Signals and Systems Lab Manual: University of Engineering & Technology, Taxila

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Signals And Systems

Lab Manual

Name: _________________________________________

Reg. No:___________ Section: _________ Group: ______

University of Engineering & Technology, Taxila

Prepared by:
Checked by:
Software Requirements

S.No Software Title Description

1 Matlab Computing mathematics laboratory

Table of Contents

Lab No. Lab Title Page

Lab # 1 Familiarize with the Matlab environment and 4

running some basic Matlab commnds in Matlab
Lab # 2 Writing mathematical expressions and familiarizing 8
with some more advanced matlab commands
Lab # 3 Understanding loops implementation in matlab 10

Lab # 4 Implementing complex algorithm in matlab using 11


Lab # 5 Implementing (1) Decibel (2) Taking input from the 12

user (3) Root mean square (4) Harmonic mean (5)
Selection sort
Lab # 6 Implementing Fourier transform in matlab 13
Lab # 7 Verifying Fourier transform properties in matlab 14

Lab # 8 Convolution of two rectangular pulses 15

Lab # 9 Convolution of any two arbitrary inputs 16

Lab # 10 Implementing Z-tranform in Matlab 17

Lab # 11 Implementing Sampling in matlab 18

Lab # 12 Verfiying Nyguist theorem 19

Lab # 13 Modulating a signal based on carrier frequency 20
Lab # 14 Upsampling and downsampling of signal 21
Lab # 15 Implementing a moving average filter 22
Lab # 16 Implementing a moving average filter and plotting 23
the magnitude and phase of its fourier transform.

Experiment # 1

Lab Title: Basic Matlab Tutorial

Learning Familiarize with the Matlab environment and running
Objectives: some basic Matlab commnds in Matlab

Equipment Matlab

Variables and Arrays

The functional unit of data in any Matlab program is array. An Array
is a collection of data values organized into rows and columns and
known by a single name.
Arrays can be classified as either vectors or matrices. The term
VECTOR is usually used to describe an array with only one
dimension. While the term MATRIX is usually used to describe an
array with two or more dimensions.
Size of array is specified by the number of rows and the number of
columns in the array, with the number of rows mentioned first. The
total number of elements in the array will be the product of the
number of rows and the number of columns.
Try using these values:
[1.0 2.0 3.0]
[1.0; 2.0; 3.0]
[1, 2, 3; 4, 5, 6]
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
Not all the elements of an array need to be defined when it is
created. If a specific array element is defined and onwe or more of
the elements before it are not, then the earlier elements are
automatically created and initialized to zero. For example, if c is not
previously defined, the statement
Will produce matrix 0 0 0

Similarly the array d=[1 2]. Then the statement

will produce d=[1 2 0 4].

Initializing with shortcut expressions

Matlab provides a special shortcut notation for these circumstances
using the COLON operator. The colon operator specifies a whole
series of values by specifying the first vales in the series, the
stepping increment and then the last value in the series. The
general form of a colon operator is
First: increment: last

For example
will generate x= 1 3 5 7 9
Try using angles=(0.01:0.01:1.00)*pi;
Transpose Operator(‘):
This operator swaps the rows and columns of any array that it is
applied to.
For example try using:
And F=[1:4]’
Initializing with Built-in functions:
Try using these:
C=[1 2; 3 4]
Length(C) //Generate the longest dimension of
the array.
Zeros can be used to create an all zero array of any desired size. If
function has a single square array; it will generate a square array
using the single argument as both the number of rows and columns.
size function returns two values containing the number of rows and
columns in an array.
Initializing variables with keyboard input:
Input function displays a prompt string in the command window and
then waits for the user to type in a response. For example , consider
the following statement:
My_val=input(‘enter an input value’);
Multidimensioanl Array
Matlab allows us to create arrays as many dimensions as necessary
for any given problem. These arrays have one subscript for each
dimension and an individual element in the array will be the product
of the maximum value of each subscript. For example the following
two statements create a 2X2X3 array C:
C(:,:,1)=[1 2 3; 4 5 6];
C(:,:,2)=[7 8 9; 10 11 12];
Whos C
It is possible to select and use subsets of arrays as though they
were separate arrays. To select a portion of array, just include a list
of all of the elements to be selected in the parenthesis after the rray
name. For example:
Arr1=[1.1 2.2 3.3 4.4 5.5]
Try using Arr1(3)
And Arr1([1 4])
And also Arr1(1:2:5)

End Function:
It is very useful for creating array subscripts. When used in an array
subscript; end returns the highest value taken on by that subscript.
For example. Suppose that array arr3 is defined as follows:
Arr3=[ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8];
Then Arr1(5:end) would be the array [5 6 7 8] and array(end) would
generate 8.
The value returned by end is always the highest value of a given
subscript. Is end appears in different subscripts, it can return
different values within the same expression. For example, suppose
that the 3X4 array Arr4 is defined as follows:
Arr4=[1 2 3 4; 5 6 7 8; 9 10 11 12];
Then the expression
Arr4(2:end, 2:end)
would return the array.(Try this one).
Question # 01:
This M-file calculates and plot the function sin(x) for 0<=x<=6
Question # 02:
The following Matlab statement plot the function y(x)=2e-0.2x for the
range 0<=x<=10
Question # 03:
suppose that u=1 and v=3. Evaluate the following expressions using
(a) 4u/3v
(c) v3/v3-u3
(d)4/3 pi.v2
Question # 04:
(a) Generate a 6X6 Matrix.
(b)Generate a 6X1 Matrix
(c) Generate a 3X4 Matrix

Question # 05
Answer the following questions for the array shown below.
1.1 0.0 2.1 -3.5 6.0
0.0 1.1 -6.6 2.8 3.4
1.1 0.1 0.3 -0.4 1.3
-1.4 5.1 0.0 1.1 0.0

(a) what is the size of the array?

(b)What is the value of the array(4,1)?
(c) What is the size and value of array( : , 1 : 2 )?
(d)What is the size and Value of the (array[1 3],end)?
Question # 06
Are the following Matlab variable names legal or illegal? Why?
(a) dog1
(c) Do_you_know_the_way__to_lahore
Question # 07
Determine the size and contents of the follwings arrays. Note that
the later arrays may depend on the definition of arrays defined
earlier in this exercise
(a) a=1:2:5
(b)b=[a’ a’ a’]
(c) c=b(1:2:3,1:2:3);
(e) w=[zeros(1,3) ones(3,1)’ 3:5’]
(f) b([1 3],2 )=b([3 1],2);

Question # 08
Assume that the array is defined as follows; determine the contents
of the following subarrays

1.1 0.0 2.1 3.5 6.0

0.0 1.1 6.6 2.8 3.4
2.1 0.1 0.3 0.4 1.3
1.4 5.1 0.0 1.1 0.0

(a) array(3,:)
(c) array(1:2:3,[3 3 4])
(d)array([1 1],:)

Experiment # 2

Lab Title: Basic Matlab Tutorial

Learning Writing mathematical expressions and familiarizing with

Objectives: some more advanced matlab commands

Equipment Matlab

Question # 01:
Assume that value has been initialized to 10pi and determine what is
printed out by eah of the following statements:
(a) disp([‘value=’num2str(value)]);
(c) fprintf(‘value=%e\n’,value);
(e) fprintf(‘value=%12.4f\n’,value);

Question # 02:
Evaluate the following expressions
(a) 11/5+6
(b) (11/5)+6
(c) 11/(5+6)
(d) 3^2^3
(e) (3^2)^3
(f) 3^(2^3)
(g) round(-11/5)+6
(h) ceil(-11/5)+6
(i) floor(-11/5)+6

Question # 03:
Evaluate the following Matlab expressions
(a) 5.5>=5
(c) xor(17-pi<15,pi<3)
(e) ~~(35/17)==(35/17)
(f) (17<=8)==(3/2==1)

Question # 04:
The following statements are intended to alert a user to dangerously
high oral thermometer readings(values are in degree Farenheit ). Are
they correct or incorrect? If they are incorrect, why and correct them

if temp<97.5
disp(‘Temperature below normal’)
elseif temp>97.5
disp(‘temperature normal’)
elseif temp>99.5
disp(‘temperature slightly high)
elseif temp>103.0
disp(‘temperature dangerously high’)
Question # 05:
The cost of sending a packet by an express delivery service is $12.00
for the first two pounds and $4.50 for each pound or fraction thereof
over two pounds. If the package weighs more than 70 pounds, a $ 15.00
excess weight surcharge is added to cost. No package over 100 pounds
will be accepted. Write a program that accepts the weight of a package
in pounds and computes the cost of mailing the package. Be sure to
handle the case of overweight packages.

Question # 06:
Implement the following function f(x,y) as follows:
X+Y for X>=0 and Y>=0
X+Y2 for X>=0 and Y<0
X2 + Y for X<0 and Y>=0
X2+Y2 for X<0 and Y<0

Question # 07:
Try these built-in functions in Matlab

Experiment # 3

Lab Title: Basic Matlab Tutorial

Learning Understanding loops implementation in matlab


Equipment Matlab

Question # 01:
Implement unit impulse function in Matlab

Question # 02:
Implement Unit step function in matlab

Question # 03:
Classify signal as even or odd in Matlab

Experiment # 4

Lab Title: Basic Matlab Tutorial

Learning Implementing complex algorithms in matlab using loops


Equipment Matlab

Question # 01:
Calculate factorial of a number
Question # 02:
Implement the equation y(x)=x2-3x+2 for all the values of x between
-1 and 3 with the increment of 0.1.
Question # 03:
Take a signal and scale it.
Experiment # 5

Lab Title: Basic Matlab Tutorial

Learning Implementing (1) Decibel (2) Taking input from the user
Objectives: (3) Root mean square (4) Harmonic mean (5) Selection

Equipment Matlab

Question # 01:
Engineers often measure the ratio of two power measurements in
decibels or dB. The equation for the ratio of two power measurements
in decibel is
where p2 is the power level being measured and P1 is some reference
power level. Assume that the reference power level P1 is 1 Watt and
write a program that calculates the decibel level corresponding to
power levels between 1 and 20 watts in increment of 02 Watt steps.
Plot the dB-versus-power level on a log-linear scale.
Question # 02:
Write a matlab program that will accept an arbitrary number of
possible input values and calculate both the arithmetic mean and
geometric mean of the numbers. Use a While loop to get the input
values and terminate the inputs when the user inputs a negative value.
Question # 03:
Write a matlab program that will accept an arbitrary number of inputs
and caluculate the rms average of the numbers. Propmpt the user for
the number of values to be entered and use a FOR loop to read in the
Question # 04:
Write a matlab program that will read an arbitrary number of possible
input values and caluculate the harmonic mean of the numbers. Use
any method you desire to read in the input values.
Question # 05:
Write a matlab program for the selection sort. The program should
accept 5 input values and sort them according to the criteria
Question # 06:
Modify the selection sort so that it accepts a second parameter which
may be “UP” or “DOWN” . if the input argement is UP, sort the values
in ascending order. If the argument is “DOWN” , sort the values in
descending order. If the argument is missing, the default case is to sort
the values in ascending order. (Be sure to handle the case of invalid
arguments, and be sure to include the proper help information in your

Experiment # 6

Lab Title: Basic Matlab Tutorial

Learning Implementing Fourier transform in matlab


Equipment Matlab

Question # 01:
Look for the Matlab commands
Question # 02:
Generate a signal as sum of two sinusoidal of frequency f1=400Hz and
f2=800Hz.Use fft to find the Fourier transform.
Question # 03:
Calculate Fourier transform of e^-at u(t).Plot original signal, magnitude
and phase of its Fourier transform and verify it from text book
Question # 04:
Convolve the signals x1(t)=e^at and x2(t)=sint for 100 samples. Verify
that “convolution in time domain equals multiplication in frequency
Question # 05:
Prove that FT of sinc is gate & ifft of gate is sinc.

Experiment # 7

Lab Title: Basic Matlab Tutorial

Learning Verifying fourier transform properties.


Equipment Matlab

Question # 01:
Verify following fourier transform properties in matlab
Linearity: a . x[n] + b . y[n]  a. X + b.Y
Shifting: x[n-nd]  exp(-jwnd)X
Inverting: x[-n]  X(exp(-jw))

Compute the LHS and take its Fourier Transform.

Compute the RHS.
Compare the two: both results should be equal.

Experiment # 8

Lab Title: Basic Matlab Tutorial

Learning Convolution

Equipment Matlab

Question # 01:
Convolution of any two rectangular pulses
Experiment # 9

Lab Title: Basic Matlab Tutorial

Learning Generalized Convolution


Equipment Matlab

Question # 01:
Make your own convolution code; perform convolution of two
rectangular pulses; show the step by step procedure (via flip and drag)
of convolution; compare your results with the built in Convolution
Experiment # 10

Lab Title: Basic Matlab Tutorial

Learning Implementing Z-Tranform in matlab


Equipment Matlab

Question # 01:
Find the Z-transform of
(1) Impulse
(2) Unit step
(3) Delayed impulse by one unit to the right
(4) Delayed Unit step by one unit to the right
(5) anU(n)
(6) Sin wn
(7) Coswn

Question # 02:
Find the inverse Z-transform of all the answers collected from question
# 01 and verify the answer that what you got in question 1 was right
Question # 03:
Take any two vectors and find their roots

Question # 04:
Display the pole-zero plot of
A=[0 1 1]
B=[1 -2 3]

Question # 05:
Try to make your own matlab code for the Z-transform; (Bonus marks)

Experiment # 11

Lab Title: Basic Matlab Tutorial

Learning Implementing sampling in matlab


Equipment Matlab

Question # 01:
Create a signal x(t)=coswo(t). Generate the impulse train p(t) and
sample the signal using x(t)=x(t)p(t). Plot observed samples in Time

Question # 02:
Now Plot spectra of x(t) & p(t) and convolve both spectras. Also obtain
spectra of sampled signal from question 1.

Question # 03:
Study Aliasing from question 2. Consider the following frequencies for
a)f0=fs/2 b)f0=3/2fs
Experiment # 12

Lab Title: Basic Matlab Tutorial

Learning Verifying nyguist theorm


Equipment Matlab

Question # 01:
With reference to the previous lab; Take any arbitrary signal; sample it;
Verify nyguist theorem.
Experiment # 13

Lab Title: Basic Matlab Tutorial

Learning Modulating a signal based on carrier frequency


Equipment Matlab

Question # 01:
The experiment implements a gui-based tutorial of the effect of
multiplying a cosine with a carrier frequency ‘fc’ with a given signal.
And the effect are monitored both in time and frequency domain.
The parameters that the gui would take:
‘fc’: the carrier frequency
‘fs’: the sampling frequency

The gui would show the input signal as sampled

The resulted signal after multiplication with the carrier frequency
should be displayed.
Display frequency spectrum of both the original signal and the
modulated signal.
Experiment # 14

Lab Title: Basic Matlab Tutorial

Learning Upsampling and downsampling of signal


Equipment Multimedia

Question # 01:

Upsampling is the process of increasing the sampling rate of a signal.

The upsampled signal satisfies the Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem
if the original signal does. Consider a discrete signal f(k) on a radian
frequency digital frequency range. Let L denote the upsampling factor.

1. Add L-1 zeros between each sample in f(k). Or, equivalently

2. Filter with a low-pass filter which, theoretically, should be the
sinc filter with frequency cut off at pi/L.

Downsampling (or "subsampling") is the process of reducing the

sampling rate of a signal. This is usually done to reduce the data rate
or the size of the data.
If the sampling theorem is not satisfied then the resulting digital signal
will have aliasing. To ensure that the sampling theorem is satisfied, a
low-pass filter is used as an anti-aliasing filter to reduce the bandwidth
of the signal before the signal is downsampled.

Let M denote the downsampling factor.

1. Filter the signal to ensure that the sampling theorem is satisfied.

This filter should, theoretically, be the sinc filter with frequency
cutoff at pi/M. Let the filtered signal be denoted g(k).
2. Reduce the data by picking out every Mth sample: h(k) = g(Mk).
Data rate reduction occurs in this step.

Experiment # 15

Lab Title: Basic Matlab Tutorial

Learning Implementing a moving average filter


Equipment Multimedia

Question # 01:

Implement Moving average filter in matlab

Experiment # 16

Lab Title: Basic Matlab Tutorial

Learning Implementing a moving average filter and plotting the

Objectives: magnitude and phase of its fourier transform.

Equipment Multimedia

Question # 01:
Implementing a moving average filter and plotting the magnitude and
phase of its Fourier transform.

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