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CP Writing - Gaffney

Grammar Lesson # 8 – Verbals: The Gerund

A verbal is a verb form that functions in a sentence as a noun, adjective, or an adverb.
A verbal phrase is a verbal plus and complements (direct/indirect objects, objects of
complements and subject complements).

1. Gerunds – a verb form that ends in –ing and is used in the same way as a noun is used. A
gerund phrase contains a gerund plus any complements and modifiers.
ex: Cooking is my favorite hobby. (subject)
ex: My younger sister likes swimming. (direct object)
ex: Tony gives baking his best effort. (indirect object).
ex: How much money have you saved for shopping? (object of a preposition)
ex: Dustin’s favorite sport is skiing. (predicate nominative – follows state pf being verb)
ex: My hobbies, cooking and dancing, require a lot of preparation. (appositives)
2. The possessive form of a noun or pronoun is used before a gerund.
ex: I do not blame your wanting to set the record straight.
ex: Howard’s losing his temper cost him his job.

Exercises – Part 1:
Underline the gerund phrase in each sentence.

1. Reading a good book is my favorite way to spend a rainy day.

2. The best way to learn is by making mistakes and correcting them.
3. After seeing a scary movie, my mom checks under my bed for monsters.
4. Buying on credit will quickly get you into debt.
5. My brother admitted telling our parents what I had done.
6. The family planned remodeling the house next summer.
7. By listening carefully, you will be able to distinguish various instruments.
8. Organizing the pep rally is more difficult than it looks.
9. Electing a new president is serious business.
10. My cousin from Tennessee begins every day by feeding the chickens.
Exercises – Part 2:
Identify the function of the underlined gerund or gerund phrase. S=subject; DO=direct object;
PN=predicate noun; OP=object of a preposition.

________ 1. My job is answering the phone.

________ 2. Stopping for lunch made us late.
________ 3. The answer is studying.
________ 4. After eating, Joe takes a nap.
________ 5. Bob denies calling Jill.
________ 6. Sandy likes walking in the rain.
________ 7. Being a good sport is important.
________ 8. I hate peeling onions.
________ 9. My only hope is winning the lottery.
________ 10. Dan stopped working on the project.

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