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Name: Johny Desierto

Course: ACT-2


Culture is the common denominator that makes the actions of the individuals
understandable to a particular group. That is, the system of shared values, beliefs, behaviours, and
artefacts making up a society’s way of life. Culture can either be represented fin form of material
or non-material culture.

Cultural awareness is an important aspect of any community. It includes the ability to

respect and appreciate the cultural values, perceptions and beliefs of a community. It is a necessity
where people have to interact with other cultures. What one culture considers as inappropriate
differs from the view of another culture. As such, a social worker must be aware of this differences
to be able to effectively impact the community. Cultural reaction refers to the response that a
culture receives from those that are not part of it. It affects perception, and perceptions drive
behavior. Thus, the culture we belong to, has a direct impact on our behavior. Moreover, our
environment, which has cultural influences, shapes our behavior. In a society where boys are
discouraged from crying, men think of it as an odd gesture. If the values of a certain culture do not
teach men to respect women, it will naturally reflect in their behavior. Behavioral and
communication etiquette are a part of our culture. What our culture teaches us affects the way we
interact socially. People from some cultures are found to be more open in communicating even
with strangers or new acquaintances, while those from conservative cultures may not be so open.
The difference between ideologies their cultures have, are thus evident in their social behavior.

Therefore I conclude the findings about culture can help leaders understand their own
cultural biases and preferences. Different cultures have different ideas about what they want from
their leaders, and these findings help our leaders adapt their style to be more effective in different
cultural settings.

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