderer will mandatory to submit bid online in three packets i.e. Packet ‘A’,
Packet ‘B’ and Packet ‘C’ (i.e. bid submission) as specified in tender.
The uploaded copies of the documents asked for in packet ‘A’ and 'B' shall be
certified by the Gazette Officer or Officers not below the rank of Asst. Engineer /
Administrative Officer of the MCGM or Practicing Notary approved by of the Govt.
of Maharashtra or Govt. of India with his stamp, clearly stating his name &
registration number, except where original documents are demanded. Scanned copies
of all the documents duly certified by the contractors by signing digitally should be
mandatorily uploaded in online submission.

4.22 The packet ‘A’ shall contain certified copies of following documents.
(Scrutiny of this packet will be done strictly with reference to only the scanned copies
of Documents uploaded online in)
a. Receipt of requisite payment towards e-tenders Earnest Money Deposits (EMD)
(online payment) before submission of the tenders.
b. Valid Registration Certificate.
c. Valid Bank Solvency Certificate (Issued within period of six months prior to the
date of submission of tender and valid up to one year).
d. Sales Tax Registration Certificate in Maharashtra (or equivalent requirement
under VAT). Those not registered in Maharashtra, shall upload an undertaking to
the effect that if they are successful tenderer, they shall submit Sales Tax
Registration Certificate in Maharashtra within 15 days of issue of work order,
failing which payment for the work executed will not be released.
e. The “PAN” documents and photographs of the individuals, owners, Karta of
Hindu undivided Family, firms, private limited companies, registered co-operative
societies, partners of partnership firms and at least two Directors, if number of
Directors are more than two in case of Private Limited Companies, as the case
may be. However, in case of Public limited companies, Semi Government
Undertakings, Government Undertakings, no “PAN” documents will be insisted.
f. Latest Partnership Deed in case of Partnership firm.
g. Registered Power of attorney if any.
h. Registration Certificate under E.P.F. & M.P. Act. 1952 and ESIC Act 1948 or
under taking as per circulars CA/FRD/I/44dated 4/01/2013 and CA/FRD/I/65/dated
i. Registration Certificate under E.S.I. C. Act. 1948.
j. Valid E-mail Id and contact nos. of Owner/ Director/ Prop.

4.23 Packet ‘B’ shall contain following original documents.
(Scrutiny of this packet will be done strictly with reference to only the scanned copies
of Documents uploaded online e-tenders)
Tenderer shall produce attested copies of certificates signed by officer not below the
rank of Assistant Engineer for the following works.
a) Tenderer should upload evidence that he has successfully completed during the
last 5 (Five) financial years at least one work of Vehicular Bridge/Subway as per
mentioned in Post Qualification criteria (A)(i). (Proforma I).
b) The Original financial statements of last five years i.e. 2011-2012, 2012-2013,
2013-2014 , 2014-2015 & 2015-16 duly certified by Chartered Accountant.
(Attested copy will not be allowed.) (Proforma-II) Maximum Annual Turnover
of any one financial year during the last 5 financial years.
c) Undertaking by the tenderer as per format attached. (See at page163, 165 to 167).
d) Names and Qualification of supervising Engineers.
e) Details of work in hand along with copy of work orders and attested certificates of
percentage if works completed or parts thereof (Proforma VI A See at page no.
109) and details of works for bids are nearly submitted (Proforma VI B See at
page no. 109) .
f) Financial & physical Milestones of various stages of the work during the contract
g) Proof showing ownership / hiring of the ‘Equipments’ mentioning numbers &
capacity of each equipment as per details mentioned in Post Qualification
h) Information on litigation / Arbitration history in which tenderer is involved
(Proforma VII See at page no. 110).
i) Signed copy of the addendum, corrigendum and clarifications, if any.
j) Details of certificate issuing Authorities in form no. (Proforma VIII See at page
no. 110).
k) Annexure “A” signed.
l) Undertaking signed.
m) Evidence stating that, it has access to, or has available liquid assets,
unencumbered assets, line of credit and other financial means (Independent of any
contractual advance payment) to the extent of the cost of the work tendered for.
n) Deleted.

o) Certificate from Bankers/Financial Institution with minimum 15% cash flow
(Independent of any contractual advance payment) of estimated cost of work
tendered for.
p) At present bidders have to submit the following undertakings which required to be
clubbed in to one notarized indemnity cum declaration on Rs.500/ - Stamp Paper
from the tenderer: -
1.No Penal action/Black listing, 2.All details given regarding Machinery are true
and correct, 3.Not Claim any Charge and compensation for non -availability of
site due to non- removal of encroachment/ delay in acquisition
process/cancellation of work or part thereof. 4.If contractors fail to carry out the
allotted work, MCGM will carry out the work by any means at their Risk and
Cost. The format prepared by Law Officer is attached separately.
r) Bid capacity and notarized undertaking on Rs500/- stamp paper stating there in
that the information given in respect of works completion / in hand is true and
(I) Subsequent commitments, if any, after submission of the tender and till opening of
packet ‘B’, shall be submitted in specified time as stated in tender during submission
of required documents of packet ‘B’ on online by email .
(II) The tenderer should mandatorily furnish E-mail ID’s of all the Authorities issuing all
the certificates.
(III) Work Order issued subject to Court Order will not be considered for Computing Bid
Capacity. Evidence for the same shall be uploaded. If not, the tenderer will be treated
as ‘non – responsive’.
(IV) For the calculating the Bid Capacity the value of work in hand shall be considered as
on date of evaluation of Packet ‘B’ of the tender.

4.24 Packet ‘C’ shall contain the following documents.

(Bid Comparison Report is generated in the system when authorized bid opening
committee processes for opening commercial bid)
1 ) Online tender filled in either percentage plus or minus (above or below), or at
par.(There is no separate provision to quote % in physical form, for quoting % there is
a part in Header Data under the tab “Percentage Variation” in online Tendering).
Once the Packet C opening date and time (Price Bid opening date and time) is passed,
MCGM can open the commercial online Bid submitted by the bidder. A bid
comparison report would be generated which will give Overall ranking of bidders.

2) The Packet ‘C’ submission shall contain the following documents (This
should be submitted as directed in tender)
a) Amount of ASD in the form of D.D. will not be accepted. ASD shall be paid by
the contractor online before end date of tender ( last date and time of submission of
online tender), as per Condition incorporated in this tender (if rebate quoted is more
than 12%)

d) After opening of online financial bid i.e. e-packet C; if it is observed that the lowest
bidder has quoted percentage more than 15% above or below the estimated cost then
rate analysis in USOR format will be submitted by the contractor within 3 days from
reciept of mail from the department. Per day of delay in submission of Rate analysis by
the bidder will entail penalty of 1% of EMD.
If the rate analysis as required is not submitted within 7 days of submission by the
bidder OR if the Lowest bidder backs out from the tender award process, such
bidder will be barred from participating in tender process of any department of
MCGM for a period of two years from the date of opening of C packet.
If L1 bidder backs out or refuses to work his 100% EMD and ASD shall be forfeited.
1) If the tenderer have not uploaded all documents, in e-Packet A & B then the
tenderer shall be intimated to comply with said requirement by letter & e-mail on
their email id as provided by them & 1% of EMD amount per shortfall shall be
forfeited for lapse. The tenderers in return reply by email can upload self-attested,
signed, scanned copies of the documents asked for, even though if the tenderer
fails to qualify, then 10% amount of the EMD of non-responsive bidders shall be
forfeited in addition to above forfeiture of 1% EMD per shortfall.
2) If the short fall information send by MCGM by e-mail on the bidders email ID as
provided by them in the information in tender is not delivered or in return reply
email of short fall is nor received by MCGM in such lapses MCGM shall not be
responsible and it will be treated as Non-compliance of shortfall by the bidders
and EMD shall be forfeited.


4.25 Deadline for downloading and Submission of E-Tender -
i. e-Tender copy can be downloaded from the “start date and time” up to “End
Date” or within a time as mentioned in Header Data or Tender Notice. Online
tenders can be uploaded and submitted till End Date and time.

During the Evaluation of the online tender Packets, either the tenderers OR their-
one authorized representative may attend the process.
The Tenderers/ Bidders (only those who have submitted online bids) have to
submit Packet A,B and C online in a period starting after End Date and Time But
before opening of Packet ‘A’ as specified. If it is found that, tenderer have not
uploaded requisite E.M.D. online with other relevant details in packet ‘A’, then
the tender shall be treated as non-responsive and list of such tenderer will be E-
mailed OR Displayed on Notice board of Chief Engineer (Bridges).
If the tenderers upload the documents online and who are having status as “Bid
Submitted”, fails to submit the requisite document in packet-A, B and C online
then 10% EMD amount of the tenderer shall be forfeited and the same will be
recovered from his EMD, pending bills, retention money or ASD of any other
works in MCGM. If the defaulter does not have any such amount with MCGM
the demand note will be issued for payment of 10% EMD Amount. If tenderer
fails to pay the above mentioned amount within 30 days proceeding for black
listing of the firm shall be initiated.
1. If the defaulting tenderer commits above lapses second time in MCGM, the
amount equal to 50 % of the EMD amount shall be forfeited.
2. If the defaulting tenderer commits above lapses third time in MCGM, the
entire EMD amount shall be forfeited.
3. If the defaulting tenderer commits above lapses fourth time in MCGM, the
further proceeding for black listing of the firm shall be initiated.


Once the Packet A (Eligibility criteria) opening date and time is reached Bidders
Bid Tab gets activated, MCGM department (bid creator) or Tender evaluation
committee members can log in with user ID and password, check the list of the
Bidders who have applied for the Bid Invitation in the “Bidders/Bid” tab. The
TENDERER/CONTRACTORs who are having status as “Bid submitted” will be
considered eligible for the Bid opening Process. MCGM selects Bid one by one
for evaluation of packet A.
After packet A opening date and time, MCGM department can access the Private
“collaboration” C folder area of the Bidders where they have uploaded their
tender relevant document in packet A as required by MCGM. Department will
then open TENDERER/ CONTRACTORs Packet A folder and download the

documents submitted by TENDERER/CONTRACTOR in the Packet A. The
‘Tender Evaluation Committee’ then scrutinize these eligibility documents.
If the tenderer have not submitted required documents other than E.M.D. receipts
in packet ‘A’, then the tenderer shall be intimated to comply with the said
requirements within three days by Email on their Email Id as provided by them
while registering. The Tenderers in return reply by Email can upload attested
scanned copies of the Documents asked for as per shortfalls and if the tenderer
fails to do so as stipulated, then 10% amount of the E.M.D paid by them shall be
recovered & the tender shall be treated as non-responsive.
On completion of this process the non-responsive TENDERER/ CONTRACTORs
are rejected in the e-Tendering system against their respective bids in the
“Bidders/ Bid” tab for eligibility criteria and list of rejected Bid with reason for
rejection will be displayed either at Divisional office or on MCGM portal or
After completion of Evaluation of packet ‘A’ (Eligibility criteria) opening process
when Date and Time of Packet ‘B’ opening reaches the MCGM department or
Tender evaluation committee members then can accesses Packet B folder of
responsive TENDERER/ CONTRACTORs and download the documents
submitted by TENDERER/ CONTRACTOR in the Packet B. The authorized
MCGM staff ‘Tender Evaluation Committee’ then scrutinize these technical
If the tenderer have not uploaded required documents. In e-packet ‘B’, then the
tenderer shall be intimated to comply with the said requirements by letter & e-
mail on their Email Id, as provided by them while registering. The
Tenderers in return reply by Email can upload self attested signed scanned copies
of the Documents asked for even if the tenderer fails to qualify, then 10% amount
of the E. M. D. paid by them shall be recovered & the e – tender shall be treated as
non – responsive.
Once the scrutiny of technical documents are completed, the disqualified
TENDERER/ CONTRACTORs are rejected in the e-Tendering system against
their respective bids in the “Bidders/ Bid” tab for technical criteria failure and list
of rejected Bid with reason for rejection will be displayed either at Divisional
office or on MCGM portal or Emailed. The 'C' packets (financial bid) of the only

responsive /eligible tenderers / bidders will be opened thereafter as per the
Bids which are technically qualified or responsive are evaluated for price
comparison once price bid opening i.e. Packet ‘C’ date and time is reached. The
system allows the MCGM users (Tender evaluation committee members) to start
this process of opening of price bid. The authorized employees (tender Evaluation
/ opening committee members) with their user ID and Password will log in the
system. The system will generate and give a comparative statement showing list
and details of qualified TENDERER/ CONTRACTORs with ranking based on
the % (percentage)/commercial quote.
If rate analysis by the bidders/ Contractors quoting percentage
rebate/premium more than 15% is not submitted by email within 3 days after
opening of Packet “C”, such bidders/contractors will be disqualified from
tendering/financial bid process. Per day delay in submission of Rate analysis by
bidder will entail penalty of 1% EMD.
If the Rate Analysis as required is not submitted within 7 days of
submission by the bidder or if Lower bidder backs out from the Tender process,
such bidder will be barred from participating in tender process of any department
of MCGM for period of two years from the date of opening of packet C.
If L1 bidder backs out or refuses to work his 100% EMD and ASD shall be
v. Any change in date & time of opening of Packet 'A, B & C' as specified in the
tender notice, will be displayed either at Divisional office or on MCGM portal
or Emailed.

Bid opening authentication:

The price bids have to be opened in presence of three MCGM persons who are
authorized to approve the Price bid opening process.
User IDs of these three Tender Evaluation / opening committee members are assigned
for respective bid invitation number and these authorized MCGM Tender Evaluation /
opening committee members will enter their passwords simultaneously for
authenticating this Price Bid Opening Process.
a. The Corporation reserves the right to reject all or any of the tender(s) without
assigning any reason.

No errors can be computed in online E-Tendering. The SRM (e-tendering module)
doesn’t considers it, therefore all the Bidders/ Contractors should fill the online
tender carefully after reading all instructions given in tender document and
confirming the information which is uploaded on MCGM portal.
In comparing tenders, efficiency and reliability of tenderer(s), and the eligibility
criteria mentioned in the tender document shall be considered.
Information relating to the examination, clarification, evaluation and comparison of
tender and recommendations for the award of a contract shall not be disclosed to
tenderers or any other persons not officially concerned with such process until the
award to the successful tenderer has been announced. Any effort by a tenderer to
influence the Employer's processing of tenders or award decisions may result in the
rejection of his tender, and his disqualification.
Prior to the detailed evaluation of tenders, the M.C.G.M. will determine whether each
tender -
(a) Meets the eligibility criteria
(b) Has been properly signed.
(c) Is accompanied by the required securities.
(d)Is responsive to the requirement of the tendering uploaded documents.


Notification of award will be issued in writing to successful tenderer. The contract
will be awarded to the lowest bidding responsive tenderer(s) in conformity with the
tender document.
Prior to the expiry of the Tender validity, the Corporation will notify the successful
tenderer(s) by letter / e-mail, that his tender has been accepted. This letter / e-mail
herein after and in condition called “The Letter of Acceptance” Notification of Award
will constitute the formation of contract.
Corporation reserves right to accept/reject any or all tenders and to annul the
tendering process at any time prior to award of contract, without thereby incurring any
liability to the affected tenderer(s) or any obligation to inform the affected tenderer(s)
of the grounds for the Employer's action.

4.30 Legal Charges & Stationery Charges-
The successful tenderer shall pay legal charges for preparation of the contract
agreement, the legal charges at present are as under.

Contract Value Legal Charges

Upto Rs.300000/- -------
From Rs.300001/- To Rs.2000000/- Rs. 680/-
From Rs.2000001/- To Rs.10000000/- Rs. 2670/-
From Rs.10000001/- To any amount Rs. 6660/-


The successful tenderer shall pay the Legal charges and Stationery Charges as per the
circular regarding legal and stationery charges.
All the costs, charges and expenditure incurred in connection with this contract
agreement including stamp duty, registration charges and such other incidental
charges of the agreement shall be borne and paid by the contractor (as per rules
applicable for online tendering).

Note: The Legal charges/Stationary charges as mentioned above are being

revised. The successful tenderer shall pay the Legal charges/Stationary charges as
per circular in force at the time of awarding of contract.

In case of any claim, dispute or difference arising in respect of the contract, such
claims, dispute or difference shall be dealt with as per amended clause No.96 of
G.C.C. for Civil works.


a. Within 15 days of receipt of the Notification of Award/ e-mail (Letter of
Acceptance), the successful tenderer shall furnish the required Contract Deposit
(2% of the contract sum), and thereafter sign the form of Agreement along with all
documents required for execution of contract.
b. Tenderer shall furnish a Contract Deposit of required amount of the Contract Sum
only in the form of B.Gs for faithful compliance of the work. The Contract
Deposit in other forms will not be accepted.

a) Within 15 days of receipt of the notification of award, the successful tenderer
shall furnish a Contract Deposit of required amount of the Contract Sum for
faithful compliance of the work. The B.Gs. shall be from a Bank acceptable to the
M.C.G.M. and shall be strictly in the prescribed proforma attached to tender. The
B.G.'s shall be kept valid by renewal until finalization of final bill, settlement of
accounts of work by the contractor in all respect or the completion of defect
liability period whichever is later. A penalty of Rs.1000/- per day will be
recovered till signing of agreement and furnishing the contract deposit at the
discretion of Engineer of contract.
b) In addition to the Contract Deposit, Retention Money at the rate of Five
Percent (5%) of bill amount shall be deducted from each Running Account Bill.
c) If the successful tenderer fails to comply with the requirement of the clause
4.34 a, it shall constitute sufficient grounds for annulment of the award and
forfeiture of the E.M.D & A.S.D.
GIVEN BELOW CONTRACT DEPOSIT: 2% of the Contract Sum to be
furnished within 15 days of receipt of Notification of Award. RETENTION
MONEY: 5% from the certified bill amount shall be deducted as retention money
on which no interest shall be paid+ performance guarantee as tabulated.
e) The banks with their branches in Greater Mumbai and up to Virar and Kalyan
have been approved for the purpose of accepting Banker’s Guarantee. (Please see
the list of Banks attached).
f) The bankers guarantee issued by branches of Approved Bank beyond Kalyan
and Virar can be accepted only if the Banker’s Guarantee is countersigned by the
Manager of a Branch of the same Bank within the Mumbai limit categorically
endorsing there on that the said Banker’s Guarantee is binding enforced against
the said Branch of the bank in case of default by the tenderer(s) /supplier
furnishing the banker’s guarantee.
g) In the event if successful tenderer submits the aforesaid security deposit by
submitting Banker’s Guarantee from the banks of the appointed list of MCGM,
the successful tenderer shall submit the B.G. only after paying adequate stamp
duty for the B.G. No Bankers Guarantee shall be accepted without stamp duty
paid by the successful tenderer.

h) Performance Guarantee are tabulated below will have to be paid & shall be
valid till the defect liability period
Any premimum or at par 3 % of contact sum
Rebate up to 15 % 3 % of contact sum
Rebate 15.01 to 20 % 10 % of contact sum
Rebate from 20.01 to more 20 % of contact sum
Performance Guarantee amounting to 3% or 10% or 20% of contract sum will
have to be paid by the appointed bidder. The performance guarantee will be in the
form of deposit in addition to other prevailing deposits. This deposit will be
allowed in the form of Bank Guarantee and shall be paid within 8 days after
receipt of Acceptance Letter/E mail but before issue of Work Order. In case the
contractor fails to give the Performance Bank Guarantee in given time, the
EMD/Standing Deposit etc. shall be forfeited. Performance B.G. will not be
accepted in broken period and same will be one completes B.G. for entire D.L.P.
A penalty of Rs. 4500/- per day will be imposed, if the contractor fails to submit
the B.G.
i) The B.G. of the contract deposit/ Performance Guarantee shall be kept valid
by renewal till finalization of final bill, settlement of accounts of work by the
contractor in all respect or the completion of defect liability period whichever is
j) The contractor has to pay stamp duty registration as per GOM Notification/
Guidelines on tender cost within 15 days from date of work order.
If the premium/rebate quoted is below or above than 15%, the contractors will have
to upload rate analysis in USOR format through email within 3 days from receipt of
mail from department. Per day delay in submission of Rate analysis by bidder will
entail penalty of 1% EMD. If the Rate Analysis as required is not submitted within 7
days of submission by the bidder or if Lower bidder backs out from the Tender
process, such bidder will be barred from participating in tender process of any
department of MCGM for period of two years from the date of opening of packet C. If
L1 bidder backs out or refuses to work his 100% EMD and ASD shall be forfeited.


The tenderers quoting rebate more than 12% of the office estimate shall have to pay
Additional Security Deposit for the entire amount calculated as per the formula given
below without any maximum limit:-

Additional Security Deposit = 1 x (X/100) x office estimated cost.

TWhere ‘X’ = percentage rebate quoted on the office estimated cost by the tenderer
h minus 12% without any maximum limit.
ASD shall be paid online only. The Amount of ASD in the form of D.D. will not be
The proof of online payment of required amount as per the above formula must be
uploaded/submitted by the tenderer only in the name of the same company under
which he is quoting for the tender.
The Additional Security Deposit amount of all the responsive tenderers, other than
successful tenderer will be refunded as under—(L-Lowest bidder).
(a) L-2:- 75% amount of ASD shall be refunded after Tender Committee’s
recommendations; Remaining 25% shall be refunded after Standing Committee’s
(b) L-3 :- Refunded after Tender Committee’s recommendations
(c) L-4 & Others :- Before Tender committee’s meeting. If L1 bidder backs out or
refuses to work his 100% EMD and ASD shall be forfeited and blacklisting
action shall be initiated against him.
(d) The ASD of successful tenderer shall be refunded only after successful
completion of work in all respect or till the submission of the final Bill whichever
is later.
The condition regarding the ASD (i.e. recovering ASD & refund of ASD) is revised
as per M.C.’s order (F)/FRD/I/ dated 23.09.2015. The above condition shall
not be changed in future without prior express approval of concerned
A.M.C./A.M.C.(P) and M.C.


The engineer not below the rank of Executive Engineer is entitled to impose a
penalty of Rs.2500/- per day for each defective work/lapse, disobedience of orders
by the officer not below the rank of site Engineer. Penalty amount will be
recovered from contractor’s running bill. This penalty is over and above Penalty
mentioned under G.C.C. enforce.
If it is observed that, the contractor carrying out the work fails to comply with the
instructions given by the authorities of the A.C./Ch.E(Br)/ Zonal
DMC/Dir.(ES&P)/A.M.C./M.C.'s level during execution of work twice, the work

may be terminated and will be carried out at the risk and cost of the contractor and
penal action will be taken against them. This decision will not be arbitral at all.
The above mentioned condition will be in addition to the relevant condition in the
General Condition of contract regarding cancellation of contract in full or partly
final decision of disputes, difference of claims raised by the contractor or relating
to any mater out of contract.
ii) Other penalties
In addition to any penal action under the General Conditions of Individual
contracts, a registered contractor will be liable under the registration Rule to one
or more of the following penalties:
a) Warning / Fine
b) Demotion
c) de- Reregistration
a) Warning / Fine
A contractor will be liable to a warning and /or penalty for
i) Non-compliance of any provision of the rules.
ii)Failure to comply with any clause or direction under these rules or comply with
any conditions of tenders / contracts.
iii) In adequate progress / performance under the contract.
For the first default of any type mentioned above a warning will be issued. For
each subsequent default of the types in (i) & (ii) above the minimum penalty will
be fine of Rs. 2,500/- while that for a default of the type (iii) the minimum penalty
will be Rs. 5,000/- for contracts of upto Rs. 25 Lakhs and Rs. 10,000/- for contacts
of above Rs. 25 lakhs. Higher Amount of penalty may be levied by the competent
authority for reasons to be recorded.
b) Demotion
A contractor will be liable to be demoted to a lower class of registration on any of
the following grounds:
i Specific failure or default in execution of individual works in respect of
physical progress for qualify of such works.
ii Inadequate performance as revealed by quarterly performance report.
iii Deterioration in financial or technical ability /capacity
iv Repeated failure to fill in tender documents fully and correctly or delay in
execution of formal contract documents.

(c) De-registration:
A contractor will be liable to be de-registered on any of the following grounds.
i) Attempt to defraud the Corporation.
ii) Attempt to bribe any employee / officer of Corporation.
iii) Attempt to secure a contract through unfair means or by bringing to bear out
side influence.
iv) Attempt to secure unauthorized copies of Municipal Records, any documents
in relation to any tender / contract or any other official matter.
v) Furnishing or tempered with Municipal record and documents.
vi) Furnishing false and / or misleading information to registration and / or any
tender / contract.
vii) Threatening, Misbehaving with or physical attack on any Municipal
Employees / officer.
viii) Attempt to instigate or collude with other contractors with a view to securing
undue advantage.
ix) Any of the grounds mentioned in 5.14(ii) b , if it is deemed to serious enough.


The successful bidder within 15 days from the date of issue of the work order for
executing the contract work under reference shall enter into a contract agreement with
the MCGM. The contract agreement and bank guarantee for contract deposit shall be
adjudicated for payment of stamp duty by the successful bidder and accordingly the
successful bidder shall pay the stamp duty on the contract i.e. five hundred rupees
stamp duty upto contract cost Rs. 10,00,000/- plus 0.10 % of the amount, above
rupees ten lakh subject to the maximum of rupees 25 lakhs stamp duty within the
stipulated period as aforesaid contract agreement and bank guarantee for contract
deposit so as to ensure that the contract agreement is executed.
Please refer the circular u/no.जा. ./अमंल-१/ /८९६/२०१६ २३.०२.२०१६

regarding stamp duty on B.G. 0.50% on original BG as well as on 0.50% on extended


4.39 It will be obligatory on the part of successful tenderer to get himself registered as
MCGM’s Vendor by paying necessary fees to MCGM by following procedure.
Contractors to open a Bank Account in the State Bank of India. All payment under
the contract will be made only on this Bank Account through E.C.S. /R.T.G.S.

4.40 The noise level shall be maintained within the permissible limit in silence zone area
during the construction activities by the contractors as per the notification dated
14.02.2000 issued by the Ministry of Environment and Forests


1. The tender shall specifically note that his/their registration class and category on
the date of submission / uploading of the tender will be considered for considering
responsive tender.
2. In case of tenders having equal percentage from contractors, the performance will
be given as below:
2.1.1 In case of contractors registered with M.C.G.M. and contractors
registered with other organization, preference will be given to the contractors
registered with M.C.G.M.
2.1.2 On the basis of higher class (AA, A, B, ---)
2.1.3 If the class of tenderers same, the preference shall be given to the
tenderer whose registration date in higher class stands ahead of the other.
2.1.4 If the tenderers registration in higher class on the same date, then the
preference shall be given to the tenderer whose registration stands ahead of the
3. The tenderers who have been registered in M.C.G.M. and also in Govt. body of
Maharashtra and / or Central Government, then their class whichever higher will
be considered for deciding eligibility.

4.42 As per the circular no .CA/FRD/I/06 dated 02.05.2012, contractors have to submit
the bill for the work carried out within 15 days from the date of completion of the work to
the respective department and the concerned executing department has to process the bill
for vigilance NOC, wherever necessary and for onward submission to the Accounts
Department for admitting the payment within next 8 days. If these contractual agencies
fail to submit their bills to concerned executing department for the completed
work/running bill within 15 days, penalty or action as shown below will be taken for each
delayed bill.

After 15 days from the date of Equal to 5% of Bill amount
completion /running bill upto certain
date,upto To next 15 days i.e. upto 30
Next 15 days upto 45 days from the Equal to 10% of Bill amount
date of completion /running bill upto
specified date.

If not submitted within 45 days from Bill will not be admitted for
the date of completion/R.A. bill payment


If it is observed that the contractor carrying out the works fail to comply with
instructions given by the Authorities at the AMC/MC level during execution of the
work twice, the work will be terminated and will be carried out at the risk and cost of
the contractor and penal action will be taken against them.


4.44 It is mandatory to obtain vender registration no. No payments will be made to any
party whose name is not included in vendor master.

4.45 Final Bill Amount

The minimum payable amount in final bill is as under:
Amount of Contract Minimum payable amount in final bill
Upto Rs. 5 Crs. Rs. 10 Lacs or final bill amount whichever is more
Upto Rs. 25 Crs. Rs. 1 Crore or final bill amount whichever is more
Upto Rs. 50 Crs. Rs. 2 Crore or final bill amount whichever is more
Upto Rs. 100 Crs. Rs. 4 Crore or final bill amount whichever is more
More than Rs.100 Crs. Rs. 7 Crore or final bill amount whichever is more

4.46 If the tenderers upload the documents online and who are having status as “Bid
Submitted”, fails to submit the requisite document in Packet-A, B & C online then
10% EMD amount of the tenderer shall be forfeited and the same will be recovered
from his E.M.D., pending bills, retention money or ASD of any other works in
MCGM. If the defaulter tenderer does not have any such amount with MCGM, the
demand note will be issued for payment of 10% EMD Amount. If tenderer fails to pay

the above mentioned amount within 30 days, proceedings for black listing of the firm
shall be initiated.
2. If the defaulting tenderer commits above lapses second time in MCGM, the
amount equal to 50% of the EMD amount shall be forfeited.
3. If the defaulting tenderer commits above lapses third time in MCGM, the entire
EMD amount shall be forfeited.
4. If the defaulting tenderer commits above lapses Fourth time in MCGM, the
further proceedings for black listing of the firm shall be initiated.

4.47 As per new policy for governing exrta/excess, refer circular under no.
Dir/ES&P/324 dated 15.07.2015 (at page no. 124-128).

5.1 This work includes Construction of Pedestrian Subway at Andheri- Ghatkopar Link
Road Connecting Laxmi Nagar- Laxmi Baug to PantNagar, Ghatkopar (E) in N Ward.
Work will be carried out in phases as per the site conditions. Details as mentioned in
the Drawings shall be provided.
(i) The work is to be executed as per BOQ “Scope of Work” described under section –
13 Special direction to the tenderers and also generally as per drawing to be issued.

5.2 The tenderer(s), prior to submitting his tender for the work is encouraged to visit and
examine the site of work and its surroundings at his own expenses and obtain and
ascertain for himself, on his own responsibility and risk, all information technical date
etc. that may be necessary for preparing his tender and entering into a contract
including, inter-alia, the actual conditions regarding the nature and conditions of site,
availability of materials, labour probable sites for chowky / stores etc and the extent
of lead and lift required for the execution of the work over the entire duration of the
contract, after taking into consideration local conditions, traffic restrictions,
obstructions in work if any allow all such extra expenses that are likely to be incurred
due to any such conditions, restrictions, obstructions etc. in the quoted contract price
for the work.
5.3 Safety of the existing structures in vicinity is complete responsibility of the tenderer.
Any damages to these structures in vicinity for what so ever the reason may be will be
responsibility of the tender throughout Contract period and repair / rectification will
be borne by tenderer. No extra payment will be made for the same. Tenderer should
take note of the same while quoting.
5.4 Work will be permitted to be carried out in 2 (Two) shifts with prior consent for the
Engineer in charge. Adequate lighting arrangements shall be made at night time and
safety of people, workers be ensured.
5.5 Contractor shall note that no inconvenience shall be caused to pedestrians and
vehicular traffic during construction. Due care shall be taken for safety of pedestrians
and vehicles.
5.6 A list of mandatory and minimum machinery which must be available with the
tenderer is attached. The tenderers should note that it is very much essential to make
arrangements for getting these machineries before quoting for the work. Tenderers
should submit “list of plants & equipment” including centering materials owned, their
present location, along with the tender.
5.7 Layout drawings indicate general arrangement of the existing and proposed bridge
structure, approaches, etc. and dimensions mentioned on the drawings are tentative.
The general arrangement and dimensions may vary as per detailed drawings and this
will not deviate the contract and will not lead to any claim for extra rate or
compensation whatsoever.

5.8 As the work under this tender is to be carried out in one of the busy roads, it will be
essential for the contractor to take all safety measures to ensure safety of vehicular
traffic and pedestrians using the road. As the work will be carried out with the running
road on one side and in the middle of two running roads during as per stage of work,
the working space available for carrying out the work will be limited. The intending
tenderer should therefore carefully examine the site to understand the restrictions on
availability of space and provision of safety measures. No extra payment for
providing barricades at the site.
5.9 The use of admixtures / plasticizers is mandatory for maintaining workability of the
concrete with the water cement ratio limited to 0.4. No extra payment will be made for
the use of admixtures / plasticizers.
5.10 Fortnightly SITE MEETING will be arranged at the discretion of MCGM at site to
review site problems meeting shall be attended by responsible personnel on behalf of
contractor, E.E. (Bridge), E.E. if in charge of pipeline E.E./ A.E. from concerned
UTILITY/ DEPARTMENTS and structural consultant for this project. Decision at site
shall be recorded and reviewed from time to time.
5.11 READY MIX CONCRETE only will be permitted for all concrete items. Contractor
shall make proper arrangements for supply of the same. Time lag between the two
TRANSIT MXTURES for a particular pour shall not be more than initial setting time
of mix. Contractor should ensure sufficient number of transit mixtures for the same.
The Contractor has to take trial mix of prescribed grade after every monsoon & same
trial mix cube should be sent to MCGM material testing lab. If trial mix of concrete
after every post monsoon is not taken by contractor, concreting of work will not be
permitted & necessary action will be taken against contractor.
5.12 Excavation shall be carried out by using Poclain / J.C.B. carefully. Excavated earth
shall be removed from site immediately to the dumping ground / location / Space as
directed by the Engineer. No inconvenience shall be caused traffic, local residents or
pedestrians on account of stacking of excavated earth. No extra payment will be
made by MCGM towards removal/lead of excavated earth/debris from site to
dumping ground or any other locations.
5.13 In the case of concreting, temperature during placing of concrete shall be within
prescribed limits. Due care shall be taken on account of this for which no extra claim
will be entertained.
5.14 Road works shall be executed by mechanical tools & means.
5.15 Labour camp will not be permitted nearby the site area.
5.16 All the materials shall be stacked or stored at the site of work as directed and
used only on the work in question and any materials remaining surplus shall not be
disposed of or removed by the Contractors without obtaining the written permission of
the Engineer in Charge. The Contractors shall maintain a register, account of the
receipts and use of material to the satisfaction of the Engineer in charge and supply
monthly statement of such account to the Engineer-In-charge.

5.17 All the materials supplied to the contractors shall remain the absolute property of the
corporation and shall on no account be removed from the site of the work and shall at
all times be opened to inspection of the Engineer in charge. Any such material unused
and in perfect condition shall be returned to the Municipal Stores as directed by the
Engineer in charge at Contractors cost of Transport.
5.18 Tenderers are requested to fill in the percentage rates against the total amount in the
Bill of Quantities and rates and work out the amounts in the space provided for the
purpose, unless this is done, their tender will not be considered.
5.19 The contractors are particularly directed to specifically state whether they are in
possession of power transport vehicles.
5.20 The percentage rate should be legibly written, erasures or corrections in figures
without Tenderers initials will render the tender liable to rejection. The tenderers are
also requested to work out the final figure at the end of tender. Any irregularity on this
point may justify the rejection of the tender.
5.21 Name of the qualified person employed to supervise the work should be intimated.
5.22 Electrical connection and Telephone connection must be taken by the Contractors in
the site chowky at his own cost.
5.23 Tenderers should specifically state their private residential address besides their
official address.
5.24 The contractors will have to work in two shifts, if required and no extra claims will be
entertained for the same.
5.25 On receipt of the work order, the contractor will have to provide A ready-made
one site office per ward for M.C.G.M. staff only, within 1 Km of work site as
directed by M.C.G.M staff , in the form of air-conditioned porta cabin with
appropriate insulation from heat, with proper ventilation, before commencement
of the work. No separate payment will be made for providing the chowky and
ancillary items. No permission and space for site chowky will be given /provided on
Municipal road /footpath/land. The contractor has to make their own arrangement on
hire/lease for site office. The contractors shall provide following in each above stated
site office –
1. A air-conditioned site office of area admeasuring about 20 sq.m. (Minimum)
with at least two windows.
2. It should have better toilet facility and shall be kept clean and maintained
properly during the entire execution period of the work.

3. This chowky / Site office should be equipped with electric supply, Air
Conditioner, Fans, sufficiently big tables, chairs, water filter and cupboard
with locking arrangement etc.

4. Site godown & separate cabin adjacent to site office for contractor's staff/any
other consultant/Quality control auditors if appointed by MCGM as per
5. Digital camera with minimum 5 Mega Pixel lenses. The contractor shall have his
project office of minimum area 200 Sq.ft. in MCGM limit for execution of this
6. Any other equipment as instructed by MCGM staff.
i. If chowky / Site office with necessary requirements is not provided
within 15 days after issue of work order, a penalty of Rs.10000/- per day per
item will be imposed.
ii. If there is further delay more than 30 days, a penalty of Rs.20000/- per day
(i.e. starting from 31st day from issue of work order ) will be forfeited
from paid ASD,OR will be recovered from 1st R.A. Bill.
iii. If there is further delay more than 45 days, a penalty of Rs.50000/- per day
(i.e. starting from 46th day from issue of work order) will be forfeited
from paid ASD,OR will be recovered from 1st R.A. Bill.
iv. If any of the items at Sr.No.2 to 6 above is not provided, Additional penalty of
Rs. 1000/- per day/per item, will be imposed.
i) The bidders have to consider the costs of all items in 5.23(1) to 5.23(6) above
and quote their % accordingly.
ii) AS per Circular No. Ch.E./487/Rds, Tr. & Br./SR Dated 18/9/12.
On receipt of the work order, the contractor will have to provide for site office as
per requirement either on his / her owned place or rented/leased place. The Cost for
this may be charged to MCGM by incorporating in the offer. No separate payment
may be made for providing the Site chowky and ancillary items. No permission and
space for site chowky will be given/ provided on Municipal road/footpath. The
contractors have to make to make their own arrangement on hire/lease for site
5.26 Rates of each item of work mentioned in the schedule be observed and the percentage
rate should be well scrutinized with the consideration of specifications before
submitting the tender as no tender as no variation in rate etc. will be allowed on my
ground such as mistake or misunderstanding etc. after the tender has been submitted.
5.27 The rates quoted for the work whenever referred to in the specifications etc. would
mean the Department rate shown in the Bill of Quantities plus or minus the percentage
quoted by the tenderer.
5.28 Work is to be carried out within Municipal limits of Greater Mumbai Tenderers
should note that claim for mobilization machinery, labour etc. will not be entertained.

5.29 The History sheet of the work as per Proforma should be filled up and submitted to
the Engineer-In-charge by the contractor at the completion of work.
5.30 Tenderer is requested to refer to relevant Unified Schedule of Rate of MCGM for full
description of the items in the BOQ. Rates in this tender have been based on the under
mentioned Unified schedules of Rates 2013 effective from 16.09.2013 of this
Corporation in force at the time of invitation of tender unless otherwise stated.
1.Tender should note that the work is of special nature and time bound project, in
view of the same it may be necessary to execute certain extra items depending
upon the site conditions / constraints and as directed by the Engineer in Charge /
Consultant. The tenderer should note that the execution of such extra items will
have to be carried by the contractor as per the instruction in this regards. Unified
schedule of Rates for Bridge work with effect from 2013.
2.Unified schedule of Rates for Road Works effective from 2013.
3.Unified schedule of Rates for Storm Water Drain work with effect from 2013.
4.Unified schedule of Rates for Sewerage project & H. E. work with effect from
5.Unified schedule of Rates for Building construction works with effect from 2013.
Tenderer should note that the work is of special nature and time bound project,
in view of the same it may be necessary to execute certain extra items depending
upon the site conditions / constraints and as directed by the Engineer in Charge /
Consultant. Shifting of utilities if required is to be done by the contractor under
the supervision of service providers which will be paid to them at mutually
agreed Rates. The tenderer should note that the execution of such extra item
will have to be carried out by the Contractor as per the instruction in this regard.

5.31 If any dispute, difference or claim is raised by either party relating to any matter
arising out of the contract. The aggrieved party may refer such dispute within a period
of 7 days concerned Addl. Municipal Commissioner who shall be constitute of
committee comprising of thee Officer i.e. concerned D.M.C. or Director (E.S. & P.)
Chief Engineer other than the engineer of the contract and concerned Chief
Accountant. The Committee shall give its decision in writing within 60 days.
Appeal from the Order of the Committee may be referred to Municipal Commissioner
within 7 days. Thereafter the Municipal Commissioner shall constitute the Committee
comprising of three Addl. Municipal Commissioners including Addl. Municipal
Commissioner in charge of Finance Department. The decision given by this
Committee shall be final and binding upon the parties.
5.32 Quantities of all items provided in BOQ may not be required to be executed at all or
to the extent indicated in BOQ depending upon the site conditions. The tenderer shall

not be entitled for any compensation on this account. Before starting the work tenderer
shall inspect the site and if required may consult with the site engineer and shall take
actual measurement on the site for procurement of material.
5.33 The tender shall procure all materials required for the work from manufactures with
ISI certificates and according to M.C.G.M. specifications. / ISI specifications
whenever applicable.
5.34 All material required for the work can be stacked near the site of work in such manner
so as not to cause any inconvenience to the pedestrian and vehicular traffic. If no space
is available on site than tenderer shall make his own arrangement for stacking of
materials, parking of machinery, vehicles etc. for which no extra payment will be make
on this account.
5.35 The tenderer shall obtain permission for erection of site office, cement godown, store
etc. on payment of necessary charges demanded by the concerned authorities as per
prevailing rules. The cement godown, watchman’s cabin etc. shall be provided as
directed and shall be removed by the tenderer on completion of the work at their cost.
It is also binding on Tenderer to fulfill requirements of environmental authorities. The
work shall be started only after construction of site office cement godown, store etc.
(after completing all formalities) and after getting necessary traffic permission road
opening permission etc. The letters to traffic authorities will be given by Department
and follow up will be done by contractors.
5.36 The tenderer should provide mobile toilet near the site for labours at his cost.
5.37 All the excavated material belongs to the Municipal Corporation of Brihan Mumbai
and therefore shall be the property of Municipal Corporation of Brihan Mumbai. It will
be mandatory on the part of the contractor to use this material in the execution of work
under contract if the quality of material available is as per specification and rest of the
quality wise unutilized material shall be removed as directed by the engineer. If any
surplus excavated material is not allowed to the extent of quantum of excavation to
Municipal Dumping ground; then with prior approval of Ch.E.(Bridges), the
contractors may dump to private dumping ground if necessary. The payment of
transportation charges shall not be paid by MCGM. The excavated material shall be
removed at the risk and cost of the contractors. The bidder has to consider all the cost
of above measures on relevant items of work and quotes their percentage accordingly.
5.38 Royalty Payment on excavated material as per statutory requirement:
The contractor shall pay necessary royalties and submit documentary evidences of
such payments to the engineer for his information and records. If and when royalties
becomes payable to the government authority on excavated material as per statutory
requirements, the payment shall be made by the contractor.
5.39 No extra payment for carrying the material by head load to work site shall be
considered under any circumstances.

5.40 Tenderer at their own cost shall provide and maintain a telephone at the Engineer’s
site office for the works.
5.41 Tenderer at their cost shall submit those copies of completion drawing showing the
work executed, in the form of soft copy as also on canvas sheet for this purpose, the
contractor may be supplied, on demand, soft copy of the drawings prepared by
M.C.G.M. Consultant.
5.42 After completion of the work, the contractor will have to hand over the site in neat
and clean conditions.
5.43 Conditions under special directions shall supersede over the respective conditions
under General conditions of contract for civil works.
5.44 Tenderers should note that all payment of the bills and other claims arising out of the
contract will be made in the name of their bank by cheque / ECS only. The tenderers,
therefore, will have to furnish the information as regards the name of completion
address of their bank, its branch and their bank account. no. along with the tender
documents. They will also have to submit fresh information when there is a change in
this regard.
5.45 On completion of the work, the contractor shall furnish free of cost completion plan
on R.T.F. and one soft copy on C.D. of the final completion drawings showing all the
R.C.C. and other details duly checked and signed by the Engineer-In-Charge of the
contractor. The payment for the final bill shall be made to the contractor, after receipt
of the above. However the completion plan on R.T.F. and soft copy for R.C.C. work
shall be submitted within one month of completion of R.C.C. framework.
5.46 Tenderers are requested to carefully read the “Special Directions to the Tenderers”
and note that these directions, along with other “General information” and additional
“Special Instructions to the tenderers” will form part of the contract document.
5.47 As these special instructions are specifically drafted for this particular work the
stipulated, conditions, specification or mode of payment made in these instructions will
prevail over the stipulations and conditions. Specification or mode of payment made
elsewhere in the tender document, when these special instructions are in conflict or at
variance with stipulations / conditions / specification or mode of payment mentioned
elsewhere in the tender document.
5.48 For the purpose of achieving durability of structures against the corrosion of
reinforcement bars, following measures are to be adopted:-
i Minimum cement content of 350 kgs per cubic meter of concrete will have to be
provided in all R.C.C. works, irrespective of grade or strength of concrete. For
under water works like piles this shall be enhanced by 10% (i.e. 385 minimum)
Ready Mixed Concrete and Controlled or Design Mix Concrete will only
used for all type of concrete works.
ii Water cement ratio will be restricted to minimum 0.4 in all concrete mixes
involving R.C.C. works, irrespective of grade or strength of concrete.

iii For achieving leak proof shuttering, foam rubber or polyurethane gaskets or
plastic tubes or adhesive plastic tapes (50 mm wide) will be provided at all
shuttering joints.
iv Minimum concrete cover to reinforcement, as specified in the drawing will be
strictly provided and finally achieved. Cover blocks prepared for cover to
reinforcement bars will be of same strength as that of concrete mix and would
be tested at site for minimum compressive strength before being used.
Tenderers are requested to carefully, study the financial implications of above
measures on relevant items of work and quotes their percentage accordingly. The
relevant items description and specifications will be deemed to be modified to include
the above requirements.
5.49 No steel such as HYSD, CRS, TMT bar or structure steel will be supplied by the
Corporation and Contractors will have to procure the same from open market of ISI
brand only.
5.50 In order to ensure proper quality of HYSD/Steel/TMT steel Contractors will have to
procure such reinforcement bars from approved manufactures such as TATA, SAIL
etc. The list of approved manufactures will generally includes reputed manufactures
and manufacturers who are licensee of the TOR Steel Research Foundation in India.
The steel bars name. Reinforcement steel thus procured shall be got tested for physical
properties (@ contractors cost) for every lot brought to site before being used to as to
confirm the same to the requirements of IS-1786 and IS-1788 for strength grade of Fe-
415 and Fe-500 for guaranteed weld ability etc. The test for chemical composition,
however, will be done at contractors cost at random at the rate of one test per 50 Tons
of steel procured. The approved HYSD steel shall then he sent for coating to an
approved agency factory.
5.51 Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai will not supply cement to contractor. They
shall have to purchase the cement from open market manufactured by reputed cement
companies. The cement shall be minimum 43 grade conforming IS-8112 of 1989,
cement shall have to be got tested at Contractors cost at Municipal Laboratory or at
any other Government recognized Laboratory before use for each batch. In case the
cement test results are not available before its use his risk and consequences after
carrying out, compressive strength of cubes specimen for three days at site lab.
However, cement test result from recognized laboratory will have to be obtained and
submitted by the contractors before release of payment of the work done.
5.52 Contractors shall provide independent cement godown with double lock system, One
lock will be controlled by the Contractor and the other by site Engineer-in-charge.
Claim for the payment for the advance for cement brought at the site will be
entertained only after getting satisfactory test results.
5.53 The time period prescribed for the completion of the work includes time of laying and
shifting of utilities and removal of structures / trees which are coming within the
alignment of the work. In case of any abnormal delay on account of shifting of utilities
etc. the Engineer for the work may grant suitable extension in the time period,
depending on the delay caused in the overall construction activity.

5.54 Layout drawings attached with the tender document indicate general arrangement of
Bridge structures, road etc. and dimensions mentioned on the drawings are tentative.
The general arrangement and dimensions may vary as per detailed drawings and no
claim for extra rate or compensation whatsoever will be entertained due to this.
The contractor is supposed to commence the work within 15 days on receipt of work
order and complete the same within the time limit as mentioned in Annexure ‘A’ on
page no.50. Failure to commerce and complete the job within the prescribed time limit
would attract payment of compensation by the Contractor to M.C.G.M. as per
condition No. 65 of G.C.C.
5.55 Tenderers are requested to visit the site of the proposed work and must get acquaint
themselves with the site conditions before filling / uploading the tender. During
construction continuous pumping will be required to keep the inside of the shuttering /
newly cast concrete COMPLETELY DRY for which no extra payment will be made
on the account of work. Cofferdam, where required will be provided / removed by the
contractors as many times as it may be required. During construction cofferdam /
island, continuous pumping will be required for piling work and other related work in
water way portion. No extra payment will be made on the account of work to be
carried out in Nalla. If provided, shall be removed on the onset of every monsoon i.e.
before 10th May of every year at their own cost. Tenderer are requested to note this
and quote accordingly.
5.56 Work contract tax & all the other taxes as applicable will be deducted at source as per
government directions.
5.57 Condition for Field Density Test in Asphalt Concrete Carpet Contractors should note
that Field Density Test in Asphalt Concrete Carpet is mandatory as per circular vide
No. DIR/ES&P/9347 dated 19.12.1998 as per details below:
a) The contractor shall obtain the intimation letter from the Engineer-In-charge and
furnish the same to A.E. (Soil mechanics) within seven days from the laying of
Asphalt concrete, for carrying out “Field Density Test” within 20 days from the
date of laying.
b) The contractor has to arrange at his own cost to transport to site and from site
back to Municipal Laboratory at Worli. The equipment required to carry out the
field density test will be as per prior appointment fixed with A.E.(Soil
c) The number of field test to be carried out on A.C. carpet shall be at the rate of one
test for every 1000 sq. mtrs. or part thereof, and at least one test to be conducted
for A.C. carpet as and when the work is done for less than 1000
d) If the field density test result is less than 95% the contractor shall remove
respective A.C. carpet work and redo the work at their risk and cost.
e) No extra payment shall be made on this account and Contractors have to quote
considering all charges / cost involved in the test.

5.58 Contractors will procure license for contract labour as per contract Labour Act.
(R&A) 1970 at their cost immediately after the work order is placed without which
work cannot be commenced. No time extension will be granted on account of delay in
procuring license for any reason.
5.59 Programme of work:- The Contractor shall submit the work programme
immediately after the receiving of work order and get it approved prior to start the
project work. If at any state the previously approved programme is required to be
modified the tenderer shall do so immediately as directed by the Engineer. If it is
necessary to close some phase of work and start a new phase as directed, the tenderer
shall do so without claiming any extra payment. The programme shall be reviewed
periodically and rescheduled as directed.
5.60 The successful tenderer will have to be make his own arrangement at his cost for the
electric power supply required for the work either by taking connection from
BSES/MSEB/BEST/TATA or arrange his own generators.
5.61 The tenderers are requested to take cognizance of child labour act and take precaution
not to deploy child labours on site. If child labour is found to be deployed on the work,
a penalty of Rs.5000/- on the spot will be imposed on the defaulting contractors and
further action as deemed fit will be taken.
5.62 Labour Regulation :
a) Contract Labour (Abolition and Regulation) Act 1970: The Bidder(s) should
specifically note that the successful Bidder shall have to strictly comply with the
entire statutory requirement under the provision of the Contract Labour (Abolition
and Regulation) Act 1970 and with the Maharashtra State Contract Labour
(Abolition and Regulation) Rules 1970 and indemnify the Corporation against any
claim(s) whatsoever.
b) Even if any numbers of employees/labours are employed on the establishment, the
contractor has to submit registration certificate under State Labour Insurance
Scheme (ESIC 1948) Act.
c) An amount of 1% will be deducted from the R.A. bills in respect of labour cess as
per directives of State Government and circular in force.
d) The contractor has to check health of all the labour’s employed by him at every
fortnight and take precautionary measures and treatments as per advice of medical
officer. If record is not maintained, penalty of Rs.1000/- per labour will be
5.63 No extra payment shall be admissible for dewatering the trenches, head load
transport or approaches to the work site.
5.64 All material required for the work except otherwise specified shall be procured by the
tenderer as per Indian Standard Specification (ISI) and tenderer shall submit
manufacturer’s test certificate accordingly. The copies of detailed specifications shall
remain applicable and will be available at the office of Chief Engineer (Bridges).

5.65 That the tenderers / property owners / other private paying contract deposits in the
form of Government Securities / Bonds / N.S.E. to the Municipal Corporation of
Greater Mumbai shall have to pay service charges and depositing / withdrawing
charges on the face value of the securities at prevailing rates approved by the
Corporation from time to time for the entire period of deposits. The charges shall be
paid in cash before submitting the securities / Bonds / N.S.C. etc.
5.66 Firms with common proprietors / partners or connected with one another either
financially or as Principal Agent or as master and servant or with Proprietor / Partner
closely related to each other such as and minor son/daughter and minor brother / sister
shall not tender separately under the different names for the same contract.
5.67 If it is found that firms as described in the direction vide Clause 5.63 above, have
tendered separately under different name for the same contract, all such tenderers
entered into under such conditions will also be liable to be cancelled at any time during
its currency and penal action including blacklisting such firms will be taken.
5.68 Rate analysis showing working of the percentage quoted / uploaded by the tender is
workable for satisfactory execution and completion of the work shall have to be
submitted / uploaded as and when directed to do so.
5.69 Tenderers shall quote / upload (a) rates for every items in case of items rate tender (b)
percentage above or below (both in words and figures) or at par in case of percentage
tenders, in the attached bill of quantities and rates.
5.70 Any excess or saving in any item will be considered on total quantities included in the
Bill of Quantity of that item in the tender documents.
5.71 Tenderer should note that the measurements for the excavation items will not be taken
for whole quantity of the excavation from the ground level up to the depth specified
but will be taken for the quantity excavated between the specified depths only.
5.72 Before filling / uploading the tender the contractors should verify the supply hours of
water in the locality where in the work is to be carried out and make his own
arrangements to store / bring enough quantity of water as required.
5.73 Construction of hutments for labours will not be permitted on site.
5.74 The contractors will be given 15 mm dia. or 20 mm dia. (or as decided by the H.E.)
water connection for drinking purposes in the site chowky, Extra water required for
construction purpose will have to be brought by the Contractors at his own cost and no
extra claim on this behalf will be maintained. The water used for construction purpose
shall be got tested at Municipal water testing facility.
5.75 Tenderer should specifically state their residential address besides their official
address along with the telephone and mobile number. The contractor or their partners
and authorized representative shall be available on a given telephone number during
any hours of the day.
5.76 Name and biodata of technically qualified person employed supervise the work
should be intimated to office before starting of the work.

5.77 The whole work shall be finished in workmen like manner and to the entire
satisfaction of the Engineer in charges.
5.78 If the contractors excavates certain portion of the road and fails to reinstate the same
within the stipulated time limit, as per the programme and or before 31st of May, the
reinstatement will be got carried out at contractors risk and cost through other agency
in addition to further penal action.
5.79 The tenderer should note that during the execution of the work, debris etc. dumped on
the public streets / places will have to be removed immediately after completion of the
work as per direction of the Engineer, failing which the same will be got removed at
their risk and cost.
5.80 The contractor will have to obtain permission from the traffic police department will
in advance either for closing down the road or for diversion of traffic for execution of
the work. The work may be required to be executed in phases as per traffic police
permission. The contractors should therefore take this factor into account while
5.81 If it is responsibility of the tenderer / contractor to carry out the work in co-ordination
and in synchronization with all concerned department. Further the alignment of
bridges, approaches may vary, defer due to site conditions. Such changes will not be
constructed as change in the scope of the work. The Contractor shall also implement
Anti-Material measures as directed by the Engineer for site during execution of works.
In case of failure to implement above measures a penalty of Rs.5,000/- per day shall be
5.80.1 All request for testing of samples must be made in writing in duplicate specifying
there in the following information (separate memo should be sent for cement
concrete, steel, soil, asphaltic) etc.
g) Name of the work, work code no. if any,
h) Type of material and tests desired i.e grade of cement, date of consignment.
i) Identification mark on the sample should be mentioned on the forwarding meme
(in case of concrete beams and cubes identification marks, grade of concrete, date
of casting, specimen No. should be engraved on concrete. If these details are
marked by paint, samples will not be accepted. In case of reinforcement bars,
details shall be displayed on label pasted on bars and label must be signed by the
officer who has taken the samples).
j) Name and full postal address of the officer to whom the results must be sent.
k) Date of sampling (i.e. date of laying asphalt mix Sr. no. of load casting concrete or
taking cement samples).
l) Name of the tenderers carrying out the work.
m) Any other information which is specified by the user department.
5.80.2 Sample must also bear the identification mark and signature of site in charge / officer
taking the samples. In case of samples of asphalt mixes sent in polythene bags a
legible duplicate tag should be stapled from outside.

5.80.3 Quantity of sample for testing must be adequate as shown in the schedule.
5.80.4 For issuing additional copies of test results Rs. 20/- will be charged for each copy.
Request for additional / duplicate copy should be made in writing by site in charge or
higher officers of the user department.
5.80.5 Cement samples should be forwarded in sealed airtight container with one opening on
top not less than 10 cm in diameter.
5.80.6 Mould of concrete cubes / beams taken on hire shall be returned in clean, oiled
condition with all nuts and accessories in proper position.
5.80.7 Samples for tensile testing of reinforcing bars shall be straight for entire length
without bends. The ends of the bars shall be hacksaw cut and not chisel cut. One
sample of each diameter bar shall be sent for first test and for retest two bars shall be
sent. The length of the bars shall be 60 cm. for all diameters.
5.80.8 Samples of bitumen cut back, emulsions shall be forwarded in wide mouthed metal
containers with lable pasted on the lid.
5.80.9 Samples that are sent for testing for natural moisture content, shall be forwarded in
wax coated packing or sealed airtight bags.
5.80.10 Undisturbed samples sent in sampling tube shall be wax coated on both open ends.
5.80.11Penalty: The Tenders shall arrange to deliver the samples for testing to Municipal
Laboratory at Worli within 4 days from the day samples are taken failing which the
penalty will be recovered from the tenders from their bills at the rates as mentioned in
special direction to the tenders applicable for asphalt road works.
5.80.12 It is to be noted that, it will be the responsibility of the contractors to execute the
quality work in accordance with the specifications and contractors shall have the full
responsibility for quality control and also delivering the requisite quality in the field.
5.81 Tracking Equipment:The contractor shall provide VTS (vehicle tracking system) for
all vehicles used for particular work of MCGM. The VTS shall record the latitude &
longitude of the vehicles & shall send the data of the works management e-
governance software of MCGM dashboard. The contractor shall provide web
application that will show all vehicles of contractor on a GIS map along with the
batch mixing plant. The contractor shall also provide software that will update entire
mapping on the MCGM's e-governance works management system dashboard. The
VTS shall continuously send the data of vehicle latitude & longitude at every 5
seconds to the web application & dashboard. The contractor shall provide web
application i.e. integrated with MCGM's works management e-governance application
system. This web application shall have software for vehicle loading & unloading for
each batch. The vehicles carrying batches should show the batch details sensed
through the SCADA software on GIS map.VTS shall be made available for all types
of works i.e. asphalt, concrete, earthwork or any other type as applicable as part of the
terms of the contract.

5.82 Barricading shall be provided as per specification and as per site requirements and the
circular issued u/no AMC/ES/679/II dated 06.10.2015 shall be applicable as follows.

• Item of providing barricades of any and all kinds shall not be included in estimates as
separate item payable to contractors.
• It will be entirely the responsibility of the contractor to provide and install secure
barricades on work site; wholly at his cost. The specification and drawings
of the barricades to be provided are being supplied herewith as annexure - I and-II

• The barricading shall be provided as per specifications in the tender document

• The cardinal principal behind installing secure and continuous
barricading is to ensure the safety of the road users/residents of vicinity etc. For all
the excavations having depth more than one foot; exclusively metro barricades
i.e. as per Annexure-I shall be provided. For lesser depth of excavations, if
allowed by the engineer; the barricades as per the annexure-II shall be installed.
Due to non-visibility etc, for all the excavation having depth more than one foot
exclusively, metro barricades i.e. as per Annexure-I shall be provided. For lesser
depth of excavations, if allowed by the engineer ; the barricades as per the annexure-II
shall be installed. Due to non-installation of barricades or due to inadequate
installation of barricades on site; if any accident occurs on site leading to injury or
loss of life; then the contractor and contractor's engineer will be liable for consequent
• If it is noticed during course of execution that proper barricading is not provided by
the contractor then a penalty of Rs 2000/- Per Meter Per day will be imposed.
Penalty on account of lapses in providing barricades will be cumulatively imposed
to the tune of 5% of the contract cost.
• Details of the work shall be prominently displayed in central panel of the
barricades in following format
Name of work –----------------------
Contract Cost -----------------------
Date of starting – -----------------------
Time Period -------------------------
Contractors Engineer's name -------------------------
Mobile Number -------------------------
MCGM will not make any payment towards barricading, contractor shall quote accordingly.

5.83 M.C.G.M. land for casting and stacking yard :-MCGM does not assume any
responsibility for providing land for casting and stacking yard. M.C.G.M. may permit
Municipal land to be used for Casting & stacking yard for the Project work if available
and allowable. However, as per M.C.G.M. policy, the contractor shall have to pay
15 % Amount of SDRR rate of respective year as a rent plus all the taxes and license
fees, etc.If M.C.G.M. land is not available, Contractor have to make his own
arrangement for the casting and stacking yard at his own risk and cost. Contractor shall
quote accordingly.
Signature of the Tenderer

Rubber stamp of the Firms

Witness ________________Trading under the style and Name of Contractors
Address _______________________

Witness __________Municipal Commissioner / Administrator for Grater Mumbai.

Signature of the Tenderer

Rubber stamp of the Firms

Witness ________________Trading under the style and Name of Contractors

Address _______________________

Witness __________________Municipal Commissioner / Administrator for Grater Mumbai.



Condition No.
4. (e) The Engineer for this work will be Chief Engineer (Bridges)
20. (a) Estimated cost of tender Rs. 4,01,09,331 /-
(In words: Rupees Four Crore One Lac Nine Thousand Three Hundred Thirty One
(b) Earnest money (1 percent of the estimated cost of work): Rs 4,01,100/-
Water charges :-
Use Charges
Water used for construction work Water charges 8% for actual cost of (which
and domestic work purpose from excludes adjustment under clause no. 74 of
unmetered connection form G.C.C.)
Municipal Main.

39. Sewerage charges :-

Use Charges
When water under condition no. Sewerage charges 50% of the above charges
26 is supplied. (which excludes adjustment under clause No. 74
to G.C.C.)

64. (a) Time allowed (period of the completion)

Contract as a whole Period of the completion – 8 months (exclusive of monsoon)
(b) Defect liability period (shall be counted from the actual date of Completion /
actual date / day or putting the work into the use whichever is later)
(i) Diversion /Approaches / Road works - - 36 Months
(Emb. +
(ii) Mastic Works - 36 Months
(iii) Paver Blocks - 36 Months
(iv) General - 12 Months
(v) Structural work - 60 Months
Even in case of phase wise completion and handover for use, period will be
counted from handover of the complete works.

69. Percentage to be charged as supervision charges for the work got executed
through the other means. = 15%

Dy. Ch. E. (Bridges)City Signature of Contractor
Signature of Issuing Officer

Date:-__________________ Date:- _____________


Tender Dated______________


Standing Committee Resolution No.______________________________________________

CONTRACT FOR THE WORKS ____________________________________________(As
on cover page) ______________________________________________________________

This agreement made this day of ____________________________________ Two thousand

and _____________________ between __________________________________________

inhabitants of Mumbai carrying business at ________________________________________

in Mumbai under the style and name of Messrs_____________________________________

hereinafter called “the contractor” of the one part and Shri. __________________________
The Director (E.S. & P.) (Hereinafter called “the commissioner” in which expression are
included unless the inclusion is inconsistent with the context or meaning thereof, his
successor or successors for the time being holding the office of “the Director (E.S. & P.) of
the second part and the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (hereinafter called “ the
corporation”) of the third part, WHEREAS the Contractor has tendered for the construction,
completion and maintenance of the works described above and his tender has been accepted
by the Commissioner with the approval of the Standing Committee of the Corporation.


1) In this agreement words and expression shall have the same meanings as per respectively
assigned to them in the General Conditions of Contract for works hereinafter referred to:
2) The following documents shall be deemed to form and be read and constructed as part of
this agreement viz.
a) The said Tender
b) The Drawings
c) The Specifications
d) The General Conditions of Contract for Civil Works effective from___
e) The Special Conditions (if any)
f) The Bill of Quantities and Rates

3) In consideration of the payments to be made by the Commissioner to the contractor as
hereinafter mentioned the Contractor hereby covenants with the commissioner to
construct complete and maintain the work in conformity in all respects with the provision
of the contract.
4) The Commissioner hereby covenants to pay to the Contractor in consideration of the
construction, completion and maintenance of the work the contract sum at times and in
the manner prescribed in the contract.

IN WITNESS WHERE OF the parties hereto have caused their respective common seals to
be herein to affixed (or have hereunto set their respective hands and seals) the day and year
written above.

Signed and delivered by the Contractors _______________________________________


In the presence of _______________________Trading under the name and style of


Full name __________________________________________________________________



Signed by the Directors (E.S. & P.) in the presence of ______________________________



Director (E. S. & P)

The common seal of the municipal Corporation Of Greater Mumbai was hereunto affixed on
the ______________ 20 in the presence of two members Of the Standing Committee of the

(1) ________________________________________________________________________

(2) ________________________________________________________________________

And in the presence of the Municipal Secretary


Municipal Secretary

The Municipal Commissioner
For Greater Mumbai.

1. I / We have read and examined the following documents relating to the Construction
_______________ (As on cover page) _________________
a) Notice Inviting the tender
b) Instruction to the tenders ( General and Special)
c) “General Conditions for Contract for Civil Works” of the Municipal Corporation
of Greater Mumbai, with amendments as effective from 01-04-2000
d) Relevant drawings
e) Specifications
f) Special Conditions
g) Annexure A
h) Bill of Quantities and Rates

e) “ I/We _________________________________________________________
(Full name in Capital letters, starting with surname), the Proprietor / Managing
Partner / Managing Director / Holder of the Business, for the establishment / firm
/ registered company, named here in below, do hereby offer to
_________________________________________________________ referred to
in the specifications and schedule to the accompanying form of contract at the
rates entered in the schedule of rates sent herewith and signed by me/us” (strike
out the portion which are not applicable)
f) “I/We _________________________________________________ do hereby
States and declare that I / We, whose names are given herein below in details with
the addresses, have not filled in this tender under any other name or under the
name of any other establishment / firm or otherwise, nor are we in any way related
or concerned with the establishment / firm or any person, who have filled in the
tender for the aforesaid work”.
2. I / We hereby tender for the execution of the work referred to in the aforesaid documents,
upon the terms and conditions, contained or referred to therein and in accordance in
all respects, with the specifications, designs, drawings and other relevant details.
As the rates contained in the aforesaid Bill of Quantities and Rates adding thereto /
deducting there from the percentage as detailed or at such other rates as may be fixed
under the terms and conditions of the contract and within the period/s of completion
as stipulated in Annexure ‘A’.
3. According to your requirement for payment of earnest money amounting to

a) I / We have deposited that amount in cash with the Deputy Chief Engineer
(Bridges MUTP) of the Corporation not to bear interest,
b) OR
b) I / We have deposited with and transferred to the Deputy Chief Engineer (Bridges
MUTP) the equivalent of that amount in Public Securities.
c) OR
c) I / We have delivered to the Deputy Chief Engineer (Bridges)City a General
Undertaking and Guarantee by our Bankers in your favour for amount which you are
entitle now or at any time thereafter to demand payment from our Bankers.
3 (A) I / We have already deposited with the Chief Accountant the sum of Rs. 5 lakhs / 3
lakhs / 2 lakhs / 1 lakhs / 0.75 lakh / 0.30 lakh not to bear the interest or the
equivalent of Rs. 5 lakhs / 3 lakhs / 2 lakhs /1 lakhs / 0.75 lakh / 0.30 lakh in cash or
in the form of Government securities such as National Savings Certificates and Kisan
Vikas Patras for the purpose of securing exemption from payment of Earnest Money
Deposit and the Corporation in respect of works of security.
4. I/We hereby request you not to enter into a contract with any other person/s for the
execution of the work until notice of non-acceptance of this tender has first been
communicated to me/us and in consideration of your agreeing to restrain from so
doing I/We agree not to withdraw the offer constituted by this tender before the date
of communication to me/us of such notice of non-acceptance which date shall be not
later than Ten days from the date of the decision of the standing committee or of the
Corporation as may be require under the Mumbai Municipal Corporation Act not to
accept this tender ( Subject to condition 5 below).
5. I / We also agree to keep this tender open for acceptance for a period of 120 days from
the date fixed for opening the same and not to make any modification in this terms
and conditions which are not acceptable to the Corporation.
6. I/We agree that the Corporation shall without prejudice to any our right or remedy, be at
liberty to forfeit the said earnest money absolutely, if.
a) I / We fail to keep the tender open as aforesaid.
b) I/ We fail to execute the formal contract or make the contract deposit when called
upon to do so engineer in his work order.
c) I/We so not commence the work on or before the date specified by the Engineer in
his work order.
d) I / We fail to produce required information, testimonials or letter from asphalt
plant owner etc. whenever called upon to do so or I / We fail to give satisfactory
reason for non-producing such information, testimonial, letter etc., within a period
of one week from receipt of such demand.
7. I / We hereby further agree to pay all the charges of whatsoever nature in connection with
the preparation, stamping and execution of the said contract.
8. I / We further agree to take and before stamping the work all insurance to be effected on
behalf of the corporation valid upto expiry of defect liability period after completion
of work for a period of not exceeding 12 months form the Directorate of Insurance of
Maharashtra State, Grihnirman Bhavan (MHADA), 264, 1st Floor, Opp. Kala Nagar
Bandra (East) Mumbai – 400 051

If in any case insurance cover is not offered by Maharashtra State Insurance Fund
then I / We agree to take our cover from Insurance Company / Companies is approve
by Maharashtra State Insurance Fund.
9. “I / We ____________________have filled in the accompanying tender with full
knowledge of the liabilities and therefore, we will not raise any objection or dispute in
any manner relating to any action, including forfeiture of deposit and black listing, for
giving any information, which is found to be incorrect and against the instruction and
directions given in this tender”.
10. “I / We further agree and undertake that in the event it is revealed subsequently after the
allotment of work / contract to me / us, that any information given by me/us in this
tender is false or incorrect I/We shall compensate the Municipal Corporation of Grater
Mumbai for any such losses or inconvenience caused to the Corporation in any
manner and will not resist any claim for such compensation on any ground
whatsoever I / We agree and undertake that I / We shall not claim in such case any
amount by way of damages or compensation for cancellation of the contract given to
me / us or any work assigned to me / us or is withdrawn by the Corporation.”

Yours faithfully,

______________________ Signature of the Tender or the
1. ___________________
2. ___________________
3. ___________________
4. ___________________

Full names and private residential address

Of all the partners constituting the firm

Banker :__________________
Branch :__________________
Contract A/C No.:________________
Vendor No : _______________


Information regarding the status of the tenderers.

1) a) Whether it is proprietary concern?

b) If so name of the owner

2) If it is partnership concern, please furnish / upload name of each partner and copy of the
registration certificate.

3) In case of Company, please furnish / upload documentary proof to shown that the
Company is registered

Signature of the authorized

Person of concern/company


THIS INDENTURE made this _________________ day of ____________200___

BETWEEN THE _________________________________________ BANK incorporated
under the English / Indian Companies Acts and carrying on business in Mumbai (hereinafter
referred to as ‘the Bank’ which expression shall be deemed to include its successors and
assignees) of the first part _____________________________inhabitants carrying on
business at ____________________ __________________________________________ in
Mumbai under the style and name of ___________________________________________
(hereinafter referred to as “ the contractor”) of the Second Part Shri:
MUMBAI (hereinafter referred to as the Commissioner’s which expression shall be deemed,
also to include his successor and successors for the time being in the said office of Municipal
Commissioner) of the third part and THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF GRATER
MUMBAI (hereinafter referred to as “the Corporation”) of the fourth part WHEREAS the
Contractors have submitted to the Commissioner for the execution of the work of
__________________- and the terms of such tender, contract require that the Contractor shall
deposit with the Commissioner as earnest money and / or the security a sum of Rs.
_________________________________ (Rupees__________________________________
AND WHEREAS if and when any such tender is accepted by the Commissioner the contract
to be entered into in furtherance thereof by the Contractors will provide that such deposit
shall remain with and be appropriated by the Commissioner towards the security deposit to be
taken under the contract and be redeemable by the Contractors, they shall duly and faithfully
carry out the terms and provisions of such contract and shall duly satisfy all claims property
chargeable against them there under AND WHEREAS the contractors are constituents of the
Bank and in order to facilitate the keeping of the account of the Contractor, the bank with the
consent and concurrence of the Contractor has requested the Commissioner to accept the
undertaking of the Bank hereinafter contained, in place of the contractors depositing with the
commissioner the said sum as earnest and / or the security as aforesaid AND WHEREAS
according the commissioner has agreed to accept such undertaking.
NOW THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSES that in consideration of the premises the Bank at
the request of the Contractors (hereby testified) UNDERTAKES WITH the Commissioner to
pay to the Commissioner upon demand in writing, whenever required (Rupees
__________________) by him from time to time, so to do, a sum not exceeding in the whole
Rs. _______________/- under the terms of the said tender and / or the Contract.
The B.G. is valid upto _____________________________
NOT WITH STANDING anything that has been stated above, our liability under the above
guarantee shall be restricted to Rs. _________________only and guarantee remain in force
up to _____________unless the demand or claim under this guarantee is made on us in
writing on or before _____________ all your right under the above guarantee shall be
forfeited and we shall be released from all liabilities under the guarantee thereafter.

I WITNESS WHEREOF Duly Constituted Attorney

WITNESS (2) Manager for ____________

NAME:________________________ (Name of the Bank)

The Bank and the said Messers ____________________________________________

_______________________________________ (Name of the Bank)

WITNESS (2) for Messers ____________
NAME:________________________ (Name of the Contractor)

1. The following Banks with their branches in Greater Mumbai and up to Virar and Kalyan
have been approved only for the purpose of accepting Banker’s Guarantee from 1997 -98
onwards until further instructions.
2. The Bankers Guarantee issued by branches of approved Banks beyond Kalyan and Virar
can be accepted only if the said banker’s Guarantee is countersigned by the Manager of a
Branch of the same Bank, within the Mumbai Limit Categorically endorsing thereon that
side bankers Guarantee is binding on the endorsing Branch of the bank within Mumbai
limits and is liable to be on forced against the said branch of the bank in case of default
by the Contractor / supplier furnishing the bankers Guarantee.
List of approved banks;
3) S.B.I. and its subsidiary Banks;-
(1) State Bank of India
(2) State Bank of Hyderabad
(3) State Bank of Mysore
(4) State Bank of Patiala
(5) State Bank of Saurashtra
(6) State Bank of Travancore
(7) State Bank of Indore
4) Nationalized Banks:
(8) Canara Bank
(9) Andhra Bank
(10) Bank of Baroda
(11) Bank of India
(12) Bank of Maharashtra
(13) Central Bank of India
(14) Dena Bank
(15) Indian Bank
(16) Indian Overseas Bank
(17) Oriental Bank of Commerce
(18) Punjab National Bank
(19) Punjab & Sindh Bank
(20) Syndicate Bank
(21) Union Bank of India
(22) Vijaya Bank
(23) UCO Bank
(24) United Bank of India
(25) Corporation Bank
(C) Schedule Commercial Banks:
(26) Corporation Bank
(27) Bank of Madura Ltd.
(28) Bank of Rajashtan Ltd.
(29) Banaras State Bank Ltd.
(30) Bharat Overseas Bank Ltd.
(31) Catholic Syrian Bank Ltd.
(32) City Union Bank Ltd.
(33) Development Credit bank
(34) Dhanalakshmi Bank Ltd.
(35) Federal Bank Ltd.
(36) Indusind Bank Ltd.
(37) Global Trust bank Ltd.
(38) Jammu & Kashmir Bank Ltd.
(39) Karur Vyasa Bank Ltd.
(40) Lakshmi Vilas Bank Ltd.
(41) Nadungadi Bank Ltd.
(42) Ratnakar Bank Ltd.
(43) Sangli Bank Ltd.
(44) S.B.I. Commerical & Int. Bank Ltd.
(45) Tamilnadu Mercantile Bank Ltd.
(46) United Western Bank Ltd.
(47) Abhyudaya Co-op. Bank Ltd.
(48) Bassein Catholic Co-op. Bank Ltd.
(49) Bharat Co-op. Bank Ltd.
(50) Bombay Mercantile Co-op. Bank Ltd.
(51) Cosmos Co-op. Bank Ltd.
(52) Greater Mumbai Co-op. Bank Ltd.
(53) Maharashtra State Co-op. Bank Ltd.
(54) Mumbai District Central Co-op. Bank Ltd.
(55) Janata Sahakari Bank Ltd.
(56) New India Co-op. Bank Ltd.
(57) North Canara G.S.B. Co-op. Bank Ltd.
(58) Rupee Co-op. bank Ltd.
(59) Sangli Urban Co-op. Bank Ltd.
(60) Saraswat Co-op. Bank Ltd.
(61) Shamrao Vithal Co-op. Bank Ltd.
(62) Citizen Bank Ltd.
(63) Mahanager Co-op. Bank Ltd.
(64) Vysya Bank Ltd.
(D) Foreign Banks:
(65) A. B.N. Amor Bank (N.Y.)
(66) American Express Bank Ltd.
(67) ANZ Grindlays Bank
(68) Bank of America N.T. & S.A.
(69) Bank of Tokya Ltd.
(70) Bank Indosuez
(71) Banque National de Paris
(72) Barclays Bank
(73) City Bank N.Y.
(74) Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corporation

(75) Mitsui Taiyokbe Bank Ltd.
(76) Standard Chartered Bank
(77) Cho Hung Bank


Contractor shall arrange to bring concrete mixes from approved plants registered with
M.C.G.M., during the execution of the work.
The valid list of approved R.M.C. plants at “the time of execution of works” to be obtained
from the Dy.Ch. Engineer (Rds) E.S.'s office.
The Municipal Site Engineer to ensure the validity of registration certificate of asphalt plant
and compliance of conditions lay down in the registration certificate issued to the asphalt
plant owner before receiving asphalt mixes.
Contractor shall arrange to bring PRECAST ITEMS from above approved plants
registered with M.C.G.M., during the execution of the work.
The valid list of approved Precast items plants at “the time of execution of works” to be
obtained from the Dy.Ch. Engineer (Rds) E.S.'s office.
The Municipal Site Engineer to ensure the validity of registration certificate of asphalt plant
and compliance of conditions laid down in the registration certificate issued to the asphalt
plant owner before receiving asphalt mixes.
Contractor shall arrange to bring asphalt mixes from approved plants registered with
M.C.G.M., during the execution of the work.
The valid list of approved asphalt plants at “the time of execution of works” to be obtained
from the Dy.Ch.Engineer (Roads) City office.
The Municipal Site Engineer to ensure the validity of registration certificate of asphalt plant
and compliance of conditions laid down in the registration certificate issued to the asphalt
plant owner before receiving asphalt mixes.
List of manufacturer of Interlocking paver blocks registered with MCGM-
Contractor shall arrange to bring paver blocks from approved plants registered with
M.C.G.M., during the execution of the work.
The valid list of approved paver blocks manufacturers plants at “the time of execution of
works” to be obtained from the Dy.Ch. Engineer (Roads) W.S office.
The Municipal Site Engineer to ensure the validity of registration certificate of asphalt plant
and compliance of conditions laid down in the registration certificate issued to the asphalt
plant owner before receiving asphalt mixes.


Work of the Construction of Pedestrian Subway at Andheri- Ghatkopar Link Road

Connecting Laxmi Nagar- Laxmi Baug to PantNagar, Ghatkopar (E) in N Ward.
has to be carried out in stages without disrupting the present traffic. The Contractor shall
submit construction methodology proposed along with his offer.
Vehicular traffic in the construction area shall be regulated in each phase with the help of
Traffic Police Authority; however pedestrian movement in the area should not be affected
during entire construction period. Hence, before starting the work barricading, signals,
warning signals etc.shall be provided by the contractor, in order not to affect the
pedestrian movement and the utilities.

The sequence of activities to be performed as per prevailing site conditions will be as

1) Demarcation of alignment of proposed Bridge / Subway and all the utilities
underground before piling or excavation work commences, specially at the location of
foundations by taking trial pits and mapping utilities as already stated etc.
2) Demolition of Existing Concrete Pavement, Road Crust, Railings, Footpaths,
Temporary Structures lying within DP, SWD walls, pile caps and foundation according to
approved GAD drawing.
3) Construction of cofferdam for Open Foundation / Raft Foundation work, wherever
4) Approval of construction methodology proposed by the contractor and his proposed
method for casting and Material Testings. Tenders to indicate construction methodology
for the bridge / PUP along with his submission of tender. Traffic regulation if required
will be arranged by the contractor in consultation with traffic police. Getting permission
from traffic police will be the responsibility of contractor. No claim will be entertained
due to non-permission / delayed permission etc
5) Approval for Concrete Mix Design for various Grades of Concrete prior to start of
concreting work. Approval of admixtures to be used in the works. Approval for Water
Proofing Compound / Methods.
6) Approval of construction methodology proposed by the contractor and his proposed
method for casting and testing of piles.
7) S.B.C. (Soil Bearing Capacity), will be determined by the contractor after carrying out
necessary investigations and analysis of information obtained / available at site in
consultation with contractor’s consultant (Soil expert) available at site and Engineer in
8) Open/Raft Foundation as per predetermined and approved sequence.
9) Open / Raft Foundation
10) Casting Side Walls, Deck (Top Slab).
11) Casting of deck slab will be followed after Side Wall completion.
12) Installation of expansion joint.
13) Casting of Return Walls, Retaining Walls.
14) Casting of parapet, Kerb, footpath etc., painting of bridge / PUP.
15) Laying of water proofing course and wearing coat over deck slab, below Raft over
exterior surface of Side Walls.
16) Connection of utilities and commissioning of utilities.
17) Filling in approaches to PUP. Casting of Approach slab etc. Road work on approaches
will be completed.

18) Construction of Diversion Roads as per specifications and as per details provided in
the drawings.
19) Contractor will have to arrange his own stacking yard etc. Pedestrian Subway or DP
space width will not be available for stacking of any material, etc.
20) Existing services under / on the bridge/ Pedestrian Subway will have to be identified
by the contractor and arranged to be rerouted as required respective agencies. Refer cl. 12
(III) for details.
21) Marking detailed dimensional survey of all the existing structures which are to be
demolished and preparing necessary drawings will be the responsibility of the contractor
for which no separate payment will be made. These drawings will have to be made
available within one month of LOI. For this no separate payment will be made.
22) Contractor will have to maintain all signs, signboards, blinkers, warning, signals for
traffic and for traffic diversion to the satisfaction of traffic police for details refer cl. 12
23) Use of ready mix concrete is compulsory for all concrete items. Concrete manufacture
at site will not be allowed. Use of existing bridge for placing concrete will not be allowed.
Contract has to arrange for design suitable mix.
24) Traffic regulation if required will be arranged by the contractor in consultation with
traffic police. Getting permission from traffic police will be the responsibility of
contractor. No claim will be entertained due to non permission / delayed permission etc.
25) There are certain amendments in G.C.C. These amendments are incorporated under
circular no.CA/FRD-I/57 dated 13.03.2013. The successful Tenderer(s) should follow
these amendments during the execution of work.
26) Existing services will have to be identified by the contractor and arranged to be
rerouted as required respective agencies. Refer cl. 13 (III) for details.
27) Use of ready mix concrete is compulsory for all concrete items. Concrete manufacture
at site will not be allowed. Use of existing bridge for placing concrete will not be allowed.
Contractor has to arrange for design of suitable mix. Tenders to indicate construction
methodology for the bridge / PUP along with his submission of tender, in case he
proposes to use existing bridge for any erection it shall be done only with written
permission by the ‘ Engineer’ Scheduling of such erection will be at night time. Traffic
regulation if required will be arranged by the contractor in consultation with traffic police.
Getting permission from traffic police will be the responsibility of contractor. No claim
will be entertained due to non-permission / delayed permission etc.


The tenderers are required to go through all the tender documents including special
condition / direction and bill of quantities before filling the tender. In the event of any
contradiction between these conditions / directions and general specifications for road
works and general conditions of contract for civil works these special conditions /
directions shall supersede corresponding provisions elsewhere and shall prevail.
 Repairs to the damaged S.W. open drain, drain pipes, water entrances, earth filling
and foundation and sub-base work, shall be carried out by the contractor, while
carrying out the asphalting works as directed by the Engineer.
 The Contractors shall have their own mechanical equipments, tools and plants etc.
required for this works. As far as possible, they shall possess asphalt plant of the
adequate capacity, sensor pavers, road roller (light & heavy), tandem rollers &
vibratory rollers, transport Lorries, dumpers, scarifies etc. If they do not possess

the required machinery, the same shall be brought on hire and used wherever
 For reinstatement of trenches, the contractors shall have to use plate vibrators or
heavy rammers with minimum weight of 15 kg. or as directed by the Engineer for
compacting metal layers use.
 Generally breaking of rubbles on site will not be allowed, except when using
rubble from dismantled structure / approaches. Readymade hand broken metal of
required size shall be brought on site for use.
 On roads carrying heavy vehicular traffic, the contractors should preferably carry
out the work of laying of hot mixes such as asphalt macadam, surface course etc.,
during night time at no extra cost.
 Please note that where the payment under asphalt premix items is to be made on
volumetric basis, the volume will be computed by taking initial levels
longitudinally at every 5 meters and crosswise at 2 to 3 meters intervals.
 Various asphalt mix challans shall bear printed serial no. weight and departure
time from the plant end. The test reports of the test conducted in the asphalt plant
laboratory shall invariably accompany with the first load.
 Contractors are required to send at least one sample per day up to five loads and at
the rate of one sample for every additional five loads or part thereof per day for
Asphalt macadam / seal coat / Asphalt Concrete and other asphalt mixes for the
laboratory for testing. The Contractor shall note that 50% payment of the bitumen
work will be withheld till the results are received.
 The sample thus taken shall be sent to Municipal Testing Laboratory within 4
(Four) days from the date of laying, of Asphalt mix on site. In case of delay,
additional testing charges as penalty would be recovered from the Contractor at
the following rates.
A) From the 5th day to 7th day from date of laying of 100% additional testing
asphalt mix on site. charges.
B) From the 8th day to 14th day from date of laying of 200% additional testing
asphalt mix charges.

The above charges i.e. (A) & (B) shall be paid by the contractors at the time of
submitting the samples in Municipal Laboratory.
C) From the 15th day to 20th day from date of laying Rs. 5000/- or 25% cost of the
of asphalt mix on site day’s work which every is
D) Beyond 20 days Rs. 10000/- or 50% cost of
the work whichever is more.
E) If not sent at all Rs. 10000/- plus 50% cost of
the works.

As regards (C) & (D), charges would be recovered from the respective bills
payable to the Contractor by respective department and creditor to XV – Traffic
Operation, Road and Bridges.
Testing Charges and Voucher no. and date shall be inundated to A.E. (Soil Mech.)

 Field Density shall be taken in Asphalt Concrete Carpet for any thickness. The
Contractor shall obtain the intimation letter from Engineer-in-charge & furnish the
same to A.E. (Soil Mech.) within 7 days from the data of laying of asphalt
complex for carrying out the field density test. If the Contractor rails to intimate
the same within seven days period the additional charges as penalty would be
recovered from the Contractor at Rs. 200/- per test per week at the time of
submission of intimation to A.E. (Soil Mech.)’s office.
 In case of failure of asphalt mix sample testing in Municipal Laboratory in various
tests the following penalties will be imposed.
a) Rs. 500/- for each gradation failure as per result of asphalt macadam, seal coat
and asphaltic concrete and Rs. 1000/- for each gradation failure in mastic
b) Rs. 1000/- each for failure in flow value / Bulk density / Void ratio.
c) For failure on more than 3 gradations in any asphalt mix, 50% of the cost of
the work represented by the failed sample will not be paid to the Contractors.
d) Marshall Stability in a asphalt mix beyond permissible limit as mentioned in
the test report.
e) In case of excess % of bitumen in the bitumen mix beyond specified limit, a
penalty of Rs. 60/- per MT of AM / SC / AC having excess bitumen for 5
loads for which representative sample was taken will be imposed on
f) In case of less percentage of bitumen in the bitumen mix, than the specified
limit, 50% of the cost of day’s work represented by the sample will be
recovered as penalty.
 The charges for testing of construction materials and asphalt mixes shall be as per
rate schedule in force at the time of testing of materials / asphalt mixes and the
testing charges shall be borne by the Contractor.
 Loads of asphalt mix brought on Lorries shall be fully covered with tarpaulin,
failing which Rs. 500/- for every lorry load received on the site uncovered with
tarpaulin will be imposed as penalty and the same will be recovered from the
contractor’s bill.
 The lorry loads of the asphalt mix shall be checked at random at public weight
Bride including the Tar weight for verifying the correct weight of the mix at the
rate of one load out of every tend loads.
 The old road surface shall be got thoroughly cleaned by using wire brushes and
brooms to remove the dust and other sticky materials before applying tack coat
and laying asphalt layer etc.
 While overlaying asphalt mix layers on the existing road surface, care shall be
taken to see that no manhole or chamber cover of drainage, etc. are buried. They

shall be first identified and raise before asphalt mix is laid either by hand spread
or by paver.
 Contractors are required by keep such road portion under conditions observation
during defects liability period and in case of any damages, the same should be
repaired promptly, failing which the repairs will be got carried out at the risk and
cost of the Contractors without any intimation. The note of this lapse on the part
of the Contractors will be taken while evaluating the tenders for future works.
 The work of laying of seal coat must be completed within 72 hours and asphalting
concrete must be completed within 168 hours from the time of laying of asphalt
macadam. Asphalt macadam laid but left without seal coat or asphalt concrete
beyond the above specified time shall not be measured and considered for
 Asphalt work shall be carried out through the approved asphalt plants only and
mastic asphalt works shall be carried out through agencies expert in the field who
are duly recognized by Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai.
 All the manholes, chambers etc. required to be raised or lowered so as to bring
them flush with final road surface before laying of A.M. or at least before laying
of seal coat / A.C.
 On completion of the work, the Contractors shall furnish free of cost 1 set of
R.T.F. of final completion drawings showing all the details checked and signed by
the Engineer within 1 month of completion of works. The payments of final bill
shall be made to the Contractors after receipt of above sets. In case the
Contractors fail to submit the completion drawings, compensation at the rate of
Rs. 5,000/- per drawing shall be recovered from the final bills (applicable for only
identified works.)
 It will be the responsibility of the Contractors to arrange for a joint inspection
before monsoon every year after completion of the work till the expiry of defect
liability period and also at the far end of the defect liability period. Further, if the
Contractor fails to do so, the observations made by the staff during the inspection
will be considered for the purpose of noting the defects.


1.0 Traffic is playing on the nearby road, which provides across to proposed site.
Intending tenderers will have to obtain the approval from traffic police dept., during
execution of works and to take all safety measures such as barricading, blinkers at
night at both ends. “Go slow work in Progress” boards at least 100m. at 2 nos. at each
end, use of reflective paint etc. this will be incidental to work and will not be paid
Wherever works are to be carried out near the road, it would be necessary to provide
strong barricading of approved pattern and design to keep off the pedestrians and
vehicular traffic from any construction work or equipment brought for the work. In
addition to this barricading diversion sign boards, blinking electric warning color
lights and proper wring lights during night times will have to be provided by the
contractors, in consultation with the times will have to be provided by the contractor,

in consultation with the Engineer – in charge and the traffic authorities. Provision of
shoring / strutting necessary for protecting / retaining embankments / filling in the
area adjacent to construction area as required by Engineer – in charge is included in
contractor’s scope. The cost of providing all these measures, as mentioned above
shall be deemed to be included in the price / percentage quoted by the Tenderers and
no extra payment on any of these accounts shall be admissible.
2.0 There are a few utilities along / over the existing bridge/road however there could be
some unknown utilities also. Tenderers should note that certain utilities are running
along the existing bridge, which are required to be shifted. The contractor has to take
necessary precautions for safety of the structure and utilities. No extra payment Claim
on account of delay or on account of partial working will be entertained.
The utilities will have to be identified by taking trail pits at suitable interval around
the ROW before starting the foundation work. Mapping must be done before taking
up any activity. Taking trail pits and mapping utilities is incidental and no extra
payment on this account will be made. All damages to the utility known or unknown
shall be sole responsibility of the contractor.
Utility services like telephone cables or power cables or water mains, if any, are
proposed to be shifted suitably as per provisions of clause no. 33 of G.C.C.C.W. as
amended up to date. Tenderers are requested to take into cognizance the width of
excavation over which utilities will be required to be supported and quote their
percentage rate accordingly.
3.0 Contractors have to take all precautions and safety measures of all utilities
(underground or on existing bridge) like water mains, cables etc. till its shifting by
concerned department. If any mishaps happen with utilities during construction
works, all responsibility for the same will be borne by contractor.
4.0 Foundation design may have to be modified as per actual strata met with if it is
different than the soil investigation report. However, no claims such as idle labors
and machinery and materials and extra resources on this count shall be entertained.
Contractors have to plan his work taking into account this factor and complete the
work in time.
5.0 Water required for the work shall be arranged by the contractor at no extra cost.
Contractor will have to make his own arrangement for adequate storing of water, so as
to avoid use of any other water for construction purpose. Water from the outside
sources shall have to be got tested at Municipal Laboratory or any other Government
recognized laboratory at Contractors cost before its use.
6.0 The time period prescribed for the completion of the works is 8 months (Excluding
monsoon) includes certain likely delays on account of shifting of utilities etc. In case
of any abnormal delay on account of shifting of utilities, the engineer may grant
suitable extension in the activity. However, such delays will not vitiate the contract
and non-claims for compensation on such account will be entertained.
7.0 Layout and detailed drawings attached with the tender documents may undergo
changes depending on site conditions soil data, exact location of utilities and sub soil
strata met with at the time of execution. This will not vitiate the contract and will not
lead to claims for extra rate of compensation.
8.0 Excavation and demolition of various items is required to be carried out with utmost
safety. Care should be taken to avoid any damage to the existing properties and
utilities. In that eventuality the contractors will have to bear the cost for compensation
/ reconstruction.
9.0 Mix designs for the required strengths of concert shall be carried out well in advance
of concreting. Ready mix concrete must be used for all structural concrete.
10.0 A list of mandatory and minimum machinery which must be available with the
tenderer is included in the tender. The tenderers should note that it is very much
essential to make arrangements for getting these machineries before quoting for the
work. Tenderers should submit a “List of Plants and Equipment including centering
materials along with the tender.”
11.0 There are chances of accumulation of slush / mud / foreign material in construction
trenches during working. No extra payment will be made for removal of such
12.0 Intending tenders are free to do the construction activities like superstructures on land
away from actual for site. However mode of payment will be on completion as per
BOQ item only.
13.0 The contractor should take a necessary note of tidal variation and flow levels in the
creek and make plan the height of coffer dam for diverting flow.
14.0 No construction joint is permissible in this except as shown in the drawing. The
concrete mix shall be designed to provide for the necessary retardation to account for
the various pours by addition of admixtures. The tenderer is required to make all
necessary arrangements accordingly. No extra payment is admissible on account of
use of admixtures.
15.0 Concreting work during night hours will be permitted only when it is necessary. The
contractor shall make all the necessary arrangements like flood lights, generator sets
etc. at such times.
16.0 Mechanical means of curing by spraying water is mandatory for all RCC / PSC
components. Additionally, the superstructure shall be cured by ponding on top of the
17.0 The use of approved admixtures / plasticizers is mandatory for maintaining
workability of the concrete with the water cement ratio limited to 0.4.
18.0 Use of steel shuttering with minimum 3mm. thick M.S. plates backed by angle frames
shall be permitted as formwork alternatively Marine Plywood with adequate thickness
backed by wooden / SS frames shall also be permitted. The shuttering design for all
components shall be got approved from the Engineer-in-charge.
19.0 PERT chart with milestone fixed for activities shall be submitted by the successful
tenderer before commencing work.
20.0 The staging and shuttering of the RCC members shall be designed for form vibrators.
21.0 Facility for Internet, Fax Connection & PC be made on site.
22.0 All sub-surface water including run off from storm water, other surface drainage, river
water etc. running in the nalla / river shall be required to be diverted from the open
excavation of the foundations. Dewatering of water using adequate number of pumps
of suitable capacity shall also be considered. The concreting will be permitted only in
fully dry condition. Also precautions and provisions for ensuring the same are
deemed to be included in the rate and no separate payment shall be made for the

23.0 Every steel bar shall bear the mark of manufacturer embossed on it along with all
other requirements as usual.
24.0 Work orders for repair, maintenance or new works or investigation works may be
issued, as per department’s requirements to other agencies to carry out large number
of works simultaneously as per work orders issued. The contractors will have to give
co-operation to other agencies as per clause 46 of G.C.C. for C.W.
25.0 Clause No. 96 of G.C.C. for CW-2000 applicable for this work is as below :-
If any dispute, difference or claim is raised by either party relating to any matter
arising out of the contract, the aggrieved party may refer such dispute within a period
of 7 days to the concerned Addl. Municipal Commissioner who shall constitute a
Committee comprising of three officers i.e. concerned D.M.C. or Director (E.S. & P.)
Chief Engineer other than the Engineer of the contract and concerned Chief
Accountant. The Committee shall give its decision in writing within 60 days. Appeal
from the Order of the Committee may be referred to Municipal Commissioner within
7 days. Thereafter the Municipal Commissioner shall constitute the Committee
comprising of three Addl. Municipal Commissioners including Addl. Municipal
Commissioner in charge of Finance Department. The decision given by this
Committee shall be final and binding upon the parties. This decision will not be
Arbitrable at all.

26.0 The tenderer should note that –

The maximum price variation payable under clause 74(b) of general condition of
contract will be restricted to 5% of contract cost. As per GR of Maharashtra
Government Basic consumer price index (Io) and basic wholesale price index (Wo)
prevailing on the day of 28 days prior to the date submission of the tender is
considered. The price variation shall be permitted for the materials. The basic rates
adopted in the item of road schedule applicable to this tender are as under-

1. Cement:Rs.6000/MT 4. Mild Steel:Rs.47,400/MT

2. HYSD Steel(Fe415):Rs.48,400/MT 5. T.M.T.(Fe500):Rs.49,400/MT
3. Structural Steel:Rs.53,400/MT 6. Bitumen: a) 10/20 - Rs.40.00 per Kg
b) 30/40 - Rs.39.00 per Kg
c) 60/70 - Rs.36.38 per Kg

However, price variation shall not be admissible beyond theoretical date of

completion of contract period, as also for the fair items created during execution.
The price variation formula in clause 74(b) of general condition of contract as below:
30 I  I 0
V L  ( 0 .85 R ) x
100 I0
70 W  W0
V M  ( 0 .85 R ) C
100 W0
27.0 Mastication work during night hours will be permitted only when it is necessary. The
Contractors shall make all the necessary arrangements like flood lights, generator sets

etc. at such times.
28.0 The bidders have to sign Proforma I, II, III, IV, V, VI,VII, VIII, IX summary sheet &
29.0 It is mandatory for the contractors to provide necessary and required office
equipments accessories, stationary, furniture etc for the work under reference and will
help the site engineers for maintaining day to day record as given below.

List of Registers
Register Code Name of Register

1. Inventory Register
2. Correspondence file
3. External & internal utility remarks file
4. File containing drawings
5. Daily Progress Register
6. Instruction Register
7. Level Book
8. Mix design file
9. Material Testing Result file
10. Photograph file
11. Excavation Register (Asphalt , rock, soil etc)
12. Barricading Register
13. Filling/Embankment Register
14. Removal Challans
15. Desilting Register
16. G.S.B./K.T.R.Register
17. W.M.M./W.B.M.Register
18. Sand Metal Filling Register
19. D.L.C. Register
20. Duct Pipe /Lateral Register
21. Steel Register
22. Form Work Shuttering Register
23. Pour Card Register
24. M 10 Register.
25. M 15 Register
26. M 20 Register
27. M 35 Register
28. M 40 Register
29. M 10, M15,M20, M35/M40 Cube registers
30. R.M.C. Challan file

31. Cement Variation Register
32. Cement Register
33. Joint Cutting Register
34. Precast item register (Paver blocks, Kerb stone etc)
35. Precast item challan register
36. Asphalt macadam (mixes) register
37. B.M., D.B.M. Register
38. Asphalt concrete /Seal coat Register
39. Asphalt challan file
40. Penalty Register.
41. Sand Patch test Register.
42. Traffic Amenity Register.
43. Register for inspection during defect liability period.
44. Contractor's site staff attendance register
45. Utility Trench register
46. Any other register as directed by Engineer-



The quality audit for safety aspects will be carried out with reference to the set up for taking
care of accidents during construction, preventive safety measures during work execution and
safe working methods (blasting operations, safety barriers, warning signs, helmets, safety belts,
drainage and prevention of flooding etc.). In this regard, the requirements of IRC Special
Publication 55-3001, Guidelines for Safety and Construction Zone should be particularly kept
in view to verify whether traffic management plans during construction takes sufficient care
about safety of vehicular and pedestrian traffic.


a. To verify compliance with requirements of Agreement regarding Set-up taking care of

accidents during / after working hours including immediate first-aid, availability of
doctor, hospitalization, and fire prevention and fighting measures etc.
b. Preventive safety measures during work, road sign cleaned and brightly painted ,
adequate lighting arrangement for the work area including personal safety of workers and

third party( such as insisting of helpmates, gun boot, safety glows, goggles and safety
belts etc)
c. Frequent sprinkling water arrangement to keep area dust free.
d. All insurances kept fully paid up and operative.
e. Machinery parking at appropriate places with red flag and red light.
f. Safe working methods (eg. Blasting operations, safety barricades, warning signs at
diversions and blinker lights etc.)
g. Safety of vehicles and pedestrian using the road.
h. Workman during night hours must be provided with fluorescent yellow jacket
with reflective tapes.
i. Safety plan for working close to HT & LT cables.
j. Safety plan for working close to High Pressure water/ Gas mains.
k. Safety plan for working close to nalla/creek.
Base Documents
1. Contract Agreement
2. Relevant IRC Standards
3. Methodology statements
Method of Verification
1. PMC's / MCGM supervising staff's report
2. Physical verification of documents
3 Observations in field.
4 Interview with staff / workers
1. Report adherence / non-compliance
2. Specifically bring to attention of PMC / MCGM (Chief Engineer-Bridges)
immediately (advance reporting).



Specification Method of test Sampling

Cement IS: 8112 (Gr.43) IS: 4031 (Pt. 1 to 14) IS: 4879
IS:12269 (Gr. 53) IS: 4032 Or
Or Or Relevant IS
Relevant IS Relevant IS
Aggregate coarse & IS : 383 IS :2386 (Pt. 1 to 8) IS : 2430
Water IS : 456

Admixture for IS : 9103

Hot applied sealing IS : 1834 of 1984
compound for joints
Concrete mix design IS : 10262
IRC : 44
IRC: 59
Concrete strength IS : 516
Ready - mixed IS : 4926


Specification Method of test Sampling

Construction of IRC : 15
concrete pavement
Lean cement IRC : 74
concrete base/
Curing cement IRC : 84
concrete pavement
Installation of joints IS : 6509
in concrete pavement
Sealing of joints in IS : 1834
concrete pavements IRC : 57


30.3.1 - MATERIALS

Item Test Control Frequency

Cement Physical and Relevant IS Once for each source of
chemical test supply for approval of the
source and subsequently
for every batch.
Coarse & fine --do- IS : 383 Once for each source
aggregates (including
soundness & alkali
Water Chemical Test IS : 456 --do---
Expansion Jt. Filter board IS : 1838 --do---
Jt. Sealing compound IS : 1834 of --do---
10/20 Grade Bitumen Physical --do---


Cement Strength IS : 8112 for each lot of cement received

Coarse & fine Gradation IS : 383 Regularly as required

aggregate Regularly as required subject to a
minimum of tests per day.
Moisture content
Coarse aggregate Los Angeles IS : 383 Once for every change of source.
Abrasion Value
Aggregate impact --do---
Specify gravity
Flakiness Index --do--- --do---

Elongation Index --do--- --do---

Item Test Control Criteria Frequency

Workability One per transit mixer

Concrete strength Beam/Cube samples, as specified

for each age of 7 days, 14 days
and 28 days for every days

Checking surface evenness Three longitudinal lines along

with 3 mt. straight-edge with the slab length - one in the
and wedge gauge end middle - third end the two
edge third strips, along the line of
maximum unevenness.
Alignment ( being in a Each dowel bar, after fixing in
plane parallel to the surface position.
of the base course and
being also parallel to the
center line of the slab).
Mid -height positioning Each tie bar


Position Criteria Tolerance

Sub grade/ Full compaction No minus tolerance
Sub base under K-Value 5.5 kg/m3
Lean Concrete or C.B.R. 10
Lean Concrete Grade: M-10 Tolerance level for characteristic
base Surface unevenness under 3 M straight edge strength assessment 1 in 40
Curing : 7 days or till laying of concrete slab
in case the slab is laid earlier but not earlier Not more than 10 mm
than 24 hours.
Cement concrete Grade : Tolerance level for characteristic
pavement M 35 & above strength assessment : 1 in 40

Workability 50 mm +/- 10 mm
(slump ) maximum

Curing : 14 days cure by ponding with water.

Curing on the day of casting (prior to curing No tolerance
by ponding) shall be done with wet hessian
cloth and curing compound
Dowel Bars Length and dia. Should not be smaller than
stipulated value
Placement with equal length vis-à-vis center
line of the joint + 4.5 mm

Horizontal & Vertical alignment including

that of dowel cap.



Parameter (M-10) (M-15) & above

Lean Concrete Base Cement Concrete Pavement
Strength 12 nos. of 150 mm dia. cores as specified in relevant
(Core testing) clauses. Acceptance criteria as per I.S. 1199 and
I.S. 516, only for thickness of concrete is more than
20 cm
Surface evenness 3 longitudinal lines 3 longitudinal line ( as for quality control) as
(as for quality control) specified in relevant clauses
Surface defects Full surface Full surface


Parameter On completion, Before/within At the end of Defect liability period

two months of opening to traffic
Strength “Characteristic strength for Before the end of the defect liability period, the site
cubes tested at the age of 28 will be jointly inspected along with the contactor's
days analyzed for complete work representative/ Engr. & defects observed will be
to exceed the specified strength". listed & the necessary rectification will be carried
Individual core strength test out as directed by Ch Engr.
results, corrected for age, H/D (C.C. Roads & Tr.) in accordance with the relevant
ratio & shape (cylinder to cube) specifications & clauses mentioned in Special
upto the specified strength. The Directions/ Conditions
characteristic strength (28 days) to the Tenderers.
to be not less than the specified
strength (for a tolerance level of
1 in 40).



The sealing of joints in rigid pavements shall be accomplished with the use of
appropriate grade of sealing compound ( IS: 1834 - 1984 ). The sealing compound
shall be heated to required temperature before filling into the joint.

(A) Materials :

(i) Sealing compound conforming to IS : 1834

(ii) Primer conforming to IS 3384

(B) Physical requirements of sealing compounds of Grades A & B -

Table 1 of IS 1834 - 1984

Sr. Characteristic Require- Method of Remarks

No. ment Test
(i) Pour Point. Max 180o C Appendix A Grades A & B
(ii) Flow Test, Percentage Max 5 Appendix B Grades A & B
(iii) Extensibility, Min. 6 mm Appendix C Grades A & B
(iv) Penetration at 25o C, 100g. 15 min. IS 1203 -1978 Grades A & B
5s, 1/10 50 max.

(v) Aviation fuel resistance Appendix D Grade B only
a) Increase in penetration as & IS : 1203
measured in (iv) after 7 days 1878 *
immersion in aviation fuel Max
(See IS : 1571 - 1982 †) Max 15
b) Changes in mass after 7
days immersion in aviation
fuel, percent max 1 Appendix E Grade B only

* Methods for testing tar and bituminous materials : Determination of penetration

(first revision)
† Specifications for aviation fuels, kerosene type ( fourth revision)

Procedure for filling the joints :

1. The delivery challans for joint sealing compound shall bear requisite details, such as
serial nos., Batch no., Date, weight, and name of the contractor to whom the sealing
compound is being supplied etc. The manufacturer’s Test Certificate to the effect that
sealing compound conforms to relevant I.S. Specifications, shall invariably
accompany the every consignment of sealing compound, brought on site.
2. Due care shall be taken to see that temperature is carefully controlled while heating
the joint sealing compound. Due precaution shall be taken to avoid the overheating of
joint sealing compound above 180 degree cent., as well as heating for long periods
since sealing compound will lose the rubberized properties due to overheating. In
case of default on this account, entire overheated material will be rejected. Therefore
quantity of sealing compound required for only one operation of joint sealing work,
shall be heated.
3. Joint sealing compound once heated but not utilized will not be permitted for use
after reheating the same and such material will be discarded and will have to be
removed from the site
4. When sealing work is in progress, wooden battens shall be placed on either sides of
the joints or suitable arrangement shall be made to prevent erratic flow of the
5. The contractor should take due care to ensure that the fumes/smoke emitted due to
heating of filling materials shall not affect the nearby residents, where the work is in
6. The existing sealing compound in machine cut joint shall be removed completely with
raker and coir brush up to a depth of 40mm and joint faces shall be thoroughly
cleaned. The dust in the joint shall be blown off with compressed air from blower.
7. After the joint surface has thoroughly dried, primer shall be applied to the cleaned
joint in thin film by brush.
8. As soon as primer attains ‘touch dry’ state, sealing compound heated to appropriate
pour point temperature @ 160-180 degree cent shall be poured in two stages in such
manner that the material does not spill over the exposed concrete surface. Due
precaution shall be taken to avoid overheating of joint sealing compound over 180
degree cent. as well as heating for long periods since sealing compound is liable to be
damaged due to overheating.
9. After the sealing compound is cooled to ambient temperature, it shall be cut with hot
spatula to bring it flush with the existing concrete surface. The finished surface shall
be dusted with lime powder to prevent any damage likely to be caused on account of
traffic movement.
31.0 Measurement book recording in project system module in SAP (Circular No.
CA/ FRD- II/ 7 dated 17/05/2013)

Directives in respect of preparation and uploading of the Measurement Book

and payment of bills of the works pertaining to project system module carried
out by various contractual agencies:

At present, the Measurement Book is being prepared by the concerned engineer of

the M.C.G.M. With a view that the Measurement Books are timely filled up and
the time and energy of the engineering staff is saved, the contractors are now
permitted to submit the draft M.B. recordings in Excel Sheets on the basis of the
BOQ of the work and a summary statement alongwith scanned documents of the
material received on site showing details such as type of material, invoice, challans,
octroi receipts etc. to the respective Junior Engineer/Sub Engineer/Assistant
Engineer/Executive Engineer for certification. The concerned Engineer will
verify/certify and upload the same every week. He/She shall also get the samples
of the material tested from the Testing Laboratory as per the required norms and
upload these documents alongwith the testing reports in SAP.

The respective J.E./S.E./A.E./E.E. will verify the Measurement Book as per work
executed on site and confirm the same as submitted by the contractors and upoload
such verified M.B. alongwith the testing reports in SAP.
The abovesaid work of M.B. uploading has to be done. For example, if the contract
period of a project work is one year (1 year), then the said work of M.B. uploading is
to be divided into 52 weeks and the Measurement Book of actual work done during
each particular week is to be uploaded in SAP.

If no work is carried out in any particular week, a ‘NIL’ report with the reasons
therefor is to be uploaded/recorded in SAP by the concerned Site Engineer.

When the M.B. uploading work as stated above is done for 4 weeks, the concerned
J.E./S.E./A.E./E.E. in the subsequent week (i.e. in fifth week) shall make a service
entry for generation of payment certificate for the quantum of work done in 4 weeks
with a view to making payment to the concerned contractor, as per the payment
procedure flow through system. Henceforth, payment certificate will be generated
through system and not in paper/physical form.

On generation of payment certificate, it will be sent through system to respective

Officers/Engineers through notification. Each Officer/Engineer will have dedicated
timeline and he has to complete the task or his role within the stipulated time limit.
The above said system of recording of Measurement Book, uploading the same in
SAP and generation of payment certificate shall come into effect from 01.04.2013.


1.0 a) JCB - At least one each
b) Dumpers at site - At least two each
c) Poclain machine - At least one each

2.0 Needle vibrators - 40 mm - 2 Nos.
60 mm - 3 Nos.
3.0 Form Vibrators - 6 No.
4.0 Compressors - Total 1 No.
5.0 250 sqm. (Plan area) shuttering and casting girders for slab superstructure.
6.0 2 sets of side shuttering for pedestals, walls, piers etc
7.0 2 Nos. of diesel operated pump sets with 1 stand by pump set of 10 HP.
8.0 2 sets of concrete hoists + concrete trolleys or crane and bucket (minimum 1.0 cum
capacity) arrangement for concreting.

Concreting Pump - 1 No.

9.0 Set of sieves weighing machine (5 Kg), slump cone (1 No.) cube moulds (36 Nos.)
measuring cylinder (250 ml – 2 Nos.) and all relevant equipment needed for carrying
out all tests required as per IS code and for carrying out mix design.
10.0 Diesel generator, set, flood lights etc. for illuminating the site for night working.
11.0 Site cube testing machine with capacity to test cubes up to 130 MPa
12.0 Welding Machinery - At least 2 sets.
13.0 Bar bending and cutting machine - 1 No. Each
14.0 2 sets of Net arrangement to prevent the spreading or failing of debris.
15.0 The tenderer must comply RMC and Asphalt plants with installation of SCADA, VTS
on vehicles transporting RMC and Asphalt mixes from plant to site and ICS on
compactors at their own cost. Scanned copy of a notarized undertaking on Rs. 200/-
stamp paper shall be uploaded in packet ‘B’ that SCADA, VTS and ICS will be activated
in 30 days from issue of Acceptance Letter. The original undertaking shall on Rs. 200/-
stamp papers have to be submitted physically after issue of letter of acceptance.
Contractor shall ensure that all these systems shall be in working condition during entire
period of execution of work. In case SCADA, VTS and ICS is not fully activated within
30 days from issue of Acceptance Letter, a fine of Rs.10,000/- per day will be levied till
compliance. Agent software on RMC and Asphalt plants shall be installed by the
contractor through the agency appointed by MCGM to catch the data and to throw the
same to MCGM dash board for viewing the same through LIVE WORKS system of
MCGM for controlled material. If contractor does not install the agent software within 30
days from issue of letter of acceptance, a penalty of Rs. 10,000/- per day will be imposed
till date of compliance and further action including forfeiture of full EMD, termination of
contract and deregistering will be initiated against the contractor.

(VI) On Hiring Basis Equipments / Machinery

1.0 Arrangement of Ready mix plant with arrangement for GGBS and Transit Mixer.
(Undertaking with assured access)
1.0 Cranes or any other suitable arrangement for transporting, Lifting and placing / side
Shifting of girders (Undertaking with assured access)
2.0 Hydraulic boring machine (Undertaking with assured access)
Note: Tenderer(s) shall furnish and upload the requisite document.

Signature of Tenderer
Rubber Stamp of the Firm
Trading under the style and name of
Witness _____________________________
_____________________________ Municipal Commissioner /
____________________________________ Administration for Greater Mumbai.
Witness _________________________


At Municipal Material Testing Laboratory

Rates of testing fees and quantity of samples for test as approved under No. MC/968/A
Ch.E.(V) of 3-8-02.
Sr. Description of Test Reference / Standard Rate per test Quantity of samples
No. (Rs.) required
1 Sieve Analysis (dry) / IS 2386 : Part I – 1963, 490.00 20 kg
Fineness Modulus IS 383 – 1970 ,
MORTH – 4th
Revision, 2001
2 Silt Content 610.00 2 kg
3 Specific Gravity IS 2386 : Part III – 550.00 1 kg
4 Impact Test IS 2386 : Part III – 610.00 10 kg
5 Crushing Value / 10 % 1963, MORTH – 4 730.00 10 kg
Fine Value Revision 2001
6 Los Angeles abrasion 1090.00 10 kg
7 Water absorption IS 2386 : Part III – 550.00 1 kg
1963, MORTH – 4th
Revision 2001
8 Flakiness Index IS 2386 : Part I – 1963, 490.00 10 kg
MORTH – 4th Revision
9 Elongation Index 2001 490.00 10 kg
10 Combined Flakiness & 970.00 20 kg
Elongation Index

11  Asphalt IRC 27 – 1967, 940.00 7 kg See Note – 2
Macadam / Bituminous MORTH – 2001
Asphaltic mixes
(Extraction & Gradation)
 Seal Specification MORTH 940.00 3 kg See Note – 2

Sr. Description of Test Reference / Standard Rate per test Quantity of samples
No. (Rs.) required
Coat (Extraction & – 2001
12 Binder Course Specification 1340.00 7 kg See Note – 2
( Extraction, Gradation,
Density, Voids)
13 Asphalt concrete / IRC 29, MORTH – 2370.00 7 kg See Note – 2
Bituminous Concrete / 2001, IRC – SP – 53-
Dense Bituminous 1999
Macadam, Semi Dense
Bituminous Concrete /
Polymer Modified Binder
(PMB) / crumb Rubber
Modified Binder (CRMB)
(Extraction, gradation,
Density, voids, Flow value,
Marshall Stability)
14 Mastic asphalt (Extraction, IS 5317 – 1987, 1210.00 2 specimen each of 10 cm
gradation, hardness, no.) IS 1195 – 1978 dia or 10 cm square ( 2.5
cm thk. )
15 Field density of asphalt IS 2720 : Part 28, 1974 Rs. 1340.00
mixes / soils. ( Reaffirmed 1995) for first test
and Rs. 680.00
for each addl.

16 Specific gravity of IS 1202 - 1978 680.00 2 kg See Note - 8

17 Penetration test of bitumen IS 1203 -1978 680.00 2 kg See Note – 8
18 Softening point of bitumen IS 1205 - 1978 940.00 2 kg See Note – 8
19 Job mix formula for Asphalt Institute 12100.00 25 kg coarse aggregate, 25
asphaltic mixes Manual MS- 2 kg Fine aggregate, 10 kg
filler, 5 kg bitumen.

Sr. Description of Test Reference / Standard Rate per test Quantity of samples
No. (Rs.) required
20 Presence of anti-stripping 550.00 1 kg bitumen from Plant
agent CRRI Specifications (sealed)
21 Effectiveness of anti- 940.00 1 kg in wide mouth bottle
stripping agent
22 Ductility test of bitumen IS 1208 – 1978 940.00 1 kg in wide mouth bottle
23 Flash Point & Fire point ASTM 550.00 1 kg in wide mouth bottle
24 Loss on heating, thin film IS 1212 940.00 1 kg in wide mouth bottle
Oven Test
25 Elastic Recovery of half IRC:SP:53:2002 940.00 1 kg in wide mouth bottle
thread in Ductilometer at
15 ⁰C on PMB / CRMB
26 Specific gravity IS 2720 : Part 3 – 1980 550.00 1 kg
27 Bulk density 350.00 2 kg
28 Natural Moisture content IS 2720 : Part 2 – 1973 270.00 2kg See Note -9
29 Liquid limit 490.00 10 kg
30 Plastic Limit IS 2720 : Part V – 1985 490.00 10 kg
31 Void ratio (Density & 490.00
Specific Gravity)
32 Standard Proctor Test IS 2720 : Part 7 – 1980 1340.00 20 kg
33 Modified Proctor Test IS 2720 : Part 8 – 1980 1340.00 20 kg
34 Laboratory C.B.R. Test IS 2720 : Part 16 – 2010.00 25 kg
35 Dry Sieve Analysis IS 2720 : Part 4 – 1985 400.00 25 kg
36 Field C.B.R.Test. IS 2720 : Part 31- 1990 Rs.1340.00 for
first test and
Rs.680 for
each addl.test.
37 Safe Bearing Capacity of …… Rs.1340.00 for
Soil first test and
Rs.680 for
each addl. test.

Sr. Description of Test Reference / Standard Rate per test Quantity of samples
No. (Rs.) required
38 Energy criteria Test for ……. Rs.1340.00 for
piles first test and
Rs.680 for
each addl. test.
39 Cement (Initial & Final IS 269, IS 8112, 1700.00 7 kg See Note – 6
Setting time, Compressive IS 12269
40 Bricks (Set of Ten) IS 1077-1986 1210.00 10 Nos.
(Compression Test,
Absorption Test)
41 Steel bars (6 mm dia. to 20 1090.00 60 cm see Note 1 ( c), 7
mm dia.) ( Area on weight
basis. Yield Stress / 0.02% IS 432 – 1986
Proof Stress, Ultimate IS 1786 – 2008
Tensile Strength, %
42 Steel bars (above 20 mm 1340.00 60 cm see Note 1 ( c), 7
dia.) ( area on weight basis, IS 432 – 1986
Yield Stress / 0.02 % Proof IS 1786 - 2008
Stress, Ultimate Tensile
Strength, % Elongation)
Welded Joint IS:3600;1966 1100.00 As per specified in tender

43 Concrete Cube IS 456-2000, IS 516 – 550.00 3 Nos. see Note 1 ( c)

( Compressive Strength) 1959
44 Concrete Beam ( Flexure 730.00 3 Nos. see Note 1 ( c)

Sr. Description of Test Reference / Standard Rate per test Quantity of samples
No. (Rs.) required
Test) (10x10x50 cm) IS 456-2000, IS 516 –
45 Concrete Beam ( Flexure 1959 730.00 3 Nos. see Note 1 ( c)
Test) (15x15x70cm)
46 Tile ( Absorption test) IS 1237-1980, IS 680.00 6 Nos. for each test
13801 – 1993
47 Tiles ( Wet Transverse IS 1237-1980, IS 680.00 6 Nos. for each test
Strength Test) 13801 – 1993
48 Tile ( Abrasion Test) IS 13630 Part 12- 1993 1340.00 See Note 14
49 Wood ( Moisture content) IS 287 – 1993 550.00 See Note 13
(Reaffirmed 1998) IS
50 C.C. Road Core IS 456-2000, IS 516 - 2670.00 Per
(Compression Test) 1959 Core
51 R.C.C. Cover & Dhapa IS 12592 : Part I, 1998 550.00 Each
R.C.C. PIPES (Hume
52 Hume pipe testing
b. Up to 600 mm dia 2370.00 Per Minimum One pipe of
IS 3597 – 1998 pipe Each dia. Per Lot.
c. 600 to 900 mm dia ( Reaffirmed 2001), IS 2670.00 Per
458 -1988 pipe
d. 900 mm & above 3030.00 Per
53 Paver Blocks ( As per
Road Dept. requirement)
1. Compressive test 510.00 Up to 3 nos.

Sr. Description of Test Reference / Standard Rate per test Quantity of samples
No. (Rs.) required
2. Water absorption test BS 6717 – 1993 ASTM 610.00 ……...
c) Flexure test C936 IS 1237 BS 550.00 ……...
d) Tensile Splitting test 6717-2001 550.00 ……...
54 Paver Blocks (As per Road
Dept. requirement)
e) Compressive test 1340.00 3 Nos.
5.81 Water absorption 680.00 8 Nos.
5.82 Flexure test 1340.00 8 Nos.
5.83 Tensile Splitting IS – 15658-2006 1340.00 8 Nos.
5.84 Abraison Test ( Dry 1340.00 (See note no. 19)

a) Light / Medium Duty IS 1726: 1991, 1100.00 1 no per lot of 50 covers

( Failure Load Test) Reaffirmed 2007 & BS
b) Heavy Duty ( Failure EN-124 2004 1650.00
Load Test)
56 C.I Frame &. Covers
a) Light / Medium Duty IS 1726: 1991, 1100.00 1 no per lot of 50 covers
( Failure Load Test) Reaffirmed 2007 & BS
EN-124 2004
b) Heavy Duty (Failure IS 1726: 1991, 1650.00 1 no per lot of 50 covers
Load ) Reaffirmed 2007 & BS
EN-124 2004 IS 1726:
1991, Reaffirmed 2007
57 WATER TABLE 1100.00 1 Sample for 1000 nos of
( Failure Load Test) product
BS-7263: part 1: 1990
58 KERB STONE ( Failure 1100.00 1 Sample for 1000 nos of
Load Test) product

59 Duplicate additional copy 33.00 Per copy
of test report not older than
5 years

1) All requests for testing of samples must be made in writing in duplicate, specifying
therein the following information. (Separate memo should be sent for cement,
concrete, steel, soil, asphalt etc.)
a) Name of the work, code number if any.
b) Type of material and tests desired (i.e. grade of cement, date of consignment.)
c) Identification mark on the sample should be mentioned on the forwarding memo
(In case of concrete beams and cubes identification mark, grade of concrete, date
of casting, specimen number etc. should be engraved on concrete.) If these details
are marked by paint, samples will not be accepted. In case reinforcement bars,
details shall be displayed on label pasted on bar and label must be signed by the
Officer who has taken samples.
a) Name and full postal address of the Officer to whom the result is to be sent.

b) Date of sampling (i.e. date of laying asphaltic mix, Sr.No. of load, Name of the
supplier/asphalt plant from where asphalt mix is acquired, casting concrete or
taking sample)
c) Name of Contractors carrying out the work.
d) Additional information as spelt out in Ch.E.(Roads) circular U/No.
Ch.E./3231/Roads of 07/09/06, in case of Asphalt Mixes.
e) Any other information which is specified by the user department.

2) Samples must also bear the identification mark and signature of site-in-charge/Officer
taking the sample.
3) Full testing fees shall be paid in advance between 10.30A.M. and 1.P.M. on working
days except Saturday, and between 10.30 Asphaltic mixes sent in polythene bags, a
legible-duplicate tag should be stapled from outside.
4) Quantity of sample must be adequate as shown in schedule and the specification with
which the samples is to be tested shall be clearly mentioned on forwarding memo by
the site in charge.
5) For issuing additional copies or duplicate copies, Rs.33/- will be charged for each
copy. Request for additional duplicate copy should be made in writing by site in
charge or higher Officers of the user department
6) Cement samples should be forwarded in sealed airtight container, one opening on top
not less than 10cm. in diameter.
7) The steel samples for tensile testing of reinforcing bars, shall be straight for entire
length without bends. The ends of bars shall be hack saw cut and not chisel cut. One
sample of each dia. Bar shall be sent for first test and for retest two bars shall be sent.
The length of the bars shall be 60cm. for dia. less than 25mm and 60cm. for dia equal
to and greater than 25mm.
8) Samples of bitumen, cut back, emulsions shall be forwarded in wide mouthed metal
containers with labels pasted on the lid. (At least 2 litre capacity metal container)
9) Samples sent for testing natural moisture content shall be forwarded in wax coated
packing or sealed airtight polythene bags.
10) The quantity of bitumen, cut back, emulsion sample should be at least 2 litres.

11) The sample thus taken shall be sent to Municipal Testing Laboratory as per the
condition mentioned in the relevant Tender. The samples thus taken shall be sent to
the municipal testing laboratory within 4 days from the date of laying of Asphalt Mix
on site. In case of any delay, additional testing charges as penalty would be recovered
from the contractor at the following rates

A From the 5th day to 7th day from date of laying of Rs 10,000/-
asphalt mix on site.

B From the 8th day to 14th day from date of laying of Rs 20,000/-
asphalt mix on site.

The above charges i.e. (A) and (B) shall be paid by the contractors at the time of submitting
the samples in Municipal Laboratory.
As per tender conditions, additional testing charges as a penalty, towards delay in submission
of sample, if any, over and above (A) and (B) mentioned above, would be recovered from the
Contractors bill by the respective user department and would be credited to the following
budget head and Voucher No. and date shall be intimated to A.E. (Soil Mech.)

If the samples of the asphalt mixes are not sent for testing within 14 days, payment for the
corresponding quantity with reference to these samples shall not be made. The Charges
would be recovered from the respective bills payable to the contractors by the respective user
department and credited to the following budget head-

Fund Code: - 11
Department Code: - 44
Cost Center Name: - Material Testing Lab
Cost Center Code: - 1000442501
Account Head Penalties & Fines
Account heads code: - 140200200

12) Field Density test shall be taken on Asphalt concrete Carpet for any thickness. The
Contractor shall obtain the intimation letter from Engineer-in-charge & furnish the
same to A.E.(Soil Mech) within 7 days from the date of laying of Asphalt concrete,
for carrying out the field density test. If the Contractor fails to intimate the same
within 7 days period the additional charges as penalty would be recovered from the
Contractor at Rs.200/-per test per week at the time of submission of intimation to
A.E(Soil Mech)’s office.
13) Sample of wood – As per I.S. 11215-1991, Clause No.4.2.3.
14) The test specimen shall be set of 6 pieces of size 70.6mm x 70.6mm, centrally cut from
tiles and all corners shall be perfectly diagonal.
15) Sample shall be carefully brought & unloaded at Lab without any defects.

16) The samples taken for cubes and beams shall be sent to municipal testing lab at least
two days before the actual date of testing. In case of delay additional testing charges
as penalty shall be recovered from the Contractors at following rates.
a. 100% additional testing charges per week shall be recovered other than concrete
road works.
b. For concrete road work Rs.1000.00 per day will be recovered as per special
conditions /directions to the tenders for cement concrete road works.
17) R.C.C. Covers: No of samples as per I.S. 12592 Part-I-1998.
18) R.C.C. Hume pipes: No of samples as per I.S.458-1988.

19) The test specimen shall be of size 71+0.5mm in square as per IS-15658-2006.
Centrally cut in paver block and all corners shall be perfectly diagonal.


Sr. No. Name of Dumping Ground

1. Gorai
2. Deonar/ Mulund
3. Navi Mumbai SEZ Pvt.Ltd. Kalamboli.

1. The dumping sites may change at the discretion of Engineer at short notice,
without any financial liability on M.C.G.M.
2. Only surplus construction debris be sent at Navi Mumbai SEZ Pvt. Ltd.
Kalamboli. Any other material such as silt, garbage etc. will not be accepted by
Navi Mumbai SEZ Pvt. Ltd. Kalamboli., The list of vehicle nos. which will take
the debris to Navi Mumbai SEZ Pvt. Ltd. Shall be sent by intimation to contact
person - Shri Pandya.
Telephone No. (M) 09867557500 (O) 022-40723000.

3. MCGM shall not be responsible for providing the sites for dumping ground
and in the event dumping ground is not able to be made available by MCGM,
the bidder shall have to arrange own dumping arrangement for which no any
extra cost will be paid by MCGM other than the payment under the item of
removal for a lead upto maximum 20 km beyond MCGM boundry.
Nevertheless, MCGM reserves its rights to use surplus excavated materials for
its own use anywhere in MCGM limits.


The list of completed works to Vehicular Bridge/Subway, during last five financial years –
Name of the Name of the Stipulated Date Actual Date of Actual cost of work
Project Employer of Completion Completion done
1 2 3 4 5

Note: 1) Scanned, Attested copies of completion/performance certificates from the Engineer-

in-charge for each work should be annexed and uploaded.
2) Works shall be grouped financial/calendar year-wise.

Sr. Financial Annual Turnover of Civil Engineering Updated value to current year
No. Year Works
1 2 3 4

Note: - The above figures shall tally with the audited balance sheets submitted and uploaded
by the tenderers duly certified by Chartered Accountant.

At least one bridge work of magnitude of at least 40% of the cost of the instant work (work
tendered for) in any one year during the last 5 financial years-
Name of the Name of the Cost of the Stipulated Actual Date Actual cost Remarks
Project Employer project Date of of of work explain
Completion completion done reasons for
delay, if any
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

NOTE: - Scanned, Attested copies of completion/performance certificates from the Engineer-

in-charge for each work should be annexed and uploaded. The email id of the employer and
contact number shall be furnished The certificate of experience from concessionaire
appointed by NHAI, any state or central Govt. agency, shall be accepted subject to condition
that there is provision in agreement for subletting the work and further such a agreement /
document is submitted for substantion of the experience certificate.


Sr. Designation Qualification Experience Requirement

1. Sr. Engineer B.E.(Civil) 10 Years 1 No.
2. Jr. Engineer B.E./D.C.E.(Civil) 5/10Years 2 Nos.

3. Quality Control Engineer B.E.(Civil) 10 years 1 No.

4. Supervisory Technical Staff D.C.E.(Civil) 3 years 2 No.

NOTE: Scanned, attested copies of original of qualification certificates and details of work
experience shall be submitted and uploaded.

The tender(s) to qualify this bid shall own equipment‘s, in full working order, as listed below,
and must demonstrate that based on known commitments, they will be available for timely
use in the proposed contract as specified in 3.2.3 (v) A. (RTO vehicle nos. wherever

Sr No. Equipment No RTO Vehicle Nos /

1 JCB Dumpers/ Tippers
2 Dumpers at Site
3 Poclain

The tender(s) to qualify this bid shall own (through hire, lease, and other commercial means)
in full working order to equipment‘s, as listed below, and must demonstrate that based on
known commitments, they will be available for timely use in the proposed contract as
specified in 3.2.3 (v) B. (RTO vehicle nos. wherever applicable)-

Sr. No. Equipment No. RTO Vehicle

1 Needle Vibrator
2 Compressors
3 Set of sieves, Weighing machine (5 Kg),
slump cone (1 No.) cube moulds (18 Nos.)

measuring cylinder (250 ml. – 2 Nos.) and all
relevant equipment needed for carrying out all
tests required as per IS code and for carrying
out mix `design.
4 Diesel generator set, flood lights etc. for
illuminating the site for night working
5 Site cube testing machine with capacity to test
cubes of 130 MPa
6 Welding machine
7 Bar bending and cutting machine
8 Arrangement of Ready mix plant with
arrangement for GGBS and Transit Mixer

9 Hydraulic boring machine


Sr. No. Equipment No.

1. Computerised Batch mix asphalt capacity min. 80

M.T. per hr

2. R.M.C Plant (computerized) – capacity 60 Cu.M per

hr.(or two nos.of 30 Cu.m per hr. in lieu of 60Cum
per hr.)

3. Pver blocks (BIS Certified) manufacturing factory

approved by M.C.G.M With valid registration

4 Mastic batch mix asphalt plant capacity min 80 M.T

per hr.

a) The minimum suggested major equipment prior to bidding of this bid and mandatorily to
a) The minimum suggested major equipment prior to bidding of this bid and mandatorily to
begin with for execution of works in accordance with the prescribed construction schedule
are shown in the above list. The contractor shall mobilize prior to bidding of this bids,
equipment as above and mandatorily during the contract implementation, also additional
equipment as directed by engineer-in-charge.

The ownership or assured access from the RMC plant who have applied for renewal will be
accepted to satisfy the clause 3.2.3 v) (c) in respect of RMC plant only. The tenderer has to
submit copy of acknowledgement of the letter submitted to department for renewal.
b) In case the tenderer is not owning approved plant as sr. no. 1 but desirous of owning the
plant as prescribed in condition 3.2.3 v(c) read with proforma V-C, they shall submit and
upload notarized undertaking on rs.200/- stamp paper , in packet –b of the tender , stating that
on award of contract, they shall comply with the conditions 3.2.3 v) (c)by owning the plant at
his own cost and at his own premises so as to supply the asphalt mixes of specified quality
and get it registered with M.C.G.M. within period of 1 (one) month from the date of issue of
work order . For faithful compliance of said undertaking, a bank guarantee of Rs .3 crores in
favour of M.C.G.M. shall be uploaded in packed-B of the tender and shall be physically
submitted in packed B as directed.
In case the tenderer fail to comply the said conditions of the post qualification criteria 3.2.3
vi) (c) within the stipulated time limit of 1 (one) month from the issue of work order , the said
bank guarantee wil be encashed by M.C.G.M. further tenderer shall be liable for penal action
including minimum penalty of Rs 50000/- per day till compliance of the above said
requisition .If the tenderer fail o submit the requisite ownership or assured access for
2& 3 above ,the tenderer will be treated as non- responsive.

Detail of existing commitments and ongoing works submitted -
Descriptio Place Contra ct Name & Value of Scheduled Value of Anticipate
n of work no. & date Address of contract in date of remaining d date of
employer Rs. completio to be completion
n completed
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Note: scanned, attested copies of completion / performance certificates from the engineer-in-
charge for each work should be annexed and uploaded.

Details of works for which bids are already submitted-
Description Place Name & Value of Time Period Date on Remarks
of work Addresses contract in which
of employer Rs. decision is
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Information on litigation History in which the tenderer is involved.
Other party (ies) Employer Cause of Dispute Amount involved Remarks showing
present status

NOTE: Scanned, Attested copies of the documents should be annexed and uploaded.

Information of certificate issuing authorities for performa
Sr. No. Employer/Name Designation of E- mail ID of Contact numbers
of issuing issuing authority issuing Authority of issuing
Authority Authority


Particulars Whether In - stalled Copies of certification of

installer company enclosed.
Yes/No Yes/ No
Intelligent compaction system
compatible for L&
T ,Escort ,JCB ,Greaves or
equivalent make compactors
Agent Software for Compactors
Batch Mix Plant SCADA
Software Agent Batch Mix Plant
RMC plant Automation with
Software agent RMC plant
Vehicles Tracking system with
automation Loading unloading
Vehicles Tracking system Per
month subscription charges
SCADA Automation for ICPB


A) AS PER CIRCULAR N. CA/WSSD/13, DT. 12.03.2014

Sr. Cost Component Existing Provision Revised Provisions

1. Physical Contingencies 10% of the office estimate 4% of the office estimate
2. Cost Contingencies As per the clause 74 (b) of
the G.C.C. the cost
contingencies are -
i) Operative period of Ten percent of contract cost Maximum limit for
contract upto 12 months (including extra items / reimbursement is 5% of the
excess quantities but contract cost (including extra
excluding water sewerage & items/excess quantities but
supervision charges and excluding water sewerage and
physical and cost supervision charges and
contingencies) physical and cost
ii) Operative period of Twenty percent
above one year but upto
two years
iii) Operative period of No Limit
contract above two years
3. Supervision charges a) 10% in respect of capital 10% provision be made for
works carried out under supervision charges in respect
budget A,B & E. of all capital works under
b) 15% in respect of capital budgets A,B,E & G.
works under Budget G.
4. Water & Sewerage a) 8% Water charges and 4% No change in existing
Charges b) Sewerage charges for Capital percentage of provision.
3% Water charges and 1½%
Sewerage charges for P.M.C.
works both for capital as well
as revenue.

c) 1% water and sewerage
charges for the works
executed out of Councilors /
M.L. As / M.Ps funds.

(B) AS PER CIRCULAR AMC/P/M/1511/ OF 29.5.2002

Condition No. Existing Modified

96 Finality of If any dispute, difference If any dispute, difference or claim is raised
Decision and or claim is raised by the by either party relating to any matter
non contract, relating to any arising out of the contract, the aggrieved
arbitrability matter arising under the party within a period of 7 days to the
contract, the Contractor concerned Addl. Municipal Commissioner
may refer such matter of who shall constitute a committee
the Engineer or his comprising of three officers i.e. concerned
Superior other than D.M.C. or Director (E.S. & P) Chief
Municipal Commissioner Engineer other than the Engineer of the
or Additional Municipal Contract and concerned Chief Accountant.
Commissioner who on The Committee shall give its decision in
examining the dispute, writing within 60 days.
difference or claim, shall Appeal from the order of the Committee
give decision in writing. may be referred to Municipal
Such decision will be final Commissioner within seven days.
and binding upon all Thereafter the Municipal Commissioner
parties. This decision will shall constitute the Committee comprising
not be arbitrable at 11. of 3 Addl. Municipal Commissioners in
charge of Finance Department. The
decision given by this Committee shall be
final and binding upon the parties.

(C) AS PER CIRCULAR CA/FRD-I/51A DATED 20.02.2013 & Dir. E.S.&P /324
dated 15.07.2015
73(a) (i) Rates for excess
The contractor shall arrive at the rates after carefully preparing the rate analysis
taking into consideration site conditions. For increase upto any limit during the
contract period over the quantity shown in the Bill of Quantities shall be paid at the
rate mentioned in the Bill of Quantities by adding or subtracting the percentage
quoted by the contractor.
73(a)(ii) In the case of item rate tender the price shall be worked out as per 73(b)(iv).
73(b) Rates for extra
Rates for such additional, altered or substituted item of work shall be determined

as follows –
i. If the rate for any additional, altered or substituted item of work is not included in
the Bill of Quantity and rates and if such item of work does not exist in the
relevant Fair Market Schedule applicable at the time of invitation of tender, such
item of work shall be carried out at the relevant Corporation’s Fair Market
Schedule rates prevailing at the time of extra work subject to deducting the rebate
quoted by the contractor. If, however, the contractor has quoted premium, such
item of work shall be paid ‘at par’.
ii. if the rates for any additional, altered or substituted item of work cannot be
determined in the manner specified in (i), then the contractor will be paid at such
fair and reasonable rates as worked out by the Engineer on the basis of material,
labour and operations of construction equipment required to execute the item and
allowing 15% to cover profits and overhead charges.
Note:- The old and new decision rules issued u/no / - /
dated 13.03.2013 and Dir/ESP/324 dated 15.07.2015 will govern the tender.
Policies that may come to be issued in future will also be applicable as if they were
part and parcel of the tender. (In case of any exigency leading to held up of work on
site, the Engineer in charge will take suitable decision as per site conditions in
consonance with the old as well as new decision rules.)


Date :
The Municipal Commissioner
Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai

Sub : ____________________________________________________________________
Dear Sir,
We the undersigned hereby undertake that :-
1. All the asphalt works required to be done under the captioned work shall be got
executed with the specified asphalt mixes manufactured in M.C.G.M. approved
asphalt plants only.
2. The Mastic Asphalt work will be entrusted and got done through the specialized
agencies having expertise in Mastic Asphalt work and as directed by M.C.G.M.
3. All the paver blocks required for the paver block works to be carried out under the
captioned contract work shall be procured from the specified manufacturers registered
with M.C.G.M. only.
4. The RMC works required to be done under the captioned contract work shall be got
executed with the specified RMC mixes specified RMC mixes supplied by M.C.G.M.
approved R.M.C. Plants only.
5. The A.C.C. Marg work will be entrusted and got done through the specialized
agencies having expertise in A.C.C. Marg works and as directed by M.C.G.M.

Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,

Rubber Stamp

(On Rs.200/- Stamp Paper) We, (1) Mr.__________________________, (2)
Mr.__________________________ and (3) Mr.__________________________ aged (1)
______ yrs., (2) ______ yrs., and (3) ______ yrs. Respectively, Proprietor / Partners /
Directors / Power of Attorney holder of the Firm
___________________________________________________ having its office at
________________________________________________ hereby gives an
contractor/s with the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai and / or (Name of other
authority), having Registration No._________ valid upto ______________. AND
WHEREAS the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai had published the tender notice
for the work of ____________________________________________
__________________________________________________________________ in
__________ Ward.
AND WHEREAS I/We want to participate in the said Tender procedure, I/We hereby give an
Undertaking –cum-Indemnity Bond as hereinafter appearing:
I/We hereby agree and undertake that my/our Firm is not under any penal action such as
Demotion, Suspension, Blacklisting, De-registration etc. by any Government, Semi-
Government and Government Undertakings etc.
I/We hereby further undertake to communicate if my/our Firm comes under any penal action
such as Demotion, Suspension, Blacklisting, De-registration etc. by any Government, Semi-
Government and Government Undertakings etc.
I/We hereby further agree and undertake that, at any stage of tendering procedure if the said
information is found incorrect, it should be lawful for the MCGM to forthwith debar me/us
from the tendering procedure and initiate appropriate penal action.
The undertaking-cum-Indemnity Bond is binding upon us/our heirs, executors administrators
and assigns and/or successor and assigns.
Place :
(Seal of Firm / Co.)
Identified by me.


Name of Work: Construction of Pedestrian Subway at Andheri- Ghatkopar Link Road

Connecting Laxmi Nagar- Laxmi Baug to PantNagar, Ghatkopar (E) in N Ward.
Construction of Pedestrian Subway at Andheri-Ghatkopar Link Road from Laxmi Nagar - Lami Baug
to PantNagar at Ghatkopar (East) in N Ward.
Sr. Item No. Description Unit Total Rate Amount in Rs.
No. per Qty

1 CS-EW-1 Excavation for foundations, Cum 3905 220

substructures, basements, tanks, 8,59,100.00
sumps, walls, chambers,
manholes, trenches, poles, pits &
general building works in all types
of soils, vegetable earth, soft
murum, running sand, shingle, turf
clay, loam, peat, ash, shale, slag,
chalk, garbage, muddy/ marshy/
slushy soil, marine clay, reclaimed
land etc. for depths/lifts upto 1.5M
measured from the ground level,
including dressing/ trimming the
sides, leveling and ramming of
bottoms, manual dewatering,
removing rank
vegetation,backfilling in layers not
more than 200mm thickness,
watering, consolidating,
compacting to achieve not less
then 97% Modified Proctor
density conforming to relevant IS,
stacking the selected material in
measurable heaps for future use
within owners space or disposing
within an initial lead of 150m as
directed, loading, unloading,
leveling excluding shoring,
strutting etc. complete as directed
by Engineer-in-Charge. Note: 1)
The rate includes the handling/
supporting the existing utilities
such as cables, drains, pipes, water
mains etc. 2) It also includes the
royalty and other taxes applicable
if any.
1(a) CS-EW-2- Extra over item CS-EW-1 for lift Cum 1350 48
a from 1.5 m to 3m 64,800.00

1(b) CS-EW-2- Extra over item CS-EW-1 for lift Cum 620 71
b from 3 m to 4.5m 44,020.00
1(c) CS-EW-2- Extra over item CS-EW-1 for lift Cum 75 115
c from 4.5 m to 6m 8,625.00
2 CS-PLG- Supplying Hot Rolled steel sheet Sqm 360 10379
22.1 piles having properties described 37,36,440.00
in respective specifications or/ and
shown in drawings (Z or U type
with sectional modulus of
minimum 2500 cm3, steel grade
S430 GP with minimum yield
strength of 430 MPa, minimum
thickness 12.0 mm thickness, with
Larssen interlocks and applying
recommended sealant for complete
watertightness (if required) &
using suitable corner sections as
per site condition) .Installing the
same to line and level including
making reformed steel sheet piles
at required positions as corners,
junction, wedges etc. as per
approved drawing and
specification in single or group
jointing by welding properly,
installing vertically along the
alignment with the help of
equipments like air
compressors,excavator mounted /
crane mounted vibro hammers /
Impact Hammers / Hydraulic
Pressing Hammers / vibrating
drives powered by electric or
hydraulic motor or combination of
both based on the site
requirements through the grooves
to interlock together, wedges to
make up for the permissible
deviation of piles from the plumb
lines caused during pile driving,
slipped piles with the adjacent
ones are found or loosened or
dislocated during or after
installation , sheet piles shall be
pulled out and replaced with new
ones or redone including necessary
modification to the sheet pile to
suit the grove of existing sheet
piles , including cost and
conveyance of all materials, hire
charges of equipments, hire
charges of crane/rigs, cost of
electrodes, mobilisation and
demobilisation charges, all labour,
other incidentals etc complete. (
No extra payment shall be made
for cost of extraction and
replacement for installing of sheet
pile deviating the specification or
rejected by Engineer -in-charge.
The rate is inclusive of providing
guide frames, cost of installation
pit, formation and removal of
earthen bund etc.). Payment shall
be made on actual depth of sheet
pile installation.
(a) For depth 0 to 5 m below
ground level.
3 CS-EW-4 Excavation by chiseling by manual Cum 135 873
operations, pneumatic breaker, 1,17,855.00
hammer, drilling, compressor
breaker, jack hammer etc. for
foundations, substructures,
basements, tanks, sumps, walls,
chambers, manholes, poles, pits &
general building works in hard
rock, reinforced concrete,
Bituminous macadam for
depths/lifts upto 1.5M, including
dressing/trimming the sides,
leveling of bottoms, manual
dewatering, removing rank
vegetation, backfilling in layers
not more than 200mm thickness,
watering, consolidating,
compacting to achieve not less
then 97% Modified Proctor
density conforming to relevant IS,
stacking in measurable heaps for
future use within owners space or
disposing within an initial lead of
150m as directed, unloading,
leveling excluding shoring,
strutting etc. complete as directed
by Engineer-in-Charge, loading.
Note: 1) The rate includes the
handling/supporting the existing
utilities such as cables, drains,
pipes, water mains etc. 2) It also
includes the royalty and other
taxes if any.

4 RW-3-22 Removing the paver blocks of any Sqm 15 201
thickness.,size,& colour from 3,015.00
carriageway OR footpath &
transporting the same to ward
depot OR any where in MCGM
limit. The paver blocks shall be
stacked neatly at specified location
etc. complete as specified and as
directed by the Engineer.

5 BW-2-13 Providing and laying Dry Rubble Cum 300 1219

stone packing having thickness 3,65,700.00
230mm and above infoundation
including hand packing inregular
lineand level, filling interstices
withs mallpieces of stone,
thoroughly ramming and
consolidating including watering
as necessary etc. complete as
specifiedand directed.
6 BW-2-17 Providing and placing in position Cum 140 5218
controlled cement concrete of M- 7,30,520.00
15 grade for foundation work with
minimum cement 400 kg./cum.
and water cement ratio not
exceeding 0.4 for PCC raft
foundation slab with V notches
Sloped / flat / strlp footings, pile
caps tie beams to required lines /
levels including leveling,
compacting by vibrators, curing
including shuttering, centering as
necessary and required etc.
complete as specified and as
7 BW-2-25 Providing and placing in position Cum 595 7017
controlled cement concrete of M- 41,75,115.00
40 grade for foundation work with
minimum cement 400 kg./cum.
and water cement ratio not
exceeding 0.4 for RCC raft
foundation slab with V notches
Sloped / flat / strip footings, pile
caps tie beams to required lines /
levels including leveling,
compacting by vibrators, curing
including shuttering, centering as
necessary and required etc.
complete as specified and as
directed but excluding

8 BW-3-10 Providing and placing in position Cum 285 7197
not more than 1.5m height at one 20,51,145.00
time controlled cement concrete
M-35 grade using minimum
cement content as 400Kg/cum and
max water cement ratio of 0.40 for
RCC work in abutmens, retaining
walls with form finished surface as
per drawing in required line and
level including levelling,
compacting by vibrators, curing
including formwork including
providing and forming 100 dia AC
weep holes at 1.5m c/c vertically
and horizontally in a staggered
fashion above ground level as
necessary etc. complete as
specified and directed.
9 BW-4-11- Providing and placing in position Cum 185 7013
A controlled cement concrete of M- 12,97,405.00
35 grade using minimum cement
content as 400Kg/cum and max
water cement ratio
of 0.40 for RCC work of main
beams, girders, cross girders,
diaphragm solid slab to required
lines and levels including
levelling, compacting by vibrators,
curing including formwork with
formfinish surface
as necessary and required
centering etc.complete as specified
and directed but excluding
reinforcement. (using concrete
RCC/PSC grade M35 using
concrete mixer for solid slab
superstructure Height UPTO 5

10 BW-2-107 Supplying, fitting and placing un- MT 100 62100

coated HYSD bar reinforcement 62,10,000.00
(Fe 415) in foundation complete as
per drawing and technical
11 BW-3-18 Supplying, fitting and placing MT 70 62235
HYSD bar reinforcement (Fe 415) 43,56,450.00
in sub-structure complete as per
drawing and technical

12 BW-4-54 Supplying, fitting and placing MT 20 63413
HYSD bar reinforcement (Fe 415) 12,68,260.00
in super-structure complete as per
drawing and technical
13 BW-3-21 Providing and laying of Filter CUM 500 1109
media with granular 5,54,500.00
materials/stonecrushed aggregate
satisfying the requirements laid
down in clause 2504.2.2. of
MoRTH specifications to a
thickness of not less than 600mm
with smaller size towards the soil
and bigger size towards the wall
and provided over the enire
surface behind abutment, wingwall
and return wall to the full height
compacted to a firm condition
complete as per drawing and
technical specification.
14 BW-5-3-c Providing and applying epoxy 360 366
base paint to RCCpiers, columns, Sq.m. 1,31,760.00
beams, girders, diaphragms, slabs,
parapets etc. including cleaning
the surfaces thoroughly so as to
remove deposited salts, oil, grease,
tar, moisture etc. from the surface,
preparing the surface, applying
putty consisting of epoxy base
paint and steolite powder, to
render the concrete surfaces
smooth by covering small
irregularities and applying one
coat of epoxy paint including
scaffolding etc. complete as
specified and directed. (2coats
epoxy + primer)
15 RW-5-40 P/L hot premix Bituminous Sqm 1500 479
concrete with 6.00% of bitumen 7,18,500.00
grade 30/40,surface coat by mix
design as per MORTH to the
conmpacted thickness of 40 mm
,using new material to the required
line,level and camber rolling with
power vibratory roller & sensor
paver, etc.complete as specified
and as directed with lime filler
5.00%by weight and antistriping
agent @ 1% of bitumen by weight
etc.complete.As per new Road
Specification clause no.364)

16 RW-5-45 P/L hot Premix Dense bituminous Sqm 1725 721
macadam with 4.50% bitumen 12,43,725.00
content of grade 30-40 to the
required line,level,and camber
rolling with 10/12 M.T.power
,vibratory roller & sensor paver
etc. complete as specified and as
directed to thickness of 75 mm.
with antistriping agent at 1.00%by
weight of bitumen using grading II
of "MORTH"(As per new Road
Specification clause no.354)
17 RW-5-08 P/L hot mixed graded Bituminous Sqm 1500 470
Macadam with 3.30% ( with 7,05,000.00
tolderance of +0.3) of 60/70 pen.
Bitumen by weight of mix using
reconditioned milling material to
the required grade, lavel &
camber,rolling with 10/12 tonnes
power roller ,vibratory roller &
sensor paver complete as specified
& as directed to thickness of
75mm. with antistripping agent
1% by weight of bitumen.( Using
reconditioned milling material
30% )(As per New Road
Specifications Clause No. 380)

18 RW-3-17 Providing & fixing in the footpath, Sqm 300 938
60 mm thick Lacquer coated ( 2,81,400.00
Reflective) interlocking gray
cement concrete pavers in red (
Terra Cotta) Black, Brown, Lemon
Yellow or any colour with
vermeticular or any antiskid
texture on top surface of approved
pattern/ shape and colour having
average crusting strength 40
N/mm2 manufactured in double
layer precast concrete blocks. The
top layer of paver block should be
12 to 15 mm thick and consist
cubical shape stone aggregate 8
mm size sieve 100% passing and
retain on 4.75 mm size sieve ,
silica sand and with pure iron
oxide ultra voilete stabilized
pigment @ 5% by weight of
cement and should be coated with
lacquer having hard, high abrasive
resistance and water repellent. The
bottom layer should be 45 to 48
mm thick having 12 mm size sieve
100% passing aggregate as per
technical specification placed on
uniformly graded river sand
cushioning of average compacted
thickness 25 mm properly
compacted with mechanical
compactor with required level,
grade and camber etc. complete as
specified and as directed by the
19 RW-3-19 Providing & fixing in the Sqm 600 1137
carriageway 100mm thick 6,82,200.00
interlocking concrete unishape
pavers ( monolithic- single layer
precast concrete blocks) of gray
cement coloured having average
crushing strength 50N/sq.m.m. as
per technical specification, placed
on average compacted thickness of
25 mm, uniformly graded river
sand cushioning with proper
compacting with mechanical
compactor with the proper level,
grade and camber etc. complete as
specified and as directed by the

20 RW-4-01 Providing & Fixing kerb stones 30 Rmt 230 506 40 cm. long., 15 cm. wide, 1,16,380.00
38 cm. deep medium dressed in all
exposed surfaces, set in cement
mortar 1:2 on a 15 cm. thick and
25 cm. wide RMC M-10 C.C. bed
including filling the joints with 1:2
C.M. pointing, curing etc.
21 RW-4-06 Providing & fixing water tables of Rmt 210 444
stone of size 30 cm. wide and 10 93,240.00
cm. thick, fairly dresed on a
R.M.C. M-20 cement concrete bed
15 cm. thick, including filling in
the joints, with cement mortar 1:2
cement pointing, curing etc.
complete as specified and as
22 BW-5-3-f Providing and applying protective 800 300
paint consisting of two coats of Sq.m. 2,40,000.00
coat tar epoxy paint over one coat
of primer of approved quality and
make to the external surfaces of
concrete structures to be buried
under the soil etc. complete as
specified and directed.

23 BW-5-7-f Providing and applying CPCC MT 190 7525.03 14,29,755.70

anticorrosive treatment as per the
Indian patent No. 481/DEL93.
Dated 13/05/93 and Indian patent
No. 258/DEL/92, Dated 25/03/92
to Mild and HYSD bar
reinforcement cut and bent to the
required length, shape and size
including chemical, labours,
transportation of steel bars for
treatment and bringing back the
same for fixing in position with all
accessories and material required
for giving the treatment etc.
complete as specified and directed.

24 BW-5-7-l Providing and fixing stainless steel Rmt 200 2803
railing with stainless steel post of 5,60,600.00
5mm thick S.S. post shaped as
shown in the drawing & fixing
25mm dia S.S. pipe in the precut
holes in the post & 75mm dia s.s.
pipe handrail fixed at top with
3mm plate welded to s.s. post
including handrail fixed at top
with 3mm plate welded to s.s. post
including proper cutting welding
anchoring fixing of post to the
treads of staircase, required
machinery labour etc. complete as
specified and directed.

25 RW-5-20 Providing and applying PRIME Sqm 1500 69

COAT with CATIONIC 1,03,500.00
to 12 Kg. of 10Sqmt. over
prepared surface to receive
bituminous mix by applying
PRIMER with mechanical spray
bitumen, including cleaning of
road surface etc. completed, as
directed For Low Porosity surface
& the primed surface shall be
allowed to cure for at least 24
hours or any other higher period,
as is found to be necessary to
allow all the moisture or volatiles
to evaporate before any
subsequent bituminous surface
treatment or mix is laid (As per
New Road Specifications Clause
No. 313, curing as per 313.5)
26 RW-5-26 Providing and applying TACK Sqm 230 31
COAT with CATIONIC 7,130.00
0.30 to 0.35 Kg. of over
prepared surface to receive
bituminous mix by applying
TACK COAT with mechanical
spray bitumen, including cleaning
of road surface etc. completed, as
directed For NON
PAVEMENT (As per New Road
Specifications Clause No. 314)

27 RW-5-23 Providing and applying TACK Sqm 2996 26
COAT with CATIONIC 77,896.00
0.2 to 0.25 Kg. of over
prepared surface to receive
bituminous mix by applying
TACK COAT with mechanical
spray bitumen, including cleaning
of road surface etc. completed, as
directed For NORMAL
per New Road Specifications
Clause No. 314) For Approach
28 RW-5-25 Providing and applying TACK Sqm 1500 28
COAT with CATIONIC 42,000.00
0.25 to 0.30 Kg. of over
prepared surface to receive
bituminous mix by applying
TACK COAT with mechanical
spray bitumen, including cleaning
of road surface etc. completed, as
directed For GRANULAR
SURFACES Treated with
PRIMER (Clause No. 314)
29 RW-10-19 Providing & constructing cement Sq.M 225 65
vatas in cm 1:10 at 0.6m * 0.6m c 14,625.00
/ c admeasuring 0.09m at bottom,
0.04m at top & 0.075m deep &
maintaining the same throughout
14 days curing & removing the
same thereafter as directed.

30 RW-7-18 Providing applying Yellow & Sqm 170 152.00

Black road marking paint grade –I 25,840.00
in 3- coats including single coat of
approved brand primer after
cleaning of old surface of any type
divider with brushing by wire
brush as per relevant I. S. codes to
satisfaction of Engineer in charge -
-- etc. complete.

31 RW-2-21 Providing & laying, spreading & Cum 600 2484.00
compacting specified crushed 14,90,400.00
stone in granular subbase course
including pre mixing the material
in mechanical mixer (pugmill or
approved type), spreading of
mixed material in uniform layer of
100mm to 75mm (compacted
thickness each) with motor grader
or paver on prepared murum
surface & compacting with10
tonne vibratory roller to achieve
desired density including all
material, labour, machinery,
lighing barricating toall lifts &
lead maintenance of diversion etc.
complete (metal gradation
from75mm to75mm micron as per
MCGM Road Specifications
clause no.210).
32 RW-2-20 Providing & laying, spreading & Cum 450 2768.00
compacting graded crushed stone 12,45,600.00
agreegate to wet mix macadam
satis faction including pre mixing
the material with water to OMC in
mechanical mix (pugmill) carriage
of mix material by tipper to site
laying in uniform layer of 75mm
to 100mm (compacted thickness
each) with sensor paver finisher on
prepared subbase & ompacting
with vibratory roller (10tonne) to
achieve desired density including
lighing, guarding barricating &
maintenance of diversion etc.
asdirected by the Engineer,
(Rebate for not using sensor paver
should be taken, (metal gradation
from 53mm to 75mm micron as
per MCGM Road Specifications
clause no.240).
33 RW-1-07 P/L earth work in embankments & Cum 4000 815
/or filling low-laying grounds in 32,60,000.00
layers not exceeding 25cm. In
loose thickness & compacting
each layer with a 10/12 tonnes
power roller including levelling
watering, etc. complete in
confirmity with a reqired
lines,grades & cross sections &
also cleaning & grubbing the
ground etc. complete as per New

Road Specifications clause no.

34 CS-WP-25 Providing and installing crystalline Sqm 805 978

waterproofing treatment to inside 7,87,290.00
surfaces of the water retaining
35 RT-5-09- Supplying,Laying & fixing of Sqm 185 2330
004.018- Vitrified tiles of standard make 4,31,050.00
F1 with 10mm thickness, antiskid
36 CE1-7- Vitrified Tiles in Dado Sqm 115 2709 3,11,535.00
37 BW-5-2-a Mastic Asphalt (Providing and Sqm 297 258 76,626.00
laying 12 mm thick mastic asphalt
wearing course on top of deck slab
excluding prime coat with paving
grade bitumen meeting the
requirements given in table 500-
29, prepared by using mastic
cooker and laid to required level
and slope after cleaning the
surface, including providing
antiskid surface with bitumen
precoated fine grained hard stone
chipping of 9.5 mm nominal size
at the rate of 0.005cum per 10 sqm
38 BW-5-2-c Providing and laying bitumen Sqm 296 643 1,90,328.00
mastic layer 20 mm thick over
bridge deck excluding tack coat
etc. complete as specified and
directed. (with bitumen 10/20
penetration not less than 10.5%
and lime stone dust not, less than
Total Amount (Rs.) 401,09,331.00


Name of Work: Construction of Pedestrian Subway at Andheri- Ghatkopar Link Road

Connecting Laxmi Nagar- Laxmi Baug to PantNagar, Ghatkopar (E) in N Ward.

Estimated Cost of Pedestrian Underpass work Rs. 4,01,09,331/-

(In words: Rs. Four Crore One Lac Nine Thousand Three Hundred Thirty One Only)

Add: - Premium ______________%

Deduct :- Rebate ______________%

(In words: Rupees _____________ ____________________________________

______________________ ___________________________________________).

Address of Tenderer
Registration No. Signature of Tenderer

Class Category


I/We hereby confirm that we have examined Tender Document including addendum etc. (as
applicable), conditions of contract, specification, Drawings, Bill of Quantities etc. forming
part of the Tender and accordingly we hereby submit our offer to execute the said work as
per the tender documents in all respects at the rates quoted.

Name of the Work: Construction of Pedestrian Subway at Andheri- Ghatkopar Link

Road Connecting Laxmi Nagar- Laxmi Baug to PantNagar, Ghatkopar (E) in N Ward.

1. Name of the Client: M.C.G.M.

2. Name of the Department: Chief Engineer (Bridges)
3. Estimated Cost: ₹ 4,01,09,331/-
Name and Title of Signatory
Name of Tenderer:

E-mail address of the firm:

Tel. Nos. :

Digital Signature/ of the Tenderer of the Firm

(A separate sheet must be filled scanned and uploaded along E-tendering)

(24) Undertaking - 2
The Municipal Commissioner,
For the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai.

Bid No.________________________________________________
“I/We _____________________________________________________________ (full name
in capital letters, staring with surname, the Proprietor/Managing Partner/Managing
Director/Holder of the Business/Manufacturer/Authorized Dealer for the establishment/firm/
registered company, named herein below do hereby, state and declare that I/ We
______________________________________ whose names are given herein below in
details with the addresses have not filled in this tender under any other name or under the
name of any other establishment/ firm or otherwise nor are we in any way related or
concerned with any establishment/firm or any other person, who have filled in the tender for
the aforesaid work.”
“I/We do hereby further undertake that, we have offered the best prices for the subject supply
work as per the present market rates. Further, we do hereby undertake and commit that we
have not offered/supplied the subject product/ similar product / systems or sub systems in the
past one year in the Maharashtra State for quantity variation upto – 50% or + 10% at a price
lower than that offered in the present bid to any other outside agencies including Govt./Semi
Govt. Agencies and within M.C.G.M. also. Further, we have filled in the accompanying
tender with full knowledge of he above liabilities and therefore we will not raise any
objection or dispute in any matter relating to any action including forfeiture of deposit and
blacklisting for giving any information which is found to be incorrect and against the
instruction and direction given in this behalf in this tender.
I/We further agree and undertake that in the event, if it is revealed subsequently after the
allotment of work/contract to me/us that any information given by me/us in this tender is
false or incorrect. I/We shall compensate the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai for
any such losses or inconveniences caused to the Corporation, in any manner and will not raise
any claim for such compensation on any grounds whatsoever. I/We agree and undertake that
I/We shall not claim in such case any amount, by way of damages or compensation for
cancellation of the contract given to me/us or any work assigned to me/us or is withdrawn by
the Corporation.”
However, in case of price difference, if it is a result of differential tax structures, different
Dollar value of Rupee, considering this aspect, before invoking the penalty, blacklisting etc.
I/we will be given a reasonable opportunity of being heard by representing our case as to why
such price variation/differential has arisen.

In case, if the explanation submitted by me/us is unsatisfactory then action as stated above
including forfeiture of deposit & blacklisting may be taken against me/us.

(Note: This affidavit should be given on Rs.200/- stamp paper duly notarized by Notary with
red seal and registration Number).
(A separate sheet must be filled scanned and uploaded along with e-tender in e-packet B)

( On Rs.500/- Stamp Paper)
I, _______________________ of __________________, do hereby declared and
undertake as under.
1) I declared that I have submitted certificates as required to Executive Engineer
(Monitoring) at the time of registration of my firm/company
_____________________________________ and there is no change in the contents of the
certificates that are submitted at the time of registration.
2) I declared that I ________________________in capacity as Manager/ Director / Partners /
Proprietors of ________________________________________ has not been charged with
any prohibitory and / or penal action such as demotion, suspension, black listing / de-
registration or any other action under the law by any Government and /or Semi Government
and / or Government Undertaking.
3) I declared that, I have perused and examined the tender document including addendum,
condition of contract, specification, drawings, bill of quantity etc. Forming part of tender and
accordingly, I submit my offer to execute the work as per tender documents at the rates
quoted by me in capacity as ___________________________________ of
4) I further declared that if, I am allotted the work and I failed to carry out the allotted work
in accordance with the terms and conditions and within the time prescribed and specified,
MCGM is entitles to carry out the work allotted to me by any other means at my risk and
cost, at any stage of the contract.
5) I also declared that I will not claim any charge / damages / compensation for non
availability of site due to non removal of encroachment/ delay in acquisition process
consolation of work or part thereof as for the contract work at any time.
6) I Indemnify Municipal Commissioner and the other officers of MCGM or their agents for
any Damages, Loss, or Injury, any legal suit, proceeding or legal action whatsoever that may
be caused at any time by me or any other staff of __________________________________
company, for the work undertaken and all such damage, damages, injury or loss, legal suit,
legal action, I shall be solely responsible in individual as well as official capacity and such
loss, damages, injury shall be made good and / or as the case may be shall be paid
immediately by me/ Company to the satisfaction of the MCGM.
Dated ______day of ____________, 20_ _
Indemnified by me
Before me


(26) Annexure ‘B’

The Tenderer took note of Environment Management Plan includes-

Air pollution-
Road widening, Barricading the construction site, periodic maintenance of construction
equipment's and DG sets, covering jute sheet over the haul trucks carrying construction

Noise Pollution-
Construction activity restricted to day time only, use of earplugs and other protective devices
for workers, use of well-maintained equipment's.

Water Pollution-
Temporary and permanent erosion control methods may include silt fences, floatation silt
curtains, retention basins, detention, detention ponds, riprap of exposed embankment and
erosion mats.

Specific Condition:

a) The proposed construction should be carried out strictly as per the provisions of
CRZ Notification, 2011 (as amended from time to time) and guidelines/
clarification given by MoEF time to time.
ii) Disposal of debris during construction phase should be as per the MSW (M & H)
Rules 2000.
iii) Tidal flow of river should not be obstructed.

Safety Measures Onsite

a) Parameters and Quality will be strictly adhered to as per the approved design. All the
regulations of government authorities will be followed.
b) All the safety precaution will be observed as per the guidelines during the
construction phase. Personal Protective Equipments (PPE) will be provided to all the
personnel involved in the construction activities.
c) Site barricading by corrugated tin sheets up to height of 5.0 mtr will be done to
protect the surrounding area of the project site from nuisance /dusting.
d) All electrical connections & cables will be checked by authorized persons to ensure
the safety of workers on field.
e) Safety and security officers shall supervise the site.
f) Safety helmets will be mandatory to all the persons present on the site during the
construction activities
g) Hand gloves and dust masks will be provided to persons handling construction
materials during the operation.


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