Production Process For High Density High Performance Binderless Boards From Whole Coconut Husk

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Production process for high density high

performance binderless boards from
whole coconut husk

Article in Industrial Crops and Products · July 2004

Impact Factor: 2.84 · DOI: 10.1016/j.indcrop.2003.12.017 · Source: OAI


35 803

3 authors, including:

Jan E G van Dam Edwin Keijsers

Wageningen University Wageningen University


Available from: Jan E G van Dam

Retrieved on: 09 May 2016
Industrial Crops and Products 20 (2004) 97–101

Production process for high density high performance

binderless boards from whole coconut husk
Jan E.G. van Dam∗ , Martien J.A. van den Oever, Edwin R.P. Keijsers
Agrotechnology and Food Innovations, Wageningen-UR, P.O. Box 17, 6700 AA Wageningen, The Netherlands

Received 1 April 2002; accepted 22 December 2003


Coconuts are typically growing in coastal areas of tropical countries. The husk is abundantly available as cheap residue from
coconut production in many areas, which is known to yield the coarse coir fibre. In this project a simple and efficient technology
has been developed to produce high strength-high density board materials from whole coconut husks, without the addition of
chemical binders. The board exhibits excellent properties, which are comparable with or even superior to commercial wood
based panels. The pressed coconut husk boards can be handled with common wood working equipment for drilling and sawing,
planing and polishing. Screwing, however, is only possible after pre-drilling and the board product is too hard for nailing.
© 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Coconut husk; Coir; Binderless board

1. Introduction Three processing routes from husk to boards with-

out addition of synthetic binder have been evaluated
The coconut husk comprises circa 30 wt.% coir fi- (Fig. 1). The mechanical and physical properties of
bres and 70 wt.% pith, which have to be separated these boards have been compared to the properties of
for traditional coir fibre applications in woven car- commercial MDF and particleboard.
pets, ropes, brushes and matting (Van Dam, 2002). After separation from the coconut, the husk has
This can be achieved by retting procedures or mechan- been refined to small particles and short fibres us-
ical decortication. The pith residue contains a rela- ing three opening techniques, viz. steam explosion,
tively high amount of lignin, which is demonstrated in extrusion and milling (Fig. 2). All three fibre open-
this project to act—at elevated temperatures and un- ing processes yield material which can be processed
der pressure—as a meltable binder for the coir fibres, quite well into board material by means of hot press-
which forms a strong and stable resin-like adhesive ing. 3D moulded products can be produced as well
(Van Dam et al., 2004). (Fig. 3). The mechanical and physical properties of
these boards have been compared to the properties of
commercial MDF and particleboard and demonstrated
∗ Corresponding author. to have excellent performance (strength of 50 MPa
E-mail address: (J.E.G. van Dam). and stiffness of 5 GPa). This good performance opens

0926-6690/$ – see front matter © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
98 J.E.G. van Dam et al. / Industrial Crops and Products 20 (2004) 97–101


- Board
Nut Husk Steam Hot
harvesting separation explosion pressing - 3D Moulded parts


Fig. 1. Scheme of the processing chain from coconut to binderless board.

Fig. 2. Conversion steps of coconut husk into binderless board.

commercial possibilities for the development of cheap ber stocks and reduction of deforestation. The project
building material. aims to demonstrate the potentials of (fresh) coconut
husks as raw material for the production of environ-
mentally safe and high performance construction ma-
2. Development of sustainable building materials terials. High performance fibre boards, poles and pan-
and timber substitute els, which will be locally produced, can be applied in
cheap housing and production of materials for pack-
Timber is a dwindling resource and replacement aging industries. The project has been designed to ex-
by products derived from renewable resources such pand and diversify the production and trade of high
as annual crops and agro-residues could have impor- value-added products for coconut producing countries,
tant consequences with regard to conservation of tim- e.g. all wet tropical areas. End-users will be local as
J.E.G. van Dam et al. / Industrial Crops and Products 20 (2004) 97–101 99

Fig. 3. Samples of pressed binderless coir-boards and 3D parts.

well as export markets for building materials, but also of commercial MDF and surpassing those of particle
packaging industries (crates, packing cases and boxes) board (strength of 15 MPa and stiffness of 3 GPa). The
and potentially export markets for price competitive thickness swelling in water of coconut husk board is
and environmentally safe consumer goods. Potentials less than MDF and particleboard (8, 17 and 21%, re-
of the products in other areas than building markets spectively after 24 h soaking in water), while the dif-
or packaging could be found in a wide variety of con- ference in water absorption is even more pronounced
sumer goods and furniture, especially when a technol- (8, 24 and 65%, respectively). After immersion in wa-
ogy has been developed for the production of shaped ter, the coconut husk binderless boards show retention
parts and 3D structures (Fig. 3). of mechanical properties, surpassing those of MDF by
a factor of two. The density of the coconut husk boards
(1.3–1.4 g cm−3 ), however, is higher than for com-
3. Technical evaluation mercial MDF and particleboard (0.8 and 0.7 g cm−3 ,
respectively). Detailed reporting on the technical in-
The three processing routes, extrusion, steam explo- formation will be presented in following papers (Van
sion and milling, which have been evaluated for board Dam et al., 2004).
production from whole husks without addition of syn-
thetic binder (Fig. 1), yielded all suitable raw materials
for board production. However, the best results were 4. Economic and financial appraisal
obtained with milling, so this pre-processing step was
selected for further studies. The influence of pressing A pre-feasibility study (Spritsma et al., 1979) car-
conditions on mechanical properties of the board was ried out in Sri Lanka in 1978, was positive on the
assessed, which indicated that at 180 ◦ C the maximum potentials of this method. An industrial plant with a
strength and stiffness was achieved. The pressure (be- minimum annual production of 6000 t of coir-board,
tween 300 and 750 kN) and pressing times (3–30 min) was considered economic feasible at that time and may
were of less influence. The dry matter content of the be built directly operational. Coir-boards and panels
milled husk, however, did affect the board properties will be applicable as cheap and durable building and
significantly. construction materials, packaging materials (as substi-
The boards show mechanical properties (strength of tute for wooden/plywood and other packaging). The
50 MPa and stiffness of 5 GPa) comparable to those market potential for timber replacement is impressive.
100 J.E.G. van Dam et al. / Industrial Crops and Products 20 (2004) 97–101

The annual world consumption of timber is in the or- which will enhance the earnings of coir producing in-
der of 300 million tonnes. Annual world production dustries and improve the income and living standards
of approximately 40 million tonnes of coconuts (cor- of many local workers.
responding to +25.000 million coconuts) yields more Establishment of an industrial activity, which pro-
than 2 million tonnes of fibres of which only a small duces competitively priced products for export mar-
part is exploited. The world production of coir fibres is kets, will contribute to the stabilisation of coir as a
estimated at +400.000 tonnes annually (FAO, 2004). commodity and increase the income of coir producing
There is no need to enhance the volume of the annual countries. Target beneficiaries are the poorer regions
production as only 15–20% of the available coir fibres where the need for cheap housing can be combined
is utilised. with economic exploitation of in abundance available
If only a small proportion of the timber products coir husks.
market can be penetrated by fibre board products based Establishment of new processing units will provide
on coir, the prospects for coir as a commodity can labour in fibre processing and board production sectors
be raised substantially. The prices of wood replacing as well as trade and building or packaging sectors. The
products are ranging from US$ 220 m−3 for particle project would benefit the following specific categories.
boards to US$ 1150 m−3 for plywood/multiplex, while
the prices of products like MDF (US$ 780 m−3 ) or • Valorization of coir will be beneficial to producers
hardboards (US$ 950 m−3 ) are in the range of those of of coconuts (farmers).
(softwood) timber products. Raw softwood timber will • The new fibre processing technology will provide
cost approximately US$ 500 m−3 . Softwood prices labour for husk collectors, traders and processors.
for pulping purposes, however, may range around 100 • Production of fibre extraction equipment and build-
US$ per ton, which is similar for coir husks. The de- ing of board production plants will provide labour
fibration processing costs for coir husks will be sub- in mechanical engineering sectors.
stantially lower (due to less energy consumption than • A fibre board plant will provide labour to workers
required for wood) and are estimated between US$ for production, finishing (sawing/sanding), mainte-
10–20 per ton. nance, sales, transportation, etc.
The cost calculation for the production of particle • The availability of cheap fibre boards will raise ac-
board is composed of 34% glue and 32% wood (66% tivity in the building & construction sector for cheap
raw materials costs), 24% labour and 10% energy housing, as well as in packaging industries.
(34% production costs). The relative high costs for the
glue can be excluded in the production of coir-boards, As a spin off of the project a more health and en-
according to the results of this project. Moreover, a vironmental safe process for coir production could
large part of the high labour costs in the developed be introduced in traditional coir processing industries
countries can be reduced as the wages and living stan- (Hoefnagels et al., 1994). These fibres may also be
dards in developing areas are substantially lower. The applied in many other end-uses.
overall costs of the coir-board production could there-
fore be substantially lower than for the cheapest build-
ing boards on the market. As it is expected, the quality 5. Environmental aspects
of the obtained boards will be comparable to the per-
formance of MDF, which is substantially more expen- Production of fibre boards, poles and panels based
sive than particle boards. Therefore it is likely that the on coir as studied in this project has many environ-
price performance ratio of the novel building boards mentally positive aspects as compared to other build-
will cover the market potential of a broad range of ing and packaging materials.
wood products and building panels.
Cost-effective fibre processing techniques will lead • A non-polluting fibre extraction method, which is,
to increased use of coir in a wide range of products. if compared to traditional processes, not insanitary
Value-added exports of coir can be developed if a pro- for the workers.
duction of high performance materials can be realised, • No requirement of fossil fuels for energy generation.
J.E.G. van Dam et al. / Industrial Crops and Products 20 (2004) 97–101 101

• No (expensive) addition of synthetic binders is nec- 6.1. Outlook

• No detrimental effects on health like asbestos-cement The summarised results presented here of labscale
products or formaldehyde based particle boards. experiments for board production are currently being
• Contribution to conservation of timber stocks and scaled up in the Philippines for pilot evaluation and
reduction of deforestation. detailed assessment of the techno-economic viability
• Fully compatible. of the proposed technology. The feasibility and choice
• No waste problems (side products can be used as for small scale (village level) production or large scale
fuel). industrial production plants of 9000 tonnes per annum
remains to be answered in the next phase of the project.

6. Socio-economic and developmental aspects

The design and development of an industrial plant Acknowledgements

should be based on support from local home indus-
tries, trade and small enterprises. Currently applied This research project is financially supported by the
fibre extraction procedures are labour intensive, pollut- Common Fund for Commodities (CFC) and super-
ing (Umayorubhagan et al., 1995; Nandan and Abdul vised by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Or-
Azis, 1995; Abbasi and Nipaney, 1993) and detrimen- ganisation (FAO) and carried out in close co-operation
tal for health (most demeaning jobs for women: emp- with the Philippine Coconut Authority (PCA) and the
tying retting pits and tedious hammering of soaked Fiber Industry Development Authority (FIDA).
husks) (Risseeuw, 1980). The semi-mechanised meth-
ods of fibre processing involves many accidents with
losses of hands or fingers of the workers, which References
complicates the recruitment of young workers.
The initiation of an industrial coconut husk board Abbasi, S.A., Nipaney, P.C., 1993. Environmental impact of
producing plant will provide labour in raw material retting of coconut husk and directions for the development of
processing and end production. If a stable production alternative retting technology. Pollut. Res. 12, 117–118.
FAO statistics: http//
level of coir based materials can be realised, the in- Hoefnagels F., De Lange V.P.A., Matser E.M., Wittebol P.E.,
creased demand of raw material supply will initiate or 1994. Coir fibre geotextiles and thermal insulation material—
increase local trade of husks and mean an additional synergism of environmental protection and development
income to the farmers and thus raising of the standard cooperation?, CREM-report, Amsterdam.
of living (Van Dam, 2002). Nandan, S.B., Abdul Azis, P.K., 1995. Benthic polychaetes in
anoxic sulfide biomes of the retting zones in the Kadinamkulam
Production of cheap and high performance build- Kayal. Int. J. Environ. Stud. 47, 257–267.
ing and construction materials will be beneficial for Risseeuw, C., 1980. The wrong end of the rope, women
the local building markets. The availability of cheap coir workers in Sri Lanka. Thesis, Leiden University, The
building and construction materials is important for Netherlands.
improvement of the quality of housing in the poorer Spritsma, H.B., Botman, J.J., Van der Veer, J., BIP TNO report
59/79; Bouwcentrum report 7154.
regions. Export promotion of half- and end-products Umayorubhagan, V., Albert, G.M.I., Ray, C.I.S., 1995. Physico-
like panels and packaging materials (boxes, chests), chemical analysis of the water of Pottakulam lake at
furniture (cupboards, kitchens) will be important for Thengapattanam in Kanyakumari district (Tamil Nadu). Asian
raising the income of developing countries. Organi- J. Chem Rev. 6, 7–12.
sation of local industries and development of infras- Van Dam, J.E.G., 2002. Wet processing of coir—drying, bleaching,
dyeing, softening and printing. CFC/FAO Techno-economic
tructure (transportation, saw mills, assembly lines) manual No. 6.
will be important spin-offs of the project. Further re- Van Dam, J.E.G., Van den Oever, M.J.A., Teunissen, W., Keijsers,
search will be directed towards scaling up and further E.R.P., Peralta, A.G., 2004. Process for production of high
optimisation of the processing steps throughout the density / high performance binderless boards from whole
production chain. coconut husk. Part 1. Lignin as intrinsic thermosetting binder
resin. Indus. Crops Prod., in press.

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