Activity 2 - Operation Management

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Define product life cycle

ANSWER: It is a progress of a sequence stages from introduction to growth maturity and

decline and associated with the changes of marketing situation thus impacting the
marketing strategy and marketing mix.

Describe a product development system

ANSWER: It is a creation of product with a different characteristic that offer new or additional
benefits to the customer. It is involved of modification of existing product or formulation of
entirely ne product that satisfy the needs of the consumers.

Build a house of quality

ANSWER: Solar watch

High relationship

Medium Relationship
Low relationship

Affordable 5
Easy to use and maintain 2
High- end 1
Water Resistant 3
Best mechanism 4
Describe how time-based competition is implemented

ANSWER: Is a broad base competitive strategy which emphasizes time as major factor for
achieving and maintaining sustainable competitive advantage.

Describe how products and services are defined by operations management

ANSWER: Product management is a key revenue driver for a company while A service is the
production of an essentially intangible benefit, either or as a significant element of a tangible
product, which through some form of exchange, satisfies an identified need.

Describe the documents needed for production

ANSWER: a document which fully defines the purpose of the product or feature. It includes
details on how the product should be built, and how it should be supported to empower you
and your team to build a successful product.

Describe customer participation in the design and production of services

ANSWER: Customer participation is an important component of the service production process.

If service providers can appropriately manage the participation, it will benefit both the
companies and customers. Otherwise, it will adversely affect the service outcomes. Through
literature review, this article aims to provide guidelines regarding how to manage customer
participation effectively
Apply decision trees to product issues

Creating product


Product design
Marketing department


Theme and
features customer


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