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Assessment rubric

Year 5
English: Writing

SCASA Curriculum Links:

Understand how texts vary in purpose, structure and topic, as well as the degree of formality
Plan, rehearse and deliver presentations for defined audiences and purposes incorporating
accurate and sequenced content and multimodal elements
Excellent Very Good Satisfactory Limited

Organisation The narrative is very The narrative is pretty The narrative (structure) Ideas and series of
well organised. One idea well organised. One idea is a little hard to follow. events seem to be
or event follows another or event seems out of The transitions are randomly arranged.
in a logical sequence place. Clear transitions sometimes not clear.
with clear transitions. are used.
Spelling and There are no spelling or There is one spelling or There are 2-3 spelling The final draft has more
Punctuation punctuation errors in the punctuation error in the and punctuation errors in than 3 spelling and
final draft. Character and final draft. the final draft. punctuation errors.
place names that the
author invented are
spelled consistently
Introduction First paragraph has a First paragraph has a A catchy beginning was No attempt was made to
"grabber" or catchy weak "grabber" or attempted but was catch the reader's
beginning and has the ‘hook’ line. confusing and did not attention in the first
ability to ‘hook’ the demonstrate a ‘hook’ or paragraph.
reader. attempt to ‘grab; the
readers attention.
Resolution/solution The solution to the The solution to the The solution to the No solution is attempted
character's problem is character's problem is character's problem is a or it is impossible to
easy to understand and is easy to understand and is little hard to understand. understand.
logical. There are no somewhat logical.
loose ends.
Creativity The story contains many The story contains a few The story contains a few There is little evidence
creative details and/or creative details and/or creative details and/or of creativity in the story.
descriptions that descriptions that descriptions, but they The author does not
contribute to the reader's contribute to the reader's distract from the story. seem to have used much
enjoyment. The author enjoyment. The author The author has tried to imagination.
has really used their has used their use their imagination.
imagination. imagination.
Characters The main characters are The main characters are The main characters are It is hard to tell who the
named and clearly named and described. named. The reader main characters are.
described in text as well Most readers would knows very little about
as pictures. Most readers have some idea of what the characters.
could describe the the characters looked
characters accurately. like.
Requirements All of the written Almost all (about 90%) Most (about 75%) of the Many requirements were
requirements (# of the written requirements written requirements not met.
pages, # of graphics, were met. were met, but several
type of graphics, etc.) were not.
were met.

Rubric made with: RubiStar

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